The Overnight (2022) Poster


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ckarnoutsos3 June 2022
There are some movies you "watch" while doing your dishes/taking a shower/browsing the internet etc but they still manage to annoy you. This is one of them. Why people bother to make movies with characters that no one gives a damn about? I really wished the main female character died in the first 1minute so we wouldn't have to listen to her annoying screaming all the time. Bad movie. Don't waste your time.
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There was potential at least...
paul_haakonsen4 June 2022
I must admit that I initially liked this movie's cover/poster, and it was the reason for why I took a gander at it. Now, I can't claim that I had heard about this horror movie from writers Mel Hagopian and Richard Harlost prior to sitting down to watch the movie, so I didn't have any expectations really, nor did I know what I was in for.

And the movie's synopsis sounded interesting enough, further cementing me sitting down to watch the movie and give it a fair go. And so I did, but I have to say that the movie was not an entertaining one.

Sure, the storyline starts out okay enough, but the narrative quickly comes to a stand still and then just settles into that slump and never gets back on track. And that makes for a rather monotonous and bland viewing experience. And truth be told, then the movie was suffering somewhat from having a low budget feel to it.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "The Overnight", but they did good enough jobs with bringing the story and characters to life on the screen. It was just a shame, though, that the actors and actresses didn't really have much to work with in terms of a properly entertaining storyline and script.

If you enjoy horror movies, then I would not really recommend you waste your time, money or effort on "The Overnight".

My rating of directors Bobby Francavillo and Kevin Rhoades' 2022 horror movie "The Overnight" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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Barely watchable and underwhelming genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder23 June 2022
After an accident disrupts their trip, a couple finds themselves stranded at a strange hotel where they notice the strange behavior of the guests staying there are caught in a time-loop brought about by a demonic curse on the building requiring one of them to be sacrificed and must try to get away alive.

This one wasn't all that great and had some big issues with it. The main drawback on display is the generally unappealing and highly dragging pace that makes for a truly unengaging feature to get into. This takes forever to get going as hardly anything that attempts to bring about a sense of comfort to the heroes makes them likable, with a lame trip to an antique store that goes nowhere to taking forever to realize the car troubles mean they're stranded in the countryside at the hotel and is helped along in no small part by the utterly asinine storyline of the couple that has no business being together with her career as a social media influencer and his disdain for the whole experience. That means constant digs at her for doing her job that doesn't come off as friendly couple banter and is all that they do together which makes their connection all the more confusing beyond taking up time to get to the point of everything. That comes into even greater focus, though, when it transpires that the whole thing makes no sense in the slightest. The whole idea of the demon haunting the building and instilling the series of time-loops to take place with all the guests who are stuck constantly reenacting their final moments before dying would've been fine had it brought these elements together in a matter that comes off cohesively. Instead, the whole thing is chaotic and random with no entry point into how it all comes together, what each of the various guests is doing there, or what the manager's purpose in being there actually is since his role seems to be far more horrified at the thought rather than being involved and steering everything along. That makes for an absolutely confusing time throughout here with absolutely nothing coming together to make sense, and when combined with a plainly-obvious series of low-budget limitations that creep up brings this one down significantly. There really isn't that much to like here, and it's pretty much reserved for several small areas that don't mean all that much in the grand scheme of things. The biggest plus here is the overall atmosphere of the hotel which makes the scenes here quite suspenseful in theory with the various maladies and situations that arise. From seeing specters of dead children, patrons walking around with mortal wounds, and others flat-out killing themselves in front of him, there's a creepiness that comes through here aided by the lack of explanation for everything. That also makes several of the ghostly death interactions and confrontations somewhat suspenseful as everything that takes place here has the potential to be creepy in some context but doesn't really count in this context as the idea of what's going on is mostly undone by the vast majority of flaws on display.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Drags a bit
bowmanblue19 November 2023
'The Overnight' is about a young couple who go on vacation, but end up staying the night in an old hotel which turns out to be haunted... or full of ghosts, or demons, or something.

First of all one half of the couple (the woman) just isn't that likable. Perhaps it's me being old and grumpy, but I can't stand the younger generation who are always on their phones taking selfies, so she rubbed me up the wrong way right from the start.

Anyway, the hotel itself is nice. From what I've read online it's not a set, but a genuinely run-down hotel which was used for filming purposes, so it fits the bill for a creepy environment. But the whole thing just takes a while to get going. At least forty-five minutes of the hour and a half runtime are just taken up with the couple bickering and experiencing events which are - only slightly - spooky.

Sure, the acting isn't too bad, but there isn't much here that's either creepy or gory - which doesn't bore too well for a film that's supposed to be 'horror.' The film looks okay from a technical point of view and at least it doesn't come across as cheap, just a little unfocused. I couldn't really work out what the general threat was - it could have been ghosts, or possession, or suicidal entities seeking revenge. Who knows?

Yeah, there's the obligatory 'fight for their lives' in the final act, but it's too little too late. Plus as there's only two protagonists to begin with, you know that nothing much is going to happen to them until the absolute end. There's just not enough here to particularly recommend.
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It's Vintage
nogodnomasters23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
David (Zebedee Row) and his blogger girlfriend Jesse (Brittney Clark) and headed to a B&B (filmed in Binghamton). We later discover David plans on proposing. Jesse takes selfies for her blog and encounters a creeper guy. They have car issues and end up spending the night at Monroe Manor, the film where we saw some kind of bad Satanic ritual in the opening scene. It isn't hard to figure out they are in some kind of death loop with the other guests. They stay in room 409 (=13). The plot is explained fairy early.

The death loop thing has been time as a time loop. It could have been shot better. I felt it needed some redundant scenes to help out. Not much in special effects.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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rotini-525864 June 2022
What was that ? Just a horrible movie. The movie makes zero sense. Not worth a 1 rating....but there was no zero rating. Just a mess of nothing . Couldn't follow anything.
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Nothing but crap
edlc19705 June 2022
I had to stop watching this utter crap after 20 minutes. The acting is awfull. The plot even more. It has b-movie writen all over it. And an awfull b-movie at that. Dont waste your time watching this crap.
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One of the worst movies this decade
jalileyan17 June 2022
I think it was more challenging to make this movie as bad as it is. They had to really try hard to act soo poorly. The plot and sense of direction is purely lost. The ending is so bland. Even the special effects, which consist of fake blood, black blood and contact lenses are so garbage. I had to fast forward this junk.
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How to not make a story scary
ropipgi-581-4871667 June 2022
The first part of a story should have something that make the main characters likable or something we can identify with.

It is better to invest in a good makeup artist than just bying some cheap contact lenses at Amazon you see at any rave party.

Laughing children with some ketchup stains are not scary. Speaking latin is not scary. Wearing a black hoodie is not scary.

Black goo, can actually be scary, but it have to be in context and with some explanation.

Now there are actually some good nuggets in this mess.

Having 3 bad guys with different objectives is actually a really good one. This would add to the story if their different goals would clash more, how would the stalker react if he saw his lady being sacrificed ?

The house with ghosts repeating their last day as living, is also a good one - if only there were a reason to follow the clues to how that day was and what order it happened in. If the couple had found a diary, some pictures adn so on.

Moaning in a movie must be distinct enough so we understand what the characters hear, and what belongs to the soundtrack. The creaking of the floor in the beginning was very clear and effective, we heard a second creak from the left, and understood there were someone there. Why would this be dropped in the rest of the movie ?

There is more but brings me to the final nail in the coffin for me in regards of this movie, it lacks any subtlety. Any form of building suspense is soon destroyed here with some closeup, wobbling of camera or straight blurry fighting scene.

This might be ok, in your filming of the action in riding the rollercoasters at Disney, last vacation there - but is out of place in a thriller or horror.
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Yeah... Its bad
costasiero26 July 2022
Row's (the guy) acting actually saves this from a 1-2* to a 3*.

Clark's on the other hand is what is pulling it down to a 1-2*.

Terrible acting from most characters, lots of plotholes, a "demon" thats basically yellow eyes, and without any sense of horror.

It's a shame because you can tell that someone put effort into this movie.
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Surprisingly good!
lizbradino20 August 2023
At the suggestion of my my best friend, I reluctantly watched this movie. The picture kept on showing up on Tubi and so I caved. Geez this couple elicits a sense of annoyance due to their bickering and contrasting personalities.

I mean why even take a trip from NYC? Antique shopping? Sure I'll play. Their constant disagreements and snide remarks create an uncomfortable atmosphere that's spooky just watching them being together.

However, as the film progresses, their dynamic evolves, revealing layers of vulnerability and genuine affection that make them a surprisingly believable pair in love. Yes, in love, wrapped in a horror flick that is both charming and weirdly funny at times. Turns out I love this little gem. The characters are weird and at times lovable - when they are not killing each other.
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Slow build
jghs8714 October 2022
So I went into this movie not expecting much based off of the reviews. One review said they "wished the main girl lead would of died in the first minute to keep from hearing her scream"


She didn't scream once throughout the WHOLE movie.

It does start off as a WTF is going on movie, but stick with it everything ties together about halfway through the movie.

It is different from other movies of this caliber and I don't want too give much away in this.

It's not a bad movie at all and makes sense if you pay attention to it. Another review said it "...doesn't make any sense...", and it does just again pay attention to understand what's going on.

Yes the acting is not the greatest but again it's a B rated film, and of course all actors/actresses needs to start somewhere.

There is some comical spots in the movie, and one actor I fell in love with even though he doesn't play too much of a role in this movie, but his spots toward the end made me like his character.
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Chef Linda is the aunty of a bad dream lol
bailybill20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Overnight is a captivating horror film, that a person who is not a fan of gore - such as I, not only delivers on the spooky, but also challenges conventions and promotes inclusivity.

The writers's lean on the mute hero, that allows the viewer's mind and heart to linger throughout, reminding us that courage can be found in the most unexpected places.

I'm a sucker for death loops while the story is macabrely humorous! Poor Chef Linda ;-( The character of Salim absurdly reminds me of foreboding hotels that I have stayed, where a "Salim" is somehow a requisite to every front desk. Love this!"
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I actually thought it was alright
sithstalker-757896 June 2022
Look I think we all know this films not gonna win any major awards but I like the storytelling, which kept me entertained for the films entire duration.

The only negative I would say is some of the acting but unless your casting Tom Hardy or Leo Decaprio in every film then your not gonna get thespians to admire and adore their craft.

Go into the film expecting nothing. You won't be disappointed and you might even enjoy it. Have fun.
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Underrated - This is a great movie!
samtar-2325322 August 2023
I saw this in Riverside (Cali) when it first came out. Liked it then. Just watched on Tubi, and love it even more now! Perfectly cast.

Not a big fan of horror genre but this is a sweet 'quirky love story with some lite bloody jumps. Okay, a bit more blood than I prefer - but it works with the story.

Music by Nola Wren rocks. Hopefully soundtrack will be released! I love The Calendar song. Surprised to hear it in a horror movie, but I get it as a perfect traveling car song with you best buddy!

I was confused at first about the kid in the opening but it's pretty obvious by the middle who he is.
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I liked it!
bethjor-4003325 June 2022
I don't normally like bloody horror movies. But the trailer drew me in and after the first 20 minutes I found the story and actors capturing. Sexy cast.
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Surreal Dark Comedy with a Horror Twist, Misleading Trailer.
pjellowfellow9 June 2022
First off, it's not a terrifying demonic horror movie like the trailer makes it out to be. There's literally nothing in the trailer that indicates it's funny or goofy, but I found myself laughing quite a bit. Actually feel kind of bad for the people who are taking it too seriously. It's more like a satire, full of haunted hotel jokes and off-beat tropes. The guy from Frankenhooker is in it, for heaven's sake.

The Overnight starts pretty generic. An attractive couple going on a romantic trip in the mountains and wind up stranded at some old hotel. Cue the eye-rolls. From there, things start to get progressively weirder. It walks the line between poking fun while paying homage to movies like The Shining and Psycho, similar to the way Cabin in the Woods did to The Evil Dead and Friday the 13th.

The plot twist at the end legitimately thew me off. I won't give anything away, but kudos for not making it too serious and having some fun with the genre. I wouldn't exactly put this on the same shelf as Cabin in the Woods, but if you're in the mood for something a bit campy and spooky, I'd recommend giving it a watch.
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Surprisingly charming. Ignore the haters.
clayden899 June 2022
I don't know why people are hating on this movie so much. For what it's worth, I liked it. Set-up is intriguing enough and the main couple had realistic chemistry. A lot of cutesy banter with a slight touch of mutual resentment. The actress who played Jessie reminds me a bit of Alexandra Daddario. I won't spoil anything, but I'd say she had the best character arc by far. It kept me on the edge of my seat at times, and there was plenty of comic relief to balance it out.
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GREAT Music...Movie made a lot more sense the second time
HolyFoleyGuacamole11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I was left scratching my head. Didn't understand how the different elements of the plot connected, especially the death loops. But I loved the music and it looks like the soundtrack isn't out yet, so I decided to watch it again. Full disclosure: a friend of mine knows somebody who worked on the movie so I decided to buy it on Amazon based on their recommendation.

So I decided to give it another shot. On second viewing, I noticed many more details than I had the first time. I would strongly recommend listening closer to the background sounds. If you pay attention, there are so many clues that pop out early on. For instance, when they walk into the antique store, the background music repeats later on in the hotel. It plays House of the Rising Sun. The lyrics mention "baby sister" and that ties into the plot with the hotel owner's possessed twin sister he's been trying to save.

The other thing was the stalker guy. He picks Jessie up in a white taxi when she escapes the hotel the first time, and on the second watch I realized that there is the same white car following them when they are driving to the hotel. The way they set up the creepy doll thing seems to be a red herring at first, which it turns out it really isn't. It plays a role, but not in a supernatural way. The stalker picks it up, follows them, and if I'm guessing puts it in the road on purpose to stop Jessie and her boyfriend David from making it to their destination.

I'm not sure if the stalker knows anything about the hotel, but there are some details that suggest he might have a connection to the caretaker Salim. Seriously, none of this made ANY sense the first go-around. I am so glad I watched it again.

One thing that bothered me the first time was the acting. It's a bit too "thespian" at times, and I can see how that would annoy people. Second time, it didn't bother me as much. I picked up on more of the jokes, the little details in the dialogue that indicate not all is that it seems.

It's not that scary, but it's got some creepy scenes with mostly Emma and the stalker dude. Creepiest scenes are somehow the funniest though. I would highly recommend watching it twice. I hope they put the music out on Spotify soon.
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I liked it
djny-630774 June 2022
Thought it was a slow creepy depiction of a romantic weekend gone wrong. The acting was pretty good. The location looked very sinister, and the music was suitably ominous.
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Some stanley kubrick easter eggs
darkstar-520823 June 2022
In the movie, there is a Clockwork Orange book and a Frankie Goes to Hollywood mug, in one of the rooms Both relate to Stanley Kubrick's, as the movie of the book was made by him and included a Frankie Goes to Hollywood song.

So as the movie was set in a hotel it has to be a nod to The Shining, they even have a creepy typewriter, so obviously, the writers are fans.

The story is different to the shining yet it's set in a creepy hotel, with lots of weird stuff going on I think the 6 stars is about right for this movie, It's worth watching if you have nothing to do.
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