"DC's Legends of Tomorrow" Hey, World! (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Jane Carr knows how to take a punch!
Dallan00716 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While not as epic as last year's Beebo-fest, this season ender shows that this series is still willing to risk jumping the King Shark by embracing the absurd. What saves it for me is that the cheesy ending that is set up (the Legends putting on a circus to prove that their monster friends are not villains) is driven completely off the rails...and replaced by another cheesy ending that somehow works within the tone of the series. The fact that this team of screw ups often manages to fix their messes simply by blundering through them makes this show one of the most endearing, albeit campy, superhero shows...not quite 60's Batman, but never afraid to be sentimental and hopeful at the risk of being silly.
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It's so weird that it's good
sanderboas27 June 2019
I think that after season 2 they stopped trying to take themselves to seriously and it worked. This show isn't logical. So, every time it stops trying to makes sense its at its best.
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A fitting end to an uneven season!
RahulM00721 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The season 4 finale titled Hey, World is hilarious, full of surprises, tense, emotional and satisfying. It is one of the better episodes of the season. The episode concluded the Neron storyline perfectly. I did not expect that Tabitha would be the Fairy Godmother. That twist came to a surprise to me.

The scene where the Legends are trying to promote the theme park Hey, World by dressing up as Supergirl, Green Arrow and The Flash is pure genius and comedy gold. Additionally, it is a nice wink to the Elseworlds crossover where they were not involved.

The moment Tabitha said "Burn them all" reminded me of the show Game of Thrones when the Mad King (and later Daenerys Targaryen) wanted to literally burn them all. Another moment which reminded me of Game of Thrones was when the dragon first appeared early on in the episode. While not as visually stunning as in Game of Thrones, the dragon was still remarkable and amazing. For a show that has a tight budget, it was still a joy to see the dragon.

This episode concluded the relationship between Nate and Zari. Instead of staying in the temporal zone, Zari tried to save Nate which caused her to disappear due to changes in the timeline. I enjoyed watching their relationship grow and blossom. They are one of the few characters that have chemistry.

Like the rest of the Arrowverse shows, Legends of Tomorrow teased the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. Granted, the tease was small and did not give much away. The Monitor appeared and observed the Legends. He probably wanted to know if the Legends are strong enough to take part in the fight that is looming. Based on his reaction he does not believe that.

To conclude, this season finale was surprisingly good. It wrapped up the season's main arc perfectly, teased Crisis on Infinite Earths and foreshadowed what's to come in season 5.
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One of a kind
Kiiiraaa21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This season finale again proved that Legends remains to be one of a kind among the Arrowverse. This episode had so many funny but also sweet and entertaining scenes (bringing back Vandal Savage, the creatures, "Heyworld", Mona shoving Gary off of her, etc.). During the middle of the episode I was really afraid that this episode wouldn't end very pleasantly but it did not disappoint. Overall, it was a smart choice not to kill Nate. At the beginning of the season so many fans were mad about Nate's plot, but this was just what his character needed. Before s4, Nate wasn't much more than Amaya's boyfriend and Nate's bestfriend but now he's grown so much. I was really sad about Zari though. But who knows? Maybe they can bring her back next season? Constantine, per usual, is a pleasure to watch, I always get Supernatural vibes when I see him on screen. One could say that the ending and the way that they defeated Neuron was cheesy but this wasn't very different from the Beebo storyline in last season's finale. So if that's what you're thinking... Why are you even still watching? After all the power of love and friendship is what unites all Arrowverse shows and this finale had a much more positive take on that than the Flash finale. 10/10 from me
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A Perfect season finale
ddn1422 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a hidden Gem, and the last episode of the season was a great ending to a great season - Vandal Savage cameo was gold, Sara fits the Supergirl outfit as it was made for her and the Nate Revival at the end has brought me to tears. Very well executed.
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Beautiful Work of Art
brentwilliams17 January 2020
The ending had me in tears and I'm not a crier. Just goes to show the power of love and of music. So many laughs, ups and downs. Quite a roller coaster.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. This show is way deeper than it seems on the surface.
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Music and monsters
paultapner29 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In one scene of this episode you see bratty kids getting irked at something that claims to be a superhero show trying to do something different. These kids must be imdb reviewers who give everything low marks.

If however you want something that's fun, isn't afraid to be silly and do some very clever writing that subverts your expectations. Something that has two brilliant bits of self reference that are laugh out loud. And I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at the first. And yet something that manages some incredible emotion and heart. That can cut the to the emotion of loving your surrogate family without having to use the word as much as vin diesel does in certain movies, then this is for you.

It has a few more twists and turns to the story arc. It does some surprise set up for next season. And as mentioned, it's fun! So don't be like those kids. Just enjoy it. And it will reward you.
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Hey, World!
nebohr2 September 2022
I am happy to be able to say that this episode brought me to tears. Twice. People, please ignore the bad reviews that are obviously written by heartless individuals who are still in their teenage years. My wife and myself agree that there hasn't been a cinematic production worthy of a ten star rating for years and years but this episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow came >that< close to earning (and deserving) a ten star endorsement from us. Yes, it has been an uneven season. Everyone knows that. But this episode erased many of the season's wrinkles, just as an iron erases the wrinkles from a shirt.
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aguithooo26 May 2019
It was one of the worst seasons of all the Arrowverse. Bad plot, absurd jokes, bad characters (like Mona and Gary). I can not believe that these incredible actors have agreed to film this season. It should have been the darkest season, but it was the worst of all. Caity should have been at Arrow all this time. I hope that the fifth season is more serious, I liked the seasons 1-3.
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Hell is the best
Flippo92041 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As stated in the title, the parts in hell were the best part. When heyworld was created it was funny, but the acting was just too forced. The final battle was okay, but the resurrection was too awkward and the lines were predictable, after the resurrection though, it ended in legends fashion, but it just doesn't do it for me anymore when you consider the CGI that looks rushed, which it probably was.

Review of the entire season: Though I am excited for what season five might bring, the damage is already done. I thought my love for this show was unconditional, but even though I love the cast, the budget cuts (just a theory) clearly didn't make this show any better. The first time I watched this season it was just magical, but when the amazement and excitement washes away, you see that some spoken lines are clearly put there to foreshadow what's gonna happen, and the acting just isn't as good as the first and second season. I hope they fix the problems in the future, because for example Mona looks awful and doesn't act any better. The crew said her CGI was the reason we didn't see the supersuits that much this season, which sucks. I just hope they write her out and move on to better stuff, because next season could be one of the best condsidering the cards that were dealt this season: John's magic, hell, resurrected villains from OUR history and on top of all that, the cast of legends of tomorrow that was once the best! I just see so much potential. I'm said I can't say I'm hyped for next season, but I most certainly can hope for the best.
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Decent ending.
cruise017 September 2019
3 out of 5 stars.

The season finale does not really feel like an ending. As the wave rider crew try to act out in a amusement park show while battling the demonic Ray. It has a cheesy ending which was not as fun as it should have been. It felt rushed and forced.

Overall, Legends of Tomorrow season 4 i will give it 3 out of 5 stars. It was a fair season which had the fun energy but slowly lost its way with a forgettable villain and story.
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JuanSolo022 May 2019
This last episode was total cringe. The show has really taken a turn for the worst along with most of the CW's shows this season including Arrow and Supergirl.

The last series has been atrociously written and has become a show pandering to the SJWs. There also seems to be a lot of fake ratings on CW shows that are oddly suspect.
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Awful season and finale
tmntandsoccer9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the legends of tomorrow but it got the arrowverse 4season curse which was awful. It was just so terrible, oh my God! The only reason I watch show is Sara Lance they ruined her character in the 4th season which makes legends of tomorrow unbearable to watch.the magical ceatures terrible mostly Mona and charile. Like ralph in the flash is a waste of a characters, like don't use the powers or just use powers that nobody cares about, to annoying and unnecessary. the finale was just all about some stupid couple Nate and Zari who used to be good characters but became a couple. Then they took off Zari a good character off the show. And nate is not dead because everybody sang to revive him the stupidest thing to ever do.i never seen something so stupid since I was 5 and watching Nick jr. The only episode I kind of liked was nip/ stuck it was showing Mick and sara friendship and their evaluation over the years it was nice. I hate this season and I am never watching it ever again and Constantine was under used
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What just happened?
garabedian12328 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I cant even put into words what i just witnessed. What was that?

Okay...so there goal is to build hey-world so that people can see magical creatures play nice...but then they make it about superheroes instead and at no point do they actually bring in magical creatures...That black guy was a way more intimidating Demon than Ray palmer...yikes...The season took a huge downfall when the character change happened..even though I love Ray...

look at that ratings curve...my gosh...I'm glad i rated each episode...it allowed me to see my ratings curve and the first few episodes were amazing...the middle episodes were decent and the last of the episodes are horrible.
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What the heck is this???
qbradford-1544711 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was absolutely the WORST season finale I have ever seen for any show! it was stupid, inane, asinine and just plain lame!!! The Heyworld concept was ludicrous and the episode wasn't helped by having that idiot Mona in it (I really hope she's not back next season or I won't watch at all). This episode took the cheese and cor to such an extreme that I was almost wishing for a melon-baller to gouge out my eyes and a railroad spike to shove in my ears!!! This episode was an absolute atrocity and I'm shocked that any of the cast actually agreed to film it! The only saving grace for this episode was the pairing of John Constantine and Nora Darhk as they attempted to free Ray's soul from Hell (which is why I gave it 3 stars instead of one). The producers of this show desperately need to reconsider whom they hire on as a writer because their choices for this episode were absolutely from the bottom of the barrel.
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And now my watching has ended
dhenderson-925 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch the season finale, despite giving up on the show a few weeks back.

To say it was vapid and atrocious camp is an insult to the dignity and honor camp holds in the annals of comedy - which, since it holds, at best, juvenile levels of dignity and honor, is saying a lot. So much contrivance. So much stupidity.

It's sad to see how Ray Palmer has become such a joke. The comics portray him as a competent technician and fighter. Legends rarely has him as The Atom anymore. If this is an effort by DC to dismantle their comics line in favor of more 1966 Batman level quality shows, then uber kudos to them.

The story was abysmal. A fun park built with wishes and hopes. That's how you stop fear. They even comment how the "trinity" (in DC comics this would be Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, but here they don't know that, it seems) was reluctant to do the promo for the park. Hopefully the actors read the script and threw a big yeah-not-sullying-my-name-like-that-for-less-than-a-million-dollars at the studio.

The special effects were special in the way the Special Olympics are special (I apologize to the Special Olympics for bringing such a beloved, classy institution into this review, but know it's for illustrative purposes only). The dragon was pathetic. After watching Game of Thrones, there is a new standard. It was like watching Plan 9 from Outer Space and comparing it to nearly anything today. Did I see it right or did the dragon return to baby size after eating a demon? Is that the secret to eternal life? Just eat a demon when you get older and you'll inexplicably drop the years and revert back to youth. This was an obvious contrivance to remove a powerful ally and allow a little girl to get her pet back. Gotta love wishes and hopes.

Just like the season finale of Supergirl, the resolution to the death of a character is wishes and hopes. A circus tent full of people sang an old James Taylor song and that brought him back. Why not? With Supergirl it was her dead body sucking sunlight from plants that only hold red and blue wavelengths of light (not the yellow she'd need) for short periods of time that brought her back to life. It's like pot smoking hippies wrote out their trip ideas. Dog army. Freezer pants. And wishes and hopes can bring back the dead. Why didn't they wish Mr. Freeze back to life or hope Hawkman alive again by singing "Fire and Rain"?

This is some of the worst writing I've seen in any medium in my life. Cave petroglyphs would be more interesting to watch. The dialogue is nauseating and unmemorable. The only thing that resonates with this show is its stupidity.

And now my watching has ended. There was nothing redeemable here, just further insults on the intelligence of the viewing audience. I'm giving up on this show and, in all likelihood, the CW's and DC's entertainment efforts. It's been too bad for too long. I daresay if anyone actually liked this, it's either because they don't yet comprehend what the medium of television holds in its potential, or they should seriously pick up a book or go out into the real world to understand life, real people and great stories. None of those things will be found here.
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Can they end ths thing all ready.
graves-scott23 May 2019
Please. Please. Please. End this now. Let this be the last episode. They have gone as far down as they can. End it now.
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Off Course
hellraiser714 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

I normally don't do reviews like this often but sometimes I've got to get it off my chest. The season finale I thought was just rather average. There were some good things, I'll just state a few like the whole amusement park scheme was kind of cool, really liked seeing how Nate built it, seeing that I wish I had that so I could build whatever I want.

Some of the business with Constantine was good as it sets up for the fifth and final (I hope) season. Seeing one scene where some of the Legends were trying to pose as the other DC superheroes was kind of funny and sort of meta as it's DC superheroes (excluding Gary) dressed up as DC superheroes, wrap your head around that. Liked seeing them get Ray back and of course there was a short sweet interaction between Nora and him. And of course, some of that time Nate had with his dad for the last time which was touching along with Zari whom was risking her own life to be with him. As for those final minutes of the show, it shows things are about to get even worse.

From seeing the new villainess for next season bringing back the greatest scumbags in history to give them another chance to destroy it. But we see in the final minutes as Nate was hugging Zari, suddenly we see she's gone and it's her big brother alive and a legend. Seeing that I thought oh no, I have a very bad feeling that Zari's changes will have very bad repercussions on history. Sure, she had that simulator program, but changing time is never predictable.

Ok, that's all out of the way, now comes the radioactive purge. This season I thought was just way off course, I mean what the hell did I just watch, it didn't feel like "Legends of Tomorrow". I understand they were trying to go a different direction, but it was the wrong direction. This season just has a grocery list of problems, I'll just state a few because it's a long one and it's just too depressing to discuss it all.

One, Gary and Mona, these two unnecessary editions I found fraking annoying and this season was mainly their season as there was so much focus on these two, which is both strange and not good. This show is called "Legends of Tomorrow" not "Gary and Mona Time Legends of Tomorrow."

Gary he's pretty much like Percy on "VR Troopers" like him he's an annoying wimp and kind of a blowhole let alone he looks like that character which makes it even worse. Mona is just whinny and sweetze it makes you want to puke. Both really had no business being on the team, they hardly contribute so what's the point?

If there is a good original character it's Charlie the shapeshifter, she was kind of cool, but the problem is she hardly has anything to do which is the other problem with the season as hardly any of the legends has anything to do.

On a side note the fact she changed to look like Maya was pointless, really did nothing for the story I think it was supposed to be a device for drama for Nate as he had to painfully let Maya go, but that didn't happen. I wish they kept that other actress that did Charlie it would make more sense to the story line.

There is action in this season but most of it isn't memorable or interesting. One of the reasons for that is in the absence of superpowers and heroics used. From Nate not turning Colossus until the season finale and Ray not using the suit much.

That was just horse crap, that's like the "X-Men" not using their mutant abilities in a battle, those mutant abilities are essential tools for these characters as well as part of them, so let the "Legends" do their thing that part of what that group is about in the first place.

Last plenty of missed opportunities, there were so many other things they could have done instead of most of the bs they and we had to contend with. One main thing I was really looking forward to was character dynamics from Nora and Ray down to Zari and Nate.

I really like the chemistry with both these couples, and it would have been really cooling seeing both have more episodes, going on adventures, working and kicking ass together while enjoying each other's company. Yeah, more Ray, Nate, Nora and Zari and less or better yet zero Gary and Mona.

Hopefully the fifth and possibly final season will get back on course, there are plenty of things I want to see, those dynamics I stated, but the one thing that is a must is Zari must return as she's one of my favorite characters, otherwise there will be bitter waters to drink much like this whole season which was one big swell.

Overall, I don't recommend watching this season, this is one of those one's to pass on.

Episode Rating: 2 stars Season 4 Rating: 1 star
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no occultism, magick and other demon things in movies
andriusrudinskij1 March 2020
Showing occult things like magick, spells and other demonic things is bad for human souls or so called spiritual bodies.. I can have problems..
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