"Midsomer Murders" Till Death Do Us Part (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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I Do
ummajon20038 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The bride's "girls" were the main distraction of the opening scene so I was relieved when she was quickly "dismissed." It's always more interesting when the first murder happens straightaway. And was this the first time Sarah discovers a body? I can't remember. But it takes me back to all the times Joyce did! Of course this a different type of show than the John Nettles' one--but it is, in fact, THE SAME SHOW, so comparisons are absolutely natural. A brief view of an upchuck added nothing. We learn a bit more about Fluer's personal life which adds more depth to her character, however slight. It's slow going after the first few scenes, but other murders soon after, and some funny bits keep it moving (e.g. I'm not made of money, funny socks, John as a tortoise, etc). John shows a bit of emotion (anger) and Sarah (sadness) too, both noticable due to rarity. The murders themselves were rather clean, but the dead animal might disturb some viewers. Lots of suspects, had me guessing throughout, which was fun. Then an exciting bit with Sarah and well-written reveal to wrap it all up.
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Very good fun, but the wait was out of order.
Sleepin_Dragon10 January 2020
First of all I find myself having to rant about ITV once again, they're treating this show like an unwanted boil, one that keeps returning, and will no doubt be lanced soon enough.

Rant over, I thoroughly enjoyed this, it was a cracking episode. The major publicity came from how short a time Kelly Brook was actually in this, and true enough it was laughable, why on Earth did she agree to it, was ludicrous.

I thought the mystery itself was great, it kept me guessing right the way through to the end. A good set of characters, and a well thought out plot.

Fleur continued to impress, she added some humour and dry wit, the best since George. The standout though was Fenella Woolgar, a true talent, she was excellent, I wasn't too sure about Nick Hancock but he was decent.

Lovely to see Liz Fraser, now sadly no longer with us, she was excellent in her final performance. RIP Liz.

Very enjoyable. 8/10

ITV get your act together.
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A decent but not a stand-out episode
Tweekums8 January 2020
As this episode opens DCI John Barnaby and his wife, Sarah, are attending a wedding. In the evening Sarah goes looking for the bride and finds her dead in her suite. The killer has tied a ribbon around her tongue and it appears she was killed by the deliberate over-tightening of her corset. As the investigation gets underway several suspects quickly emerge... the woman who was previously jilted by the victim's husband of a few hours; the victim's father in law who has recently been released from prison, her co-worker at the local radio station and even the groom who lied about his movements on the night. Before the case is over there will be more deaths and secrets and other crimes will be uncovered before the killer is exposed.

This is a solid enough episode. We don't have to wait too long for the first murder and once it happens there are more than enough suspects to keep the viewer guessing right up to the final reveal. The story itself is typical Midsomer with a couple of 'creative' murders and plenty of more light hearted moments. One of these light hearted moments includes an entertaining anecdote about how John and Sarah got together while at university. The cast; both regulars and guests, do a solid job. Overall a fun episode... it is just a shame we had to wait so long for ITV to air it!
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A Good One
susanhudek5314 November 2018
I really enjoyed this episode...so much going on but not hard to follow. As usual great performances from all the regulars and I love the relationship between John and Sarah..such a fun couple. Of all the sidekicks from the beginning of the series I had the hardest time getting used to Nick Hendrix...but he finally wore me down...LOL..I won't get into the particulars but we have sex, drugs and vengeance. That's enough to keep you interested.
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Mostly very fun.
xbatgirl-300298 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was pretty enjoyable overall. There were so many secrets hinted at where I couldn't wait to find out what was going on, not just the murder, so I think that's a good sign of some quality. You knew in the beginning when the groom's mom said John was no action adventure type, there would be some suspenseful ending - so I was looking forward to what it would be. I never thought she was going to be the one involved though!

I kind of got a kick out of what criminals the groom's parents were, his dad especially. Then we find out how horrible the mother was at the end and I couldn't help wondering what Sarah was doing being friends with her. But that aside, I also enjoyed the actress playing Marcia. She made me tear up while talking about her husband's death, which I tend to figure proves good acting. I don't understand why John said he *had* to report her. That seems loony. Seems he could have looked the other way. Winter seemed to be sidelined quite a bit this episode. Not sure if the actor just needed time off or something. Obviously the part with the tortoise costume was memorable and I can't believe how big Betty has gotten.

All that said, I had a really hard time getting over the ridiculous notion someone could be killed by tightening ribbons on a dress, especially when we see at the end she was getting pushed into a soft mattress and not a hard surface. I know it must be hard coming up with unique murders at this point, but this didn't work for me.
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Blood wedding
TheLittleSongbird5 February 2020
For a while, 'Midsomer Murders' was a personal favourite. The Tom Barnaby-era was not without its misfires (i.e. "Blood on the Saddle", "Second Sight", "The Electric Vendetta"), but when at its best like with gems like "The Killings at Badger's Drift", "Death's Shadow", "The Green Man" and "Hidden Depths" it was brilliant. Without him the show has not felt the same since, there are some surprisingly good episodes from the John Barnaby era, but a fair share of average or less episodes too.

"Til Death Do Us Part" is not one of the best 'Midsomer Murders' episodes. Nor is it one of the worst. As far as the John Barnaby episodes go, it's somewhere around high middle of the era overall and among the better faring recent ones. Is it a great episode? No. Is it worth a look? Yes. The things consistently good in the show, even in the misfires don't disappoint and there have been improvements here compared to when John first took over.

Will start with "Til Death Do Us Part's" good things. The scenery is truly beautiful, both picturesque and atmospheric, complemented beautifully by the photography. The music fits brilliantly and is great music on its own, the main theme is one of the classic main themes of all detective/mystery shows. The writing is not simplistic or too complicated and is quite thought-provoking with touches of gentle but not too cheesy humour. Mostly from Fleur, and it is agreed that hearing how the Barnabys first met was a nice amusing touch.

Story has plenty of twists and turns that didn't confuse and for me it was compelling. The subplots intrigue and even though not by any stretch original ideas they aren't indifferently handled. The characters are written quite well and Fleur continues to be an absolute joy, me saying that she is the show's best pathologist since Bullard is being said with no doubt (she's the only one of his replacements to have done anything for me). Sarah is much more interesting than she tends to be and the chemistry between her and John doesn't seem as cold here, felt for her at times too. The cast do very well, Neil Dudgeon has improved since he first took over and Annette Badland brings welcome levity timed well. Liz Fraser and Fennella Woolgar stand out of the cast.

On the other hand, the murders are agreed pretty ordinary and parts could have done with more suspense and a tightening up.

Found myself a bit mixed on the final solution, leaning towards the "ehh". The identity of the murderer was a surprise and it is not as ridiculous or as last minute feeling as those of previous John Barnaby era episodes. It did feel rushed however and introduced a little too abruptly. The motives are not as "they killed for that" as with other John Barnaby era episodes but they come out of nowhere and revolve around a plot point that could have done with more development. A further twist is included but it felt like a shoe-horned in attempt at making the situation more tragic and succeeded more at making the motives for the murders more trivial.

All in all, pretty decent but not a complete winner. 7/10
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Shock jocks and Michael Fox
safenoe29 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Fox is a guest star in this episode which features Midsomer FM. Well, not Michael J. Fox, but the British/English actor Michael Fox. Anyway, I was kept guessing until the end as to the triple murderer where weddings, betrayal and shock-jocks abound, with a decent jazz score.

There's a reference to the village of Little Denton, which could be a nod to A Touch of Frost which was set in Denton.
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Oh, these weddings
harrykivi1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed "The ghost of Causton Abbey" that was also written by Helen Jenkins. I thought for a season opener it was fine. "Till death do us part" on the other hand is in my humble opinion maybe a bit weaker than " The Ghost of Causton Abbey" . But there are some good things about it, so let's start with those.

First of all: I found Audrey Cooke's direction to be very enjoyable and the episode looks good. The music fits to scenery as always( Jim Parker, you are a genius).

.The story of "Till death do us part" is very complex with some nice twists and turns on the way.

.Gentle humour is also present here. Especially liked the story about how Barnaby's first met. (Yes, we find out how John layed eyes on Sarah, which was very entertaining.) And Fleur Perkins's sense of humour was quite nice as well.

.The characters themselves are fine and the subplots about prostitution, sex, blackmail, secrets, mercy killing, drug addiction were also intriguing and enough to keep one watching.

. There is some good acting here and there. I love Anette Badland as Fleur and out of the guest stars Ella Balinsky and Fenella Woolgar are quite good.


. If I compare this with other "Midsomer murders" episodes of this season...I would have to say that the murders are also pretty ordinary here. Laurel Newman gets killed because her corset is too tight , Serena Madison gets shot with a confetti shooter and Aisha is pushed of the bridge. There is nothing new or groundbreaking in this episode either.

. This is also one of the few times in "Midsomer" where I felt that not all of the acting wasn't great. Micheal Fox is a bit one-note throughout and Nick Hancock is inconsistent as the story goes along.

. If the killer's identity was buyable, then the motives came out of left field and felt thought over at the last minute. I do not like deus ex machina- like motives at all.

Overall "Midsomer murders" is a great show, but this was not very impressive.


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First thought viewing, "Don't kill off lovely Laurel."
vitoscotti31 May 2023
For a British mystery an oddity of a strong first three quarters, then a weak ending. An intriguing script early that held its own until a strained climax littered with overacting by the uncomfortable actors. Huge positive was increased screen time of stunning Sarah Barnaby (Fiona Dolman) tied in to university pretty redhead friend Hazel Webster (Fenella Woolgar). The Noel character seemed to pop up out of nowhere having impactful importance in the ending but previously only a tiny mention. His tie in wove the motives together but he was "boom there he is" his mention out of the blue. Cute final scene with Neil Dudgeon and Betty roleplaying the tortoise and the hare help smooth over an only ok episode.
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Run of the mill
colinrogers113 September 2019
This was a fairly forgettable episode for me. The quality has been nosediving during the John Barnaby era, his hang dog look and Stan Laurel grin doesn't inject any electricity into affairs as Tom Barnaby's did. With a few notable exceptions, The Lions of Causton as a recent stand out, the writing has felt really strained and recycled. With the 120 plus episodes admittedly under its belt it may be time to think about wrapping things up? Anyway, what I thought was hilarious in its daft ness was at the beginning where Sarah finds the first dead body and she is shown sitting in an ambulance with a blanket round her shoulders for her shock presumably, whilst grieving newlywed husband head in hands sits a few feet away. The paramedic then hands her a mug of tea and ignores him! Ridiculous!
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Needs better storyline and better acting
janvanderweel9 January 2019
I think Midsomer Murders is meant to be a kind of detective mixed with a comedy. In the previous seasons the balance between the two things we generally fine for me. Midsomer Murders used to have very good quest actors combined with very funny characters. Do you remember the "gay undertaker"? The quality of the writing and acting of this episode tilted towards the Rosemary and Thyme series. The direction Midsomer Murders seems to be going can be fine for some people, but for me this became unbelievable and too much of a farce. I hope the next season will be better.
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Press Refresh Button Please!
dmoorejdrf-3080228 December 2019
When a show has run as long as Midsomer Murders you need to find ways to make it fresh. Much like the long running Doctor Who that has recast the Doctor several times, new faces give a show a much needed shot in the arm. Neil Dungeon has run his course portraying the lead detective. Time for him to retire and either promote Winter or bring in a younger new guy. Neil has done a decent job, but just replacing his partner is not enough.
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