"Carnival Row" The Joining of Unlike Things (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Sharp direction and story.
cruise0121 September 2019
4 out of 5 stars.

Great sharp direction with the episode. The story is entertaining. Orlando Blooms character investigating another murder from some monstrous creature. The sub plots still being intriguing. Caras character is being tested by a group of Feys.
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Why Philo ?
grakky6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You broke Vignettes' heart, twice now!!!! Damn you!
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I know I have to suspense the believe...
b_raven18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I mean Ferries, Pucks, Centaurs etc.. but the fight between two fully capable of flight creatures mid flight fight holding on each other legs to prevent fall, then falling down just doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever.
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Justification for killing
kingsx_641 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So Cara's told to kill someone to prove her loyalty. Then she confronts him and uses her anger as justification for killing him. And what is she angry at? He said he wanted to have sex with her. Ya know, cause that's justifiable and all. If it was legal to kill a guy just because he told his friends he wanted to have sex with an attractive girl, there would be likes 5 dudes on the planet still alive.
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A soap opera
Leofwine_draca27 February 2022
This feels like a soap opera at this point. Weak, generic villain characters and the man showing up to save the woman as required. Dodgy acting and extremely poor lighting. What's not to dislike?
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Not Really Getting The Point Of The Story Yet
wandernn1-81-68327416 August 2021
I want to know how in a fantasy universe with FAE and Werewolves and such where creatures like that are typical, that they ended up calling the bathroom.... the 'loo'. -1 Star

Rene Echevarria is Exec Producer I see. Will always remember that name from Star Trek Next Gen.

So in this ep., Vignette flits around getting herself into trouble. Hating Legolas all the while. But Legolas shows up in time to save her behind when it's about to get invaded.

Legolas apologizes again for leaving her. Then like any typical man, he goes off and flirts with Portia. So of course as a typical Legolas, he's playing to win both females involved here.

Poor Vignette.

But hey at least the skyline looks Beautiful. 4/10.
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What's going on with the script!
truthreveller12 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The writing was good until this episode then everything just fell apart. Every scene was so ridiculous or stupid as if writers were on strike at this time and non writers finished the script. The characters talk to the audience like children are watching and not adults.

The scenes are all over the place and do not progress the story at all or even have a real tie into the story or cliff hanger.

There is tough love between the main two characters, where they save each other then say it's over between them.

Philo running around occupied by hunting a monster in the sewer and getting roofied then milked by a witch.

Vignette trying to prove herself to the Black Ravens when there is no way she is the snitch on day one of joining. She gets in a ridiculous fight to the death after she could have just stabbed him when his eyes were closed. Then Philo appears out of no where to save her at the last moment.
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