"Arrow" Broken Hearts (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Felicity is a bit unreasonable.
jaccer1116 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, okay, the writers are trying to great drama, blah, blah, blah... But, Felicity's response and breakup with Oliver is a bit unreasonable and absurd.
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Talk about hypocrite
CastleofGlass198723 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode came and i thought okay cool cupids back and with a title called Broken Hearts i thought that yeh there is going to be a look at Felicity and Olivers relationship or lack off as she casually walked out on him last episode (which dont get me into the How) , which to me makes no sense. the whole lies thing had me thinking seriously Felicity you gunna be angry and dump Oliver over a lie that was justified, and whats with not long ago the whole speech with her mother about lance and his lies. I dont mind the olicity relationship but i agree with other peoples reviews that it is overhyped for the teenagers and shippers. I Like Felicity but what the hell was she made in to by the writers in this episode , she was awful to Oliver and quite frankly she actually made me hate her . Why have the writers turnt her into this cold .selfish person ,probably for pointless drama so they can do an off and on again drama i betcha , I wont give up on the show but i also wont enjoy it as much if it continues in this direction.
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Arrow - S04E16 Broken Hearts
j_forbesy24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow is finally back! I was really excited for this episode from the promos they have already given us. Cupid for me was a very intriguing villain when we first saw her and she again was. I like how they changed her motives from her being all for love to resenting it and then returning back to her addiction to it. I think she was a great villain that allowed us to get back into it all. I especially loved the opening of the episode how they changed the green arrow in the logo to the red love heart of Cupid's arrows.

I thought that they really floated us back into the Arrow world really nice. Nothing was rushed and it really gave us time to pick up where we left off. I really liked how we touched on the Olicity story really early and they were able to establish that there has been a passage of time that has passed from our last episode. They also managed to handle to unveiling for the news to other members of Team Arrow. It was nicely dropped in without being forced, and allowed us to get another great Diggel speech.

The court case was something that I felt could have been a better but I didn't expect it would be. The main reason for this is because I'm currently making my way through Daredevil, and for those who have seen it will know, the quality of those court cases are outstanding. They are extremely detailed and play the major events of the episode rather than a back story. I thought it was still good however and they progressed the Darhk storyline into a legal sense. Please tell me I wasn't the only one that forgot Laurel was a lawyer? This story line at least gives her something else to do rather than be a copy cat of her sister.

The flash back scene brought some of the magic to this episode and I really enjoyed them. The flash back scenes haven't been the best however in the past few episodes they have really stepped up. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they are going to play out the rest of the season and what the idol actually is.

I really liked the Lance story they have been playing out throughout this season. The problem though that I have with liking it is that the writers have tried really hard to make it an appealing story. For me I believe it's nothing more than build up to what could potentially be the answer to who could be in the grave.

Something I didn't like in this episode was the scene where they were planning to hold the fake wedding. While I thought the plan was really smart, there was a a few lines that I thought really could of been a meaningful moment but they blew it. When Oliver is saying how he couldn't cancelled the wedding because then he knew it was over. For me I thought it really could of been a moment where Felicity had some form of sad reaction and perhaps walked away, but instead she was bitter and a little spoilt. Her response of "It is over" felt like she had no remaining connection to Oliver. For me it feel really flat and it could of been a great way to show to follow on effect it is having on the characters after their split. This moment was then buried deeper by the wedding scene they have. In that scene they show a large amount of chemistry between Felicity and Oliver, especially during Oliver's vows. His vows seemed to be his apology speech to Felicity and in this scene she accepts it, which is a completely different reaction from her than the 'It is over' scene. However, despite some nice words, Olicity appears to be over for now.

I thought the final scene was great. Although it wasn't a big reveal or anything, by showing that Darhk has his ring that gives him his powers, strongly suggests we aren't anywhere near done seeing the havoc of Darhk.

7/10 - See more reviews - thenotsonerdynerd.wordpress.com/
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fennec-3919220 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Felicity was very boring on this episode,they should have left her in a relationship with Ray palmer because Oliver has no chemistry with her but none. The only cool thing to come out of her in this episode is her little monologue towards cupid which was beautiful,also the eye play + the tears of the actress who plays cupid are great. The theme chosen for this episode is understandable but somewhat redundant. Otherwise it was cool to see Cupid and his motives regarding love. Diggle and his advice are cool as usual. We find a Thea a little more human in this episode. The trial of Darkh and I think the best part of the episode, the character of Darkh is still as charismatic even if it lacks exploitation. Cupid is still a cool and disturbed character,his fight scenes against Oliver and Thea are great. One of the most surprising characters to appear in the Arrowverse. Laurel and Quentin are still cool together especially through Quentin who is relieved of his duties and manages to get Darkh sent behind a cell. The trial part is great.flashback rating Tatianna and Oliver take advantage of Reter and his group but nothing special yet except that their chemistry is better than Felicity-Oluver as were all those former exes especially Hantress.oliver's character is changing little by little but I still find him more interesting in the flashbacks.
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What happened to Arrow?
Specialis_Sapientia25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review. I felt that I had to write this because the two other reviews for this episode does not come close to encapsulate my feelings for the episode or the show in general.

The Oliver and Felicity drama is dragging this show down to unbearable depths.. Oliver is basically in an abusive relationship, and it shows.. where is his strength? He is basically sapped for strength,trying to salvage a relationship that is just bad. Felicity.. man, where to start, she is just sitting there on her high horse spewing bulls*** about telling lies, she lies to Oliver as well (like working for the team in secret)! she is passive-aggressive, making small quips like saying the murderous psychopath Cupid could be justified in her crusade against love, come on! She talks about trust, but she has no idea what it is! Trust is knowing that Oliver may have to keep secrets, because it is in their best interest, trust is knowing that secrets can be okay, because you trust the other person!! (And what the FU** is up with her walking away from him when she regained her ability to walk last episode? That was so awkward, to just walk away like that, she must think she is better than Oliver, I don't know how to else explain it.) They even said they loved each other during the secret wedding scene, and blah blah blah, and the other was their best part of their life.. but then nothing! It meant nothing, she doesn't want to be together with her "love" because Oliver had a secret that was pretty reasonable, about being able to see his son, cut him some f***ing slack. After every episode, I participate in discussions about the episode on a Arrow forum, and there are so many people either quitting the show or very close to it, and I totally understand them, this is not what Arrow was or was meant to be, I think.. where is that comic-book spirit?

Felicity and her relationship is a big part of what is wrong with the show, but there is something else.. The fight scenes.. (Man I want to swear so badly) are so bad now..Oliver the guy was trained by the League of Assassins and more and fought toe to toe with Ra's al Ghul, and defeated him twice! He is (or rather was) a pretty amazing fighter, but his fighting ability has gone to poop now! He is losing to damn amateurs, like former cops gone bad.. and just random bad guys.. He should just destroy them, but instead he is getting beat up.. and not just that, the fight choreography is worse than some of the earlier seasons.

It is just not Arrow any more, the awesome fights and ass-kicking are gone, and there is way too much focus on romantic relationships that just doesn't work.. because the characters, such as Felicity (meaning the writers really) makes stupid and irrational decisions.

I really hope they pull it together soon, because Arrow is going in the wrong direction. I really loved the show, but now I just get sad when I see the potential waste away. I will most likely watch the rest of the season, but if the show doesn't redeem itself.. I cannot just watch it any more.
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I've Decided Felicity Is Wrong For Oliver
richard_stiles17 July 2021
Trust is a two way street, and Felicity should trust that Oliver would only lie if it's the right thing to do. But reasons are immaterial to her, all she cares about is getting her pliers around his walnuts. She shouldn't have gotten away with this. Criticizers of how someone is aren't the deciders of how someone is, criticizers can accept how someone is, perceived flaws and all, or walk away and keep walking. If Felicity hadn't fished for him and hooked him, Oliver would've been back with Laurel by now, and Laurel is more understanding about the necessity of secrets.
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What the .....
gjenevieve17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From the beginning of the show I have been hoping that Felicity and Oliver would get together. It took quite a while, but they finally did. Then, Oliver finds out that he has a son and the mother of the child tells him that he cannot see his son unless he promises not to tell anyone, not even Felicity. When Felicity finds out that he kept it from her and when the mother of the child explains that she was the one that told Oliver he had to keep it from her, Felicity still gets upset and breaks up with Oliver. I thought that by the end of this episode (Broken Hearts), they would end up back together. The whole thing that she said to him at the end was a bunch of bunk. I am so sick and tired of writers screwing with relationships. I realize that in real life there are a lot of divorces and a lot of problems in relationships. But, it would be really nice if the writers would stop making relationships such a big mess. I believe that if more writers would show couples running into problems and actually finding solutions to those problems and finding ways to stay together and keep the love in the relationship, that more people would actually follow suit. They would be encouraged to do the same thing. I am not sure if I will keep watching the show. Not only did they break them up, but Felicity said that she was not going to keep working on the team. Without her as the genius behind a lot of what they do, I am not sure that the show will actually work. I gave it a really low score because of the above mentioned nonsense.
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Out of the Darhkness
ThomasDrufke23 March 2016
After stumbling into this 4 week break with a mediocre "taken" episode, I think Arrow stepped back into its own this week with an appearance from Cupid. Of course, Cupid was merely just a fold to cap off the Olicity storyline, but it worked effectively. It was also really nice seeing Damien Darhk vs Oliver Queen in the light for once as we have seen fight after fight when the two are being their alter egos.

Cupid was out killing couples this time as once again ARGUS' lack of security should be put to question as this was the second time in a few weeks they have let an inmate get free. Alas, she terrorized Star City killing celebrity couples who she claimed didn't have the right to be in love. This prompted Oliver and Felicity to suck it up and stage a wedding to trap Carrie Cutter after several failed attempts. Thus, the reason why Guggenheim posted the wedding pic of Olicity a month or so ago. Cruel? Perhaps. But I think we were all expecting this was the case.

The actual break up itself was frustrating, especially after Felicity has heard everything she needed to hear the last couple of weeks in order to persuade her. It also had a great deal of closure attached to it. I was once a huge fan of the potential of Olicity, but I'm not overly disappointed it's over. 90% of the time the relationship material between these two is compelling TV, but I think it has run its course. What I'm more concerned about is Felicity's involvement in Team Arrow being done for now. The team will always need someone of her caliber, so it will be interesting to see how the dynamic changes.

The flashbacks were fine as they have been for a while now. Reiter and company argued about where the artifact should be kept and such, but nothing exciting is really happening. I want to find out more about Reiter and Oliver's tattoo's capabilities. Less talk and more walk from Reiter would be great.

Lance took a big step this week as he risked his job to testify against Darhk in court. The court material in general was great as Laurel showed that she's a lawyer again (it's been a minute) and Paul Blackthorne's performance was as good as ever. It almost seems inevitable that Lance is the one in the grave. He's had a big arc this season, and the decision Lance made seemed to push him more and more in that direction.

Overall, I liked the change of pace this episode displayed. You could make the argument the Olicity stuff felt overdone and sappy, but I thought hearing both of their fake vows gave the relationship an ironic amount of genuineness that it was lacking. Which makes it all the more tragic that it's over. It was a nice touch having Darhk not say a single word in the episode, only to reveal he was hiding his wedding ring in his mouth the entire time. Even with all of that mind, I think Arrow is heading back in the right direction thanks to a nicely crafted episode that brought the show back into the light.

+Cupid is always memorable

+Closure with Olicity

+Speechless Darhk

+Lance takes a big step

+Laurel vs Darhk


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This is Not the Arrow I Came to Love
madcatmjb26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First, the good.

Laurel Lance has come a long way from frustrating me to no end. She's actually doing her job as an attourney, and she works hard and without complaint in Team Arrow. I'm glad she's evolved to such a state.

The court scenes were actually good too. They served as the one and only solid ground of logic, but out of that? It's a hot mess.

I have no particular feeling about the current flashback and am willing to wait how it progresses, but the actual main storyline has been too much of this relationship drama between Oliver and Felicity.

I have nothing more to say if this is truly the end of that relationship and a return to focus on TGA and his mission, but I suspect it won't be.

The dialogue was pretty bad, and the fight scenes have become pathetic. The Green Arrow can't catch arrows? He can't defeat random bad guys but can defeat The Ras Al Ghul? You must be joking! Arrow cannot continue this way. I did not want a masterpiece of an episode. I would have been fine with an 'ok' episode. But this was just horrible to see and a downright bore.

The Flash and LoT are spin-offs of this show and are doing much better with the same amount of resources. And that's just DC. As a watcher I cannot ignore the way other TV shows are avoiding the same writing problems and doing a much better show of providing amazing comic book adaptations.

The actors are great. I have no problems with the stuff like VFX and the like. My main concern is the characters and the story.

I've lost my trust in this show, but I will keep on watching. I am hoping for some form of change that'll bring it back to the greatness it once had in whatever form... Without Felicity Smoak I sincerely hope.
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I hate Felicity now
karmacritic17 May 2018
If the writers's intention was to make me hate Felicity, they have completely succeeded. It's rare for me to come here and vent, but here we are. I don't know why I still watch this. I'm clearly not enjoying it, I guess I must be a completionist. I don't think I've ever wanted to see a character suffer in any TV show as much as I want to see Felicity suffer now. So there.
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Really good episode!
jackharry-5766731 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Really good episode, do not read the bad reviews!

The return of Cupid was definitely not the highlight of the episode. She was a reasonably entertaining villain in her Season 3 appearances and therefore seeing her again was really enjoyable.

Moving on to Oliver and Felicity. It is SUCH a shame that Felicity really does not want to be with Oliver though the romantic drama was fairly effective. Both Oliver and felicity were in top form as they wrestled with the unhappy turn their lives have taken.

The reason in which I think there are bad reviews for this episode I really don't know and I still don't understand.

After all, this is the lowest rates episode to date for Arrow :( Come on though, can we please get higher than a 6.6?!
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Too many negatives to name
scramblewithme22 September 2019
-sick of past characters coming back (Cupid)-just kill them already. -villains last too long -fight scenes are pathetic-the bad guys never hit their targets; Oliver can sometimes fight off more than 3 baddies but then gets it handed to him by some wuss; sound effects are terrible and don't make much sense +Felicity leaving Oliver-she had every right to leave Oliver who, for some absurd reason, thought it was perfectly logical to refrain from telling his FIANCÉE that he has a son!! -Felicity's pointed, sarcastic comments-they're kind of childish and they aren't really applicable.
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