"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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ichrismacleod15 September 2018
Firstly I thought this episode was a stroke of genius.

there are a lot of people reviewing this that are making comments about it starting poorly etc .

the entire episode was a joke. it was meant to feel wrong and the chemistry was meant to be off, we were meant to not like Dennis's replacement, that was the entire idea, to make us think "no this isn't going to work" .

I am amazed how many people are saying " i am a hard core fan" when clearly they know nothing about the dynamics of the show after 12 full seasons have aired. one review asks, where was the raunchy gang? the nasty comments? the silly antics? Mindy had stopped it!! again it had gone over peoples heads.

the episode was great the twist was great, well done guys.
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Good start
bmiluszusky8 September 2018
Why all the negative reviews? There was consistent laughs throughout (despite Mindy Kaling), and the golden god is back!
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The Boys Are Back In Town!
More-horse-than-a-man198713 September 2018
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The worry for 'It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia' is that it will overstay it's welcome, running longer than any other live action comedy. The premiere episode for season 13 was an odd one. Filled with dark crude humour that the show is known for and also meta jokes that have been in the show since the beginning. In this episode, written by the brilliant David Hornsby, balances the combination of meta jokes and dark humour perfectly. I will admit, personally, the episode felt stale until the return of Glenn Howerton's character: Dennis Reynolds. Something felt off, even though I laughed at the crude humour of the sex doll and the reptition of "Is Mac shooting his loads into it?" The episode didn't feel right until the return of Dennis and the completion of the gang. Mindy Kaling does not fit in with the show. Her character felt forced, but this again is an example of the meta jokes in this episode. The fact that sitcoms constantly try to reinvent themselves by adding new characters but ultimately it goes downhill. The moment Dennis returned a smile clung to my face for the rest of the episode and a long time after that. His return was perfect. He fixed the episode. Without him, the episode would'nt be half the episode it was. I guess the boys are really back in town.
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Absolutely brilliant! If you didn't like the episode, you fail to understand its brilliance.
metallaura797 September 2018
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ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I was watching the episode and was like wtf is this garbage? The writing and dialogue was all off and was not nearly at the caliber of Sunny. Then, I saw that it had 8.7 stars on IMDB, which is pretty good, so I was really scratching my head. Then, BAM!!! BRILLIANT!!! It all came together in the absolutely meta fashion similar to episodes like "the gang tries desperately to win an award" and "old lady house." Popular sitcoms overstay their welcome and when one major cast member leaves, they just replace them. The writing gets stale and contrived, the dialogue gets awkward. Wtf was that crap with a plan to distract security guards with a tuba and change wine labels? No, not Sunny! Sunny, you trolled me big time!!! Sunny hasn't even BEGUN TO PEAK!

I thought of something else: In the episode "the gang tries desperately to win an award" they have a guest actor from The Office. This episode: guest star from: The Office. What show went to poop after losing a main character and replacing them?

Btw anyone who thinks otherwise just doesn't get it. SAVAGE IDIOTS! Only brilliance can recognize brilliance!
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Did half these people watch the episode?
chuckedoll7 September 2018
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Kaling wasn't funny but she never really was. The whole episode was an excuse to bring Dennis back. When the laughs landed, the laughs landed hard. The show doesn't work without him, and they knew it. So, he's back, for now... and his return was awesome
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beeradvocate13 September 2021
Mindy is a terrible actress in this particular instance. It feels weird and forced.
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It's Cloudy in Philly...
Truth_Spewer7 September 2018
Not a strong opener at all. Not funny, disjointed and everyone seemed like they were just going through the motions (particularly DeVito).

Mindy Kaling is not funny in this episode and I'm puzzled as to why she would even be included.

Without a doubt one of the worst Sunny episodes ever.
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Some people don't understand this episode. It is genius.
elnorris-512471 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Many people dislike this episode because they don't think it feels right with Mindy Kaling's character and the chemistry between the characters feels wierd. NEWSFLASH, that's the entire point! This episode is a commentary on long running sitcoms that try to replace long running characters and end up feeling stale and unfunny. Intentionally the gang is not normal, they are actually succeeding and might actually pull off a plan, and it feels weird. Then Dennis' doll starts messing with them and everything starts going down the crapper, because that is what It's Always Sunny has always been about. When Dennis arrived at the end of the episode and everything felt natural again, I was grinning like an idiot. The point of the episode is to make it feel wrong and then give you the payoff at the end, and honestly, I really enjoyed it. I think the brilliance of this episode is lost on some people, which really is a shame.
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Episode 1301
bobcobb3016 September 2018
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Sunny returning and having Mindy Kaling guest star in the premiere? On paper everything seems to have been set up to work, but it just didn't.

Instead of limiting it to one scene, the episode revolved around a blow up doll. This was like a bad Joey Ryan sketch or something.

Not nearly as sharp or witty as you expect the show to be.
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Started horrible but ended perfectly
littlecreamsodau7 September 2018
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Wow, I was enraged for the first 95% of the show. No Dennis???!!! %#*%#@(%(@$^# I began Googling like a madman.'Sunny,,, uh, season 13, ..DENNIS.... God please help'

The new girl/replacement character was a disaster. Worst casting ever. I guess I never thought of the show w/o the five main, awesome, brilliant, beautiful, and magnificent gang members. I was in a panic, cursing FX and life in general.

(Archer went down the drain the last three seasons - now my Sunny??!! Waaaa!!)

The show stunk like Cricket after a month in the sewer, but only because I was obsessed with a missing Dennis. I don't even remember what the show was about. Then it happened. I think I screamed when Dennis appeared from no where! It was like scoring the winning TD on the last play of the Super Bowl. Moments later he uttered the words I needed to hear, "Shut up bird".

That was a close one. Life is good again!
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Original Masterpiece
josephmcgee6 September 2018
The most original season premiere ever! They did it Paddy Pub style all the way! Amazing! Hilarious! And absolutely enjoyable
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Mindy Kaling ruins everything.
malabenne15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is just plain weird and Mindy Kaling being in it just makes the episode pure trash.

Totally gross and unfunny and apparently with no perceivable talent, her casting is beyond any kind of sense.

She bullies the other characters to the point I wish that the gang would get all cricket on her.

But this wasn't even the worst part. There was a scene near the end where what was done to the Dennis doll should have received a NC17 rating.

The only redeeming part of the episode was when Dennis returned and humiliated the Mindy character.

The show is often creative but this was the very worst episode ever. It was like the writers had a total creative block. I would give it zero stars if I only could.
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The Boys Are Back In Town + Sweet Dee
CulvertonSmith7 September 2018
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I've been anticipating this season for a while, and this episode delivers in all the right ways that I needed it to. Everybody is as funny as ever, and they continue to be some of the most talented comedic actors on television. This episode was somehow more than I wanted it to be, and more than than I thought it could be.

Mindy's character is a welcome addition in this episode, and the way that she subverts our expectations in the opening scene is great. She holds her own, and is fortunately nothing like her character from The Office, even though I love that show.

The Denis sex doll works perfectly in this story, and the way that it affects everyone just allows for some absolutely wonderful hilarity. The scene when Charlie comes back to find that the waitress is cheating on him with Denis (although a sex doll), is just gut-busting.

Not to mention that Mac trying to inject his buff body into every part of the scheme is perfect, and the way that everyone reacts to him is priceless. This show clearly has a lot more in store, and this episode just proves that there are no signs that this show is giving up on us any time soon.
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Gold, Jerry, Gold!!!
barbaricviking17 March 2019
Ohh, don't get me wrong. When this episode opened with Mindy Kaling, and for the first little while, these guys had me worried. I mean no offense - love Mindy and all, but in the context of Sunny it was such a weird match... and ultimately just friggin' perfect for the purposes of this episode. Sorry (to and for) the people that didn't get this one. It was pure gold. I laugh, out loud, every time I think of that Dennis doll. One of you guys' best! Thank you so much for all the laughter you bring to the world. You make life so much better. :)
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He's back
haanka_8812 September 2018
Absolute perfect explanation of the gang without Dennis! You got anymore wine?
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Not Sure Yet
dougmacdonaldburr10 September 2018
The gang gets a new member. Cindy. I hate her! She is extremely annoying. I wasn't sure where the episode was going, but it did wrap up nicely. I am cautiously optimistic about the rest of this season. There were some great jokes here. I do not think the show can work in the long term without Dennis though. He is my favourite character. They need all of the main characters, or they should just quit while they are ahead.
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This is an average episode of a show that will always be anything but average or ordinary.
alencar_darwin17 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Oh! that time of the year when one cannot resist surrender to some vapid entertainment, but is It's Always Sunny that empty? The answer may-be subjective, however I think not, and with a long article I could prove it, or at least provide a good case in favour of this show's brilliance; yes I could justify the hypothesis (that the show is more than mere vacuous distraction).

Anyways... First the superficial: they all look great. They aren't young (that young) any-more, but look great. Mr. McElhenney finally look like those action heroes of which he seem to a fan. And Mr. Day - lucky as hell. And DeVitto is also in very good shape. And do I need to mention Olson? 43 years old - damn.

Okay. The episode, in my opinion, isn't all that It's Always Sunny can be, nonetheless it isn't bad. A low Sunny still higher than most. Like in last season the first episode have a gimmick (in this season's case the one that Dennis (continuing season 12 finale) is gone when we (the fans) can see he really isn't and also can see the reveal from many bloody miles away): with that said the episode still funny: it kind of works. Is it predictable? Yes. Is it a bit misguided? Yes. Does it have a familiar, generic (albeit vague) scheme and many characterization callbacks? Yes and yes. But I see no reason to detract.

There's a (supposedly) new member to the gang (an ethnic woman) and we're lead to believe that Dennis is gone forever and forget his sociopathic antics until Mac receive a package containing a sex-doll in the likeness of Dennis (complete with a blow-job mouth which Mac says is suppose to feel as though in the mid of a conversation, fooling no-one) which the new member urges to be thrown away. The new member can pull-off schemes with incredible skill, however the Dennis doll (in the minds of our favourite cast of miscreants) start to talk with them and soon berate and abuse and judge them, bringing everybody to their inglorious past - so, Dee is a bird and needs more make-up, Mac is fat, and everything Charlie and Frank do is stupid and wrong; and so goes the scheme to hell. But the scheme and its engineer are utterly unimportant, because all that matters is Dennis: and this is the failure of the episode: it should have made more of an effort to make us believe that Dennis was gone, the scheme should have been better used and the new character better developed.

Of course, when the Waitress get drunk and have sex with the doll we can't help but laugh. To me she was the episode's highlight and I hope she'll appear more in the remaining two seasons.

This is an average episode of a show that will always be anything but average or ordinary.
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Very poor episode
jacobsolvsten27 July 2020
The plot is OK, that is about it. But the acting is horrible, everyone seems without interest and drive. Most scenes are just the gang sitting and talking, so there is no physical aspect to the add to the comedy. The worst episode so far for a show I would over all rate 8 or 9. And just after possibly the best season of all.
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It was clearly a fake out guys....
elisechc22 July 2020
If you're a true Sunny fan then you would realise this. The craft of this episode was nuanced, yes, but that's what made it work. And I never expected a reverse fake out to work- but it did.
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C'mon guys.
chasrboii7 September 2018
I was bored. How? There's no life in this episode nothing the gang is striving for. Pump some blood or just pack it up.
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I'm it's always Sunny's biggest fan
conoros146 September 2018
This episode was not it's always sunny, poor script, poor acting and for the first time in thirteen seasons I didn't laugh once throughout the episode. It felt like a filler episode and hopefully it was for better things to come. My first review because I was so disappointed with how it came out
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Meh episode.
the_hawk87 September 2018
This was just really flat. Mindy was flat. The dialogue as flat. It just was a bit boring and didn't have the "snap" of the other episodes. I hope this season gets better.
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When they writers think they are more clever than they are
secondsdude9 September 2018
I get it, it´s meta, because new additions to the cast almost never work and throw the whole chemistry of. It´s not that "brilliant", it´s an overused trope in and on itself. The writers need to get out of their own asses and focus more on entertainment. The other meta episodes worked better, but with this one i felt like someone whispering "get it? get it? get it?" in my ear for 22 mintues. Yes i get it, it was intentionally bad tv. what do now?
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iizjfkt12 May 2021
We don't need Mindy Kaling to remind us every time the gang opens their mouths that the gang says weird and crazy stuff. Why even bring her on? Her whole bit in this episode is just one giant eyebrow raise at how weird the gang is. Comedy is a lot less funny when someone is constantly calling it out, pretty simple stuff. It's like another laugh track.
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The Gang gets tired of the old Gig
kdsj3906 September 2018
It really seems like everyone is just cashing in with the latest episode. I didn't feel like anyone was in character. For example, Charlie lives in squaller, always has and likely always will. But it appeared that the only effort made in this episode to show that was throwing on an old t shirt. I'm pretty disappointed to see the cast more involved with their other shows which seems to be taking all of their attention away from Sunny.
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