"Supernatural" Keep Calm and Carry On (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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cestmoi-2920316 August 2021
I don't know why the annoying British MLs was included. Dean and Sam saw and helped God last season, so who the F#$k this Brits thought they were. They should bow to the Winchester!
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The British Men of Letters is a tedious plot development
CubsandCulture21 June 2021
I think the material around Mary's return is largely compelling but I wish the show wouldn't have leaned so heavily into Mary having trouble adjusting to returning. It is a bit too grounded for the show's melodrama. But my biggest problem with this and several other episodes is the British Men of Letters are a bore. A season's (a) big bad should never be just humans. There's too much intrigue and spy stuff in this season for the show's overall vibe.
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"the british men of letter"...
jtsjtssmokey1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
CANT STAND THEM, the actors and actresses do a good job of making me hate them and the whole of them and their thinking they are the be all, NOT. Really dont think they bring much of anything to it esp when they keep them more than a couple epis. Meaning they have not right to come and tell the boys that they have no right to and so much more, max of 3 epis and should have been kick back across the pond.

Do love seeing their mom, but poor mom as she left her boys as little not grown men.

What they do to Sam as a way to "use him" is just beyond but then again when they have those who "passed test of murdering when they are children" that is not supernatural, shame on writers for than kind of story line, it crossed the line.

Gave a 7 as able to move over the useless men in letters stuff, the show is too good to do lower, at least for the show i do enjoy.
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Original Supernatural!
konstzir-8465414 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say Supernatural, not bad! Not bad at all!!

Not that last season was bad, maybe a little hard to grasp the meaning. I wish God had shown under different circumstances and the Darkness was something else other than nothingness and the end of it all!

This season, though, kicked off nice and got off on the right foot! It was, by no means, a complex episode and this is what makes it great. It was right to the point! I loved the subtlety in Dean and Cas's cooperation. Thinking alike and working together in the background showing their old deep friendship and bond. You can see Cas has changed and he is very straightforward ready to fight. And, of course, Sam! The strength and bada$$ery throughout the whole episode. Sam was a true hero in this one. Mary Winchester... Well, it's in the name. Winchester! She fits right in! She was what you expected her to be.

The British Men of Letters had a bit of promise, and the hope that they will live up to that is there! The episode was well-paced giving you some info without rushing it. No disproportional timing.

All in all it seems like Supernatural is back the way it's supposed to be! And I am hoping it won't be like last season which was a whole bunch of well-written and well-executed episodes, but not a great season altogether!
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Fairly entertaining but
shwetafabm25 July 2020
I was entertained for the most part, Mary coming back is strange but fine...Sam has sone badass moments but... What is this? What even happened here? Seems like not much. Doesn't set up much either.
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The power of the write
richibarajass10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So you telling me, Dean who fougth on the purgatory, against angels, demons and other creatures. And Castiel, an Angel by itself cannot defeat a woman in a fight (?) That woman must be trained by god, Chuck Norris, Rambo, the Power rangers, Batman and Captain America at the same time. It's ridiculous having no argument to make her that powerful.
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Terrible episode. Top 3 worst so far.
excldk4 June 2022
So Dean Winchester, who is strong and well trained enough to be able to take on multiple angels and demons in a fight, suddenly gets absolutely outpowered and beaten by a random normal human woman. After she drops Dean on the ground wondering what hit him, she proceeds to absolutely destroy Castiel, an angel, with a few punches.

And then, after we see this absolute warrior overpower Dean and an Angel with a few punches, she gets surprisingly stabbed by the third person she somehow didn't consider may take the blade from the ground.

So, is she a mighty warrior or a fool? If she could take down an angel how come she forgot about the blade lying around? What is even going on in this episode?

The whole episode is full of nonsensical situations. The new characters are presented in an awful way.

Drop your expectations. Absolutely terrible start of the season.
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So the writers have a death wish for Sam to start the new season?
revba19 October 2021
Writers are not starting Season 12 with a bang. They continuing the absurdity with these new characters that have NO place in the story line of this show.

I agree with the first user review listed.....this episode was POORLY WRITTEN. I hope the next episode will make sense because this one does not.
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The unofficial start of the M She U.
cmpd198623 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even though not a Marvel property, this episode epitomizes the spirit of Phase 4.

Men are useless, even Castiel the Angel.

Women do all the work, kick all the butt, drive the entire plot. Dean and Sam are bystanders.
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on the downhill slope
blackmagpie-623682 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 11 finished like a wet firecracker and season 12 has opened like a firecracker that was never even lit. Objectively this is a pretty poor episode especially for a season opener and does not stand out in any way. Directing and story line nondescript. Let's be honest they can't come up with brilliance each episode however this is really uninspired and half an episode of Dean and Mary simping around and Sam being tortured makes very poor viewing. In addition whoever thought of reviving mummy dear should be fired. What on earth were they thinking if they were even thinking. If this is the result of giving in to feminist pressure then they should have come up with something better- what is it with US TV shows and their mums, some serious issues here plus? In this episode Castiel and Mary are redundant baggage,. The extent of Castiel's magnificence is being Dean and Mary's thug and threatening some poor human vet-pathetic. It is silly that Castiel and Dean can't handle a men of letters thug so Mary has to rescue them...OMG. The nicest thing about this episode is watching Dean break a phone in half.

And the British men of letters ....why oh why would they attack first rather than make civil contact does not even make sense. The writers tried to explain this but it really doesn't work. Next is the accents ....dear god who talks like that anywhere? My ears are bleeding. Number three the British men of letters are so advanced yet they have no idea what is going on nor did they see fit to interfere in preventing the apocalypse or the darkness or anything..do they have the intel then or not? Does not bode well for the future of this season.
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Another Low Point
Johnny_West10 October 2023
The Darkness brought back Mary Winchester from the dead, 30 years after she died. Problem is that she looks pretty beat for someone that died in her twenties. I guess she kept aging in the crypt?

The actress who plays Mary Winchester has all the charisma of a wet paper bag, and immediately begins complaining that she wanted to get away from "hunting," and is now back in.

Her chemistry with her "sons" is less than zero. Sammy spends all his time looking scared and shocked when he is near her. Talk about over-acting? Dean keeps bringing up childhood memories as Mom shoots them down and never stops complaining about how much it sucks to be alive.

Into that mess come the British Men of Letters, which is a fascist organization that blames the Winchesters for everything and comes to the USA to capture them, and to take command of all American hunters. It sounds even dumber when the bad Brits say it.

So a couple of psycho Brit ladies kidnap Sammy and immediately begin to torture him, because that's how they roll. You would think Sammy could contact Castiel? They should have some kind of psychic link after so many years?

After all the horrifying things that are done to Sammy and later to Dean by the British Men of Letters, you would think that they would kill them off at the end of this episode?
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I am woman?
Marynewcomb201319 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst episode of Supernatural by far!! The "British Men Of Letters" aspect was completely unnecessary!! Women taking down the Winchesters with ease? It's just stupid!! The same way having a minimum on here is!! This is around the time the "me too" movement hit & you can see how the writers had to incorporate this nonsense into a once fantastic show!!

Bringing back Mary was a decent thing & that, I get!! But the writing is getting away from where the show was! The writing of the show is one of the things that helped make it so successful!! When the writing goes south, the stars can't even save it!! Hopefully this "British Men Of Letters" aspect doesn't last too long & the show gets back on course!!
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Bad writing, getting worse.
Elaphi30 July 2020
This episode is bad. Once again the writing in this show continues to go downhill.
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Balancing The Books....S12E01 vs Pilot...And "Fandom"
grimdugald7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
**May contain minor spoilers** Okay, there's only one other review that I see for this episode on IMDb so far, and it's time to balance the books. This is Rumor Control. Here are the facts.

Take the very first episode of Supernatural - "Pilot". Now, compare it to any episode from Season 9 onwards. I ought really to end on that note.

...But, I won't. I don't want to seem like I'm "having a go" at another reviewer. The only other review for this episode "Keep Calm and Carry On", though, is blatantly biased, imho. When I see the words "Not that Season 11 was bad" used to try and express how "great" this Season 12 opener is, something smells distinctly fishy...

Let's start with *one* of the enormous, gaping, behemothian plot holes, shall we? The "British Men of Letters". Up till now there's been no mention of them - Strike One! They've kidnapped Sam "In order to find out more about the American Men of Letters". Strike two - they're supposed to be fully trained Men of Letters - in other words, they're not like our Sam and Deano - who were raised as "knuckle dragging mono-brow hunters". No, these guys (and/or gals...seems like mostly gals - I'm saying nothing...) are the full tomali. So, why are they asking stupid questions - questions to which they would already have all of the answers? I'll tell you why - Bad Writing. That's why. And there we have our Strike Three! And without even getting on to all of their other stupid decisions. No mucking about here. Let's get to the point. For such professionals, they come across as complete half-wits, who have not clue one what they are doing.

...Aaaand our heroes have been at The Bunker for approximately 3 and a half years. And they're unaware there's a British branch to the Men of Letters. Really? You're seriously telling me this, and asking that I believe this is even remotely possible, are you? I hardly think so. Sorry, "Writers". Not sold.

Unfortunately, this show has become a (decidely dodgy) juggernaut. And any true love for what the show *actually is* has well and truly died. Every now and then we're teased with a glimmer, but make no mistake about that, like Deano's mommy, this puppy is toast. As I say, every episode should be compared to the Pilot episode for unbiased decision making. That said, I could do without the odd moment or two that even the Pilot has of crummy "I'm trying to hold the camera still, but a badger is gnawing at my ankle, honest" mod (read as cr*p) camera moments!...But I digress. Though, good camera work is always preferred. Bottom line - if we're not drunk while watching whatever we're watching, then the camera shot in question ought to not look to us like it were filmed by a pygmy, a dwarf, a toddler, or a fall-down drunk.

Related to this, we have the fights - which have degenerated into similar laziness (and you were worried I'd lost my point). In the earlier seasons we were treated to some pretty well filmed action. Which, while not always perfectly filmed, was a heck of a higher standard than what the show now offers for the most part. When it comes to "good episodes", they can't even do those right nowadays ("Baby" springs instantly to mind - which, while good, had to be ruined with a pointless "urban music" joyride segment, which was very un-Supernatural, and totally out of place).

Basically, the show runners know that the largest part of their audience today is people who are more concerned with the celebs, and with the "trending/in" stuff, and the show has lost its integrity, the plot, and itself.

The biggest mistake the show made imho, was to not, largely, have shut off the angel/demon stuff during Season 6, and wrapped it up. Keeping those things so frequent and prominent, combined with struggling imaginations, has taken the show down rather messy paths. But those paths have been made even more messy by outright bad writing. Ultimately, the show Supernatural today, is *not* the show Supernatural. It blends into the landscape of the rest of today's sucky television, and no longer stands out as something special. And I, for one, think that's a huge shame. It could have been so much more. It's very telling when you look at the "covers" for Season 11. And how the guys look like they're modeling cool smooth leather jackets for a clothing catalogue. And if you didn't notice that, shame on you. Seriously - where are the pockets on those things for weapons - ah? Aha! Stop supporting this show if they can't do it right...That's my feeling. It's all too easy to say, "Oh, the guys are older now", or make any number of excuses. The characters are the characters, and they shouldn't be dressed like male models on the Season Cover/Poster. Period. *Details* like this, are indicators that the people pushing the show aren't even trying any more. It's *all* about the details. When they drop something once in a while, okayyy, when it's frequent or blatant, something ain't right. And I don't care who you are in this world, you ought to be able to see that.

Love and light, and all that. Take care, and Carry On. But, whatever you do, don't just "keep calm" and allow anybody to use idiot phrases like that one or "hater" in order to sell you any old twoddle while they call it "gold". Capisce? ;) All the best.
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Welcome to the worst season of Supernatural ever
danamae514796 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think my review title says it all. This is just a huge step back from the previous season(s). How do you go from fighting Amara, God("Capital G")'s sister to the big bad being the British Men of Letters? Weak!

So yes there's the Lucifer side plot but he's basically part of the family at this point and reduced to comic relief so he can't be considered the big bad. Maybe if Mark Pellegrino was in more than 7 episodes of this season it would be easier to digest but Rick Springfield? Come on!! The writers, show runners, producers, whoever, were just lost. They missed the mark on this one.

Side note: After all the time and energy being a loyal fan of Supernatural and the payoff is Mary Winchester and they kill off the Alpha Vamp? What a kick in the teeth.

Summary: This season pales in comparison to the rest. Expect to be disappointed and you may occasionally be pleasantly surprised. That's the best way to approach.

Three stars because Jensen, Mark and Misha are perfect as always plus we get to see talented Rick Worthy and the fabulous Ruthie Connell again.
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Worst episode!
Little-c5 November 2023
Just when you think it can't get any worse, here comes the horrific attempt at an English accent, she was bad enough in Vampire diaries. I knew it was her without even looking as her horrific faux accent gave her away. I've completely lost interest in the show now, it's just boring, the build up every season is so huge and then, fizzle, all solved in the last few seconds.

If I have to endure this damned woman's fake accent for more than two episodes, I'm sorry, but it's going off.

No wonder it only lasted a couple more years .... I'd have stopped watching by now if it was in real time, there just isn't any plot or point.
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jjnsn22 May 2024
Ms. Bevell is smarty-pantsing to Sam about how good the British Men Of Letters are. She says that every single entry point into Britain is warded and the moment a monster of any kind steps foot in Britain, the British Men Of Letters knows about it. She goes on to say that within 20 minutes the monster has been picked up and within 40 minutes has been killed. That is NOT something to be smug about. When monsters enter a city or state or whatever they have over there, they're not going to just stand there in that spot for twenty minutes doing nothing but waiting for the British Men Of Letters to come grab them. The monster could be across a city and into another one by the time 20 minutes has passed, and then the Brits won't know where they are. So that, on top of shooting & kidnapping and torturing another hunter simply because they don't do things the British way, makes this whole episode something that ticks me off so bad I can't stand watching it and don't want to continue the show if these British jerks are going to be a continuing story line.
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