Black Site (2018) Poster


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Like a student film
GeniusJessie10 April 2019
So much potential. I love the idea but it was not executed well. I think it needed a more experienced director / producer team. I do think there's potential with these guys though.
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Action-horror without the means to be action-horror
I_Ailurophile21 October 2022
There's a lot going on here, but what is most readily apparent and important to note is that filmmaker Tom Paton is obviously a huge fan of John Carpenter. The expository sequence at the beginning, preceding the opening scene, is an unmistakable nod to 'Escape from New York' and 'Escape from L. A.'; the same is true of the scenario generally. Even the font used at varying points seems borrowed from Carpenter's classics, and composer Max Sweiry's score is irrefutably inspired by Carpenter as it swirls together modern synthwave and more passive ambient themes. That's not to say that 'Black Site' has Carpenter written all over it top to bottom, but the foundations are plainly evident, and additional such garnishes reveal themselves throughout - take that as you will. As a huge fan of Carpenter myself, I'll take all this as a plus; now that I've used the name five times in these few sentences, you won't hear it from me again. (Maybe.)

Beyond these tasty underpinnings, we can quickly begin to form an opinion about various aspects. I like the very concept, for example, taking a different and more action-oriented tack toward cosmic horror than what we usually see from the genre. While we get glimpses Elder Gods in their unearthly forms, I appreciate from a budgetary standpoint the need to emphasize a more resource-friendly approach to depicting them - which is to say, we see these otherworldly beings as they are restricted to human forms. It's not unfair to say that this method is broadly less satisfying as a viewer, including in action sequences, but so it goes. Further down the slide of unfortunate shortcomings is that as the narrative begins we can make a reasonable guess fairly early about which characters will or will not survive, and dialogue is rather meager and bland.

What strikes me most, though, as an unfortunate weakness is that the look and feel of 'Black Site' is kind of incomplete. Despite clear promise as an action flick, there's not a whole lot of action overall - but there is a lot of dialogue. Despite ostensibly playing with cosmic horror, the feature never does very much with it; 'Black Site' could have been a story about pretty much anything outside of Elder Gods, and it would have played out no differently. And while I place no abject blame on production designer Matt Page or art director Toni Michieli, assuming they were limited by the budget, nonetheless their departments don't make a substantial impression here. It's not that the production design or art direction are bad, only that they come across as too neat and clean. Not to name-drop Carpenter again, but we can feel every pebble underneath our feet, the texture of every wall, he dirt and grime on every surface, as Snake Plissken traverses New York and Los Angeles; 'Black Site' lacks the richness of detail to draw out the verisimilitude and truly make the viewer Feel It.

With all this said, I don't think this movie is altogether awful. I like it for what it is, and I recognize the work that was put into it. Though they aren't all that they could have been, I do like the fight scenes, and the effects; I like the ideas in the screenplay. I love the music. It just seems to me that Paton's reach exceeded his grasp; he possessed the imagination and vision, but not the means to best realize it. For such lack the picture struggles to earn its keep as action-horror, and all the earnestness of cast, crew, and filmmaker alike isn't enough to make up the difference. Factor in more specific deficiencies, and sadly the end result falls further - not abysmal, not by any means, and not without any value, but no better than average. Provided one is aware of the issues I've described, I think this a decent enough recommendation for a lazy day when you want genre fare but don't want to have to actively engage with it. Temper your expectations, and 'Black Site' is modestly enjoyable for what it is.
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Boring and confusing barely-there sci-fi/horror
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 April 2019
Arriving at a secure military facility, a technician at a site where they send various beings from different dimensions back to their homeland finds himself thrust into battle when an intended deportee has his staff invade the site to free him and must endure a battle for humanity.

This was quite an enjoyable and somewhat intriguing effort. One of the biggest aspects to be had here is the fact that there's a rather clever and complex backstory at the heart of the film. The central basis of this location keeping a dangerous race of vicious beings from invading the world, featuring elements of black magic and protection spells that are used to ensure that setup, works rather well to bring this out to a solid start. This setup offers the kind of structure system for the rest of this one, managing to admirably fit together within the parameters of a military compound that's staged to be a manner of sending them back to an alternate dimension incapable of returning back to our society. That also leads to the outbursts of action in here that are rather spotty but have some rather enjoyable elements featured here. The few brawls here between the various agents of the military facility has some nice hard-hitting action with the fine addition of some stellar swordplay as well. With that setting up the more generally impressive military tactics within the compound where they're forced to battle the numerous soldiers coming in to rescue the captured being. This all manages to offer up some exciting moments when it occurs. There are a few issues here, though. The main problem is that the film, for all the good it does at setting up the mythology in this universe, there's some absolutely confusing material in here. It takes way too long to figure out that the entire point of their attack on the base is to allow him to transform in order to allow him to reunite with his beloved who has already gone through the process. Not only is that finally revealed at the very end but it's handled through a series of intense and overblown conversations that are intended to drive that out easier than what it eventually shows and that makes for an immensely confusing and convoluted effort. As well, the film is just outright boring and bland. The idea of this one being based solely on the endless conversations and pretentious dialog that goes on between the group and the diabolical being which just turns the middle section into an endless drag and relieves a lot of the tension and suspense that had been built up by then. Simply watching this supposedly evil being just standing around spouting off threats about the downfall of humanity drains the film of action, lessens the intensity and undoes a lot of fun to be had here. These are the biggest issues overall.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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low budget
surfisfun9 April 2019
Low budget. so-so acting. so-so picture. not recommended. very fast forward ...
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Dude, You're a sidekick
nogodnomasters21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Man has been able to banish the Elder Gods (with demonic names) using magic. The Elder Gods have returned from their banished dimension and try to regain strength and power by occupying humans. The Artemis Black Site was been in operation since 1926. The film follows mostly Ren Reid (Samantha Schnitzler) an employee at the site whose parents were killed by an Elder God in 1997.

Erebus (Kris Johnson) the Elder God who killed them is captured and is being taken to the site. Now they just can't deport them. They need a level 10 Deporter who knows the magic words, something I would think they would have on disc and could playback when needed. The Deporter was a lightly written dweeb. He gave the film some personality. Our main character was written so poorly, it ruined the entire film, which wasn't much of a film, to begin with.

Great old abandoned building to make a film, just not this one.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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what in the heavens name was this about???
ops-525359 April 2019
Yet another alien and spaced movie, and if this were to be the reciept how to get rid of space aliens, or elder gods as they call them in this flick, then mankind would have been doomed,both vertically and horizontally.

its a daft dum,silly and extremely empty story, with a bunch of humans in a secret site inside a mountain(probably a closed factory building) somewher in great britain, were the do contain, and deport every elderly god the can catch. where they deport the are hard to say,but to an eclipsed sun might be a good suggestion.

acting are so cheap and amateurishly done,and nearly made me feel sick. there are some well choreographed fights after 35 minutes in the flick, but thats the only bright moment. the special effect are made on windows paint, and the story must have been found on a london underground lavatory wall, because its either a madmans work or the biggest fraud in recent british history, called''black site''. its dark smokey and greyish, its supposed to be militant, but that is on a millimeter scale. the score are terrible, and like its shuffled in from another movie with a different story and plot. howcome choice of film music and and original score made as bad as this is a mystery for me.have a look an' liten, do you feel any sensations of suspence or action with this kinda score???!

this was really a painfilled, bad try of making a independent sci-fi-movie,and will not be rewatched by the grumpy old man. so as the video killed the radio star,this film bears all signs of newbieness to the tip of your fingernail. a weak 2 and not recommended
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Lovecraft wouldn't be proud of this...
paul_haakonsen23 December 2019
I was initially lured in by the promise of the Elder Gods, so I believed this movie to perhaps be based upon some Lovecraftian theme. So I sat down and watch the 2018 movie titled "Black Site" by writer and director Tom Paton.

Well, this movie wasn't all that and a bag of potato chips. In fact, the storyline was horribly mundane. Nay, it was downright boring and uneventful. So it was a major disappointment to sit through the movie, especially because it proved to be not very entertaining.

It should be said that the movie delves somewhat into a Lovecraftian theme, for sure, but without it actually being set in the world that Lovecraft created with his Mythos. So that was a little bit of a shame. And while the movie does focus somewhat on Elder Gods, it was merely an entity taken form in the guise of a mortal man. Yeah, talk about it being anti-climatic, but of course this was cost efficient. But wait, there is an Elder God about, a very Cthulhu-like being that you see in the distance throughout the movie (the same shot I bet). But this god-like creature serves absolutely no purpose to the story.

And while we are on the topic of the story. Wait, what? This was abysmal, and it felt like it was something written by the hand of a 10 year old whom just started to read Lovecraft and wanted to make up his own story. It was just that stupid.

The movie makes very little use of acting performances, because there isn't the need for any proper or convincing acting, apparently, throughout the entire movie. Well, I can hardly blame the actors and actresses, because they virtually had nothing to work with in terms of script, character or dialogue.

Do yourself a favor and don't get suckered in like I did. Some of us suffered through this movie so you don't have to.

"Black Site" scores a mere three out of ten stars, solely because of the CGI and the theme of the movie. Everything else was just not worth the effort.
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Low budget film with thought out mythos.
jmbovan-47-1601731 May 2022
So, not great film as the low budget definitely keep production values to a minimum. The mythos background of the film definitely was worth the making. Unfortunately, all that backdrop doesn't make for a great film. Too bad as it has a mildly interesting subtext.
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Absolutely rediculous
MennoMan3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, Husband and child killed along with hi dress others. She request transfer to a Black Site to find out who killed them and is told to throw away the book. So she goes there and plays woke, don't hurt anyone and gets entire personnel killed. She orders others not to use deadly force (untoll all are dead but one), never kills anyone, not even the villan killer (CIA Op).

Then we are to believe she is hoping to extract justice like a bad ass as she walks away to escape.

Poor acting, Idiotic casting of team running a special Ops black site (not very special), a hero that plays woke in here anger and gets everyone killed... and a unreal ending.

Pass... unless you are really borer.
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Great, until the talking started.
berg-7453218 June 2020
Someone dumped a bunch of money on this and I'm trying to figure out why. This is a buddy cop movies but only in the most cliche ridden way. Cop 1 can't seem to pass the Sargents exam which makes cop 1 mad, cop 2 cop 1's partner/mentor gets injured cop 1 with visible chip on shoulder breaks all the rules to help save cop 2. Every cop show every buddy cop movie has this plot several times over. Every good/bad buddy cop movie has comic relief like say Pesci in "Lethal Weapon" this has that but with a needy English man who constantly mentions his girlfriend and as far as I can tell has almost no purpose other then to exasperate cop 1. The major difference between a buddy cop movie is that this has all powerful Gods that somehow can be subdued by a skillet bashing the side of the head which also raises an interesting question, why would a skillet be sitting on a desk in an underground holding station for greasy haired immortals. The fight scenes are pretty good except like most bad martial arts movies they wait to fight the hero one at a time rather than attack all at once. Cop 1 and cop 2 are solid actors who do a good job. Everyone else is a caricature of all the side pieces from the buddy cop movie playbook. If your a fan of every cliche filled good fighting evil film this could do it for you, but all I saw was a pale imitation of Lethal Weapon.
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Modern-day Mythological Magnificence
FrancescaLWhite19 April 2019

First off, I should say I haven't yet seen the officially released film and my review is based on the test screening from Starburst Media City Film Festival, so some things may be different to the film as it is now. That being said I think Tom Paton, George Burt and Samantha Schnitzler, and really the entire team of the cast and crew, are incredibly talented and have created a magnificent modern day mythological baby. I'm a big lover of fantasy: 'American Gods', 'His Dark Materials', 'Lord of the Rings' are among my personal favourites. This film brings elements of all these into a fresh and original story which is enjoyable from start to finish. The action choreography, the VFX/SFX and cinematography all particularly struck me. Kris Johnson's portrayal of Erebus is extremely powerful and haunting. What these filmmakers have done with a relatively low budget is staggering and I look forward to seeing their upcoming projects. To end: I thoroughly recommend.
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The future holds Aliens ...
kosmasp28 January 2019
Or whatever you want to call them. Other dimension beings? Now I really didn't think too much while watching this. This is supposed to be fun. And for the budget they had, this is pretty decent. Suspense is high, effects are pretty good (again always considering the budget restrains), script seems decent and acting is ok too.

If you fancy this kind of movies, you will have fun. It's a bit of a throwback to a time when the 80s ruled, when you had stock characters, puns around almost every corner and many other things. Nothing special overall, but a fun little movie that will work for some more than for others
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uscmd26 June 2020
Every cliche imaginable. I gave it a 1, only because 0 was not an option. It sort of reminded me of H.S. cinema project.

Technical, sound, lighting gaffes. Huge storyline nonsense.

Just dreadful. Watch any other movie, blind me it will be better. Nothing sci-fi, or secret agent, in this.
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Plodding, Slow, Dull
tabuno19 September 2020
The script writers seem to try to inject an element of sophistication into this supernatural action thriller, yet it just comes across as being above their ability to pull off an engrossing, compelling, or even interestingly believable thriller. The acting is a tad below par, the intensity of the supernatural element is very underwhelming and almost completely deficient, and even the dialogue doesn't quite size up to the immensity of the task, and script comes across as artificial and struggling hard to find something authentically convincing. Basically, this is an amateur production. Even the fight scenes lack the current standards of good fighting skills and tact along with is comparatively slow and plodding pace. The good humans in this movie seem quite outsized, underwitted to really be an interesting factor in this movie. Even John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness (1987) even as low-key and sparse that it is, has more emotive power and intensity in its depiction of God-like greatness against the competent science that a small collegiate research team can put in place. Even the adolescent female cult supernatural family television comedy-drama Charmed (1998-2006) had more intriguing, balanced white witches against the demons and warlocks as well as more believable characters, rich intriguing, witty natural dialogue that could captivate its television audience and accomplished this over eight years of its run. By the end of this movie, it descends into a predictable, repetitive series of stereotypical, flat, two-dimensional pseudo-philosophical dialogues and relatively boring, odd fumbling physical fights, and the typically and supposedly emotional wrenching outcomes. The net result is no real "flash" or "excitement" making for a rather tortuous effort of watching this movie. A much better horror action thriller can be found in The Devil's Tomb (2009) or a science fiction version in Alien Hunter (2003) or even the sci fi thrillers Phantoms (1998), Epoch (2001), Sphere (1998) and Arrival (2016).
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Per usual, a military/black ops movie that gets it all wrong.
derek-a-charette10013 June 2021
On my new rating scale of -10 to +10, which I've had to develop because of how shockingly horrible movies are becoming, I rate this nonsense a -2, which is actually giving them some mercy. I really dislike having to give such poor reviews to movies, but they deserve it. I honestly wish I could come on here and give out 8's and 9's and 10's every time I see a movie. These terrible low budget movie producers should be ashamed and embarrassed... IT DOESN'T COST MORE MONEY TO DO A FEW HOURS OF RESEARCH BEFORE WRITING THE SCREENPLAY TO GET THE BASICS IN ORDER! Wake up!

There is no excuse!

Security personnel in military bases are not armed with billy-clubs and hammers! They are armed to the teeth with firearms. I can go on Amazon right now and buy highly accurate airsoft replica's of military firearms and paint the orange tips black, and nobody would be able to see that they are fake on screen except for a few well informed firearms experts.

In fact, I am so annoyed by this problem plaguing the past 15 years of low budget action / sci-fi movies, that I will gladly consult for FREE, anyone making a military or law enforcement focused sci-fi action movie.

Being as this is taking place in a special access classified facility, you are not getting within 2 miles of it without being seen, and making it past 3+ security layers of heavily armed special ops personnel, and you're SURE AS HELL not doing so with SWORDS and BASEBALL BATS! (I'm not joking). You need a small army to penetrate the inner security of these facilities, then you have to get through a structure that is built to withstand a near direct impact of a nuclear detonation.

Why such a low rating, you ask?

I ask, where do I begin?!
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Horrible 80's throwback
Nomad00720 December 2020
This movie is a failed attempted at an 80's throwback style movie.

No sets No budget Bad writing Semi decent 80's style soundtrack No special effect REALLY, REALLY bad acting. No even like so bad it just just bad.

There is nothing redeeming about this movie. Even your state of mind at time of viewing doesn't even make the movie better.

Not work 5 minutes of your time.

Stay away.

Don't watch it.
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Prepare Yourself For Deportation.
wandernn1-81-68327421 January 2021
So an interesting concept. We've learned to control the ELDER GODS and created a site where we can send them back to their home world? Home dimension? Whatever. Reminds me a bit of American Gods but no where near the depth or mystery.

I know one thing, I really wanted to get out and bash the stuffing out of something after watching this for a while.

I uh...found the concept interesting but the whole thing was a bit lacking. But I will give it a 4/10.
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Worst of the Worst
compugor14 April 2024
Stunningly stupid with terrible acting, dark dumb screenplay that becomes unwatchable and evidently no budget to finance any of the production necessities to make an even a watchable film. Its so bad that it is rather insulting and ultra idiotic. Moronic employees of the no budget black site building fighting against gods encased in humans with nothing more than batons and flashlights while the 'gods' have swords that can pierce right through no budget body armor. The special effects were limited to white eyeballs which they only had three of so they had to share two for one actor and one for another.
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Garunteed hit for fans of the genre
tallebrandi323 January 2021
Headline says it all. You into anime? Elder gods or HP Lovecraft? And yeah, low budget sci-fi, but it's better than Sharknado and that low budget crap.
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Awesome concept... Not bad, not great.
drewcornish8913 October 2021
Honestly not a bad film, but could have been better. A bigger budget and a little more story would have gone a long way. The plot is an awesome concept but could have used a little more. I was left wanting more of what I came to this film for, Elder Gods. But overall, not a bad film.
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Great film!!
sean-88117 April 2019
A well crafted and beautifully directed and shot movie. Had me on the edge of my seat throughout and the one-liners were actually funny amid all the chaos and suspense. Sean Cronin x
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Where Was It?
bemyfriend-4018418 December 2020
In the other reviews, the reviewers keep praising "the great fighting". Where was it? The sword fight at the end was passably okay. But the rest of the fighting consisted of the unlikable, horse-faced Molly throwing some kind of punch; and the evil cultists obligingly falling over dead. The burgeoning back-story to this film, is dripped out gradually; to little consequence. The real message here, is that all the men are pathetic weaklings, and the women are sledgehammer heavyweights; doing all the real fighting. It gets a six, because I wasn't bored; and I wanted to see what would happen next. I should have guessed; because yeah, I already guessed. Theme: female empowerment and feminism.
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Wonderful, entertaining
gemmagilzeane29 October 2019
Had me on the edge of my seat. Love the story and felt really invested in Ren. A really nice balance of humour and tension. I also know it's one of this films where I I'll get more from it every time I watch it.
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