Drain the Ocean: WWII (TV Movie 2016) Poster

(2016 TV Movie)

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Interesting science, but sometimes raises meaningless questions
skyking-1424 August 2018
"Did the US, not Japan fire the first shot?" Irrelevant, since that first shot would've been in self-defense. A Japanese sub attempting to sneak into Pearl Harbor before a declaration of war, was no less an act of war than the bombs and torpedoes dropped by Japan an hour later.

"Who really sank the Bismark?" Now, this is one of the most idiotic debates of WWII. If the Germans finally were forced to scuttle Bismark after taking heavy and disabling damage from the British fleet, does that make the battle any less a defeat for Germany, or any less a victory for Britain? I don't think the sailors lost cared one way or the other! It's not like the mission of the Bismark was to be sunk! The British objective was attained either way and the German objective was foiled. Strategic victory goes to Britain.
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Good content
learner_202015 September 2022
Others have mentioned the annoying repetition throughout. I would add that I found it frustrating when measurements were dumbed down unnecessarily i.e comparing measurable ocean depths to "twice the height of the Empire State Building". Just give a measurement in kms!

The science and engineering aspects were fascinating and presented some extraordinary endeavours. Not all questions were answered and felt like padding to the series. Some interesting points were overlooked - such as other seabed wrecks in one episode. All in not a bad series, just try to keep your patience at the dumbed down elements.
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We heard you the first time! xD
reloaddcr13 October 2020
Could documentary makers please get back to the time when there was substance in the thing they create? By all means make it entertaining but to repeat the same cheesy line over and over and over and over...seriously, we got it the first time. You used computer to drain the sodding ocean! 😂

Also maybe next time give someone like Wargaming a shout if you want accurate ship models. They could have provided a computer model of Bismarck straight out of World of Warships and NOT have the turrets on upside down. Hell, slap the ugly Frosty Fir Tree camo on it and you can distract the viewer from hearing "if we could drain the ocean" for the 900th time 😂
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Endless repeating and padding
tapsa-111 October 2020
One of worst writtend documentarys. Most of content is just "if you could peel back the ocean." or "Imagine you can drain the ocean." I think that quality of this script was so bad that everyone who was writing it should be banned for ever of writing anything. This just melts brain.
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