"Black Spot" The End of the Road (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Seven or Eight
realfandangoforever9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode should be an eight but I just couldn't do it. I can't stand unrealistic police behaviours and bringing a suspect, and mother, along in a child abduction just would't happen. Anyway, great episode, so let's call it an eight. I'm enjoying this show,
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You Okay, Captain????!!!!
wandernn1-81-68327410 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We begin with with off duty Hermann delivering a big fish he caught to the ELDORADO. When he goes in there tho he notices something wrong with the guy sitting at the bar. He smells something wrong and he is right.

A gun battle ensues. Lots of shots fired. And Hermann is hit.

+1 Star for the opening sequence. One of the better ones in this show so far.

So one of the attackers died on scene. Hermann was wounded and was taken to the hospital. The other 3 guys got away.

The whole crew is on scene. Lauren, NouNours, the MAYOR! Sabine, and Frank shows up. Since the eELDORADO is now a crime scene, Frank asks 'Where Am I going to get breakfast??' Bahahahaha.

+1 Star for Frank's funny line.

So these robbers kidnap the doctor. Their head guy got shot. But Lauren and Nounours are searching everywhere, and actually come on the house where the robbers are hiding with the Doctor. But the wife who lives there bluffs Lauren and Nounours and they leave without realizing the robbers are hiding there.

The Doctor and the head guy talk a lot. I like the head guy. He's there for a reason and focused on his goal, whatever it may be. He doesn't want to kill anyone unnecessarily. I guess his name is Rico.

Rico's 2 surviving partners go and snatch up Layla who is the target of their hunt. Apparently Layla must have the money they are looking for. A shootout happens in the street as a VILLEFRANCHE citizen opens fire on them. The citizen helper kills 1 goon and Layla picks up a dropped gun and kills the other one. Lauren takes a shotgun blast to her bullet proof vest and luckily it only hit the vest.

+1 Star forthe awesomeness of the concerned citizen, an old woman, opening fire on the Goons. -1 Star because they should have just blasted Lauren and not acted like complete buffoons and not using cover at all.....

They question Layla and find out she had a kid that was Rico's. that's what he is looking for. Rico has grabbed the boy, but they stop him at a roadblock as he is trying to leave town. Oh what's the mom's name? Anna, not Layla. Sorry about that one. Rico tho, he's bleeding out in the back seat as they are heading to the hospital. He's looking at the sun through the trees. Totally reminds me of the Tyrese death scene in Walking Dead. That scene was so totally sad. But, Rico dies. All he wanted was his son back. It happens.

So everyone is free again. Herrmann, he's recovering in the hospital but he's already up and around. Just his arm in a sling. The Doctor, she's back and ready for action. And Frank, he's gonna let Anna off the hook for the robbery she was involved in in his own special way.

But Frank, he wants to know about these swabs Lauren submitted for testing. But Lauren says somebody kidnapped her 20 years ago. Someone is out there in the WOODS. And that someone has the Mayor's daughter captive out there as well. Lauren can feel it. But Lauren, she's convinced, and very dismissive of Frank and his BS. And we end with Lauren headed out into the WOODS to hunt for what she calls THE WOODSMAN.

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Rico Suave
Calicodreamin19 December 2021
A good main storyline with kind of a sad ending that worked. The side plot with the daughter and the weird thing it the woods is odd. Decent acting and cinematography.
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