Goodland (2017) Poster


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Fabulous beginning, but then it starts going downhill.
S_Soma7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The one person in the crew of GOODLAND who unequivocally did his job and did it spectacularly was the director of photography. The opening of GOODLAND is a collection of landscape set shots of the billiard-table-flat surrounds of Goodland, Kansas and, as an erstwhile photographer, I found these opening shots breathtaking in their compositional choices. I'd like to have a coffee table book with those pictures, and others like them, in it. I thought, hoo boy, this is gonna be a great movie.

Turns out not.

If you don't want to watch the whole movie at least take a look at these opening shots. They're worth it.

One of the other user reviewers around here described GOODLAND as "Fargo, Kansas", and that's spot on. The parallels between FARGO and GOODLAND are far too overt to overlook. They're both murder mysteries set in small town America being investigated by a ranking female policewoman with a lot of representation of local color and life.

But where FARGO artfully captures the colloquial cadence of life and language in North Dakota, GOODLAND makes the people of Goodland, Kansas a bit slow and monotonous. The townsfolk depicted in GOODLAND look exactly like what they are: actors trying to capture the feeling of local yokels but instead coming across as wooden and unbelievable because of the poor job they're doing capturing Kansas patina.

Illustrating this point, there's a scene in GOODLAND involving a pathologist; what's interesting about it is that it's a scene where, inadvertently I guess, a clearly experienced and polished actor is in the scene along with the cardboard cutout actors typical of GOODLAND, and the stark contrast is a little jarring.

I rather guess that what is supposed to make movies like GOODLAND impactful is the way that they represent small town, middle America in a rather brutal and gritty way in purposeful inversion to the more traditional, warm and inviting Norman Rockwell depiction us oldsters grew up with. While I may be a bit paranoid, it's hard to avoid the feeling that there is some sort of political/cultural statement in there somewhere, which is more than a little annoying.

In short, as pointed out by others, if you have seen FARGO then you generally know what to expect thematically of GOODLAND, only not as well done. Additionally, I found the ending to be needlessly brutal, dissatisfying, and a pointless slap in the face to most of the rest of what had transpired in the movie; whoops... It's time to wrap this up. Let's kill everybody, good guy included, in a sad and pointless way and turn off the cameras. We're done.
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One thing
veselik-2273530 June 2019
I just couldn't buy the 16-year-old character being played by a 26 year old woman.
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Good movie. Terrible ending
djallendennis31 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie that looked like it would be resolved but then the "good guy" who could have cleared things up gets killed in the final scene. Just wasted 2 hours.
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Gave it a chance ... then bottom fell out
roger_towne20 April 2021
This movie actually had stuff going for it. Sure, there were no name actors, some weak acting and ineffective editing. But writer/director Josh Doke built interest and momentum to help you look past that. As you follow along as Doke builds to the story to a roiling crescendo, he thanks you by pulling the rug out.

After abruptly ending, numerous ends were left hanging and you couldn't help feeling ripped off. Thanks Mr Doke for another waste of time and disappointing piece of Hollywood crap.
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Fargo, Kansas
jwoodsvf1426 June 2018
A low budget flick that works! Using my movie pass before they go bankrupt. Good performances by the Sheriff and Ergo... some plot holes but kept me entertained with a minimum of groans for cliches...

Director did a great job of making movie look high budget. Extras were the stars. A little slice of Americana. 7 might be generous but it had the feel that someone really wanted to make a good movie and gave a s#%t!
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Weak, predictable social-realist propaganda
framersqool5 May 2019
Whatever. Hardly ever does the motion picture industry portray having any clue about rural and small-town America, and this was by no means any exception. Within the first few seconds the intent was already clear: rusty, squeaky oil rigs and grey old abandoned buildings accompanied by sinister music, and I'm already braced for what was sure to come and did. Small farm towns, according to movie people, are full of angry disaffected losers, drunken violent young white males and crumbling businesses and institutions, and not much else. The reference to the new motel "out by the interstate" pops up over and over as a sort of otherwise needless symbol of progress and the resistance to it. I guess it never occurred to the writers that such a place would be staffed with locals and that the interstate highway isn't some foreign country or alien invasion in their world.

Nor are farmers stupid, nor are custom harvesters some anonymous gang of dangerous drifters, nor does anybody ever cut corn in a 160-acre center-pivot field by themselves. That combine doesn't hold the grain any longer than it takes to chute it into the grain cart running alongside, driven by a second inevitable witness to the dead body but absent from this story, nor does the grain cart hold more than about a quarter of what it takes to load the semi-trailer parked at the end of the row, driven by a third witness who also never appears in the story nor do either of the two essential pieces of machinery. Center-pivot farming is a high-dollar operation backed by hefty finances and performed by intelligent, worldwise men and women who typically have been around this big old world outside their home towns more than you can possibly imagine, and who have spent lifetimes learning everything from crop expertise to heavy equipment mechanical skills, and how to hire reliable contract harvest people that for the most part they have worked with for many years and know very well.

Plus, the Angry White Male narrative is alive and well here: for good guys/gals we have a female sheriff with violent ex-husband issues, a sixteen-year-old pretty motel clerk with daddy-abandonment issues and a neanderthal boyfriend, and near the end a grim-faced female federal officer with a black male boss, etc, etc. Of course all the bad guys are white males, except for the other ones who are inept cops and fat business owners stuck in 1955 by the look of them. The waitress jokes about everything being as obsolete as the old film camera in the story, the sheriff drives a truck of a vintage I haven't seen in years as if nothing else is available, the boyfriend totes an old break-action goose gun no modern country boy would be seen outdoors with, and on and on and on.

If you're an urbanite looking to have your biases about where your food comes from confirmed, you're sure to be vindicated here. If on the other hand you have ever actually spent more than an hour beyond The Last Exit in your lifetime, this is so uninformed and unrealistic it should have been billed as comedy.
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Solid Story, Well Told and Enacted
TheJonesBones5 December 2018
Though the picture offers nothing spectacular, neither does it stumble. Moments of excellent camera work frame a solid story told by skilled players. Entirely believable, suspenseful if not surprising, and - most importantly for this kind of effort - never overdone. I recommend it for a spare hour or so.
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john-shep11 March 2019
If you think the beginning of this movie stinks, just wait until the ending. How do movies like this even get financed?
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Two strangers show up in a small Kansas town--one is found dead; the other . . . .
authordebgoodrich19 November 2017
Solid. True to the place and the characters. Well-cast. Excellent cinematography. Well-crafted. Josh Doke has a bright future as both a writer and director. Josh has a real feel for the story-telling; in a time where so many movies hang on one chase or explosion after another, his pace suits this story and its location. He deftly takes you to the High Plains, to a world where the sheriff knows everyone by name and murders are not a daily occurrence.
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Wow all the high reviews are a lie
thesanger-7508523 April 2021
The acting is horrendous and very bad. I had to turn off after a few minutes.
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the body of a drifter is discovered the same day a photographer arrives in a small farming community
contact-742-5008357 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
GOODLAND is a heist movie and a Neo-Western that reminds us of works like FARGO and HELL OR HIGH WATER. Sheriff Georgette Gaines (Cinnamon Schultz) is called to investigate the appearance of a drifter's body in a field the very same day a photographer by the name of Ergo Raines (Matt Weiss) arrives in town with a mysterious agenda of his own. Ergo catches the attention of the Sheriff when he begins taking photos around town with a seemingly specific goal in mind. Sheriff Gaines suspects that the drifter she found dead was actually murdered and that Ergo may have something to do with it. Ergo on the other hand is far more complex than he seems and hides more secrets beyond what Sheriff Gaines could possibly imagine.

GOODLAND is directed and written by Josh Doke with a diamond cutter's eye, his small town crime drama is filled with multi-dimensional characters who all appear to be something on the outside but are far more complicated than what we see at first glance. Cinnamon Schultz plays her veteran Sheriff as a woman wrestling with sobriety and considering hitting the bottle again when she can't quite nail what Ergo is up to and how he figures into her frustrating investigation, but she's also a capable cop when under fire. Matt Weiss plays an outstanding anti-hero in Ergo, who is evidently more than just a photographer and whose purpose in the town of Goodland pits him against Sheriff Gaines. As his true identity is revealed he becomes a tragic hero whit a mission beyond anything Sheriff Gaines may have deduced.

GOODLAND starts out as a crime mystery but it unravels into much more by focusing on character. Doke's script gives us two outstanding performances from Schultz and Weiss in this small-town thriller that just like its characters is more than meets the eye.

Review by Enrrico Wood Lagonigro - Senior Curator Oaxaca FilmFest.
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Better than you might be thinking
asmith19511 July 2020
I loved this movie! Hollywood is putting out mostly junk these days. Alleged A-list actors who are, well, pretty awful with a few minor exceptions. In Goodland, every name listed in the end credits are people I've never heard of. And that's a wonderful thing!! Fresh faces, fresh acting! Something "the big guys" don't care about because they don't care about their viewers. They'll spend $100M + on a "message movie" that nobody cares about. They make $125K on a $100M movie and they don't care, because they got their message out. Pay attention, Hollywood! These actors were great! Hungry actors who get a big break like this are sincere, and it comes through in playing their roles. They WANT the movie to be great, and everyone puts their all into it.

The topic of the movie is one we've seen many times in movies and TV shows, but in Goodland, they make it work. It's fresh and I won't give away any spoilers, but they throw a few extras into the story which is what makes it great! Who is the guy checking into the hotel? Why did he choose that town for his project? And watch how determined this petite, woman, small-town Sheriff handles things. She's very smart and it's almost as if the viewer (that's us) is supposed to think that maybe she's more experienced in solving crimes than just your typical, small-town sheriff.

Give this movie a try. You'll like it!
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Another disaster written and directed by the same clueless dude...
NanoFrog24 February 2019
No. The cast is reading their lines from cardboard cutouts in another room. The dialogue is so childish and so unreal you may think the film takes place in Dummyland rather than Goodland. Yet another lame over-reach by yet another clueless "writer/director". Everything here is unwatchable and meaningless so there can not be a coherent review of something that just does not exist; namely this film has nothing, nothing at all. Writer/Director films should be outlawed.
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ldtabor-5131314 October 2018
I'm not sure how this movie got such good ratings! Bad acting. Horrible script. Boring. Waste of $$$!
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Smaltown Meets Oil Driling And Bank Robbing
tedfio130 April 2020
This movie would have been really good if the charachter Ergo was fully understood at the end. We see a quick photo that shows he was a somewhat highly decorated ex-military individual. The problem is, the movie does not show us what his real mission was! Was he an undercover Law/Gov. Agent or a once hero gone bad? The movie could have added 15 minutes more to play that out and give the audience a little more solid ground of information to work with while keeping a degre of mystery.
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One of the worst I've ever seen
p_ptacek8 December 2018
The acting was bad, the writing was bad - I don't know how this could have actually made it to production.
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What happened to this poor, poor movie?!?!
shoobe01-12 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The cinematographer an editor should immediately be hired to have awesome careers making films forever. Beautiful shot, otherwise very well put together on the surface.

The writer, maybe the director depending on what his responsibility for this mess was, should be deported to an island where there is no chance they will ever even accidentally make a film again.

This is a low-budget film, but only really shows it in the hit and miss acting. Some are really quite atrocious. And one big chunk of dialog that's sadly looped and really really obviously so. And a sixteen-year-old played by a twenty-something, but that's just movies regardless of budget.

I can't emphasize enough how good the photography is. And not just the set pieces of Landscapes, but every single bit of it.

But the story is pretty mediocre and then it stings entirely out of control into, oh I don't even know because I stopped really caring. Secret agents maybe? Certainly, they went from a low key crime slice of life small-town crime story to trying to be an action movie, then maybe a spy kind of undercover something else thriller, and aside from the needless implausibility of all this, it was just extremely poorly done the further along it got.

Oh, and inexplicably the music is sometimes this weird scary thing that makes it seem like tentacles will come out of the ground and kill everybody. So add that to the tonal shift problems.

I would literally only suggest you watch about the first half to two-thirds of it then just turn off and don't worry about the rest.
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good as far as it goes
mathomas-280537 February 2020
This movie starts out pretty well and holds your interest all the way through. Good cast, good story, fair dialog, great cinematography. So, kudos for that -- as far as it goes.

However, this is a movie without an ending. It's one of those movies where the writer/director knew what the ending meant, and thought he would be clever "implying" the ending; but he remains the only person alive who knows that the ending means. For everybody else, there wasn't enough information, so now we feel like the whole thing was a waste of time.

Maybe he was setting up a "Part 2" ? But at this rate, it will never be financed. Well, maybe it will, since part 1 probably shouldn't have been financed either, but it was. In any case, I'd love to see an explanation as to what happened. If all he was saying was "The U.S.A. is a crime-ridden hell hole," we didn't need this film to tell us that. Just read the papers.
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Niceee vibe!
Guanche4829 January 2023
I love movies with a country atmosphere, sheriff and maybe a little weird, but without taking away the meaning of the story. In this one we have at least one smart and alert sheriff, which can't be said about his deputies, all of whom are rather goofy.

It is true that the character of the young girl could be better, but if you look closely, she is very young. They exist in real life, jajaja... with an adult life from a very young age. As it is in this case.

The story is not boring at all, on the contrary, it maintains a strange tension until the end, very well done.

If you like Fargo, of course muuuch better quality in terms of plot and quality, you will like this too.
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Come For The Cinematography, Stay For The Cinematography
MikeNTxs10 April 2019
This is a low-budget indie film that looks it, and a better, stronger cast probably could have added more "sizzle". That said ...

The cinematography is the most engaging part of the film, and may be the real star. It's not flashy or effects-heavy. No obvious CGI or fancy cutting. Just honest scenic filming that shows the town, the environment, some representative inhabitants, and some outlying territory.

Overall, I've seen better acting in adult community theater and worse, which is to say that the acting, while adequate to the story, will not hit you like a shot of caffeine on a sleepy day.

Some of the dialog feels unnatural to the ear, some of the characters' motivations seem vague, and the key elements of the story reveal themselves in the last half hour while still leaving some room for assumptive guessing at the end.

This movie isn't a waste of your time if you like good camerawork, visions of a slowly-suffocating smalltown America, and a slow plot that eventually mostly gets where it's going; mostly.

A final mystery is left dangling, but with enough suggestion that the answer seems mostly obvious enough to offer a mildly frustrating closure.

A good movie for idle curiosity watched on a personal low-energy night
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Excellent smalltown mystery
leefoo-123 December 2018
Not sure why some reviewers criticized the acting. It was really good. Nice mystery that keeps you guessing. I enjoyed it a lot. The ending was kind of sudden, but after a bit I figured it out.
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B movie at best
ericdrue21 October 2018
Horrible movie! It would be a bad made-for-tv movie. Poor acting, poor sound, poor plot development. Complete waste of time. I would gladly pay that 4.99 to not have to sit through that again.
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Such bad acting for a few characters
gustheaffen5 August 2019
The sheriff, the 30 year old teenager and the head bad guy were such bad actors it was comical. The story just meandered and petered out. They threw in a dumb twist that went no where. This felt like a junior college film project, Thankfully it wasn't a long drawn out film. You could probably watch paint dry and be more entertained.
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She's 16. Looks 30, but is actually 26.
travism-4478413 April 2020
Sloppy casting of this "16 year old girl." Movie could have been better. Acting was pretty dry
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how good land can be?
ops-5253518 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a little crime story, taking place in a dusty midwestern town, were corpses turn up in a cornfield. the sheriff who are of the paranoid sort, have suspicious thoughts ,even on her own staff, and especially on stranger that stops over at the local motel. its an innocent photographer who shoots pictures seemingly at random, and the motel managers daughter falls heavy in love for the photo guy. it is eventually told that the photo guy really works as a scout, surveilling and scouting for a group of robbers that plans to ditch 3 banks in the same town simultaneously. but it all goes terribly wrong in the end, and the paranoid sheriff may conclude that she was right as usual.....

this is truly a b-movie, with b-actors at large, it has all signs of bad economy, but it never flaws. that doesnt mean its good though its not bad either. i'm sure that i could never have made a film like this myself ,so the level of professionalism are higher than homemade. the acting are dull and average, the story well used ,like my trousers inherited when i was twelve after my oldest and my second oldest and third oldest brother that had already been patched and worn out. the score are definetely not boosting the movie, and i think the props and equipment used in this film are amateuristicly chosen.

as the grumpy old man i am, i can recommend this as an alternative to the adress to the nation,but its up to you.a maks of five is all i can do.
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