"Supernatural" Funeralia (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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If you are a Rowena fan then this is your episode
kingstoken1 November 2019
If you are a Rowena fan then this is your episode, she is the main focus, and undoubtedly the star of this episode. This is the first time we get to see Rowena's powers completely unfettered, and she is more than a match for the Winchesters. But, the true heart of this episode is her feelings of pain and regret at loss of her son. Both Ruth Connell and Lisa Berry deliver great performances in the pivotal scene.
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Now that's more like it
Kingslaay22 April 2018
A better episode this week and Rowena comes back on the scene. This was a filler episode but alright nevertheless

It was thrilling and interesting to find out that Sam will be the one who kills her and many will wonder how this will happen. But if we have learned anything on this show nothing works out as planned.

The break out star of this episode was Jessica who was gorgeous, witty and interesting to watch. After watching this beloved show for years I think I have figured what makes a great season. Having interesting and possibly short term characters like Jessica and a growing threat that threatens to end the world or kill the Winchesters. Also throw in a skeleton or villain from the past to spice things up. This formula seems to work well and they should stick with it. There is always the left field or curve ball too that can take the show to new heights. Keep it coming.
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Rowena and heaven
shwetafabm5 August 2020
When i found out that a character enters the season again i was sorta pissed. The bringing back characters to life is just tacky to me but i have to the logic of it worked. Rowena is such a complex and great character and while i also think this series has too many redemption archs, it fits too.
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Rowena Love
averylentz21 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was definitely dope. It was amazing seeing Rowena so vulnerable but it's awesome that she appears to be Team Winchester now. I like that we're finally talking about Crowley and all of the hard crap that's taken a toll on Rowena. This has shaped up to be the best season in years.

I also love the return of Amanda Tapping as Naomi. That was a pleasant surprise and the writers (Dabb and Singer) seem to have a more creative team that are revisiting some of the show's strongest themes and characters. I do hope Heaven doesn't come crashing down but I think we just got our season finale! It's gonna be some hairy last couple of episodes!
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Rowena is the best
danamae5147913 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love all episodes with Rowena. When Dean tells Bernard "You know she's controlling your brain." and then Bernard grins and responds "She's powerful, she's gorgeous and she's paying me a small fortune. That woman didn't have to cast a spell on me.",sums it up. It stings that Rowena doesn't get her way and we are stuck without Crowley. I did love the banter between mother and son. Ruth Connell is a gem and I thoroughly enjoy her performance as the tiniest and most powerful 300 year old witch. She combines classic beauty and grace with a mean streak that makes grown men shake with terror. What a wonderful character. Brava Ms. Connell!
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I don't buy the heaven developments
CubsandCulture26 July 2021
This episode has a few nice Rowena moments that keep it from being entirely bad but I don't buy the heaven plot developments. It strains credulity that a certain character happens to be one of the very, very few angels left. Moreover, the far to few angels are too few to be believable. This is an episode where the mythos is strained passed its breaking point.
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Running out of ideas!
mm-3920 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The series is heading into it's 13th year, and is running out of ideas. More plots, sub plots of fantasy role playing, and silly character development. I know Supernatural is not a serious show. Regrettably I miss the days of Sam and Dean fighting the swamp monster. The series is more like Days of our lives meets the Exorcist. Funeralia is a perfect example of the series, which is just silly. Funeralia repeats its self with the story line of: A there is always a quest, need to align themselves with certain characters, get needed objects etc. Then part B every story mixes into the plot personal conflicts and tough decisions. Lacking the humor and originality of the first few seasons Funeralia is some what lacking. I give Funeralia 3 stars.
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