Far Too Far (2015) Poster


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Tragically, disturbingly, and courageously well done.
cgriffith4413 April 2015
I went to see "Far Too Far", the new feature length film by my classmate and friend Justin Hunt, more out of curiosity as to what could be done with a small budget and to support our hometown talent, than any expectation of being entertained or learning anything new, but I came away with far more than that.

I've seen first-hand the devastation drug addiction can leave in it's wake. I thought I'd experienced the gamut of the horror it can perpetuate. I was wrong. Most disturbing for me, was the realization that FAR TOO FAR wasn't some dreamt up script, but rather the true-to-life depiction of just some of the everyday experiences of those who venture into the vile world of Methamphetamine addiction. Fact, 9 out of 10 people who try Meth get addicted, the first time.

It served to prove that even for those who think they know what drug addiction can do, you may have no idea. This movie moved me to tears more than once, left me shocked, dumbfounded & physically sick to my stomach. I had trouble sleeping and woke up still bothered by the film's troubling truth. But don't let this dissuade you. Far too Far is a story important for everyone to hear, a discomfort we need to experience to enlighten our understanding and shock us into action. If you live in the Four. Corners, go see this movie. And no matter where you live, talk to your kids and loved ones about staying FAR FAR away from these drugs.
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More than just a movie about meth, this film is about hope.
cmblasingame17 May 2015
On the surface, Far Too Far is a film about the downward spiral of meth addiction. Justin Hunt pulls no punches on the subject- the story is raw, gritty and real. But the challenge in this, is somehow finding the true story which is one of hope and redemption. All the best films are, at their core, love stories. That is exactly what Far Too Far is.

The film does an incredible job taking us into the life of a hard working, single mom "Linda" portrayed by Brandi Wethington and her young daughter "Bug" (Abbey Hunt). It's a story most parents can identify with, the everyday joys and challenges of raising a child. The selflessness, the tiredness. And that's where things start to slip.

If at all possible, avoid spoilers on this movie. The sharp twists are integral to the impact of the story. The plot is played out in past and present, through the eyes of Linda and social worker, "Jim Burgess" (Chris Overson), and what begins as simply a story about the devastation meth leaves in its path, becomes a story about people. About hope. Forgiveness.
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"Far Too Far" tackles an important topic, but doesn't do very well.
CleveMan6628 April 2015
Far out! 2015 seems to be the year of the "Far" movies. "Far Cry", "Far From the Madding Crowd", "Far Off", "Far Out Far In", "Far Piece", "Everything is Beautiful Far Away", "Far Western", "How Far", "Into a Far Country", "Near and Far", and then, just plain old "Far" – all listed as 2015 releases. Then, of course, we could also include a little December movie that promises to take us back to "a galaxy far, far away". Lastly, not to be outdone, is the movie that thinks the word "far" is so nice, they used it twice – "Far Too Far" (NR, 1:57).

Linda (Brandi Wethington) is a single mom who is working as a waitress in a diner and a cashier in a convenience store to support herself and her 9-year-old daughter, who she calls Bug (Abbey Hunt). As busy as she is, Linda basically has only two friends: Mrs. Tufly (Joanne Hammes), the nice old lady in the apartment across the hall who watches Bug when Linda is at work, and Connie (Marcella Hower), another waitress at the diner. Connie tells Linda that she has to get out of the apartment and have some fun, so she insists that Linda come with her to a house party and comes to pick her up, babysitter in tow. Linda is uncomfortable at the party, but Connie drags her to more parties at the same house. The reason that there are so many parties at this particular house is that there's a drug dealer named Trip (Rick Martinez) "working" out of the garage.

Trip gets Linda to try some marijuana, and it's all downhill from there. Like any self-respecting drug dealer, Trip knows how to get Linda hooked. He uses the pot as a gateway drug and then gives Linda some free samples of methamphetamine. Linda very quickly finds herself on the slippery slope of habitual drug use. She starts snorting meth, shooting it up and smoking it. She starts missing work, either to sleep off her latest high or to run off with her new "friends" and get high all over again. Linda is also neglecting Bug – and not taking care of herself very well either. Her appearance becomes haggard; she's jittery and irritable and even starts verbally abusing those around her. We see the changes in Linda reflected in the eyes of Mrs. Tufly and Ben (Ben Nolte), a nice guy who she met at that first party and then runs into a few months later in a convenience store.

As Linda's life goes from bad to worse, we see another story unfold, that of social worker Jim Burgess (Chris Overson) and his co-worker, Samantha (Tylor Gray). Jim's job has taken such a toll on him over the years that he has trouble sleeping, but he still cares deeply about helping people. His loving, forgiving approach to people is very different from the idealistic and hot-tempered Samantha, who Jim is trying to mentor. As Jim and Samantha work their way through their case load, it's obvious that they're going to cross paths with Linda sooner or later. Speeding her towards that fateful meeting is Luci (Brad Monclova), the man who Linda starts seeing. We see them have sex, but the real focus of the relationship is the meth that Luci and his business partner, Bigwig (Daniel Cabrera) can help her get. When Luci begins demanding more from Linda for the drugs he's supplying her, she's forced into a heart wrenching situation from which there may be no coming back.

"Far Too Far" shows the hard truths of what drug addiction does to individuals and families, but it doesn't do it very well. Most of the movie is poorly shot, poorly acted, poorly written and just plain boring. The story, and overall quality of the film, both pick up significantly towards its powerful and surprising ending, but to get there you have to sit through actors doing their first film (and it shows), dialog that often doesn't sound like real people talk, characters' actions that don't make sense and cinematography and music that has the feel of a 1970s after school special.

The film editing is good (especially toward the end), but this movie would have benefited greatly from a better edited script and editing out about 20 minutes from the film itself. This is writer/director Justin Hunt's first fully-scripted feature film after several documentaries, some of which dealt with the destructive effects of meth. Hunt definitely seems well-intentioned with this film, but his inexperience (and that of his cast and crew) distract badly from what is a good story and an excellent third act. All things considered, "Far Too Far" is not only a good title for this film, but a good description of my drive to see it. "C-"
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1 Star For Getting This Far
MLeeIsFree8 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First off congratulations to Mr. Hunt and crew for getting this film made. From here it is all downhill, far, far downhill. The beginning of the movie seems legit for about a minute. Then you realize it is suppose to be a movie of coarse you immediately realize this when you get out of the credit intro thing. The dialog pulls you out of the film every time an actor opens their mouth. This was due to both the simple, childlike, to the point (but not really saying anything) writing of the film and the actors and actresses are inexperienced and plain bad. The acting could have been better if half the dialog was removed, take away the attempt at "fun banter" between leads and a little spent on directing the actors. However the bad writing, directing and acting still leaves room for much criticism. The quality is pour (understandably so) but shouldn't affect the ability to drive emotions into an audience. The films composition was very poor and not even considered for a huge majority of the film. With the exception of the silhouetted evil mad i don't believe composition was considered once. There was never a strong foreground mid ground and background. Blocking was stale and uninteresting. Lighting or absolute lack there of left over exposed shots and gave misrepresented shading throughout the film. It seems this movie was shot on a run and gun basis. Put it there so we can see her do this, move over there so we can watch her walk here. No shots served a purpose. Aside from the bad general filming, bad writing, bad directing and bad acting there is.... wait, the story. Okay, firstly yes there is a intriguing tiny particle of a heart grasping story seed here. However that is all there is an idea for a good idea. its not even a fully worked idea. The story does not portray what it wants to and should have been roughly 30 minutes long in all reality. When you stretch a 30 minute story into a little over an hour its extremely boring. Not to mention what was the deal with two guys in the diner? out of place inappropriate semi funny but totally distracting and just down right "well that was stupid" makes the story even worse. Two time periods bouncing back and fourth throughout the film i guess is a twit surprise. Also the whole spiral into drugs and out of desperation giving your daughter up to be raped was just not good enough. Let me put it this way, The lady who is suppose to be a huge drug addict and so desperate for drugs that she gives up her daughter wouldn't even blow a guy for drugs. Wait.... So you won't give a guy head but you will let a guy rape your daughter. This movie was poorly done. If i could watch the film again i would a thousand more complaints. This film misses on the lowest levels of film making and deserves no recognition. I urge anyone that sees a rating of 8 on IMDb to think about the people who rated it most likely the people who are in the movie and their family members. This is a fail on every level. Oh almost forgot editing, awkward edits from extreme fly on the wall shots and not the ones in the bedroom but all throughout the film were jarring. several jump cuts were jarring and not even needed about 20 minted of the film plays twice which adds to the it should only be a 30 minute film. Ugh i can't stop raving so just don't bother with this movie it will infuriate anyone that actually sees it for what it is a local film that should stay local with no talent and bad everything else. Don't Bother With This Film. give your money to really bad films like "The Invoking" that is somehow way better than this film........
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100 stars
aubreadanks12 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just got out of the first showing for today and I applaud you guys. my mother went with me and she got to see what I went through. she cried through the whole movie. IT open up some old wounds for me but makes me realize how blessed I am that I have been sober and out of that life for almost 4 years now. thank you for making this movie and I hope see more from you I give it a hundred stars. Its been a week since I have seen it and I am still telling EVERYONE to go. Its so real and I am sure many addicts recovering or still doing it can relate to some aspect of the story. Every one who plays in this movie captured their part perfectly. I am going to own a copy when it comes out and this will be the movie I show my children and nieces and nephews (when they are at the age) to help me talk about the dangers of drugs.
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A real life movie that touches us all
burchfield-6363212 April 2015
I wish all the Jr. High and High School kids could see the movie "Far Too Far". If just one person could be saved by watching "Far Too Far" it will be such a blessing. I want to Thank Justin Hunt for all his hard work and bringing this subject to the forefront. "Far Too Far" shows the truth of how easily good people can be sucked in to a lifestyle and "Far Too Far" puts the negative focus on the drug not the people. "Far Too Far" is so real. "Far Too Far" also shows how easily this could happen to anyone. Parents should see "Far Too Far" to understand what may have already happened or could happen to the children and grandchildren in their lives. One bad choice can change lives and families to where they are never the same and can't get it back. I work at a jail and see the hurt, despair and destruction of people, their families and everyone in their life every day. It doesn't have to happen. I am praying for the people and families that have been touched by this subject. I am proud of Justin Hunt and all those that helped make this film "Far Too Far" possible. Respectfully Twana Burchfield
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This is a must see!
dec_hsg13 April 2015
Great movie! Pulls at every emotion you have ever felt before. This is one of those movies you never forget watching. One of those movies you tell everyone they need to watch. This is it people! The movie that will forever change something inside of you. This movie should be in every household, treatment center, and even high school. This isn't just a movie, it's a piece of art. It has a message that can't be ignored. It has a message that sticks with you, that makes you think even after you walk out of the theaters. Heck, even after you wake up the next day. I recommend this movie to everyone. It's definitely a movie that needs to be seen all around the world.
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rickathy13 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies, you simply cannot stop thinking about. It stays with you, jarring into your thoughts at random times. Far to Far takes you into the world of meth...a drug far too prevalent in our society. It takes you along for a tragic ride into the life of a user. It shows what the use of meth, and what true desperation does to a person. The tragic results of a life changed with a single decision. Watch it and determine for yourself at what age you think it is appropriate to allow your children to watch it--let them see what one bad choice can do to their lives, without you preaching at them. Seeing this movie taught me many things about the drug I knew little about. Also give me understanding of how quickly addiction takes over a life.
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iys-3432812 April 2015
One of those movies where a couple of hours passes by crazy fast because you're on the edge of your seat the entire time. Once the movie is over, you're so shocked and mortified that it's impossible to think of anything other than what you've just seen for the next few days. Amazing movie!!! The character Luci is played by one of those amazing new actors that you just can't get enough of. I'd like to say the movie would have been a million times more awesome if it would have been about him, but it's so good the way it is. Great story. Director did a killer job. Can't wait to go see it again!!! Do yourself a favor. Go see it. Hurry up.
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Great film!
freddiann18 April 2015
Loved this movie. Not sugar coated. It is the kind of movie that you can actually walk away hating a character, for me that means it has moved me, touched me in some way. So much so that I could not sleep for thinking about it. Such an important movie with a message that needs to be conveyed in a manner that is hard hitting and honest. Some films dealing with this criteria kind of make light of the subject, make it seem like it is a great time. When in reality it is anything but a great time! Those films do not show you the truth. This film is raw in truth it is powerful in its message. I am glad I had the opportunity to see it. It has definitely left an impression on me. Justin Hunt, thank you for "going there".
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Amazingly eye opening
klm_hsg12 April 2015
This movie is brilliantly played out. It does a great job of showing you both sides of an addiction. It successfully shows you the life of an addict and the life of the people affected by an addict's choices all while keeping you drawn in throughout the movie. I've never felt so many emotions through the same movie. It's full of emotional moments that leave you thinking about the struggles people face. I plan on purchasing this movie the moment it is available. When my children are of a certain age this will be a movie we all watch and discuss after wards. I think this movie is a great way to show people a side of life they are unaware of. I will recommend this movie to anyone!
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Stays with you long after you see it
marieblue-9026518 May 2015
Excellent movie, but I had to watch it twice. The first time I went to see Far Too Far, I left before the movie ended. There is a pivotal scene near the end, and I was sooo angry at Linda and Luci. I left the theater and went home. My husband asked me how the movie was and I was telling him that I couldn't finish watching it and what the story was about. He said "It must be a good movie to have gotten to you that way. I think I'd like to see it." Turns out, that the movie played again the following weekend, so we both went to see it. We got to the same point in the movie, and we were both crying. I realized that I had my nails dug into the palms of my hands from clenching them into fists.

The ending was a surprise. I didn't expect it at all, but it left me feeling better about how the story ends and maybe more positive about people.

I wasn't going to try to write a review, but the whole thing is still in my head. I keep seeing parts of it and wondering about how the characters are, what they are doing, etc. like they are real people, lol, even though I've seen some of the actors around town and know that everything on the screen was just a movie. It's hard to separate the two.

I hope everyone has a chance to see this.
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