"Supergirl" Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1 (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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the_skywalker00014 November 2019
Dominic Purcell is just fantastic as Mick Rory a.k.a Heat wave. This episode as a whole is just a wet dream for any DC or Comic Book lover. Although it has its problems but this is something that gave me a smile throughout.
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ThomasDrufke27 November 2017
Man, I feel like I say this every year with the crossovers, but this universe has come a long way since the Queen's Gambit went down in the pilot of Arrow. Earth-X Nazi's? I mean come on! But even when these shows tackle big subject matters like an entire earth being run by Nazi's, they still manage to stay true to what we love about each show, the earned character driven moments with action sprinkled in. Tonight's episodes were prime examples of how to do a big crossover right. Take note DC movies…

Just like in years past, I love the way we got introduced to the big characters from each show. In that way, you could almost say this was a night where just about anyone could jump in and enjoy the few hours without having any connection to the shows prior. And that's thanks to the format this year of having this be two two hour movies, or really one 4 hour movie spanned across 2 nights. As much as I loved a full week of DC madness last year, it was a nice way to switch it up and make the experience feel truly cinematic.

Part 1, with all of its action goodness, wasn't like on the humor and heart either. Everything from all these characters "not" accepting the wedding invitations, to the deep romantic drama felt throughout. For being a big budget crossover, this was a surprisingly well structured and balanced night of television, but more on that when I get to part 2.

The one thing that always stays true in all these years of crossovers is the character interactions that you have been waiting to see. And although there were actually a surprising amount of characters who weren't even present in crucial moments, we got plenty of quippy dialogue between heroes. Heatwave nagging Caitlin constantly, or even Heatwave having that line about cops and lawyers come to mind, but there was so many other small moments that won't be forgotten. Including the hook-up that many people thought may happen if they ever met, Sara and Alex! And even though it was predictable once we saw the two on screen, I thought it was handled with care and some clever humor. That was certainly a highlight of the episode.

But let's face it, the scene that was in all the trailers, and certainly didn't disappoint was Iris and Barry's wedding. Talk about well-choreographed action, perfect music cues, and true geek-out moments, this sequence is among the best things the Arrowverse has ever put together. And I don't say that often. Of course it's neat to see our heroes team up to take down big bad guys, but it's even better when the villains have substance and a face behind the masks. Earth-X team of baddies lost round 1 at the wedding, but they were nothing to scoff at.

A couple of other tidbits that I absolutely loved: +Joe's heartfelt speech +Incredible title sequence +Ollie's botched proposal +Supergirl's clap!

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The beginning of the best crossover
SJulien123 June 2020
"Crisis on Earth-X" remains the best crossover even after "Elseworlds" and "Crisis on Infinite Earths" for several reasons. The battle in the church, the soundtrack by Blake Neely, the humor, the absence of useless dialogue, the right amount of screen time for each character and the joy to see all of them together truly make it an excellent 4 hours of television. The large number of characters is not overwhelming, on the contrary, they all have a perfect storyline that fits their own show. There are also the presence of Reverse Flash, the opening title, and the use of powers that we rarely see (Killer Frost, Vibe, Steel, Kid Flash, etc.) that create a special atmosphere for these episodes.
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Best Crossover so far!
xthicix29 November 2017
So much better than the crossover last year! This one was fun, developed and bringing all the elements that a crossover deserved!

loved it! Best Crossover so far! Lots of action, lots of comedy, lots of fun and a truly memorable episode! It had a lot of great scenes and and a very amazing long sequence of fight. A perfect 10!
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Wedding Crashers
hawkins_saints_rock29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What an incredible night of TV! The first half of the crossover event was a major success, they absolutely killed it. Will try and keep this review short and focused on part 1 of the event.

So we open on Earth X and see evil Oliver taking down a band of rebels led by Guardian. Was so happy to see Guardian, even though it was brief, I really do miss James as Guardian on Supergirl. So right from the get go we see our crossover threat. The next few scenes are extremely funny, as the characters from Supergirl, Arrow, and Legends talk about going to Barry and Iris' wedding while fighting bad guys. I especially loved seeing Oliver fight Ninjas while telling Felicity that of course they were attending.

So yes, this part of the crossover was centred around the Barry-Iris wedding, so all the characters whether it be from alternate earth or different time period, make it to Central City 2017. All the character interactions in these scenes (specifically the rehearsal dinner) are so much fun. We see Alex and Sarah get friendly, if you know what I mean...Mick and Caitlin have a few moments together as fire and ice, and Harry + Cisco give Jax and Stein a cure for firestorm however Jax doesn't seem on board any more...

Next we get the wedding, and what a beautiful wedding it was. It was very emotional and was just a happy time...up until the Earth X villains crash the party. This led to probably the greatest fight scene in DCTV history, it was pure awesomeness. From Cisco breaching Oliver up the stairs, to Wally catching a bullet and throwing it back into the gun barrel! There were just so many awesome combos in this fight scene, it was handled perfectly.

The episode ends with the capture of Prometheus, who's identity I will mention in my part 2 review, and with the Reverse Flash going off at Evil Oliver and Kara for trying to take down the heroes too soon. And of course, Reverse Flash is none other than Tom Cavanagh. Absolutely loved seeing him back in the suit, not that I didn't like the other Eobard Thawne, but man there's just something about Cavanagh that I love!

An extremely entertaining part 1, matched by part 2...

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Other than Supergirl's supporting characters not named Sara getting the shaft
imakk200127 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
this was a good start.

That opening scene was like the consequences of the 11/8/16 election on Earth-X.

+ King Shark!!!

+ Oliver/Barry scene! They still got that bromance going. Too bad they don't get to do this much outside of crossovers.

+ Cisco and HR should get a room or put a ring on it already.

+ Clarissa!!! Holy cow, they finally let her on screen!!! That was a beautiful moment with Jax and all the Steins together.

+ Joe's speech was typical Papa Joe, ie it made you tear up. You just have to ignore the incesty reminder.

+ Various members of Legends and Supergirl sleeping over at Chez Wests and Steins. Looks like Martin will have to burn that robe Mick borrowed, heh.

+ Cool: the Greatest American Hero marrying Barry and Iris.

  • Not cool: effing Nazis killing the Greatest American Hero turned padre. That's a big fat thumb way way way down.

+++ DAT attack!!! The sweet sweet moves by everyone, especially Wally, Overgirl and Kara's laser-eyes off which could kill the first one who blinks, the Killer Frost/Heatwave and Sara/Alex tandems.

+ Good thing they had a handy dandy memory wiper courtesy of the Legends, because the guests got more than an eyeful of exposed secret IDs.

--- Why wasn't Ralph invited?!

Alternating between fun, heartwarming and action-packed, this was a great part 1. Score: 9
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The Greatest American Heroes
d.rust28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER! Hint to anyone officiating at a Superhero Wedding: DO NOT ASK IF ANYONE OBJECTS! SSupergirl just burns him away, no warning and it made me shout out loud! HOLEY UNDERWEAR! Another HINT for Heroes: Don't have any kind of insignia on your chest. It makes for a terrific target for certain individuals who want to give you the shaft.

Technobabble? Hell, even *I* understood the jargon. Sure I did. Just put two-thirds spin on those antiprotons and you'll be able to track ANYONE.

It was double header night, and the CW came through! There was humour, bitterness, shock, action, tenderness, hot sex and uncomfortable wardrobe choices. The follow-up ARROW episode was a dark counterpoint to an initial celebratory story with Kara and Alex.

TUNE IN FOR THE LAST TWO PARTS. You will not be disappointed.

A side note to AntifaGS who think it's OK to punch "Nazis": real life isn't a comic book story.
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Rise of the Army of Darkness
hellraiser714 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This is part one in probably my favorite crossover event in the DC shows. There's not a lot I can say except was a great start.

I really like the plotline which is a cool idea, having the DC heroes fighting against the greatest force of evil in history the Nazis. This also had a bit of a throwback feel to the Golden Age of comics as most of the comics at the time of World War 2 consisted of the superhero fighting against Nazis. But also, I just really like the alternate world concept which was obviously influenced by Philp K Dick's "The Man in the High Castle", as the concept is terrifyingly plausible on Nazi's winning the war and creating a proto fascist society.

The Justice League are just at the top of their game as their not just fighting to save our Earth but all of mankind throughout the universe. The highlight is the battle at the wedding, the song Kara sings at the beginning was just beautiful, once again Melissa displays her vocal talent and of course on a side note she along with Grant were in the show "Glee" for the record not a fan of that show.

Really loved what Kara, Barry, and Oliver all said at the same time "I hate Nazis" yeah so do I. This is one of my favorite battles of all time because it not just has just about all the characters from the DC shows are in one place involved in the battle but that it all takes place in a slightly condensed setting which is cool.

There are a lot of great scenes in the battle as everyone has a hand in things, from seeing Wally/Kid Flash catch all the bullets from the machine gun and then throw one bullet into the muscle of a machine gun causing it to explode and take a group of Gestapo officers down. Barry/Flash misdirect a muscle of a gun making the Gestapo officer hit one of his men. Oliver/Green Arrow he shoots one arrow to cancel out an oncoming arrow coming toward Wells and has a bit of a tussle with the Furier archer shooting. Alex and Sara are going two against one toward what looks like a Black Nazi archer. Seeing both Supergirl and the flying Nazi general fighting in the air and even go into a heat vision tug of war, but then at a moment seeing Supergirl then do a thunderclap which was cool. And really like that last thing Rory said, "Best Wedding Ever" yes, it is.

However from the last minutes we see that the Armies of Darkness aren't resting for one minute as they are now gathering their forces for invasion, and there is a reveal to the identities of the Furier and General which are no surprise by me but all the same really give you a cold feeling that reminds you how different the world they rule truly is.

A battle is won, but the war has just begun.

Rating: 4 stars
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paul-yorks10 May 2021
Once the "Wedding stuff" is out of the way this is excellent.
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Nazis serve their purpose.
rasp1329 November 2017
Caught your attention didn't it. Hear me out though. A lot of people are complaining an asking why Nazis what is this 1985? For now Nazis serve a purpose in super hero shows. They are a human, Earth based enemy, where viewers don't get upset if the good guys hurt, maim, or even kill the human. The studio doesn't have to come up with a machine or a random non-humanoid alien, they can have disposable humans with a Earth based plot. Even the Avengers use them to be beaten to a more extreme manner. Super Heroes can kill humans, if the humans are Nazis.
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Nazis? I Dig It...
lassegalsgaard-4528428 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the things that have been consistently entertaining about the Arrowverse is their crossovers. They have always managed to make some entertaining and well-written crossovers that have brought some extra life into the respective shows. Last year, they upped the ante by combining all four shows instead of only "Arrow" and "The Flash," and it makes sense that they decided to continue that trend as it worked so well. All four shows got a raise in viewership, so why wouldn't the showrunners do this one more time. And this crossover looks to be even more interesting than the one last year, that featured some incredible interactions between the characters, but had some weak antagonists. The Dominators weren't the best developed villains, so this time they go to something that is always fun to explore. Nazis... I think it's a cool idea and I think they can do something special out of the whole crossover, and build on the momentum of this great episode.

There are so many things to touch on in this episode. I would like to start with complimenting the writing. The writers on this episode are primarily "Supergirl" writers, but they still managed to capture the feeling of each individual character. It never felt like a "Supergirl" episode as much as it felt like a combination episode of each show. The episode included components of each show and instead of bathing the episode of pure "Supergirl" writing, they really managed to make every single character feel true to their roots and I adore the writers for managing that.

The tone of the episode was also perfect. It never felt dark like "Arrow," nor did it feel goofy like "Legends of Tomorrow." It had a bit of everything and pickpocketed where it needed to. That also resulted in some interactions between the various characters. There is a great moment between Sara and Alex, who have some personal similarities.

I think the action scenes in the episode were some of the best that we have seen in "Supergirl" ever. Probably because of the big set pieces and the scale of the action scenes. The scene in the church will be remembered as one of the most visually stunning action scenes in any of these shows, because it never wasted its running time and used every moment to give us some exciting fight sequence. There is also a fight in the beginning of the episode between two characters and I thought that fight was very well-choreographed and felt very gritty and realistic.

I am interested in seeing what they do with the antagonists. It's always easy to go with Nazis because their actions make them dispicable, but what they are doing with the doppelgängers are very cool. I assume that it'll be revealed that they are from Earth-10, as it would make the most sense given the Roman numeral for 10 is X. I also like the fact that Harrison Wells became the Reverse-Flash on that Earth, as it further explores the unlimited outcomes and timelines of the multiverse.

The episode was slightly incoherent, though. There is a scene in the beginning where we see Barry having a confrontation with King Shark. However, the last time we saw him, he was behind bars in an A.R.G.U.S. facility. It's always a possibility that he has escaped, but they didn't really address it, and while I understand why they didn't, I would have liked a little clarity, as it ultimately made the episode seem a bit inconsistent with former episodes.
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Best crossover
hollybeat698 February 2023
The negative reviews, and rants, concerning this episode illustrate a couple of points. Firstly, the people complaining obviously never read the comics..Earth x is in the comics and is populated by Nazis and the US did lose the war. Second, all the whining about homosexualsakes you look like a bigot so if you hate them that much then don't watch the show., and if you feel the episode is attacking Trump, poor guy, then you are just not paying attention. Nazis are an easy choice for bad guys because they WERE,!! There's no grey area there and if you feel otherwise then you have a much bigger issue..the acting is superb, the story is great and seeing all the heroes together is always cool...get over yourselves.
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Another crossover but way too predictable!
asb_deutsch28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is the top TV series among all superhero series and should have kept separate from the rest.

Another way to use the last dimensional Earth and making use of the Nazis is a forced and blunt way to make this episode more of an excuse. We know that the wedding won't happen as all the superheroes are called to gather at Jitters. Why not Super-girl clap her hands early to avoid any mumbo- jumbo super-fight? Lame writing!

The writers seem to be interested in increasing the TV view-ship as generally view-ship decreases after Season 2. The only thing which seemed real was the Alex-Sara romance.

"And misery loves company"

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In short....It was a mess
louiethepitt28 November 2017
I didn't knew there was gonna be an event, so when it came up, I was intrigue... and the show didn't loose time to start mixing into the series their identity politics and ideological War...sad... very soon thing started with the cliché "hey there are 2 lesbians in the scene, therefor they must have sex immediately" and that is exactly what happen, next day she felt some remorse and said "I'm as dirty as a Guy"...supergirl corrected "Nope your a healthy strong Female"...because she femsplains that if a guy does it he is a dirty guy but if a female does the same thing then she is just strong and healthy...Double Standards anyone? lets not forget the inevitable predictable and boring at this point punch to President Trump "they wan't to make America Arian again" and then you have the things that just don't make sense in the continuity... Oliver is Arrow? but in the show he is undergoing an investigation can't leave the city and his friend is currently the Arrow...Oliver is not currently the arrow and under an investigation it would be impossible for him to leave the city to go to a wedding...then you have felicity one minute she is dreaming of one day getting marry to Oliver and next she is publicly dumping him....the legends that are fixing anachronisms find themselves beating the hell out of some guards with no connection to the continuity..and as usual take the back seat...funny thing is that there is not 1 word on the missing legends...where is Ray Palmer, Amaya, Nate and ISIS... like what is happening guys did they fell of the wave-rider.

other than that turning your brain of to the identity politics and the continuity nonsense, the bad guys look good, the idea is good (one universe expanding into the next universe) so that saves just a little bit this episode.
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This is just getting worse and worse and worse
sumtim3s00n28 November 2017
IT used to be a somewhat OK show with a few clichés here and there, to be expected, fine. But now its getting to be like a over sugary, full of (very bad) clichés soap opera. It was always part that of course but it balanced out with some OK action and dialogue.Not to mention the stupid inconsistencies. The bad guys escape out the door for 3 seconds and "theyre gone". Flash can run the city in 1 second but cant catch bad guys who are infront of the building. They always act like its a big revelation when a mirror counterpart is shown to be a copy despite everybody knows it. Horrible, so predictable.

And overall lately the soap opera part has completely taken over, the writing is beyond abysmal, its drenched in sweet and often feels like a commercial for inscription into SJW club. Please stop and take a step back, this is PATHETIC.
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Here's to Beauty and an extraordinary energy. (Benoist groupie!)
akicork18 August 2020
I will ignore all the other reviews: the political sensitivities of the reviewers are made obvious to the world through their reviews. (Although I applaud the production team for an episode that triggered so many extremist weirdos to burst out of their camouflage skins and reveal their true appearances! Very Joss Whedon!) For me the stand-out point here is the opportunity to hear Melissa Benoist's singing voice again. From the moment she burst into the cast of Glee, it was obvious that she was going places. For me, the positive energy she radiated was a blessed shower of spring rain on what had become a very entertaining but somewhat plodding show. Were I a producer who happened to see Glee s4.1, and I was trying to line up a series written around Supergirl, I think I would have got my chequebook out immediately. I guess I'm a little surprised that she made it partway through season five before being snapped up. In Glee she showed that she can energise and touch us through her singing and dancing. In Supergirl she has been able to take us deeper into emotions, particularly through her relationships with her sister Alex and her mother Eliza. (And kudos to Chyler Leigh and Helen Slater for supporting these storylines so convincingly.) Other (romantic) relationships seem somehow superficial and irrelevant. May she (Ms Benoist) continue to energise and touch our souls for many decades to come.
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Don't you just hate it...
vathraq12 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
... when a TV series starts a four part storyline that includes episodes from other TV series'?

Here's the issue as I see it. To understand what the heck is going on I have to know the characters in all four series.

I know the characters in Supergirl having watched every episode preceding this one. I know the characters in Arrow having watched... well not quite every episode leading o this one, I was planning on getting to that. the same with the Flash... I've not seen the Legends of Tomorrow at all.

Now we have this storyline from a series that I only know the basics of and not the actual run-up because it's in a series that I've not gotten to yet, it's going to continue in a series that... I've not gotten to yet. After that it'll continue in a series... that I've not gotten to yet and it'll conclude in a series... that I don't have access to yet.

By the way the same happened in the Invasion story last season, I saw parts one to three and I still have no idea of the conclusion.

I don't mind crossover... really... but a four part crossover is just annoying.

Taking this episode as if it was a stand-alone, however. I like Supergirl (the character more than this series) so I want to like this.

What I see is a made up character inserted to give Supergirl someone to connect with to enhance her humanity standing at a bar alone and a complete stranger comes up and just happens to be a lesbian, thereby giving this made up character a one night stand which she'll then regret and feel guilty because she "acted like a guy". I don't care about Alex in the first place, she could have died in that plane crash two years ago and still had the same impact on making Supergirl the hero that she'd become.

It's not the first time they've done something like that... remember the police officer who told Alex that she was a lesbian in the first place which just happened to be true even though Alex didn't know herself at the time?

What? Do the writers think that homosexual people are somehow psychic whenever there's another homosexual in the room?

As for the greater storyline. Yeah, yeah. I enjoy a morality shift just as much as the next comic fan Earth 3 is a good series in the actual DC Universe. The Nazis element... too predictable. Everyone's a Nazi now anyway, right?

The series sucks sometimes... and this is one of those times. Thankfully, the characters are probably going to forget everything that happens here by the time they get back to their own universe and continue the story that we were watching before this Dominator suddenly showed up and had a huge fight with Supergirl off-screen that we, the viewers, weren't considered worthy enough to witness.
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Wow,absolute garbage! Nazism??
bdmccurdy28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, Nazism!!!!

The previous reviewer was right, worse and worse.

Get back to what the series was all about; or the writers should just go home; I'm sure you're well OVERPAID BTW, don't the actors and actresses have some say in what the story line is? Or are they just puppets?

Or would that effect their paycheck. The producers, well, just plain pathetic. Most everyone I know that followed this show; not anymore.

As I said, absolute garbage.
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I don't know if I can watch this anymore
stalinrad12 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was initially pretty good and I really enjoyed the fight near the end of the episode. I wish it could have stayed this way, but unfortunately the director of this episode has to, yet again, push their political viewpoints onto the viewer.

The enemy in this episode are Nazi's that came from another version of earth. At the end of the episode, when the fight between the Nazi's and our main characters is over, they have a conversation about what they think the enemy wants and why they attacked them. The Flash remarks: "killers, heroes, then what?" to which Felicity responds: "If I know my history, ethnic cleansing, world domination." Jackson then out of the blue says this: "Make America Aryan again". This is of course a play on Donald Trump's phrase 'Make America Great Again'.

It is unbelievable to me that a director has the nerve to compare 63 million American citizens to a fascist regime that tortured and killed millions of people, just because they voted for a guy he/she doesn't like. I already stopped watching Supergirl after season 2, because I didn't want to constantly watch progressive propaganda with an anti right-wing and anti Trump message, but as this episode was the first in a series of 4, I had no choice but to watch this episode. Now I'm not sure if I'm going to watch the rest of the episodes, as I'm pretty sure this will not be the last time they push this sort of propaganda onto the viewer.

It is time for directors and actors to stop pushing their political viewpoints into their media. I do not watch a series to constantly talk or think about real life politics. I watch a series to be entertained. And I find it really hard to be entertained when people unironically compare me to the likes of Adolf Hitler and the people who followed him.

I am not a Nazi. Stop trying to use your platform to make me seem like one.
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DC keeps on disappointing
joehug29 November 2017
Wow. What a dumb story... I have a house full of superhero nuts and the crap that flows from DC is really awful. This whole story line is pathetic; Nazis? Really? And what's with the fixation on homosexuals? One by one, these DC shows swirl right down the toilet. Too bad. When your shows are phoned in and driven by social agendas, the CW gets a hit, right?
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charnelx28 November 2017
Here is another biased review. I hate the wedding subplot, I think it has been draining life out of the flash series, so having so much of this crossover focus on it was annoying. I would never call them "the most perfect couple in the world, it is like the writers have an idea of who these characters are but that idea is noticeable different from the characters you seen on screen on weekly basis. Dialogue was 5-10% good, rest of it was forcefully peppy or outright painful.

CG was poor, it is unsurprising for a TV show budget yet I got my hopes up for a bit, then I saw supergirl uppercut a dominator and my hope took a dip but the church fight was good.
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Moslty Nothing
franktutor22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
By the time the long segments of generic people with generic relationships expressing generic feelings is half way through, you'll be wishing for the bad guys to appear.

By the time the bad guys appear, the episode is beyond salvage thanks to long scenes of generic people expressing generic feelings in generic ways over generic situations .

The opening is generic - establish ruthless and unstoppable bad guy by having him easily beat a hero. Show mystery bad guy (it's an alternate Supergirl) only partially, so people wonder who it is. I expect the audience this is aimed at didn't know that was an alternate Supergirl.

This episode has the generic superheroes casually beating up bad guys - so casually that while they;re fighting they discuss a wedding invitation.

Supergirl and her lesbian friend use a only should be used in emergencies dimensional gateway to travel to the alternate universe for the wedding.

Lots of places where you'll hope the bad guys show up.

When Barry;s soon to be father in law makes his generic speech about generic feelings, you'll wish he gets shot through the eye with an arrow.

When Supergirl generically sings a generic wedding song, you'll wish the bad guys show up.

When Lesbian Assassin Girl hooks up with Supergirl's super cool lesbian pal - couldn't the bad guys kill one or both of them?

At all times, the people in this deal with every day life in a way that would show they're unable to function in a crisis. A real hero, someone who could face tough situations, would tell every one of them to stay home.

By the time the bad guys show up, you'll be rooting for the bad guys.

The bulk of this episode would have been about 3 minutes of side filler in a well written, good show.

Another reviewer complains about watching Flash and not wanting to watch these other pathetic characters from pathetic shows. The reality is Flash is also pathetic.
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Could have done with a lot of editing.
rustywho13 December 2017
Halfway into the episode you feel the boredom catching up to you. These crossovers are becoming cumbersome now with bad plot lines and no character development. Just because I watch Flash, I have to watch these other characters as well whose own shows are pathetic, to say the least. CW should stop imposing this burden on their viewers.
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Hate crossover episodes
aelings729 April 2021
Don't know the other series so this was an annoying episode, didn't know what the heck was going on. Hate it when they force you to watch other series to understand the story.
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