"Supernatural" The Raid (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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An ignoble end to a great guest character
CubsandCulture5 July 2021
The episode itself continues the Brit Men of Letters storyline in all its lackadaisical boredom. The vibe with this stuff is too spy thriller and especially the double-cross that this episode is built around. But the biggest issue is I wish that the Alpha Vamp had more material as he was a highlight in seasons 6 and 7. This feels like the writers were just trying to clear the board so to speak.
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A good weekly episode with a nice cameo
curtiskeren12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
MAJOR EPISODE SPOILERS: It's good to see the return of old characters and season 12 is definitely using that to its advantage. Obviously Mary is back, Lucifer is back, the Colt is back and now we get a visit from our favourite Alpha Vamp (all be it briefly). Let's hope Bobby is back soon too. That being said I felt a bit sorry for the Alpha Vamp. I know that The Colt trumps everything (except those 5 beings), so it wasn't a surprise to see him offed now that it's back in play. but it just felt a bit quick to me. The Alpha Vamp was a wiley old fox and he might well have been expected to outwit the situation, but he charged in with 10 vamps and no plan and to me it felt like they threw him in for nostalgia and then killed him off without ceremony. But still it's good to see The Colt in action so let's set that aside. The BMOL character Mick is growing on me and I was glad to see his more human side in this episode. Mr Ketch remains enigmatic and suavely psychotic and so remains an enjoyable character. We are slowly getting more insight into Mary's reasoning but I still think she needs a lot more focus in an episode if we really want to understand (and empathise) with her. And I am not too sure about the family arguing and battle-lines being drawn in the Winchester family. We still haven't been given good enough reason why Mary would go against her sons to join the BMOL (her sons who were more important to her then hunting - the better world line seemed far too trite). Sam also seemed to make a u- turn on his decision not to join, very quickly (although I guess you could explain it by the family bond to his mom, and his generally altruistic personality. but surely his bond to Dean should be strong enough that it should at least be messier, need more consideration??) and the telling placement of the family at the end with Mary and Sam standing on the BMOL side facing off against Dean does not bode well. I don't like it when the boys fight, I think they have been through far too much together to let external factors divide them. But I understand it makes good drama, so I just hope that if we go in that direction the writers can give sufficiently good, in-character reasons for their actions. All in all a good weekly episode with a nice cameo, but I think there is better to come.
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Action and vamps
shwetafabm29 July 2020
I do like the mission impossible feel of the bmol, its different but well 12 seasons huh. I do like that it is going somewhere. And i did love seeing the old character again. As for the family drama, i don't care much for it but its fine.
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An excellent episode
hdsinf3 March 2017
That episode is one of those that make supernatural great. Vampires and the alpha, the colt back and the Winchesters mom rocking! We can see the things coming up, showing that this season going to have many emotions and the family united as always. A good episode just like the old good ones.
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Not all monsters are evil.
boysomee2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like where this is going,I thought it was already settled that not all monsters are evil yet they choose the path of elitism and superiority which is just so wrong,if that's how it is I will abandon this show. I don't think hitting that girl just because she was a vampire was right,she obviously wasn't evil but if you think from a vampire perspective like this show did it a few seasons back you will understand and im not even a vampire lover.Its just wrong where this is going..and sad.
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This is America not England
jenifersims-3916225 December 2018
The fact that British men of letters are infiltrating their ways even taking out an American hunter makes me I'll. If this continues I wont be continuing to watch what once was the greatest show on TV. It lacks true American spirit and they're condoning it.
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