BUSINESSMEN VS ALIENS (TV Mini Series 2016– ) Poster

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this is... something
oukak25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Power to protect Earth? check different kind of aliens? check background story for everyone? check epic battles? check japan sense of humor? check cute and ugliness? check

this is it. perfectly made cheap series. they have everything. and it comes free with amazon prime too! what are you waiting for? go watch this blockbuster XD
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This is ungood...
adaptor28 January 2021
This show sucks the goodness out of the area you are in. Don't subject yourself to it or my sacrifice will have been in vain.
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Fresh, New, Simple - Complete Fun!
okonomiyakisan13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Six seemingly random Japanese are hired to negotiate the retreat of various invading alien species. A tractor beam on the moon is able to capture any spaceship and plant one representative into the negotiating room where they meet one or more of the six Earthlings who may or may not be distracted by other matters at the time. The arguments for and against invasion are hilarious and the stupidest negotiations ensue. There is not an iota of seriousness in the story lines, the acting, the costumes, the dialogue, or anything. Designed to be low-budget and campy (or maybe the creators actually had no budget), it's like watching a live action cartoon with all the over comedic acting (think early Jim Carrey). Be warned, this is full-on Japanese humor. To me, it's manzai-style (think Smothers Brothers or Abbot and Costello) adapted to each situation no matter which characters and aliens happen to be interacting at the time including straight roles, funnyman roles, sudden burst of faux anger and violence, stupid reasoning, fast dialogue (or sometimes slow awkward pauses) between two parties misunderstanding the other, etc. I presume most episodes would be considered family friendly in any culture, except possibly episode 9. In that episode, the alien heads are of a phallic shape which presents various problems for the Japanese negotiators one of which ridicules the species, the other is trying very delicately to explain why they would not be popular on earth, the third just gets mad at them. While I don't think the Japanese would have an issue showing that to their kids (they're not so prudish about the human body in that regard), I think I might. Again, this is not America humor. It's Japanese humor (and maybe any other culture's humor as I'm not familiar with all of them at the moment). My wife, who is Japanese, tells me some of the comedians acting in this are quite famous and talented. Even I recognized a couple of the aliens. At any rate, if you're into Japanese culture, or humor, or want something completely outside the ordinary of American broadcasting fare, give this a shot. It is clearly not for everyone as the previous reviewers demonstrate, but I loved it enough to binge it in a couple of days.
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