You on Kazoo (Video 1989) Poster

(1989 Video)

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Comedy gold
pallenjol26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My friends and I recently watched this out of morbid curiosity after watching chadtronics video. and let me tell you, we were not disappointed. The "story" is of Brett, a boy who has no friends but tries to make some by playing his kazoo. It's as hilariously bad as it sounds. The kids either don't care or are hyper beyond belief. I couldn't help but notice how obviously dubbed some of the voices were. The jokes write themselves. The "pretend spirit" has all the signs of a killer, trying to lure these kids to god knows where. And the songs are just some of the most bland, forgettable pieces of rubbish to ever exist. It sort of seems like a really bad attempt at a cult. I suppose it's harmless enough for kids, but this is really for those who like movies such as troll 2 or other such works
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Interesting Take on Religion
cmatthew-7905824 February 2018
First off, I would like to point out that the director, Doug Bernstein, is at the top of his game in his directorial debut highlighting the dichotomy of the human spirit between religious enlightenment and childlike wonder lust and enjoyment of the pleasures that life has to offer. I found this take on the third chapter of Genesis to be incredibly intriguing . I assumed that the "Pretend Spirit" was symbolic for God himself, but in fact, Bernstein subverted all expectations and by the end the "Pretend Spirit" was, in fact, The Serpent himself leading the Children of Eden to their inevitable destruction by opening their minds to temptation by leading them on a journey to 'The Land of Make Believe." The Children clearly represent the innocence of Adam and Eve, 'The Land of Make Believe' represents The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and The Kazoo represents The Forbidden Fruit. While a bit on the nose, We can clearly see that the character Brett is meant to signify Jesus Christ leading the children into temptation following the theme of not worshiping false idols. All in all this masterpiece of thought provoking storytelling should be regarded as one of the greatest pieces of the twentieth century along with the likes of Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Star Wars, and The Godfather Trilogy. This film arguably shaped a generation of cinema and it's influence had earth shattering effects in the cinema industry that can be felt to this very day. Kazoo Kid may have taken the internet by storm, but since 1989 he has challenged the hearts and minds of youths around the world and shaken them to the very core of their souls.
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I wish I could give it infinity...
briceharlan15 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Because that's what this video, nay, this lifestyle is about. It's about the infinite space that is our universe. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, except for the part where they hail Satan. A little strange, but certainly adds greatness. Love it, would recommend.
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perezd-5643514 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A masterfully told, riveting story of a boy who aspires to make new friends and become an expert kazoo player. Better than Citizen Kane by a long shot and more heart-wrenching than the Titanic. The acting is comparable to and at times even exceeds the prowess of Marlon Brando and Leonardo DiCaprio. The kazoo playing is comparable to that of Mozart or Chopin and the songs are much better written than any I have ever heard.

I swear, this is a holy message sent by God himself, although this must be evidence that there are multiple gods since there is no way only one could create such a masterpiece. This film is the cure to cancer and AIDS and it cured my clinical depression.

I would highly recommend viewing this film.
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Kept me sane
reider-487745 November 2019
1988 was a rough year. But once I learned how to play the kazoo, everything turned around. Girls started to notice me, I got invited to clubs; I broke out of my shell, all thanks to Brett. I think the confidence of knowing that I at least had one friend, someone who really had your back, got me through middle school. But now that I come back to this masterpiece of cinema after all these years, I realize it's true meaning and worth. The pretend spirit is a clear stand in for the great mystery of the universe, however you chose to interpret it. It is not pretend because it is fake; it is 'pretend' because it lives in our hearts and minds, as all great narratives do. In this manner the pretend spirit is a fourth wall break of high caliber, one yet unseen outside of 'The Passion of the Christ' and 'Happy Gilmore'. This spirit has the power to bond, to unite, and to even quote the kids, "we'll be happy together, forever". Some say such infinities are beyond our comprehension - but this cohort signals a different way of life, a transformation into the unknown, into the kazoo. For truly the magic is within the kazoo itself - the breath of life, exploding into a cacophony of sweet sound. Cannot recommend enough
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a masterpiece
nts-0992717 December 2019
Truly the greatest film ever made. You must watch this. This is a modern classic.
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silasulvestad-903587 February 2020
Perfect absolute masterpiece

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Kids party and singing, no need for audiences to see it
Horst_In_Translation4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"You on Kazoo" is an American live action short film documentary (?) from 1989, so this is already almost 30 years old now and the only filmmaking credit by writer and director Doug Bernstein. It is basically a couple kids having a fun time together running around in the grass and singing about special friends. It felt a bit awkward at times for sure, but I just hope the kids you see in here at least had a fun time making this one because then there would be one good thing about it. Other than that, I don't think there is any point in checking this one out, neither for kids, nor for grown-ups unless they are related to the kids in here. Or they are the kids themselves in their 30s today. Maybe if you need ideas for a children's birthday party too, but then again kids today would just look at you confused if you try to bring in stuff you've seen in this half hour, slightly under. It's up to you to decide if this says more about our children or about children back then 10 years ago before the new millennium. In any case, I can slightly see why this became a bit of a cult classic video a little while ago. It certainly has nothing to do with the filmmaking skill or the "plot". Big thumbs-down from me. Highly not recommended.
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Ruined TV
reidcon26 October 2020
I think that this was the video/commercial that ruined TV. This is because it made it impossible to make a better video/commercial
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Cinematic Masterpiece
ellegkapoukakis7 December 2021
This film is beautiful, the scenery is exquisite, and it is every person's dream come true. It touched my soul and made me become my best self. I am forever grateful for being able to view this because Brett Ambler truly warmed my heart. Every single day I eat, breathe, and sleep You on Kazoo. The closing song brings joy to mediocre life. I even do the Pretend Spirit dance every day and I thoroughly enjoy every second of it. This film truly is God's finest work of art.
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A Modern Masterpiece
linesn-2371321 May 2021
Crikey! The words phenomenal and astounding can't even begin to explain the experience this brilliant work of art brought to me. I laughed. I cried. I felt the hairs on my neck stand straight up as the hums and buzzes of the kazoos made me long for the simple innocence of my youth.

Daniel Day-Lewis? Tom Hanks? Leo? I used to think these guys were the bee's knees of male actors until I saw this hidden gem. Brett Ambler's talent and execution makes even their greatest achievements seem more like a cheap Jared Padalecki performance.

I'll be darned if anyone tries to convince me this is nothing more than a bunch of dorky kids blowing on their kazoos in the woods. It's so much more than that, but I've come to realize it's only deep, philosophical intellectuals who will be able to arrive at this conclusion.

I would sell everything I own, I'm talking all of it, the whole kit and caboodle, just to possess a single ounce of the musical genius on display in this masterpiece. Pianos, cellos, violins...sure they can produce beautiful music, but I can GUARAN-DARN-TEE no score ever created or will ever be created again will match the flawless ensemble of these little rascals and their kazoos.
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