Sickle (2015) Poster


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Retrofitted to Amityville
BandSAboutMovies11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The hubris to call this Amityville: The Final Chapter when I know that I have four more days of Amityville week left is so galling to me that I wonder if I even have the resolve to finish this film.

Of course I do, gentle reader. A steady diet of modern streaming dreck, Jess Franco films and way too many Bruno Mattei films have given me the kind of iron resolve that once led fifteen year old men to enlist in the war effort and lie about their age. Except instead of punching German soldiers, I'm up in the middle of the night watching what feels like the hundredth Amityville movie I've seen.

Sure, there's a book with the same title by John G. Jones, but this movie was originally entitled Sickle and has next to nothing to do with Amityville. If you're aghast, you haven't been watching Amityville films after 2005 or reading our site. For shame.

Geno McGahee directed this. Perhaps you've seen his work in movies like Satanic Meat Cleaver Massacre or The Haunting of La Llorona. Maybe you watch Tubi and go to Walmart and look for new horror movies nearly every day.'re me.

Michael Hart was just twelve-years-old when he was convicted of murdering his babysitter. All along, he has claimed that a tall monster with a top hat did it. Now, as he's released from prison to work in his Uncle Bill's garage, the murders have started again. Michael needs to clear his name before he gets arrested for the crimes that look to be coming from his hands.

Notice that I never used the words Amityville anywhere here. That's because Amityville: The Final Chapter is a much more marketable title than Sickle. The truth, as they say, will set you free. And for me, freedom is buying movies that cost $3.74 at America's superstore.
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Amateurville-The Final Chapter
Uriah4313 February 2024
This film (also known as "Amityville-The Final Chapter") essentially begins with a 12-year-old boy by the name of "Michael Hart" (Logan Lopez) being arrested for the murder of a babysitter in his own house. Although he proclaims his innocence, the police refuse to accept his contention that a specter dressed in black and wearing a top hat dismembered the babysitter's body with a sickle and, for that reason, the court sentences Michael to 15 years in a mental hospital. Fast-forward 15 years later and Michael is now being released from custody with his uncle "Bill" (Dave Sauriol) there in the parking lot to pick him up. Naturally, realizing that Michael needs some time to adjust to his new surroundings, Bill does his best to give him the space that he needs to sort things out. Unfortunately, a woman who specializes in paranormal events named "Susan" (Renee Day) isn't nearly so inclined and does everything she can to force Michael to conjure up the ghostly apparition in every way she can. The problem, however, is that another person also wants the evil specter to appear for his own selfish purposes as well--and neither one of them have any concern for anybody else. Now, rather than reveal any more. I will just say that this film started out with a pretty good premise, but it became clear early on that the resources weren't there to capitalize on it as both the camera work and the script were both in need of serious improvement. Likewise, the actors all seemed to be reading their lines directly off of a cue card and none of them seemed to show any real talent or ability at all. In short, this was an amateurish production which doesn't have anything worth recommending, and I have rated it accordingly.
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Waste of time unless you like to play Mystery Science Theater 3000
drweeks17 July 2016
Now, let me just say first of all, I LOVE B rate and Indy horror/thrillers, but this was beyond bad. If I could give it a 0 and still be posted, I would. The acting was-well-laughable. The camera angles, the dialogue, the overacting and underacting- uggghhh! Just don't watch unless you want to make fun of it. If that's your goal-have at it! Spoiler ALERT! Here's a few examples of the idiocy of this movie- tough demonologist chic with a lisp, psycho ET looking "grim reaper" named Sickle, and a 45-50 year old woman using a 27 year old to get the story of a lifetime by trying to date him, and then after he knows he's been conned, she calls up all sweet and wants another the story. And is Bob Dylan singing the soundtrack?

To use a direct quote from the movie, "This is ridiculous!" Yes it is.
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What a dumpster fire!!!
treakle_197815 June 2020
Another film in the franchise not worth watching. The acting,score,directing,editing and every aspect of this movie is atrocious. Sickle sounds like he's trying to hack up a hair ball. Don't waste your time.
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Take That, History Channel Ghost Busters...
guestar579 February 2015
Stars : Logan Lopez,Crystal Aya,Brent Northup and Martin DuPlessis as SICKLE.

Write & Directed by: Forris Day Jr. and Geno McGahee.

Saw elements of Halloween,Phantasm and Mothman.

The lead character as a boy may have killed his babysitter,and now it's fifteen years later and he is getting out,But was he wrongly accused ? Logan Lopez is very good in the lead and Crystal Aya is likable and smart and has many layers to her character and then there is Brent Northup who is creepy and has too much going on with his monies.

This film has potential in the festival circuit with fans of Supernatural/Ghost hunting theorists.
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Don't waste your time on this one
Leofwine_draca19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SICKLE might sound like an energetic slice of monster horror but it turns out to be anything but. Instead this is just another lame ghost story told via a number of interviewees chatting to the camera. In terms of screen horror content there's very little indeed, just a bit of atmosphere building amid all of the endless chit-chat and monotonous dialogue scenes.
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