"Better Call Saul" Bali Ha'i (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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A setup episode of reversal circumstances for our main characters
harrymus222 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
At this point in the show, many of you are waiting for it to pick up the pace, but I think this show will take its time spinning its wheels before the race starts, and I have no problem with that. This episode we get more signs of Jimmy being uncomfortable with his new life, and ends up revisiting his old office to get some peace. We also see that Kim is out of doc review but Howard is not happy (I still don't know why, but I'm hoping its revealed soon). No Chuck this episode, but he had a huge character development last episode so he's taking a break.

The title of this episode is the title of a song that Jimmy apparently sings to Kim on voice-mail to keep in touch with her and gain her forgiveness; this foreshadows the possibility that they might get back together in this episode which does end up happening and I was happy to see that result, but not before they once again pull another fun scam on someone at the bar by reigniting their pseudo-personalities (or in Jimmy's case, his real personality).

The show is just giving the viewers a taste of both lifestyles(Jimmy being slipping Jimmy and Kim as Giselle) for Jimmy and Kim, and speaking of lifestyles, Kim's lifestyle is about to change after that surprising job offer from the opposing counsel in the Sandpiper case. This brings me to the ending, I feel the show has created a reversal of both Jimmy and Kim's past circumstances. Before, Jimmy was free from HHM and very happy, but he took the Davis and Main job for Kim and now hes not very happy. Kim is now in that similar situation but reversed; She was not happy at HHM but now she has a chance to be happy at Schweikart and Cokely, but shes hesitant because she feels that she forced Jimmy into taking the Davis and Main job and hes not happy so why should she be with this new job. But Jimmy also takes the high road to selflessness and assures Kim that he loves his job and she should also love her potential new job. Final scene with the car was Jimmy making amends to make Kim happy.

Mike's story moved forward a little in this episode, there was a brilliant scene with the dark apartment searching and the two wannabe thugs getting their ass beat by old Mike, but we also learned something important in that segment near the end when Mike was cleaning the blood; his hand was shaking. This could suggest that Mike is scared of whats to come or hes not fit for this life of defending himself against thugs. Mike ends up taking the deal because once again hes scared of putting Kayley and her mom in harm's way, but he ends up getting more money than before and this was because he offered half of it to Nacho for compensation of his unfinished business. This was very noble and fair by Mike, he never takes more than what he deserves (this was also seen in Season 1 when he didn't take the millions from the Kettleman business).

All in all, another slow but interesting episode that moved the plot and character development forward. For the many that are fed up with the slow pace, this show might not be your taste, but as long as I get a good finish to this slow race, I will be more than satisfied.
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Good episode
85122210 December 2016
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Bali Ha'i" was another great installment in very involving season 2 so far. With only 4 episodes left, i want to see where it all goes in this season.

Acting, writing and directing were brilliant as usual - those are highlights of series overall. And while the story itself didn't moved very drastically forward, writing is so good that every scene kinda glues you to the screen, even when some characters are talking about people from their lives, it is simply interesting to listen to.

Overall, can't wait to see whats next on "Better Call Saul". Great season so far.
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More Breaking Bad tie-ins and an interesting ending. Warning: Spoilers
Kim receives a tempting offer. Mike deals with a threat. Jimmy is unhappy with his position. This episode had a little bit more action, and looks like its setting up for a more fast-paced final four episodes.

For the past couple weeks, each new episode has brought back another Breaking Bad character. It started with the businessman who got his car blown up in BB season 1 appearing in the premiere. Then we got Tuco and Crazy-8. Then we got Hector. Now we have even more, although Hector also appears again. This plot really looks like its escalating to something big. Hopefully the slow-burn will lead to a fast-paced series of final episodes, perhaps climaxing with the cause of Hector's paralysis in BB.

In this episode we see something very interesting, and that is Kim bringing out the con man in Jimmy; encouraging it. Until now, she's been a naysayer towards him. This is the first time it seems like she may actually be a factor towards bringing out Saul Goodman rather than against it.

Here is an example of the brilliance of this show; it doesn't just do this out of the blue. It makes sense that she would shift her position based on what is happening in her life in this episode; she receives an offer that makes her realize she is jot happy where she is. From Jimmy's position, it is a random shift, but our eye in the sky shows us a full picture. We can see a fully rounded image of what Kim is going through, and yet it does not feel like it is in your face. You only notice these parallels when you think about it more in depth.

The ending perfectly reflects Kim and Jimmy's mutual dissatisfaction with their current positions, and hints strongly at the imminent development of Saul Goodman. Great episode, seems like things are finally picking up steam.
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The last song is a Bengali language songs
arifurrahman-191407 November 2019
So much delighted to hear a Bengali language songs. Very much delighted
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abja26 September 2020
Mike's performance was amaizing especially in this episode
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Leofwine_draca15 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another nice episode with a lot of secondary character depth. Kim gets a lot of screen time and grows more as a person, while the show-off role is Mike's, who reveals some Walter White-levels of negotiation here. By this stage the show is of a consistent high quality.
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Jonathan Banks is a legend!
Shmaden2 December 2020
I loved his character in BB, I love it here. Needless to say that he and Jimmy carry this whole show even through this nightmerrish second season. Yeah, there are still some long drawn out scens that provide absolutely no character development to any of the people involved. Yeah, there are still shots only for easter eggs' sake, like Mike's perfect parking tehnique or the twins' skull shoes. Things and scenes that have no symbolism and that contribute to nothing other than stretching the runtime of the episode. You know, I've heard things about tehniques and shots that the creator uses in order to foreshadow things and stuff, but the thing is like this: the average viewer won't notice that. Many viewers don't notice that. I don't notice that. There are no hints that certain shots are important or that certain scenes are foreshadowing something. And yeah you could argue that it is supposed to be like that because otherwise it would be too obvious. Ok, I get that, it shouldn't be like Varis' look towards Danaerys in season 8 episode 4 telegraphing a betrayal from like a mile away. But a foreshadowing still needs to be observed by the casual viewer, the one who watches only for fun and to see a good show. It isn't supposed to be visible only to the most die hard of the fans. That's not good foreshadowing. See the thing about ambiguous things is that every thing that is left open to interpretation can be interpreted in so "x" ways, x being the number of people that see the thing. You can't just throw random scenes in a movie/TV show and expect the viewer to understand exactly what you understand. We are all different. We nee some sort of clue or hint that might lead us there. I know I'm talking in vain here because the only people reviewing this series and getting upvotes are the most die hard of the fans for this show. Let's get to the real meat of this episode:

Mike Ehrmentraut is one of my favorite characters in both BB and BCS. And the acting delivered by Jonathan Banks is simply mezmerizing. You can't take your eyes of the guy everytime he's in a scene. He has a couple of them in this episode. From the encounter with the twins to the fight in his house to the meeting with the Salamanca family, this episode was almost like a tour de force for Mike's character. And it is honestly one of the best things to watch on TV. He and Jimmy are probably the only reason I still watch this show, because other than that this show has so many problems and it tries at times to be so realistic that it just falls on it's face. Anyway, it's an 8/10 from me. Hopefully this gets BCS back on track.
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A Job Offer
Hitchcoc21 May 2018
Kim and Saul are back together. She is offered a job by the head attorney of the company they are suing. Meanwhile the drug baddies are now threatening Mike's little granddaughter. He is being extorted to take the gun charge away from the guy he set up. Mike is really formidable and shows his stuff in his daughter's house. We are seeing a prequel to "Breaking Bad." Some of the principle characters are seen here. Things are cranking up and a real ride lies ahead.
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An Improvement
CineNerd701 August 2022
This was better than the last one, at least more happened. Stuff with Mike was good, otherwise not much else. I'd say season 2's the worst so far, even though there's a few episodes left.
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S2.E6 - The Gun [9/10]
panagiotis199331 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S2. E6) My Live Reaction / Review for Better Call Saul Season 2 Episode 6 ''Bali Ha'i''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. Mike says no to Salamanca's offer? That's not good. This lawyer wants Kim to come work for his law firm? Didnt see that coming. Salamanca sent his guys to scare Mike but Mike scared them, a real badass. Oh boy the cousins are here to scare Mike, this is getting serious. Mike is so sweet with his granddaughter, such a sweet grandpa. Mike asked for 50.000 dollars to tell the police that the gun belongs to him? I don't know if that's good. Overall this episode was good and I enjoyed it. Good performances by the actors and intriguing plot. My rating is 9/10.
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Slow burner risks fizzling out if it doesn't pick up pace
jacksherak23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of season 1, yeah it was slow but the story was compelling and I felt it led up to a pretty good finale. Season 2 on the other hand, I started off all motivated and excited but each episode is beating me down. With Breaking bad he crammed so much into 50 minutes, with this its like he has a couple of hours content which is being milked out over an entire series.

If it wasn't for the Mike side story I would probably have shelved it by now, choosing to wait for someone to tell me that its picked up before I invest any more time into what is increasingly looking like one good idea padded out way too much.

In a nut shell if Vince Gilligan had taken the same approach to this as he did to Breaking bad, we would have got to this point by episode 5 or 6 in season 1, Yaaaaaaaawn!
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Getting bogged down here...
inframan27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I realize I'm a couple years behind (at least) but may fall even more so if we get too deeply into Kim's personal/professional life. Also the undersized MB cupholder is getting really old fast, belongs in a network sitcom.
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Terrible Writing
jordan0111 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
  • Mike is patted down but FOR NO REASON allowed to keep his loaded gun when he meets the head of a drug cartel!

  • Men are in Mike's house knowing he's not there but searching room to room for him
  • Mike in his late sixties effortlessly disarms TWO grown men (Mike is Rambo and cannot ever be defeated because of plot armour)
  • Mike threatens to murder the head of a drug cartel and also blackmails him and completely gets away with it FOR NO REASON (the cartel need Mike to get Tuco a lesser sentence, but can simply execute Mike for knowing too much and being a threat when they get Mike's testimony changed)
  • Mike says he will kill the leader of the cartel and reaches for his gun while surrounded by henchmen and none of the henchmen shoot Mike to protect the cartel leader FOR NO REASON
  • Mike makes a deal with the cartel head which when complete, simply means the cartel will be very motivated to execute him and/or his family
  • Instead of spending longer on Mike's story of POSSIBLY HAVING HIS GRANDDAUGHTER MURDERED, the writers and directors decide to spend time focusing on Kim brushing her teeth, Kim going for lunchtime drinks and talking to a random man that doesn't advance the storyline at all
  • Kim and Jimmy skip out on their work and bunk for the entire afternoon with zero consequences FOR NO REASON
  • Kim, a woman in her late thirties or forties who has sacrificed having children and a marriage for her career and is completely career focused, jeopardises her entire career by scamming a random man and is inexplicably attracted to Jimmy despite it damaging and risking the career she has spent approximately 20 years building FOR NO REASON
  • The pace as always is glacial and unbearable, what happens in two episodes could easily be condensed go one if we got rid of moody shots of characters literally staring in to space for long time periods while saying and doing nothing

How on Earth this is considered excellent writing is utterly baffling to me. I can only assume the viewers lack all critical thinking skills and have absolutely no grasp of how human beings realistically react, just like the writers.
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