Point Man (2018) Poster


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ronbailey-2142520 August 2020
Sorry but not enough sweat for the Nam. Next time hire cast that look like Vietnamese instead of 3rd generation America/Spaniards. Try using an advisor that has time in country. Poor plot, poor story but actors gave it their all. Find another way to waste 2 hours.
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Nice poster
bobpuls7 February 2019
Only good in this movie is camera. All actors are really bad and the story is ... i don't have words for it... not worth the time .
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omendata16 May 2021
Poor mans version of Casualties Of War with Sean Penn but it is ultra low budget so you have to keep expectations in line with this which most reviewers forget - Having said that it was a boring story with not much action, most of which was poorly choreographed and very unrealistic, with the usual machine guns firing as if they had unlimited amounts of ammo, silly Vietnamese in brand new cloned bamboo hats and ultra clean clothing which further detracts from the supposed Jungle this is supposed to be set in.

Add to this the copious amount of vulgar language and its a fail.

What is it with film makers these days, they seem to think they have to cater to the lowest common denominator with scenes replete with foul language which in most places is totally unnecessary and it is not just this movie but some of the big ones, heck even Picard and Star Trek are now getting involved; I thought we were supposed to be more advanced in the future but it seems we need the "f" word prefacing every sentence these days to cater for the knuckle draggers that society seems to becoming. The days of great acting, script with no need for intense sex scenes, foul language of the worst kind or brutality seem to be a distant memory - How sad and this is what the younger generation learn from, is it no wonder society is in retrograde evolution. In short this movie exemplifies the lack of intellect and vocabulary in society these days which is very sad, it does not add to the movie, it detracts from the movie which sadly this director seems to have missed - some of us are fed up with it, almost as bad as the woke narrative that also weaves its way into this film, I am just surprised there was not a trans GI or gay scene added for extra wokeness!

The acting was not of stellar variety but it is not as bad as some of the reviews make out; they seem to get better as the film proceeds (Learning on the job methinks) but without a decent script or convincing scenario the thing falls flatter than a snakes belly!
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Must see!
jedijimmy10111 February 2019
Such a powerful movie and a must see, great production value, excellent cast, very well made. Point Man is the untold story for every generation and very touching.
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So sick of Lefty propoganda
rbaumgar-381932 April 2020
Just another movie about the evil white man and black people saving the day.... Never gets old.
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johan-273-4599416 February 2019
A remake of Vietnam with the acting being iffy with a so do story line. As I wash watching this I started thinking about Rambo and could not think about the excitement I experienced in watching that. Sadly I can't find anything here, it is as how their budget ran out... won't watch this again, but will certainly watch Rambo again...
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chad-6131322 October 2020
Worst Vietnam movie I've ever watched. Black vs White Leftist film - nothing to do with the actual war. Don't let the high ratings fool u - they're either fake or from the cast and crew.
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No way
johan-273-4599416 February 2019
This is so bad, you just took 90 minutes from my time watching crap.
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just don't
dan_pap4 June 2019
"You gonna toss him a biscuit or you gonna put him down?"

Gee this is a bad movie. The setting is Vietnam. A couple black soldiers take it into their own hands to kill American troops who are abusing the Vietnamese. That's literally the entire plot.

The acting is bad, the story is stupid and insulting. I'm not one for war movies, but this one is just a bad movie in general. I have to admit, after the first half hour, I found my phone more interesting. Seriously, avoid this.
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The good, the okay, and the ugly...
senseihaynes17 February 2019
The Good... In the film making industry they say that story is king, and this story is a good as it gets!

The Okay... The acting is good for the most part, but certain dialog deliveries, handling of weapons, and urgency of wartime shots are wooden and uninspired.

The Ugly... The special effects are clearly budget level. As long as you don't allow them to take you out of the movie's experience, you will really enjoy this film.
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Yup, it's low budget garbage
horst698 February 2019
One extra star for costumes, though .

Apart from that, this movie is your typical low budget and low talent garbage .

The actors can't act, the script is pathetic, camera work and editing are basic . The locations are wrong, the casting is off, dialogue and story are ridiculous , etc, etc .

Add a few fake reviews by friends and social media followers, and there you have yet another film that never should have been made .
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Chilling - a gripping drama, great plot, set in the densest of settings
lucyalpine11 February 2019
While clearly made on a budget, Point Man is a refreshing take on a genre that seemed to have outlived its lifespan. But maybe that's that point - it is not a film of its genre... its a solid drama. And at the heart of drama is conflict and Point Man had plenty of it. The SFX aren't great, but that's forgiveable, and the audio could have been more solid... but what sets this apart from films of its scale and budget are a few things. The writing: stellar scripting by writer/director Phil Blattenberger. Poetic, cinematic, filled with subtle nuance. The cast was also top notch. But mostly it was the big moments: when a solider decides to intervene in a war crime; the ending (I won't spoil), and when our lead actor - who was outstanding - confronted the 'I love the smell of napalm' style character in Sgt Calhoun - a wild, ferocious, charismatic performance by Paul de Havilland (any relation to Olivia?). That meeting between our hero and anti-hero is the turning point of not only the story but also the theme: it introduces Casper to his central plot problem and also the moral ambiguities that arise in conflict. Outstanding on almost all fronts.
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good movie, accurrate
johndavispartridgeiii24 February 2019
I was there, this one gets it right. Bad times respect to the fallen who didn't make it back John Davis
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What's the point man?!
HairDude7 February 2019
Not a single exiting thing about this "movie".

Bad acting, bad direction, boring and static camera work, robotic editing and both the story and the dialogue is a joke too...

Feels like a student project trying too hard to check all the boxes falling flat on it's face. Simply unwatchable.

Skip this one - it's a waste of brain cells.
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dale095913 February 2019
One of the worst war movies I've seen very low budget . Why some are highly rating this must be getting paid
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I fell for the glowing reviews and gave it a chance...
rsvp32121 February 2019
It's a trap! lol

Only cast or crew could have written those!

So bad, it's like the terrible movie production company, "Asylum" hired Spike Lee to make this one.

I suffered through thirty minutes before needing to bleach my eyes.
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Don't waste your time.
usmcrdsd5 March 2019
Completely implausible plot, the acting is cheesy on par with the worst of Joe Bob Briggs selections. The action scenes are atrocious, and whoever's the technical advisor was should be laughed out of the industry. Just a poorly made excuse to use profanity and vilify Americans.
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Disgrace to Vietnam Movies
ashleypoole567 February 2019
I could only bare to watch 35 minutes of it.. Utter CRAP!!
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Acting so bad it's an insult to any amature filmaking.
The_Dog_Father24 February 2019
There needs to be a zero star rating. As a Veteran, this movie is pure feces. This is one another one of these movies that is about racism, overselling the hatred at any cost. Movies today can't be made without the theme being about racism, sacrificing everything to appease people who want to hate, and yet most millennials couldn't tell you when the Civil War was fought.

As long as people are reminded of hatred, the plot, theme, and acting is irrelevant. Today's movies, news, and what comes out of academia reminds me of the cold war communist propaganda. An Orwellian prophecy of bait and switch, where the truth becomes the lie, and the lie is now the truth. The acting itself is abysmal, contrived, and a garbage script. High School drama clubs make better movies than this garbage. This vomit of a movie and acting is an insult to not just all Veterans, but especially Vietnam Veterans. More anti Veteran propaganda in the film industry. The way movies are made today, with this social justice hate against society, one would think that white people and black people never worked together, served together, or lived in peace together.

This constant, lets make everything a racial issue, simply teaches young people to never work together and to only focus on hate. Ironically, rap music loves using racial and hateful words, and then people complain why nobody is respected, for lack of having respect. For once, can we have a good war movie like Saving Private Ryan, or Band of Brothers? Not every movie has to be about race.
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Solid addition to the anthology of Vietnam War films
sortie-123468 February 2019
It's always great to see new films coming out about Vietnam, which is criminally underrepresented in the catalogue of war films that get released every year. I rank this one seven out of ten stars. Let's break it down:

ACTING: 9/10

Unbelievable performances out of this one. Christopher Long is incredible. Ditto Jacob Keohane as his antagonist, and Chase Gutzmore, the film's tabula rosa. It's hard to find indie films with no known actors that can garnish this kind of review, but seriously, the entire ensemble is magnificent. These guys won't stay under the radar for long.

STORY: 8/10

In independent film story is key, and in a dialogue-driven film you'd better go for broke on the writing. Point Man's writer did precisely that. Outstanding dialogue. Marvelously written, from the characters to their development to the plot, which begins with a simple foot patrol in the jungle and descends into the dark heart of humanity. It's a thinker's movie without the pretentiousness that usually accompanies them.


Point Man is watchable, certainly, but its director isn't going to win any awards for the cinematography. It's not particularly creative, instead using standard back-and-forth shots for the majority of the film. I guess this comes with the territory in anything dialogue-driven, but everything was far too static for my tastes. Which leads me to...


My biggest criticism of Point Man lies under this category. It's a great story but it just could've been so much greater had the producers not missed so many opportunities. This thing was shot in Southeast Asia (Cambodia and Vietnam, according to their page) but failed to really feature the topography in a way that accented the production. Why not harness that terrain with the camera? Why not take advantage of the rice patties you can't get anywhere else in the world and get some creative establishing shots?

What saves it production-wise and ultimately makes it passable are its few meritorious big acquisitions, like Huey helicopters, which greatly enhance it, some big explosions, and the wardrobe, which appears carefully crafted, if dotted with some inaccuracies.

TOTAL: 7/10

Story means the world - lots of big budget flicks out there with terrible stories that leave viewers disappointed. And it's the story, ultimately, that makes Point Man worth watching.
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mrdisposal14 February 2019
Indie films suffer sometimes from having the ambition but lacking the acting or pacing to complete the vision. The acting lacked the proper tension to be believable. I turned this off and put on platoon instead.
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A gripping Viet Nam DRAMA
djmayonnaisemovies7 February 2019
My review of POINT MAN.

First, let's be clear: Point Man has a budget. You won't see any actors you've heard of (yet) and if you're looking for ten million dollar Hollywood pyrotechnics you should probably move on. In fact, this film should probably be marketed as a drama rather than an action, as Vision/Sony's trailer leads us to believe. This is a high-stakes, dramatic gambit set with the Vietnam War as the backdrop.

But none of the budget constraints (I judge it at 3mil) have any real effect on the story, which is the best part of this film. Protagonist Casper and antagonist Meeks are well crafted and bounce off of each other dynamically throughout the film. The supporting cast round out nicely. The acting is stellar. Christopher Long is mesmerising as the film's lead. There are no real weak points in the cast.

Point Man is a departure from the classic Viet Nam films of the 1980s and 1990s we're used to seeing from American cinema; it's not a heavy-handed political criticism of the war and it's not a propaganda piece. At its core it's an ethical conundrum embedded in the tapestry of the American conflict in Southeast Asia. It's a Kantian dilemma with palm trees and gunfire.

If you are looking for a 100mil studio feature, Point Man may disappoint you. If you're concerned with narrative and performance - and originality in a cinematic landscape littered with shameless derivation - give it a go. You may find yourself a gem.

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indie budget film
rogers90-702-4665426 February 2019
The story is pretty good the acting is a little iffy but still gets the job done.. the special effects are obviously budget but that's expected.. still a great movie. give it a look.
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Vietnam War Movie with an Agenda
davidfurlotte16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A good Vietnam war movie was Platoon, another one was. Full Metal Jacket and then another one was Hamburger Hill. Those were just a very FEW of good movies about Vietnam. THIS movie is NOT a good movie about the Vietnam war.

Setting aside the "racial conflict" of Black man good, White man evil, let's get into a few things that really stood out.

Firstly, I honestly don't believe that ALL the soldiers in Vietnam went around killing Vietnamese civilians as if it were some kind of Purge and that is what they want you to believe with this movie.

Secondly, did anyone even bother speaking to somebody about the tactics and strategies used in that war? Viet Cong walking toward an enemy with NO cover and firing their weapons until they get killed is foolish. I've seen my 3 year old grandson do better with his toy soldiers. For the record, the VC would do a quick attack and then pull back and vanish.

This movie is a slap in the face to ALL Vietnam Veterans and isn't worth the storage medium it's saved on. Please avoid it because I guarantee you will lose IQ points.
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Watchable.... I guess
smithcolyn27 May 2021
The storyline is solid, the acting is subpar but not so bad it makes you laugh at the film. What really makes it seem too fake to believe are the action shots and special effects. I don't expect much in that category of the story is decent enough but having the viet cong just standing together in a field firing and the muzzle flashes looking like a cartoon are too much to take seriously.

Some parts they do right but I wouldn't waste my time watching this if I were a new viewer. The racial under plot is great but we see that so much now it doesn't make this movie unique.
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