Red Eye (2017) Poster


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Where your passion... skips its first three alarms.
chainsawmia10 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Gage, the lead of the group is making it his priority to make a documentary based off the local legend, Red Eye... and so he does. Three "friends" tag along, hoping to help Gage on his passion project. As they travel deeper into the woods, things start to kick off. The obligatory run in with a hick local, talk of horror films, tensions between the four and the eventual site of Red Eye.

The film has a really short run time of 1h:13m, short enough. The movie is shot very well for the budget and the scenery, location suits the film perfectly. So far, those are the pros. The acting is very in and out, with a stand out performance from Heather Dorff and a more than flat performance from the lead, Scott King, making every line feel like it was being read straight from one of the most boring stories you've ever heard. Destinie Orndoff, a co-writer of the film, and Hayden Wilberger both deliver lines with either quickness or staleness... while it is clear Orndoff is more passionate about the project than any of the actors.


The story is pretty much the same as any other backwoods film and with the short duration, there is no time to flesh out the origin or mythology of the titles slasher, Red Eye. By the time we met "Red Eye" all of the build up is immediately blown up by the films reveal twist: Gage has plotted this all. The killing of his pregnant friends, who receives a hook to the stomach, after an argument of abortion, classy. To the beheading of the babies cheating father. One of the final scenes of the film, which was specifically written to make Orndoff's character stand out, falls flat on its face. We're never given enough time to feel compassion any of the characters, let alone the woman who was cheated on, the character we had expect to have a final girl show down.

There is commentary in the film that tries to speak volumes, but ends up sounding more like whispers in an empty theater. Useless and nothing more than filler. By the end of the movie, especially the final scene involving more than one offensive and grotesque acts, you'll be left with one question: who the f--k is Red Eye?

There are some scenes, one of which involves slow motion, that are a worthy edition to horror cinema that you'll be happy you witnessed, but at the end of the day... Red Eye is nothing more than another empty entry in backwoods horror.

With a higher budget and a more fleshed out antagonist, this would be a film you don't want to miss. I want to stress that this movie is well shot for one of it's budget and the team behind it is very passionate, but we can only hope their next venture, Inverted, is a step up. I

It's a good way to kill a late evening and you won't regret seeing it, you'll just wish it didn't feel like an empty attempt at creating the next great horror icon.
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Indie horror with a nasty edge
Leofwine_draca15 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
RED EYE is yet another cheap indie horror flick, made in America and shot out in the woods somewhere rural in Kentucky. Yet again a bunch of hiking friends head off into the wilderness to check out an urban legend, only to discover that myth is very much real and they're soon being menaced by a psychotic killer. The film occasionally has a 'video nasty' feel to it with more unpleasant gore effects than in most indie horrors, but the whole thing is of such a poor quality that it's impossible to take anything seriously.
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Absolutely terrible
jeanxgrey13 November 2019
Besides having great cinematography, this is a complete mess. Another example where the creators promised everything in their campaigns and all they could present was this student project.
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What a mess!
mikeg-1814411 February 2018
*Quick thoughts typed here. Composition is mess with my quick review of Red Eye*

I saw some chatter about this movie on Instagram, so I said "why the hell not" and checked it out. I'm all for low budget indie horror. There's no other way to say it, but this is just a poor horror film. No sense of tension, and when some actually would build, it's killed by unintersting and overlong conversations with very cringeworthy dialogue. Another thing that became distracting were the filmmakers need to constantly remind you that this movie was made by horror fans that have watched a lot of horror films. It's sprinkled all over the movie in its dialogue, but it would explain the unoriginality on display during its running time. It just kept taking me out it. The use of music wasn't handled well either, mostly where it was placed throughout the film. Red Eye himself wasn't very much realized and had a lame origin, but I will say I did like his look. But for the most part he was wasted here.

There's some extreme pacing issues. After a slow and clock watching first two acts the movie eventually starts to pick it up towards its third act, but by that time I just lost interest. Every character is completely unlikable and poorly acted for the most part. And I don't know the obsession with this movie with sexual violence, and there's plenty mind you, but it's just used for straight up shock value and it comes off immature honestly. There are way more interesting ways to make your audience uneasy and this just came off lazy. The movie's climax tries to be unexpected, but it's quite the opposite. They would have been better off telling a straight up slasher story rather than make an attempt to outsmart their audience, because the story just didn't develop to make its twist feel earned.

Not all is awful in this movie. The cinematography for the most part is well done, and there is some decent gore in the movie. Now I know this was written and directed by individuals with minimal experience making movies, and they are fairly young. You can see that through and through in this. I do applaud them for going for it and getting a movie made. It's actually impressive with how they got it done. But I have to judge without bias what I watched, and their first effort falls flat on its face hard. I hope they keep making movies because I'm all for young filmmakers getting their work out there, but they have a lot of work to do to improve their craft.
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Wow. This is bad.
adamlebeski23 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a lot of hype for this film from the filmmakers and what I am quickly realizing were their friends on social media, so decided to check it out on Amazon Prime. After all, it is free.

The film is barely over an hour long, but feels like an eternity. I have to 100% agree with the reviewed who said he cannot believe the praise this film is getting by some. This is 100% amateur hours. It's bad. It's beyond bad. I don't remember the last time I disliked characters so much than the four main characters in this film. Their interactions are unbelievable and there is just no buying that these four would even hang out with each other. The boyfriend of the Rykyr character is supposed to be some cocky ladies man, but the actor comes off extremely effeminate as another review mentioned. Bad casting/directing. The pregnant chick is whiny and is clearly twice as old as the rest of the cast, but is supposed to be playing their age. The Gage filmmaker guy has zero backstory or personality and the actor is pretty wooden. The Rykyr character is perhaps the most annoying, as all she does is spout off cliches about being different. It doesn't help that the actress playing her (who also co-wrote and co-produced) is terrible. She speaks WAY too fast and mumbles her lines and many times you can't even understand what she is saying. Again, the director clearly isn't any good if he didn't catch this and tell her speak slower. Speaking of the direction. It's bland bland bland. Don't by any hype about this kid being a the next big thing in indie horror or whatever. There are much better directors making indie horror movies. Once you see this film, you will definitely realize they are their own hype machine along with a handful of their social media friends. The sound is bad, too. It fades in and out during scenes.

I also do agree with the reviews that mention this film is especially mean-spirited toward the female characters. Not only is it insinuated that the lead girl is raped by her boyfriend (a strange scene that is then quickly glossed over and forgotten), but both females characters are violently sexually assaulted after they've been killed. It's pretty vile. The whole twist is stupid as well. There's really no explanation for why the killer(s) do what they do, particularly the one.

I don't know. I can't honestly believe there are people who actually like this film and are giving it 8, 9 or 10. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd think this is a film that's so bad it's obvious.
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This is bad
hebehemonkey12 February 2018
At first I tried to enjoy this movie in the "it's so bad it's good" kind of way. But by the end I felt disgusted. It's not unpredictable, it's not clever, it's not a homaaaage to anything. It's a cliched plotline, with really awful and completely unnecessary violence against women thrown in at random. I think it's trying to pass for edgy, but I just came away from it with concern for the writers and actors for participating in a project like this. In 2018.

There's a line and it crossed it. Horror is better than this.
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Not good.
zigzag8820 February 2018
Firstly, I watch a lot of z-grade horror films so I'm familiar with rushed production and low budget films but this film had bigger problems than it's low budget and obviously rushed production schedule.

OK. What this film severely lacked was likable characters - there was not a single one in sight. I feel like that was my biggest issue with the script, which is a true shame since they had lengthy moments (sometimes a little TOO long), but I could care less. The only one that could be likable or someone you can root for was the pregnant one BUT she is totally counteracted by the fact that she's a slut because of all her 'issues'... but a slut who is screwing her 'best friend's' man. BLAH. The final girl is a terrible 'final girl' - she's almost all talk and no action. She's way too vulgar and uses an unnecessary large amount of foul language - that's fine and all but it seemed soooo forced in contexts of their conversations and when it comes down to it, she just screams and runs... oh okay. And we get it, the characters are into horror and the macabre, you don't need countless dialogue reminding the audience of that. The male characters are not much better; typical jock attitude that (rapes his girlfriend?) and a movie junkie... totally not sure these kids would go camping together in the first place.

I wonder how many revisions or edits the screenwriters actually made before filming. I feel had they taken the time to read the script out loud, they would notice the dialogue is very stiff and doesn't come out naturally (and that's not due to the actors' fault). And again, absolutely totally unnecessary to keep reminding us the characters are into horror! It's repetitive... it's not doing anyone any favors, just irritating the audience.

The storyline also moves slowly. Yes, action begins around the 30 minute mark or so but because the characters are so unlikable and the dialogue is horrendous, it seems like a journey to get to the first interesting event (the prego girl getting injured). Something significant or interesting needed to happen in the first 30 minutes outside character conversations (or the build up).


OK, it would have been effective on its own they killed the pregnant girl. But, not only was she murdered, her body was assaulted afterwards and then clearly ejaculated on in later shots. The other girl was treated no less with respect. She is also raped after she is murdered. That would've been fine to keep up with the same traits the killer does but she is raped by someone totally different! It was totally nonessential and tasteless... almost to a level of immaturity.

I did enjoy the cinematography but pity him for the fact that his work was included in this. It was almost too good for something like this.

Hopefully the director and writer mature, as individuals, and work on characters, dialogue, and death scenes that are actually effective.

Grade: F
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worst slasher of the year
marklehew28 September 2018
Just when I thought "Party Night" was the worst slasher of the year, "Red Eye" comes along. This is a 2018 horror film from writer/director Tristan Clay. Gage and his friends head to the hills of West Virginia to film a documentary about a local bloodthirsty legend, Red Eye. Little do they know, it's about to become a reality. Where do I start with this film? The acting is abysmal with the lead, Scott King being the worst. The delivery of the admittedly basic and juvenile dialogue was like they recorded and used a table expression or emotion. The directing and camerawork is generic and generic heavy metal is used in lue of an actual score. The kills were not brutal or creative and there is a laughable decapitation. This is basically a first year student film or worse and i'd like my money back. The tagline is, " He wants to see your insides", well I did want to vomit while watching, so.... 1/10
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This is too bad for words!!!
tman-212897 October 2019
WOW!! It's like this movie was made by a kid who got a camcorder for his birthday. Nothing even remotely good about this movie. You're time is more valuable don't waste it on this.
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With the budget they had to work with they nailed it!
jusrus3211 February 2018
So I finally got the chance to check out red eye and I loved it!! The movie was so well done for the budget they had to work with!! we haven't had a good backwoods gorefest slasher in a long long time and guess what we finally got one!! I loved the story the fact that they actually gave us a good background story and some great plot twists throughout. For this being the directors first full feature length film he definitely put his heart and soul as did everyone else that worked on this into it! If y'all haven't seen this yet I HIGHLY RECOMMEND giving it a watch it was a wonderful tale and just a great time watching it!
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Impressive For Kids
BradleeH66666613 November 2020
I think what most people are forgetting here is that this film was written an produced by two 17 year olds. These reviews are like judging the newest Blumhouse flick lol.

Anyways I say give this fun slasher a watch, I received my IndieGoGo copy and usually pop it in once a year. It's not everyday you see two kids with a passion for something actually do it and do it well.

As for those saying they've not received their campaign perks they have emailed multiple times after production through campaign updates asking for any adress changes and if anyone did not get something correctly. Look on the IndieGoGo updates for proof. They have always been 100% transparent. Jealously is a nasty thing lol don't trust half of these reviews.
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Step in the right direction.
btvs-4038418 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall not a bad film. A first of I hope many from Deranged Minds Entertainment. It was entertaining and a bit campy which I like. Knowing that horror fans put their all into the film made me enjoy it more. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it's definitely a good step in the right direction.
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Great Attempt For Young Filmmakers
info-16199-0247712 November 2020
I first came across Red Eye on instagram. I've been following the lead actress/writer for sometime since she's a huge horror fan. Anyways, it is super fucking cool to see someone with a passion and dreams actually go for them.

All of these reviews aren't completely wrong, but I think they're forgetting that two 17 year olds wrote the script and produced the film so by that standard I say bravo. The film has a killer score, soundtrack, gore, and Red Eye himself looks sick.

I say give this film a go, it's inspirational to see two kids make their dreams a reality. I can't wait to see their next film Inverted.
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hebehemonkey11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I say that it's god-awful NOT in the sense that it's so bad it's funny, I say it because I'm deeply deeply uncomfortable with the movie. I consider myself open minded (I'm not a regular mom, I'm a COOL mom), but the violence against women was gratuitous. It ruined a movie who's only positive up to those points were a "so awful I laughed" quality.

I'm fine with movies depicting rape and violence if it serves a thoughtful purpose. But this movie wasn't thoughtful. It made me genuinely worried about the people who wrote it and the people who like it, and I'm disappointed with the people who agreed to star in it. Another reviewer down below mentioned the portrayal of the mentally handicapped too (i.e. all you have to do is shake their hand, and they'll agree to anything + cannibalism?). All together, the world is markedly better off without this movie being made.
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Bloodshed in the Backwoods
hansolo1324 October 2017
Red Eye is the first feature from Deranged Minds Entertainment and an obvious passion project. The movie follows a group of friends making their way to the tree filled back country of West Virginia, in hopes of documenting an Urban Legend known to be from the area. True to Slasher film form, this proves to be a deadly day in the woods for the group. Solid acting and camera-work with enjoyable, bloody kill sequences, and a nasty little twist, make this Indie flick worthy of a watch.
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Very good
courtng-6339412 December 2019
Very good movie! For a first movie the scenes are quite good, and chilling.
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A fun enough indie slasher with some flaws
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 November 2021
After hearing reports of a legendary killer in the area, a filmmaker and his friends head out to the local woods to film a documentary about the incident, but when they start to disappear one by one realize there might be something more dangerous than the figure lurking in the woods and must try to get out alive.

This one wasn't all too bad of an indie effort. One of the strongest features here is a rather engaging and appropriate indie feature that sets everything in motion. The idea of the group investigating a local legend about a farmer who killed his family and turned the bloodlust into something horrific which has haunted the forest around the area is a nicely layered indie-styled setup here. Combined with a fun tie-in with the desire to make a documentary on what happened that turns into a highly intriguing horror-film shoot with some character motivation twists that all give the setup a decent enough time. That leads nicely into the series of fun stalking and slashing that comes about. The scenes involving the group coming upon the animal trap in the woods and the resulting chaos that leads to them splitting up and encountering the killer at the car while the others are off futilely looking for help are impressive. Done in slow-motion, this is an enjoyable-enough sequence armed with a great, gory kill to highlight the big twist reveal in the third act where the blood flow comes off far more frequently due to some barbaric torture devices which are unexpected and lead into some really enjoyable scenes here with the psychotic rampage coinciding with the botched film shoot. The last plus with this one is the films' enjoyable and far more impactful stance against bullying and acceptance than it would be expected to include. The early scenes here of the group going through the backstory and history with their struggles for acceptance amid their various interests and passions that have led to a long history with bullying come off quite nicely. The idea of having them come together to become friends in the first place as a sign of their strength and courage despite not being full of common interests is a rather fun concept here and combined with the creepy-looking mask of the killer in the woods give this one some good points. There are a few problems found here. One of the biggest factors against this one is the highly underwhelming group of people on the shoot, for as much good as it does on the anti-bullying and acceptance seems highly unlikely to be a group that goes into the woods together on this project. The side story about several of them having an affair recently and trying to keep it going while under the noses of their best friend who's unaware of the whole thing, the constant complaining about being on the trip or pulling tricks on each other that are at complete odds with any kind of normal human behavior. On top of the obvious indie limitations here, those manage to hold the film down.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Backwoods gory romp!
jillannellis8428 February 2018
Red Eye is such a fun time! The backwoods setting, provides the perfect backdrop for this slasher gore fest. The kills are unique, brutal and shocking! Just when you think you've seen it all.. along comes Red Eye. A few times, my jaw was literally dropping lol. The characters are not just typical surface level, horror victims. They have depth. Especially Ryker, played by Destinie Orndoff. She has such scream queen potential! She really puts everything into this role and you can tell shes passionate about her character. I honestly wanted more time with her. The gore and spfx in Red Eye was also so well done. All practical effects that looked super real! The cinematography and music score, also very beautiful. Stunning aerial and wide shots of the backwoods filming location. The film looks and sounds gorgeous! The closing credits song, specially made for the film, was so appropriate and killer!

My only nit picks would be very minor things. The run time is short and it left me wanting more. Especially with the character of Gage. I craved more of his backstory. Also, one scene felt a little out of place. Where Ryker's boyfriend slaps and proceeds to rape her (which is implyed and shown off screen). At that point in the film, we already understand he's not a good guy. We didnt need that, to drive to home. Plus the character of Ryker is so strong; she just doesnt seem to be portrayed as a girl, who would EVER date someone like him. Let alone ever be abused by anyone. But minor complaints in the overall product of the film!

What a huge accomplishment for these 2 young film makers. I highly recommend supporting indie horror and especially this film. Cant wait to own it!
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Very good movie
trow-453602 November 2018
It takes me back to something along the line of wrong turn and it was a decent movie and keeps you wanting to watch at some parts with what they want to set out to do to make a horror movie and thru little bit of wrong turn with in it if that what they was going for the succeeded with it in all it a good movie
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Loved it!!!!!
harleybabe-7361916 April 2018
I am a huge horror addict and through IG I followed the making of this movie and I just watched it and I was blown away!!!! The lighting, the actors/actresses were phenomenal!! I would never in a million years believe this was a low budget film. I am so excited to see Inverted and whatever comes next!! Be proud Tristan Clay and Destinie Orndoff is definitely one of my favorite scream queens now!!! Awesome job guys!!!
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A must see!!! !
tomsmith-7970715 February 2018
If you love Horror and Indie films. . .This is a must see!!! I was hooked the entire movie!! The cast and crew did a Amazing job and I'll keep spreading the word on the movie for a long time!! Bravo Tristan and the rest of the cast and crew for making such an incredible film and the twist at the end was awesome!! Everyone make sure you see this film!!
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Indie horror gold
littleblogofhorror1 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Red Eye was indie horror perfection. Everything from the acting to the camera work was fantastic. The countless nods to horror classics added to the film's enjoyment. Destinie's character, Rykyr, delivers a pretty powerful monologue on what it is like to be an outcast, being misunderstood and liking what is not considered the norm which made her character even easier to relate to. For having been done by newcomers, the film is near perfection, the editing is phenomenal, there is a slow motion scene that was done seamlessly, and this is a hard task for even the most seasoned editing veteran. All in all, Red Eye is worth the watch and every second will have you on the edge of your seat.
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Fun homage to 80's slasher flicks
mmerryman19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was fortunate enough to be able to see the premier of Tristan Clay's 'Red Eye', starring the lovely & talented Destinie Orndoff as Rykyr; the talented Hayden Wilberger - playing the character you love to hate - as Jake; the exceptional Scott King as Gage Barker, the intense "emo" kind of character, if you will; and last but certainly not least, the seasoned veteran actresses (who are also very lovely & talented) Heather Dorff (as Ryann) and Jessica Cameron (as Bea). Tristan Clay's deft and careful direction was extraordinary, no mean feat when you take into account the fact that he's only 21 (and began filming the movie when he was 19!!!!). Just like the IMDb plot indicates; the four friends are out in rural West Virginia, hoping to document the local legend 'Red Eye'. The movie is a sort-of "love letter" to the 80's slasher films, yet it still takes the time to develop the characters well and is pretty damned suspenseful. So, if you want to see a film that is somewhat of an homage to the tried & true slashers of old, Red Eye is your film. Loved it!!!!
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Sarah Church
sarah_honey11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really love Red Eye and this movie was so badass and I rate it and so rad and I definitely love it and so gore and awesome ending credit and beautiful and amazing scenery in it and awesome opening credit and they did do good job and brilliant actor people! Love it! Cant wait to buy the DVD in the summer!! Such an badass movie. Good job :) :) :)

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Friends embark on an adventure to discover if an old legend is true.
brennadaniel31 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
RED EYE is a fresh take on the campy horror genre. With only a budget of $10k, the excellent acting, claustrophobic atmosphere, and fantastic camera-work make RED EYE feel like a big budget horror. I will note one scene in particular evoked a true feeling of terror, that being a slow motion scene sparking the beginning of the many bloody kills to come. I loved it, and it still replays in my mind sending chills up and down my spine each time. RED EYE will satisfy the sick minded and will convert those who aren't (thanks to the excellent directing). I definitely recommend RED EYE for anyone who wants to go on a twist filled adventure in the dark and bloody woods of West Virginia.
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