"American Horror Story" Chapter 9 (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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ZegMaarJus8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Sophie, Milo and Todd, they walk in the woods near Roanoke. Dylan enters the farm house, he is one of Sidney's helpers. Milo, Sophie and Todd got interviewed by the police after a accident with a woman. Audrey found Monet. Audrey shot a bullet trough Ishmael his head, he died instantly. Lot stabbed down Dylan with a knife, he died afterwards. Lee killed Todd in the woods. Milo and Sophie locked themself in Sidney's van. Lee throws Monet of the chair into a knife, she died instantly. Audrey fights with Lee. Sophie and Milo are near farm house. Lee smashed Audrey into the basement, did she survived this? Milo and Sophie got hang up on a big wooden stick. Milo and Sophie got burned alive. The police found Milo and Sophie their burned bodies and all the other bodies at the house. Audrey survived the fall into the basement. Audrey got shot down by the police when she wants to kill Lee, Audrey died instantly. Nice episode of American Horror Story Season 6, what a episode this was. So many deaths and blood again!
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Why is everyone sleeping on this masterpiece
bardy94 January 2021
What a complex and beautifully crafted episode - stunningly layered action sequences and some really well written dialogue along with the best utilisation of the camera gimmick so far. Entirely brutal and shocking. Yes, I find it unbelievable that any of the characters would continue filming, yes Sarah Paulson's accent isn't great and yes the Fans of the series are cringe at moments but these aspects did not detract from just how surprising and inventive this episode was. This is also the shortest episode of AHS yet, which Is surprising because it is also one of the most eventful.
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Penultimate - For AHS: Roanoke
timelord197010 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Last year was the only season where I couldn't watch the series to its finale. It was gratuitously violent and so much gore just in the first episode alone it turned me off. Since I am a fan I did watch a couple more episodes to see where it was going and since it went no where I stopped.

I had pretty much expected this season to be a disappointment but I'm so glad that I was wrong and the season turned out to be one hell of a ride.

Yes, the storyline and set up may have been taken from other sources (especially Blair Witch) but they did in a way where they had time to explore the characters. The ambiance was amazing and it makes for fun jumps at night. Some episodes had really graphic gore but compared to last season it was toned down a lot. This is why this season worked so well. Gore does not equal scary. This season formula works very well with less gore and more intense ambiance and character development.

Tonight's episode could of actually been the season finale. They could of just ended here if they really wanted to. The mystery was solved of who survived. How they survived and what happened to the remaining survivors?

The final scenes and outcome may not have been original. It may have even been a little bit predictable but it worked in a big way. Unlike some horror films, you don't get time to invest in the characters and so when one by one they are being killed, you may often think "I saw that coming" and you shrug it off. With AHS: Roanoke, they developed the characters in such a brilliant manner that when you know only one survives, you start to wonder who? Is your favourite character going to be the one who survives. Of course, I will not spoil who it was but I will say the survivor was not who I thought it would be at all. That in itself was awesome for me because I usually figure this out very quickly. I'm sure some will say "you kidding me? I saw this a mile away!" (There is always one....lol). I say that was a lucky guess and only a guess. There is no way that anyone could have seen how this was going to be played out.

My faith in this show has been restored. There is one last episode to wrap everything up. So even if there is a small chance that the last episode will ruin the whole season. Then just re-watch the season and stop up to episode 9. The season could of ended right here and I would been happy with that too.
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How many dimwitted errors are there?
greenwhich13 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had a smaller run time, and it was utterly painful in its obvious duration due to the errors seen, literally a clown act.

I had liked the seasonal difference, but come on. This is faster becoming so absurdly ridiculous, unless the big pay off was it was all some other fiction and the lines of reality have been blurred into something else like haha, no horror chumps.

If somebody has a tooth pulled, their tooth is pulled, it's gone, and if they have a cleaver through their shoulder there should have been an armful of blood, not nothing when those clothes were fresh, where was that damage. Running versus a stabbed up previously flayed limp, a limp that needed assistance moving and the supposed freaking stretcher, then teleports. Why was there a bale of hay for them to roll on, because they didn't want to get dirty, hay conveniently strawed outside. How about the impalement, don't it was comical when looking at those stakes that had u bends, bows in them, and upon being staked like that you'd slide right off simply collapsing on your ass, not clothes pegged with which cable ties, never mind the stake coming out at the top of the body, stakes really don't.

Yawn so tediously annoying, the devil is in the details. Freaking B movie grade.
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Intense episode, one of the best among all seasons
drappslover11 November 2016
After watching this episode of AHS, my head was spinning. The shaky cam, found footage type of making was the culprit. The final chapter of "Return to Roanoke" showed presence of Taissa Farmiga and Wes Bentley, two veterans of AHS franchise.

The story of Roanoke ends here. It was wrapped up well I think but there was some space of improvement. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the performance. Sarah Paulson gave her season best performance in this episode in my opinion. There were some dark humor, and also mocking of the present social media obsession of our generation.

Among the negativity, I want to say, We should have seen the real witch, real Edward Philippe Mott, characters a bit more. If this season had 13 episodes things might have been more interesting.

The next episode is the season finale and we'll mainly see the aftermaths. This 37 minute unstable ride of AHS was good enough, as well as the season. Go for it!
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single-used weapons
apd812 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sick of all of the horror movies that every weapon the victims have in hands will be used ONCE, ALWAYS ONCE. Then the weapon will be thrown away to the side or worse, near the bad guys so that they can use.


In this ep, a gun was also simply thrown away after single use - even though an ex-military had instructed the victim to take weapons.

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Enough With The Whining!
gary_456012 March 2019
This episide and the previous 2 are nearly unwatchable. Dont get me wrong, I like Sarah Paulson, but her poor British accent and constant whining, screaming, and "oh my god" are unbearable. I am personally glad that this is a 10 episode season.
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This is one awful episode
siddharthwer10 November 2016
This episode takes one back to the time when horror movies used to have horrible (rather than horrific) clichés and were not good. The previous episodes were all building up my suspense like crazy. I was relentless and kept on thinking what might other episodes have in store. The series was going great. However, this episode made me hate all of the series.

The writers seem to be completely and utterly clueless at this point of time. It seems they have run out of ideas and are using boring, tried and tested stuff like that one guy who is cool and references other horror films, that one girl who wants to help people even if that puts her own life in certain danger, UTTERLY useless policemen and forced twist ending.

The acting was superb, only because they are all seasoned actors but the story and its treatment were very poorly handled. I am disappointed and shocked (not in a good way). Maybe, the writers thought that this season is going too well and they wanted it to be like the awful previous one.

P.S. I do get that they are mocking millennial lifestyle and whatnot, but this episode just didn't do it for me.
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The season stared good and scary
sanchez-0483413 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Until they go back to the house again , so boring .
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mapaniagua25 May 2021
Waste of time! All it did is gave me a headache...too much Blair Witch Project.
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