"The Umbrella Academy" Extra Ordinary (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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With more emotion than ever before, Extra Ordinary is another great episode of the promising 1st season
As I said before, I wasn't a fan of the comic book series this show is based on, but the first two episodes so far have been great. They established the world and it's characters really well by going into full detail into the Umbrella Academy on how they became the dysfunctional sibling superheroes. This third episode continues the story and has more emotion than ever. I won't go into spoiler territory like I did in the first two episodes and just praise the same things they had.

Aside from the pacing The story continues to be well-established in it's world building around the Umbrella Academy, the characters continue to be likable and this time relatable especially Diego, the acting continues to be superb with David Castaneda giving a sincere performance and Robert Sheehan who, as Klaus, continues to deliver on the comedy which is still funny by far. The action in this is a lot more superb this time around, the editing continues to be solid, the music score is still really good, and the production design is really appealing to look at.

So, overall, this third episode receives a thumbs up from me.
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Love This Show!!
jenlilifootfern6 August 2020
Don't understand the negative reviews. Love the acting, plot, storyline. Well written and engaging. If I could I would binge watch the whole show. So far watched the first five episodes, twice! Awesome soundtrack. This is not a brainless action series. Things are gradually revealed, letting you come to your own theories, with a plot that gets better with each episode.
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I enjoy this show......the cast are superb actors
lweatherford-4762923 March 2019
I keep reading all these reviews by people criticizing the acting,special effects,etc...if you really dislike it so much stop watching it.Ellen Page is an excellent actress, and Tom Hopper is also a highly acclaimed actor,so what is y'alls problem....?????I enjoy the show and will continue to.
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Some of the people reviewing this episode, and indeed this series, have serious issues. They will find ANYTHING to complain about. It's a great show.
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A Mother's Love and a Hero's Fall
alirahimzadeh-8512230 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was more emotional than the previous episodes. 😢 explored the idea of motherhood and how a mother can shape a family. I found this aspect very interesting and impressive. 💕

However, I did not give this episode full marks due to some illogical scenes at the end. 🤔 How did intruders enter his house? Doesn't he have some cameras or traps to protect himself? 🤷

Also, I was surprised that Luther failed. He was supposed to be the strongest and most powerful member of the team that lives on the moon and watches over the earth. How could he fail so easily? 🥊

Maybe these questions will be answered in the next episodes or maybe they are just plot holes. Either way, these things hindered my full enjoyment of the episode. 😕

I'm still curious to see what happens in the remaining four episodes of this series. 🍿
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WHy the negatives !!
Herok_Mahalder_Badhon4 October 2021
I really loved this episode ! Allison character somehow seems boring !!! Number five is still the most interesting character till now.
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Hazel and Cha Cha overpowered? #1 and Allison were sabotaged by the writers?
eunbi053014 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really hope that there is an explanation for both Hazel and Cha Cha being super human, specially Hazel. We have seen that #1 is really strong, he broke a solid statue and yet Hazel manages to fight toe-to-toe against him? Wasn't #1 supposed to be the character with super strength? I hope that eventually it is explained that Hazel and Cha Cha were on some good old steroids, otherwise that fight was just ridiculous. The same works for Allison, she could have solved the problem just by using her skill, yet she didn't because "that b*** made her angry".

Also, I find it weird how easily those two came inside the mansion, how come they don't have a security system that tells them there was a breach?
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Decisions to be made
Calicodreamin11 August 2021
Decent episode in terms of acting and cinematography, and one cool fight scene towards the end. But storyline was slow and there was not much in the way of progressing or even establishing a plot.
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I hate to find a partner for everybody
chapardarparisa5 July 2022
It was good i liked the character of the girl that wasn't special. But for God sake i don't know why they should make couple for all the characters i hate that. A stupid man appear and the lonely character suddenly fall in love. That is stupid hate that.
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Extra Ordinary & Inadequate HQ front door security.
davidhiggins-8975627 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**Contains spoilers** **Contains spoilers**.

So with all the CCTV that the monocle guy had, not one camera was focused on the front door. No intruder alarms at all, no solid metal security blast proof door behind the wooden one to stop someone throwing sticks of dynamite at the front door in a drive-by bombing. Not even a simple code entry system that needs to be inputted upon entry or an alarm gets set off.

I mean, it is not as if that team of misfits had not created a WHOLE LINE of enemies that would some time or other like to pay them a visit at their HQ. A HQ known to be so.

So that was a MASSIVE PLOT HOLE. As was the knife thrower not having amongst his weapons a poison tipped knife to render his victims unconscious. NEVER quite thought of that did he, yet the Chinese Ninja types did centuries ago. (A veil of poison, to stick the knife in before throwing!).

The series is proceeding along though, so far quite interesting as Sci-fi fantasy goes. NOT one of the usual dud's & utter garbage that Netflix & others usually inflict upon us. Only just heard of it.

Didn't like the donut shop slaughter scene in ep 1, was there really a need to have a STROBE effect going on. A faulty ceiling light flickering on & off with strobe machines dotted around the place flashing on & off.

Those with Photosensitive vision just have to cover their eyes for a minute or so, it that how it works!. Same went for the frizzy hair movie star public appearance also in ep1, with ENDLESS camera flashes. We had about a minute of that. No concern for some of the viewers in the producers attempt to 'excite' people.

I wonder what POGO the intelligent Chimp was doing all the time the mansion was getting shot up?. Pogoing around on a Pogo stick in a soundproofed back room?, hence the name.

AND how about the violin player, number 7, she hears automatic gunfire, then is supposed to just walk into the room where it just happened asking "Oh whats going on". Anyone with any sense would be on the blower to the POLICE, straight away. So AS IF she would have just wandered into a battle scene as she did with no apparent, (as of yet!) powers. A complete INSULT to our intelligence.

So for that and the other plot holes & inefficiencies this episode gets two stars, not the original three it was going to get. On the whole so far the series is worth a whole lot more, so far an engaging, off beat series.

But any scene or episode of any series that insult the intelligence must be marked down, else you end up with producers doing it all the time, actively dumbing down our intelligence to make their scripts actually work. Treating us as thick headed Schmucks.

(Mind you, they must have in mind a core block viewership by location, to start with. The main focus of this USA produced series). Must feel with that particular core block, the series producers can get away with it, that those consumers will swallow it all down as the larger Sci-fi & fantasy community around the rest of the World are encouraged to do.

The better made series RAISE UP our intelligence to make the scripts work, not dumb it down, even if it leaves some viewers not quite understanding a particular aspect of it. Viewers soon understand when they are being taken for fools with implausible scenes & scripts. Maybe that core block are more used to it over the years, more conditioned to put up with it.

Massive Gunfire, violin girl walks into room, "What's going on?". NOT VERY LIKELY IS IT!.

TWO Stars is more than enough for this episode & its script failings. Like the Clairvoyant guy wouldn't have set up his own private clairvoyant practice to feed his drug habit. Like he wouldn't be resourceful as we have already seen him be in securing $$$ from his abilities. Big markdown for that big PLOT HOLE.

Many more script failures to come no doubt, but an intriguing series so far. Off beat, out of the ordinary as a whole & quirky. Looks great in HD, good filmography, well put together & high enough standard of acting.
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Oh I'm Not So Sure About That.
wandernn1-81-68327427 July 2020
So in this one Vanya who I guess is #7 tells her story, or the story she wrote about in her book.

Oh that's the title of her book, Extra Ordinary, the title of this episode!! I get it!!

Okay this one was completely mediocre to me until the very end.

+1 Star for the very ending of this episode!!!

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Where Is This Going
Hitchcoc20 September 2023
Since Number Five has bugged out of this episode, when Cha Cha and Hazel storm the house, it seem silly. Why go after the rest of the clan. These two are apparently invulnerable. They can't be beaten. They can't be stabbed. On and on, so whatever our guys did was of no consequences. They did kidnap the one guy, but so what? We need to know more about the possibilities so efforts to accomplish have some direction. Where did these adversaries come from? Are they just supposed to kill Number Five, and, if so, why? A show can only waste a certain amount of time on exposition. And, again, the eyeball.
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Have another donut, you fat freak!
d.rust5 March 2019
I'm such a #luser sez Vanya, I'll go buy a manual typewriter but the camera will first look at old comic book covers that will sell for the unheard of price of WHAT? FIFTEEN BUCKS? EACH! This is obviously a crappy parallel universe where stupidity reigns. If it were me doing the writing, I would have bought a cheap computer, not a used manual machine.

But, just like this juvenile mess in general, stupidity runs rampant. Omit important plot points, it makes it "edgier".

The narrative here is totally lacking. Exposition is a key part of opening episodes, UNLESS you have incredible story telling, which this episode does not have.

Sure, there are some interesting points, but they are hidden by inanity.

Total crapfest. Watch DOOM PATROL like I've said before.
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Losing potential
Abdulxoxo13 August 2024
This episode continues to develop the dysfunctional Hargreeves family dynamics, but the plot's pace is starting to feel sluggish. While the series initially promised an intriguing exploration of superhero tropes, it is beginning to tread familiar ground, which diminishes its novelty. The highlight of the episode is undoubtedly the strong performances from the cast. The production design and cinematography also deserve praise, as they continue to create a rich, immersive atmosphere. However, these strengths are somewhat overshadowed by a few glaring issues. One of the most noticeable problems is the episode's fight sequences. While these scenes are meant to inject adrenaline and excitement, they are often too dark to fully appreciate, leaving us straining to see what's happening. This choice in lighting detracts from the potential intensity of the action, ultimately leading to frustration rather than thrill.

Character development, initially a strong suit of the series, is beginning to falter. Certain characters are becoming slightly unlikable, with their flaws overshadowing their redeeming qualities. It's challenging to root for them when their decisions become questionable or repetitive, making them less relatable as they wade through their personal dramas. A particular disappointment lies with the two assassins, Cha-Cha and Hazel. Initially slightly intriguing they are quickly becoming uninteresting. Their antics, once a darkly comedic counterpoint to the main story, now feel aimless and disconnected from the core narrative.

Overall, Episode 3 of The Umbrella Academy feels like a mixed bag. While it still holds the potential to captivate with its premise and talented cast, the series needs to tighten its narrative and character arcs.
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Wow this show sucks
discgolf-7333429 July 2021
These first three episodes are the three worst episodes I've ever seen on television.
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jcpurleigh29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is the slowest tv show ive ever seen, if i hadnt had this recommended by a friend theres no chance i would have made it through more than 2 episodes. I am halfway through episode 3 and its honestly mind numbingly boring.. only thing thats keeping me watching is that it seems like reviews improve after this. So far this show is just backstory only and nothing happening in the present.. maybe i would care more about the past events if we had seen more happening.. number 5 is basically carrying the plot.
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Sincerelykimia1 June 2020
How the rating is so high?! I think this show is for underage people, I think it should goes faster and we need more scenes other than sibling fights!
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Why so DARK?
HatHappens30 May 2019
So apparently if you want to Netflix and chill, you may not. I mean if you choose to watch this episode in day time, you are doomed. There is nearly no light in the whole episode. Not in a few scenes, in the whole episode. You should just listen and guess what the heck just happened because you can not see a damn thing.
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Worst episode yet
muamba_eats_toast2 April 2019
Barely anything happens and struggles to keep one concentration. One reasonable fight scene towards the end for a few minutes and a cliffhanger but not a lot else to cling on to. Disappointed so far in the series given how highly it's been talked. Still hopefully it can improve mind.
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Lazy acting and the worst fight choreography I've seen in years
adamhort16 February 2019
This episode is so convoluted, stupid and entirely phoned in that it almost seems like Tommy Wissau created this episode. The fighting in this is so horribly bad, but the attention to detail to make it so bad is what is impressive. The antagonists are wearing metal helmets that look like knock off Chuck'E'Cheese characters, so of course they make the knife throwing character throw knives that deflect off the helmet. So what does that knife throwing protagonist do??? Why he punches the bad guys exclusively in the helmet, making loud clangs that only hurt his hands. At one point a woman armed with an assault rifle is chasing one of the main characters down a staircase and they almost run into each other. Apparently she cannot shoot while they are nearly touching on the staircase as this would sadly end the life of one of our protagonists. Instead we are treated to a woman running down the stairs and almost poking the barrel of her gun into the protagonists back. She has to wait until she has reached the bottom of the stairs and summarily turned to face the direction watched the protagonist run off in. The worst part of this is that they almost immediately cut to another shot of the armed woman chasing the protagonist down another staircase only this time she fires the gun at her from the stairs while they are much further apart. SO WAIT, too close on the stairs and you can't pull a trigger but if she's far enough away then she can shoot???? Make up your mind you lazy idiots, I literally don't know how this episode got produced. The acting is so detached and horrible, the big guy in the group is constantly reading his lines like he is using cue cards, which is odd since he was great in Black Sails. There is honestly so much more to take apart in this absolutely dumbed down borefest. This was funny to watch though because man, they get so much wrong that it absolutely drops into being hilarious when you are finding scenes where they expect an audience to care about these inane hollow characters. None of them have a back story, you don't empathize with any of them because of the haphazard nature of the story telling. They never invest in any throughline that gives any kind of emotional payoff for anybody, which again, makes it funny to watch. But that's not at all what they were going for so there is no getting around how much this sucks.
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Cringy AF!
felipedourado1719 February 2019
Pure cringe. Ep 1 and 2 are OK at best. This one is when the whole thing collapse. Poor acting, poor script, good music but played in odd moments. Really wanted to like this series
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Too dark
gailzer14 March 2019
The episode is filmed with the lights off. I can't see anything. Very frustrating to the viewer.
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