Mob Psycho 100 (TV Series 2018) Poster

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that was cute
zombie84-18 May 2021
It wasnt like manga or anime they did their own thing and it was cute. It was like power rangers mixed with it. Idk why it was MA no need for it. Acting was suppose to be goofy. Overall good time.
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Like an inside joke I can't seem to get.
ralphvalkenburgh23 May 2018
The troll to be original on an original...

The story of the manga was amazing. The character development was fluid and correct. The insane drawing style was in a league of it's own, paired with an awesome introduction arc. Not a whole lot in this world is perfect, but Mob Psycho 100 comes very close. I, for one, can't wait to see what season 2 will bring us.

On to the point of the review. To be honest, I am never a fan of a life adaption of any game or anime/cartoon. There are some OK ones (NO WAY), some mediocre ones (Pushing it!), and those that we can't even get passed the first 20 minutes (yes... those ones). Netflix' adaption of the master piece Mob Psycho 100 hangs between the mediocre and the "can't handle the cringe no longer" section. I wish it was good..., I mean, I can handle it if the storyline get's tempered with. I don't care if some relationships are different, BUT... The characters got to stay true to themselves. If they do not, they loose their charm. Which is a huge chunk of what makes a show successful. Why can't these writers just get that they can't have the main character do things he would never ever do in the original. Things so character breaking that you can't continue to watch it anymore. It's just painful at that point.

To those that haven't read the manga or watched the anime. You still got a chance to find out whether it's worth watching on a rainy sunday. To those who read/watched the original: DON'T... Just, don't.

Because it wants to be something else in a parallel universe I can't rate it in a proper way. I just cringe and cringe and cringe.

5 out of 5 for the effort of the anime-like performances.
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Great live action anime
m_l_g_6911 February 2019
I stumbled across this on Netflix and it's hilarious how close to an actual Anime this is. The actors, their voices, the sounds and the music are copy-paste from an Anime, and it's as close as it gets to a great live action adaptation. You will see all the similarities. The weird main character, the intriguing deep voiced villains, the creepy dorky side-kicks. The short 24 min episodes are easy to watch and you won't feel like you wasted your time. If you like Anime.
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This is stupid. It is also a must watch.
liniuc26 May 2018
Don't go into this without watching the original anime - its 100x better. The acting is so bad its funny and everyone is acting like they're in an anime, not a live action TV show. The editing is strange to say the least and the VFX look like a particularly good YouTube video. The sound design is like an anime. at one point Mob is wearing trainers, but when he walks it sounds like he's wearing horseshoes. I would recommend you get high/drunk and watch this with a friend because its bloody hilarious how bad it is.
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Really Bad
reggaerhys4 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's kinda good at the start but the acting is bad. When you get to episode 3 it shows mob fighting a evil spirit but it looks like a homemade short film from youtube and it also looks like a app on ios and android called star wars FX. Unless you are looking for something that is so bad it's funny then watch this.if not do not watch this.
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Worth watching if you've watched the Anime.
sadaqamusic25 May 2018
Look I understand that anime vs real life could get a bit funky and sometimes it's a winner and sometimes not so much... I found this show to be quite well written, and especially well acted for a japanese (english sub) show.Good actors, laughed in many scenes as it is quite funny and fun to watch.
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Definition of the worst
ShajahanSmart25 May 2020
Worst series ever shame to a great anime they shouldn't have made it
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Definitely Worth A Try
tillzydowitz24 September 2021
So I gotta say at first it was a bit weird to watch but I guess after the third episode I totally loved it.

Mob Psycho 100 is a great anime and definetly one of my favorites. The idea is great and the different character developments are so fun to watch. My most liked characters are definitely the Muscle Club Guys and Reigen, both are hilarious.

In this Live-action adaption they didn't even try to make this any different from the style the anime is made in. And I think it's great. At first glance I was confused because this Animeish style feels weird when watching a Live-action show. After a couple episodes I totally loved it. It's different and fun to watch and the actors played their own interpretation of the roles great while staying true to the characters shown in the anime.

What I really missed was the great exaggeration of mobs power, in the anime its amazing everytime but in this show it only looks and feels not nearly that good.

All in all I would definitely recommend watching this if you had fun with the anime. But if you didn't watched the anime I recommend doin that it's a blast.
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How does trash like this even get on netflix?
spankiehuggiegoodie20 February 2019
I am a big fan of low budget movies don't get me wrong, but this si-fi show with poor video editing and very poor story writing was a huge letdown, the directer was all about camera angles....that got old real quick with very bad acting with no connections....all the fights seemed to be the same.

when we talk about quality....this is walmart at its best.....i think they need to re-think the show and get a new graphic editor quick.
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Did they make this with their eyes closed?
Galaxyishere_25 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the anime and decided to give this a shot to see just how bad it was. And it's bad at best and uncomfortable at worst. Basically every character is mischaracterized and inaccurate, Mob is written so badly it hurt to watch. They mischaracterize Ritsu everytime he shows up. I also dislike the romantic undertones between him and tsubomi especially considering Ritsu littlerally says how he doesn't understand what Mob sees in Tsubomi in the original. They put Ritsu in scenes with Mob so often and make them seem like their close which just ruins Ritsus character arc. They also cut out important characters such as Mezato and shou but then add random characters that add nothing to the story like the takoyaki guy..? And they absolutely butchered Tome not only did they have to stretch her to write her in Mezato's place she's just generally out of character.. she keeps "getting signals" and everytime she said that I just kept saying stop getting signals. They also ruined the telepathy club but cutting out everyone but her, there's no way it could've been a club. They also ruin basically every joke and if I explained every time they ruin one then I'd be here for hours. They get details wrong often so as someone who's watched the anime and read the manga I was going insane while watching. They make things out of order and just generally hard to follow. And the Cgi is just horrible. Reigens actor is not a good choice for the role in my opinion, and the first episode just isnt the same. And why is Claw and the awakening lab just kinda mixed together they also cut out most of the awakening lab kids and mixed up the remaining ones powers. And they butchered most of the claw characters designs but especially Tsuchiya. And speaking of Claw they introduce them super early and just keep bringing them up with things they wouldn't care about. And the Lol cult episode is bad not only do they randomly include ritsu and a haphazardly written tome, they also just messed everything up. Mobs flashback to the time him and Ritsu got attacked is in Terus episode for reason and putting it this early not only makes no sense story wise but also just is confusing. And the flashback happening in one big scene ruins the symbolism, its meant to be short and split up to show how mob doesn't really remember what happened. And Once again i reiterate WHY IS RITSU HERE SO MUCH. Also they remove the introduction scene of mob going to 100% they remove these kind of scenes just in general and that just makes it hit less hard. They also ruin the would be set up for the Psycho helmet cult. Then there is an added seen with Reigen which is genuinely one of the worst most uncomfortable scenes in this, they add a client which harrases him and it goes on for way to long. The scene after is meant to be heartwarming but you're still so grossed out from the scene before to even feel that way. They say how the cult targets socially akward people but why add in Ritsu then? Dimple looks absolutely horrible as a result of the horrible cgi. And also you know that super important Reigen flashback scene that shows how him and mob met? Yea they messed that up as well! Reigen is in the bar which he shouldnt be he has zero reason to question his morality at this point. Regien swaped to being a psychic on impulse which they got wrong and I feel like that is somewhat important to mention. They swapped the order of how the flashback happens which is confusing and just ruins it, the point was to show how Reigen gives Mob advice even though he dosn't belive hes truly a psychic. Now is when the gangs get kinda important, they obviously messed up Onigawara and now have added some random guy not even wearing the salt middle uniform? And now is. Good time to bring up how they made Tsubomi so stupid. And once again Mob is so mischaracterized when it comes to Tsubomi the way hes written is honestly kind of creepy at points. God don't get me started on how they butchered Terus episode. Teru is probably the best part of this show but this is also coming from a teru fan who would eat rocks for him so I'm a bit biased. They got important details of his episode wrong. It's just generally bad like this whole remake. But not only did they butcher Terus introduction and make him sound like he's trying to be a lead in a musical they just mess up important stuff from the episode such as the usual removing lines, and weird pacing. But they also once again randomly add ritsu which ruins the setup for the big cleanup arc. And also thet added another scene where Reigen gets harrased but instead by the bartender which he isn't even supposed to meet yet.? How come they can add Reigen getting harassed but not make an actual good series. And once again the pacing is horrendous there's no reason the teru fight had to be spread across three episodes. It would go shorter if they stopped randomly cutting to other scenes. The scene were mob reveals his powers just dosn't exsist he removes the ropes before it so it genuinely just does not make logical sense. And they just keep mixing the arcs together why don't we just focus on the important thing at hand which is the Teru fight. And once again Ritsu being here just makes no sense. They remove so many lines and just make the whole episode horrible. It's not even taking place in the right setting being in a warehouse rather than at Black vinegar. Also in the scene where mob passes out you can literally see the actors hand go to the floor I'm astonished on how they kept that in and it just speaks for the quality of the series. And once again on the mischaracterization train they mischaracterize ???% as well. They removed the part with Teru being up in the sky which just ruins his whole relization that he's normal and he's not special.. Also the scene after this is just weird and a lot of it is inaccurate, Reigen for one doesn't massage mob and then after this there is meant to be a scene with ritsu that is messed up. Claw never beat up Edano and they should not be this involved. And at this point me and the friend I was watching with were so fed up with how horrendous this is that we stopped.

However there is still a bit more I haven't mentioned on a more technical level, I can't really speak in-depth on the camera work as I know next to nothing about it but it just dosn't look good. I'm someone who focuses a lot on soundtracks as they can make or break something, the anime has an amazing soundtrack the enhances the scenes which it's subtlety and is just iconic. The soundtrack here is horrific to say the least. It's nothing like the Orginal and in places where it's meant to subtlety enhance the scene it just dosn't and makes it worse. And at points it just sounds bad one good example of this is tomes theme. And speaking of this the outro just sucks and is a perfect representation of just how mischaracterized everyone is.

Watching this series was funny and just painful all at once, you can't understand it if you watched it without anything else and honestly there were points where I was confused by it. The pacing is horrible and everything is just not the level you would expect from a Netflix live action. And I didn't even mention everything here. There's just so much more, I don't understand how there are good reviews on this.
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Like early Power Rangers
geekgirl10123 October 2018
This movie mimics anime so there's a lot of exaggerated behaviour. It's obvious it was done with a low budget as much of the scenery is recycled for various scenes including the title and credits sequence. It has an early Power Ranger feel to it especially in the battle scenes. The effects are pretty decent though. Fairly humorous in places. Younger generations would probably appreciate this movie more than grown ups.
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Quirky, definitely recommended
m-teirney14 October 2020
Despite what other reviewers said, I liked this series.

It's quirky, funny and the over-exaggerated acting suits this genre.

I haven't see using % as a theme in a storyline before so that was cool.
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realfakedoors1 June 2019
This anime is too funny. Don't let the score influence you, give it a chance.
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Fun and pretty wholesome
mariellealien16 March 2024
I have not read the manga, seen the anime, or watched any other adaptation, and I really enjoyed this. If you accept it for what it is, its a quirky show with anime facial expressions, and it's over the top good fun with big emotions.

This reminds me of the style of older (think 90s and 2000s) series that have been adapted from manga or anime. It's got the same vibe, the same over the top emotional outbursts, silly antics, and animated facial expressions and body language. If you can look past all that and enjoy it for what it is, it's got a good message, and it's full of heart.

I recommend it!
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