"Gotham" A Dark Knight: One of My Three Soups (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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The big joke is on its way...
highmarksreviews31 March 2018
I must admit, the last few episodes of Gotham did not have that certain flair to them that Cameron Monaghan's Jerome Valeska brought. Happy to report that he, Jervis Tetch (Benedict Samuel) and Scarecrow (David W. Thompson), all favourites on the show are back and absolutely killed it. The interaction between the trio was entertaining thanks to their very different personalities. Tetch seemed to the get the spotlight while Jerome finally met up with Bruce (David Mazouz), a conflict that will be cool to see for sure. Bruce and Selina (Camren Bicondova) also seem to be hitting things off, their chemistry also being absent from past episodes. I was initially skeptical of Barbara Kean (Erin Richards) and the League of Shadows, however the dynamic manner of the situation and a well-executed twist assured that this could also work. While Jerome stole many scenes with his quirky, maniacal dialogue, he was still a little underplayed, but as a whole, "One Of My Three Soups" seems to be the kick-starter episode to several major conflicts to come.
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Gotham is BACK (well, technically it has been for a while but still)
jvisschet30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is, hands down, in my top 5 favorite Gotham episodes, and It's no coincedence that one of my other favorite episodes is also directed by Ben Mckenzie.

I've had a love-hate (mostly love) relationship with this show. I really liked S1, I loved the 2nd half of S2, S3 is in my opinion (except for maybe the first arc) one of the best things to ever happen to tv. It had some really powerful moments (which I won't spoil here), but season 4 kind of lacked that gotham feeling for me. It wasn't like S1, but also not like S3, it was somewhere in between, and it didn't really connect to me. I didn't really like the Sofia or emo bruce arc (and both of them for waaay too long) and Ivy had/has (depending on what the showrunners are going to do with her arc for the rest of the season) really not interested yet. Then last episode finally finished off Sophia.

Then this episode comes along and is way better than it deserves to be. It has everything, an interesting setup with the prison break, Jerome's plan and I even think I might be able to like Barbara again, because this episode sets up the LEAGUE OF SHADOWS, kinda like S3, but with less court of owls. It also had a great emotional moment between Jim and Harvey, which was greatly amplified by the score, Oh My God the music in this episode (and the whole series actually) is absolutely amazing. I could literally watch Gotham for the score alone. It does bug me a little that everything is moving so fast, but that is because itisn't sure if Gotham will be renewed for a 5th season, so that's completely understandable. I'm also kind of disappointed we didn't get to see Penguin or Riddler this episode.

Overall an amazing episode with some really strong acting and directing
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McKenzie's sophomore episode proves he's no fool
jd-538-79386830 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 16 of Gotham's 4th Season, was directed by the show's star, Ben McKenzie. "One of My Three Soups," as the episode is titled, follows a massive breakout from Arkham Asylum, the episode starts with a female guard, putting on headphones and a walkman, to check on The Mad Hatter, Jervis Tetch, the music, countering his powers of persuasion from hypnotizing the guard, though it's too late he had already gotten to another guard who slits the throats of all the other correction officers on this floor. We're a couple minutes in and there have already been a few laughs with the juxtaposition of the music choice (Alice Smith - Fool For You), to the dour interior of Gotham's home for the criminally insane, and the diminutive frame and bodycount of Guard Tortuga.

There was an early screening of this episode at the Warner Brothers Television building on the iconic movie studio lot, in a big fancy conference room bearing posters of all the Warner Brothers Television programs currently on air, in alphabetical order, featuring "The 100" "Arrow" "i, Zombie" "Lucifer" "Life Sentence" "Supernatural" "Riverdale" all the way to "Young Sheldon." At least one program on every broadcast network. After the episode screened, the dozen or so TV Journalists invited, got a private Q&A with Ben McKenzie. This wasn't his first episode as director, but he explained that, as the show has gone on as long as it has, he is uniquely qualified, as an expert on the tone of the show, second only to Danny Cannon, the pilot director, responsible for setting the original feel for the show and veteran of at least 10 episodes of Gotham. McKenzie also feels that the show has course corrected from it's original Episodic NYPD Blue / Comic Book Villain of the week feel, especially as David Mazouz, the Bruce Wayne of the show, has grown over the past 4 years.

The episode has further Joker-ification of Jerome Valeska, who organized the breakout which also finds The Scarecrow back on the street. Jervis Tetch uses his hypnotic voice on a radio station to coerce hundred of Gothamites to throw themselves from the tops of buildings at midnight unless Captain James Gordon suffers for taking Jervis's sister Alice from him (Alice jumped and had a rather pokey landing, after she was tired of her brother using her for his own nefarious plot a few seasons back) - Ben felt this episode best encapsulates how Gotham is better with the growth of its villains and tests the heroes mettle, and how humor doesn't hurt the show or undercut moments with bathos. After Jerome escaped he made his way to a diner run by his uncle, and reveals that this same uncle's abuse is what helped shape his malice and contempt for people. The uncle beat the young Jerome, for no reason and would continue the beatings for what seemed like hours. The episode's title plays into the scene, as the Uncle had prepared 3 soups, like Goldilocks's conundrum, one was too hot, one too cold, and the other, Just Right, the uncle then reveals he had figured out Jerome was coming for revenge, and had a former circus Strongman protect him from the proto-Joker, the "Just Right" soup was for the Strongman, and the Too Hot soup, was to be poured down Jerome's gullet, scarring his lips and further rasping his voice. Before the bad Uncle can do away with his Nephew's life, Bruce Wayne enters the diner and picks a fight with the Strongman, he feels responsible for Jerome and all that has befallen the ruined clown, there is some delightful plays with power dynamics throughout the episode, as Bruce's life later gets saved by Selina Kyle, and in a C Storyline, Barbara Kean, Jim Gordon's ex-wife, has inherited the mantle of Demon's Head from Ra's al Ghul, and by her actions, causes a culling of The League of Assassins of their weaker members, who refused to listen to a woman. Ben elaborated that it was not intended to be a lip service 'female empowerment' story, but rather furthering of the already strong female characters of the show.

Back to the A story, it seems like Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock have swapped their attitudes towards policing, Jim has more skeletons in his closet now, and resorts to much more violent methods than his first year, and Bullock acts more selfless and altruistic than we've ever seen him through the series, though the characters continue to ground each other.

If this episode proves nothing else, it should prove that Ben McKenzie should sit in the director's chair more often.

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There's a brilliant, hidden message in this ep.
randolph-183 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One or two seasons ago, there were people cursing the writers for "killing off" the Joker whereas I would question: "What makes you think he's dead?" Then Gotham fans were gushing (esp. on Facebook) when they thought Joker and Penguin would join forces in Arkham Asylum. In "Three Soups," we see a carefully crafted collaboration between Joker, Scarecrow, and the Mad Hatter which represents something very important.

Let's skip to the diner scene wherein the Joker, strangely and surprisingly, put himself in a compromising position wherein he is being held down by a big guy, then his "uncle" / diner proprietor pours an ultra hot bowl of soup into his mouth. What? No henchmen to help the Joker? He escaped from Arkham with plenty of Loyalists. Although we know he's a masochist who enjoys his pain, the moment is still questionable. In bursts, young Bruce: "Unhand that man and save him for the police!" Selina told Bruce in the previous ep. not to be a douche bag. I guessed that he was still brain dead from all his benders, but wait! Bruce gets into a fight with the big muscle guy at least twice his size in defense of the Joker! Therein, the Joker questions the irony of this. So do I! The writers must be trying to tell us something! In another scene, there are 1000's of Gothamites hypnotized by the Mad Hatter, poised and ready to step off a roof from a high rise at midnight. Bruce, as yet to be Batman, is supposed to be representing/defending them, but he's chosen to defend the Joker - to save him for Arkham Asylum via GCPD which loses control of and allows violent criminals to escape on a regular and continuous basis; Young Bruce is almost like the Adam West version of Batman. I half way expected to see "Pow!" "Wham!" "Zing!" cartoon balloons.

In pounces Young Selina to save Young Bruce with her trusty whip; she grabs the gun and attempts to do what is reasonable and logical in Gotham: To stop a psycho-killer before he kills anyone else. Thereupon, Bruce jumps Selina, stops her, then hovers over her on the floor in a prone position in a strangely romantic moment that he didn't deserve.

Then it occurs to me: All you people who complained that the Joker was dead "because he's so pertinent to Gotham," you're like those hypnotized Gothamites ready to step off the roof of a high rise. Why would you jump to the defense of a psycho-killer? Like Gordon said: "You have to save each other," because all we really have is each other - not the psycho killers, not the people who would drive us insane to kill ourselves.

I know there are those of you who won't be able to fathom "Three Soups" beyond the splattering of two people by a wrecking ball. For those of you with actual morals, ethics, and brains, you will find a real message here.
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Helpless City Gotham !
zack_cody31 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna discuss specific scenes in this Episode starting with the Amazing escape of the trio:Jerome,Tetch and Crane.

The massacre they did in order to escape is unforgettable and they also showed us that they don't have any mercy when they killed the "weirdo hypnotized girl",they could have let her go but instead they made her cut her throat!.

The second scene I wanna talk about is the one in which the "Newly Married Couple" were killed.If this scene shows anything then it would be showing the huge amount of pain and misery Tetch was dealing with since his sister died because after all he is a human being,maybe he is a psycho but he do have feelings tho.A lot of people don't like violent scenes but I'm sure that they all were amazed,emotional and shocked when the Big Metal Ball fell on their head and crushed them!.

The whole episode is centered about what Tetch did so what I'm going to talk about is also about one of Tetch scenes.He didn't show up in it but it was his planning! I'm talking about the "Suicide of Gotham City Citizens" it was incredible how the way they stood on the top of the buildings and how they were helpless and ready to throw themselves but at the end it was remarkable how detective Jim Gordon handled the situation,maybe you disagree with me because he just said: "I can't save you" and told them to save each other but I'm not talking about the way I'm talking about the hidden meanings of the scene,It is showing to us how truthful,honest and heroic Gordon was.He was so honest with himself than he was with the "Suicidal Citizens" and his honest is what had led them to their safety.

Fourthly,I want to talk about the EXTRAORDINARY Jerome Valeska or should I say "The Joker"? I intended to let him at the end of my review because he was the best in the episode..sorry I mean the best in the whole Show!.Every time I see him talking,laughing,...etc it comes to my mind Heath Ledger and The Jerome touch to the character.I know that the producers said that he is not the Joker but seriously come on who are you joking?.His acting skills is so amazing that he is compared to the great one Ledger.

The words are not enough to describe Cameron's preformance,so I'm just gonna end my review with a few points that had to be spoken about.

1-The beautiful chemistry between Bruce and Selena that David and Camren made was awesome

2-The sacrifice that Harvey did (or was ready to do it) is an evidence to his love for jim and how he treat him like a brother.

3-Gotham collected all Batman's villans and did not made a single mistake in the casting not in Poison Ivy,Crane,Riddler and the Two that no one can say anything wrong about them Jerome and Penguin.

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Great episode!
dillivo-060942 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I really like the way that jerome is changing more and more in the Joker. He's absolutely a huge succes in the show. I'm a bit dissappointed about Scarecrow because in the first trailer of season 4 it looked like he was going to be the big deal in this season but he isn't.I still have big hopes for him tho. What I do like is the love hate relationship with Bruce and Selina and I'm looking forward what the future holds for them. The hole Barbara and Demons head stuff is a bit weird I think. I'm not so hyped for that. But I really liked this episode. I think Ben Mckenzie did a great job directing this episode and I'm looking forward to the next episode.
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Extremely lame writing!
asb_deutsch17 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There's a pretty sharp divide of opinion between me and the hardcore movie critic. No reason how the security official got hypnotized under Techt's influence. Harvey Bullock gets hypnotized by the radio waves without thinking sensibly. Jerome's Uncle pours a hot bowl of soup into his face and ta-da! His Uncle let's go when he sees Bruce! And BTW, no royalties of Jerome to help him. Bruce gets into a fight with a big muscle guy at least double his size and he thinks he is Batman already...Then comes Selina to save Bruce and he strangely lands on top of her without a kiss! And in the second half of this episode, it proves that women can be leaders. An extremely forced-feminism episode....Sheesh!
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Here come the stupid ninjas again
vonronge31 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think the writers forgot that Barbara Keen marries Gordon and gives birth to Batgirl/Oracle, possibly the best character in the Batman franchise. Instead we get another boring Demon's head storyline. Yawn. It also means that Bruce, who was trained to be the Demon's head, killed the Demon's head, and therefore is the Demon's head, was passed over. Oh, and the league of shadows is now led by a bunch of feminazis. Great. I guess Feminism means we can't have nice things. Time to find another show to watch.
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No no not again noooooo Warning: Spoilers
I love gothammmmm, but let me say why this gets a 2...again..again again again! This is based on comic book characters, super heroes and villains so women kick butt just as good as men (i wish i could capitalize every thing but imdb wont let me) so there its no need for the feminist crap. this is not the platform for all the trending sociopolitical mess! i am screaming to the top of my lungs right now!! why why why writers why?! we did not need the stupid banter between Barbara and the shadow league about how women don't lead, blah blah say what omg women are offended blah blah the women of the league kill the men blah blah lets show them blah blah blah blah.. let us all join together now as one villainy man hating woman group blah blah blah blah! we already had it happening with barb, selena and the other chick! Some one shoot me please! Every single show now! Cue the violins, its vagina power to the rescue!! I almost wish someone would blow up a d a m building just so we can focus on something else! TV can just go back to its regular scheduled story-lines!!!!! Jesus F i n g Christ!
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