Devil's Bride (2016) Poster


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Nice historical drama
Vartiainen18 December 2016
Devil's Bride, or Tulen morsian in Finnish, is based on the witch hunts that took place on the Åland Islands in the 17th century. A young woman named Anna Eriksdotter is an apprentice to a local herb woman. Things start to unravel when she falls for a handsome fisherman, who just happens to be married. And at the same time a new judge is sent to town to bring the wrath and fear of God into the countryfolk. And he almost immediately starts lashing against the old pagan habits followed by many. Including those of Valpuri, the aforementioned herb woman and Anna's adoptive mother.

Tulen morsian shines as a movie because of its commitment to the source material and its willingness to stick to real events. All the judged girls are named after real women, whose names can be found in the church records. The ending is also quite bleak, though handled with care and given a twist that makes it a bit more bearable, while in no way ruining it. The technical aspects also work rather well and it's a beautiful period drama, especially given the relatively modest budget.

Unfortunately, there are some flaws. Some of the actors are not quite as good as you'd hope, but that is to be expected, given that Finland and Sweden don't have that large of a pool to draw from. The bigger problem is the story, half of which seems to have ended up on the cutting room floor. There are more than a few story lines that are started but which are never finished. The relationship between Anna and the judge, for example. Goes absolutely nowhere.

Still, I'd recommend seeing this if the source material and the general idea interest you. It's well-made and kept together reasonably well, plus the main characters are very good.
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Good film - go see it!
clopresti15 June 2017
Beautifully done movie, nice landscapes, and seems true to the late 1600's in costuming. Yes, the characters get lost in their tangled relationships which makes it harder to follow the action. But it is such a very somber theme. Let us commend the filmmakers for revisiting this painful history in their country, for this history needs to be preserved so that we never go there again! The witchcraft trials in this film are almost contemporaneous with the 1692 Salem Witch Trials in New England.

Oh - languages spoken in the film are both Finnish and Swedish. The Åland Islands are an autonomous part of Finland, wherein 95% of the Åland population speaks Swedish as their first language (so says Wikipedia). There is a lot of Swedish spoken in this film. In fact, in one scene, someone is actually ordered to speak Swedish.
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Hopelessness Personified
dcarsonhagy3 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Devil's Bride" is about the witch trials on Aland Island (Scandinavia) in the 1700s. It begins innocently enough, but the viewer is then taken through the horrors of being ANY woman during the times of the witch hunts.

Anna is an apprentice to the local mid-wife and "herb" healer. Her life is innocent enough until she decides to follow a dream she has had about a "Nordic God" who she believes she is destined to be with. The "god" turns out to be a local fisherman. Problem is, he is already married to one of her friends. Seems this guy will nail just about anything that moves. If that situation isn't bad enough, a "circuit judge" is brought to the island because he has heard rumors about... Rumors is all it took in those days to make a woman's life pure hell, and because of his own demons, he is hell bent on making these women admit to their horrible deeds.

I thought the movie was beautifully shot, but was a little all over the place with story and character development. Relationships just dissolve without any mention as to what happens to those involved, e.g. Anna and her fisherman. After Anna does the unthinkable in order to be with him, we never see him again--not even as is wife is being tried for witchcraft. Also, there is some kind of relationship between the Judge and Anna, but it goes nowhere.

I get so angry every time I see a movie based on these horrible times. The women are the victims because most of these "judges" were not impartial (not even close). From the judges all the way down to the local priest who use these women for their own sexual perversions, it was only the women who suffered, and the majority of them paid with their lives.

"Devil's Bride" is not rated but does contain brief nudity, rape, violence, and disturbing images. I enjoyed it, even though it is difficult to watch. NOTE: In Finnish with English subtitles.
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Interesting Finnish historical drama and a nice change from the usual Anglosphere stuff.
georgeeroes13 October 2017
Watched this on Spanish (Latin American language) Netflix, the linguistics of the translation was very good using a standard Mexican Spanish with a sophisticated vocabulary.

It is interesting to hear the folk song in pentameter which links up Hungarian with Finnish music.

The story itself is not ground-breaking but is interesting for information about Scandinavian history with well-done costumes. Worth watching if you are a history buff or interested in Scandinavia/Finland/Estonia.

Would like to see more from Finnish cinema.
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The worst review in the history of cinema
fulco-deminstreel17 March 2018
What is certain is sonly one thing that the review by moxmich is the worst movie review in the hisrory of cinema. Who is he a new prophet and new evangelist in the movie industry? It is not his feelings and procincial tastes what someone expects of a review, but an objective analysis of the movie. It is his crooked viewpoint that prevails in that poisonous review. I'm neither Scandinavian nor American so know that noone goes to the movies with a scratch pad to delete according to my taste those things I don't like of a movie. The worst movie my colleagues and I had watched in a long time was, 2015 Secret in their Eyes, portraying black African with more power than D Trump trying to avoid the seduction of two aging matrons, the soporific multiple facial lifts of the petrified masks of Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman. Those are the type of movies moxmich salivate for. Give us a break.
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Intense and Evocative
bronwynbirkholz9 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Devil's Bride does a great job of capturing the despair and hopelessness experienced during the witch hunts. You get to experience the emotions of those accused, sentenced, and those carrying out the sentences. A beautiful sound track supports the scenes, as well as great establishing shots.Characters have good chemistry together, though at some points Anna does come off as unlikeable. Scenes like the sentencing and executions carry the appropriate amount of intensity and drama. You see Anna struggling trying to come to terms with what she's done, eventually pushing herself to martyrdom, sacrificing herself to save Rakel whom she falsely accused. The last scenes in the movie are thought provoking, and you feel for those who were left behind in the aftermath of the witch hunt. My singular problem is that there are some story points that are unresolved, perhaps cut out in the editing room. I wish maybe they would have done more with some of these plot points. Overall, this movie isn't perfect, but I think it's worth watching if you are highly empathetic and enjoy a movie that can make you feel.
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mfellipecampos21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie about witch hunting in the Nordic countries, including a priest who rapes young people and a judge who tries to do justice correctly. A young girl, granddaughter of a famous midwife and healer, is enchanted by a married man and falsely denounces his wife as a witch to be with him.

Film seen on April 20, 2020
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Innocent Lives Lost To Superstitions About Witchcraft
Foutainoflife1 October 2018
This is a historical recreation regarding lives lost to the accusations of witchcraft.

The setting, costumes and acting were all well done but for me the problems lay in the dramatic story surrounding the historical realities. I just thought it was a bit weak. If you are looking for a historical drama on witchcraft, this is a nce pick but the side drama is a bit less than enough to make it spectacular.
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Below mediocre film which fails on too many aspects
ernesti29 May 2018
Let's face it, movie reviews are all subjective. There is no such thing as an objective movie review because it's all about the tastes and they differ. There's no use dissing anyone's opinions.

This movie has high production values on every aspect but still it manages to be very sloppy. Its pacing is non-existent, it doesn't engage and touch when it should. It's also very hard to like the main character after she causes great pain to other woman. It's hard to have sympathy on that character when it was supposed to be the most likeable person in the film to sympathize with. In my opinion her fate was well earned.

Also the acting is mediocre, even spoken finnish is difficult to follow because of the strong swedish accent. I needed subtitles to make sense of what they were talking about. Better idea would have been to make them all speak swedish.

I was so happy that i never went to see this film on the cinema and paid nothing to watch it. It was such a waste of time that i was disappointed. Usually finnish movies aren't very good. Only Finns keep fussing about them while they don't usually get widely distributed (exception is Kaurismaki films).
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kimmosavolainen-5578921 April 2018
I was lucky to watch this movie with subtitles in Finnish ( I'm Finnish speaking), otherwice I would not understand anything, so bad was recording of the voices. Acting was close to embarishment, tempo of actions was as poor as it possiple can get. Rubbish from start to end. No worth to watch, sorry.
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A visit to Finland
gonewishing23 September 2017
I am a midwestern American who enjoys viewing films from other parts of the world. They are a refreshing change to what Hollywood has to offer.

If you can't enjoy anything but a Hollywood movie with a Hollywood ending, then this film is not for you. If you are willing to accept the fact that there exist people who are not Southern Californians with Hollywood lifestyles and viewpoints, then you may enjoy watching this well made period piece about people in another part of the world.

I gave it a 10 just because.
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Quite possibly the worst movie in the history of cinema
moxmich1 September 2017
I don't normally write reviews for movies, but this movie was so terrible I felt compelled to warn others to not waste an hour and 40 minutes of their time. I am pretty sure all the other reviewers who gave this movie any stars are either from Finland, are involved with the making of the movie, or this is their first ever movie watched. I wish I could give this film negative stars. I read that this movie was actually nominated for some award. Man...European standards for giving awards must be pretty low, and I mean really low. This has to be by far the worst movie I have ever watched all around. Horrible acting, horrible editing, horrible screenplay, massive missing plots, horrible special effects, horrible everything. I mean people in Finland have eyes and have seen other movies...right? I have seen many movies from many countries, and this has to be the worst of them all. Yes, even worse than Orgasmo, which is hard to beat! How this movie has received 6-7 stars is completely irrational and beyond any reason. I am a movie buff myself, and I watch at least one movie a day, often two or three. Again, it is a tragedy that this film has been given so many stars. IMDb...please introduce NEGATIVE stars so we can give it to this movie! The director of the movie should be banished to some remote Island in the Indian Ocean where she has no access to cameras anymore! Her filmmaking is a crime against humanity because she is wasting everyone's time. It was one of those movies it was so bad I had to watch to the end to make sure it is actually that bad, and it was. After watching this movie, you will rush to see the worst and the cheesiest of Bollywood movies just to get t it's memory out of your head.
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why witches were always women?
chapttr14 April 2020
Men are so crappy at this epoch! so he just raped her but who is executed? a woman because she saved many life with plants and she accused of witchcraft?? How rude ! oh wait... there are still lots of dicks...
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Utterly heart-breaking. Engrossing.
fewald13923 October 2019
I kept putting off watching this movie because of some of the negative reviews. I'm not sure what's so polarizing about this film that makes it deserve such quotes as "quite possibly the worst movie in the history of cinema". I'm glad I finally watched it despite them; as usual, I found the exaggeratedly negative reviews totally off the mark of how I experienced this film.

Devil's Bride starts off slow, peaceful. It follows a teenage girl named Anna as she carelessly lusts after a married man in youthful ignorance. Don't let that fool you: this movie is not YA fare and it oftentimes shows a wider perspective of the village and its other inhabitants. One might feel at ease in the first half hour or so of this film, for the ignorance of the townspeople when it comes to the impending religious massacre is well-developed to set the scene. As Anna crosses the line with this married man and pieces for a witch hunt are set in motion in the village, however, the innocent exterior of this community is peeled away to reveal common abuse of women (sexual, physical) and the ultimate consequences that fall upon victims rather than perpetrators. Fingers are pointed, men accuse their victims to essentially quiet their voices, and heads start rolling.

True to history, this is a depressing and heart-breaking affair. There is no justice for these women who have no means of defending themselves against idiotic religious "witch tests" of the time (such as cutting open a woman's scar to see if it hurts, and if it doesn't, she's a witch, of course). All at once, this movie made me angry, upset, and ever-so-grateful to be a woman in modern times. Unlike another reviewer who stated Anna "deserved" her fate (which was concocted out of self-sacrifice by Anna for her wrongdoings, something not many adults would have the guts to do if it meant death in this day and age), Devil's Bride is so emotionally effective it made me feel for these flawed characters who were murdered simply FOR their flaws. In modern times, teenagers make stupid mistakes, and if they get punished at all it involves getting yelled at or their things taken away. In the times of witch hunts, the mistakes of youth have far more dire consequences. Such mistakes didn't make Anna horrible, in my opinion; they made her human, believable, and oh-so-tragic. I greatly enjoyed seeing this period from the perspective of a bumbling teenager; often we are led to believe evil people were the only ones pointing fingers at "witches", so it's easy to overlook the fact that there were likely many caught up in the hysteria who weren't evil, only misguided and ignorant.

One flaw some reviewers have called out about the movie are its gaps in story/relationship development, so I kept my eye out for this when watching and found it to be untrue. As for the fisherman's "disappearance" from the movie, this is explained by his leaving on another fishing trip at the 1 hour 22 minute mark during his wife's trial. Other friendships and relationships "dissolve" because many of the women are executed. A lot of the so-called inconsistencies can also be explained by the mentalities of different times. The fisherman (like other men) are shown to have qualms with the system and questions when it comes to the guiltiness of these women, but they are ultimately powerless (this internal struggle is seen the most with Karl's character). After all, when the established system is killing through so many people, it takes an outlandishly courageous person to even question it at the risk of your own life or livelihood. Is it any wonder this chaos lasted as long as it did?

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to anyone interested in history's darkest and most ghastly times. The subject of witch hunts seem ever more relevant in the modern cancel culture; as always, we can avoid so much pain and sorrow if we learn from history.
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A finnish Salem Witch Trials!
ejamc6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was gut-wrenching! Watching all of those poor innocent women being accused of something they clearly hadn't done and being executed as well, just because some paranoid, misogynistic priest thought that there were witches all around! And the judge! I was horrified that he let a young woman who had helped his own mother so much be executed! This movie really drove home the fact that we really shouldn't let superstition and fear become the law, and that theocracies do not work!
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Ancestral knowledge touch my soul
liviasombrio28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its easy to judge when youre a Men. This movie touch into my deep soul, provoque mixed feelings... She is Just an adolescent in 1600, when the most value thing its find a Men, and she have no guidance. Meanwhile she have a powerful ancestral knowledge that supressed by patriarchy and the scientific knowledge of this time... Men always destroying everything, no surprising. By the way, when she blows that powder on the mother of the Priest face, its Cayenne Pepper, this sabe ser from a heart attack.
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