"Castle" Hell to Pay (TV Episode 2016) Poster

(TV Series)


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The Evil has Castle on its sights
tenshi_ippikiookami13 May 2016
In these last episodes of the series, "Castle" has embraced the silliness that gave the show its special flavor and amped it up twofold. In the last episodes Castle has gone a little bit crazy believing in anything, from djinns to superpowers. In this one, he decides to believe in the Antichrist. It is all very silly, a little bit too much for any mystery to be believable, but at the same time quite funny too.

A person that was in a psychiatric house runs away and dies in Castle's P.I. office, not before saying some random words in Latin. The group will try to find the killer, and all seems to point to some supernatural force.

The show keeps the humor and the fun going, and even though there is almost no mystery, it still keeps being a Castle episode. It is nice to see the actors all having screen time and doing a decent job even though, knowing the series is coming to an end, it is curious there is no plot or character development before the finale.

Still, it is a good enough episode to enjoy before the series ends.
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Until almost the last episode
apd83 September 2021
It's really annoying when ever something that seems to be supernatural happens, Castle will excessively obsessed with the subject. Over and over and it seems like he throws reasoning and intelligences that he shows in other episodes away. Also, it shows that the character did not learn from the previous experience and hence, no evolution at all, which is contradict to other episodes when he recalls experience and reasoning from the past.

These are the conflicts of the character's behavior (and obviously of the writers') and that's poor.
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So unrealistic!
andrelap-498487 May 2022
How many couples do we know who have been dating for around 4 years, and have been married for 1 or 2 (I don't remember) call themselves by their family name, even when they are alone together? I am opened to some "suspend of belief" but this is so unrealistic, amongst a few other things that I won't discuss here! The series had many great plots that have kept it going for 8 years but this was quite the most annoying.
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