"Gotham" Rogues' Gallery (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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No Oswald No Fun
elche34569 January 2015
After the mid-season finale's plot twist, it all looked good for Gotham. Strong cast,some creative writing, solid show about Gotham without Batman which is quite an achievement. it succeeded in introducing some of Batman's villains wittingly leaving us with an open mouth just to watch how they'll become Gotham's tormentor. Robin Lord Taylor is of course the standout performance of the series and that episode proved that without him much on the screen, the show won't be that great. Arkham is quite a place to increase Gordon's reputation as Batman's sidekick. it was a smart move to move him to the place where he'll lock down all the super villains later on. but that episode lacked the Gotham's entertainment. This show has already surpassed Smallville which was expected given the Dark Knight's higher prestige as a superhero. One of the best things about the episode is exploring Bollock's and Gordon relationship even more. A classic Detetctives' partnership. Some of the focus must be on young Bruce Wayne and on the Wayne's case of course which seems forgotten in the current time. Gotham is a start of a good thing.
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Something of a letdown after last week.
yvonneshusband14 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really sure what I thought of this episode. Jada Pinkett-Smith was ACTING again rather than acting; Barbara is starting to smell of crazy, making me think Jim might be well rid of her; Cat appeared to be sleeping in a cage. The highlights were Cat and Ivy sneaking into Jim's place (who's paying for that penthouse(?); Gordon would have to be on the take to afford it, and surely Barbara isn't paying for a place she's not living in anymore)and Jim and Harvey's interplay as they start working the asylum case together. I was also pleased that Jim didn't end up strapped to a table as an intended victim; he's been getting himself into those kinds of scrapes a little too often lately!Leslie looks promising, looking forward to seeing her character develop. It was great to see Oswald finally start calling himself 'The Penguin', but Moroni having him locked up to remind him of his place was a little unlikely, but then again, Moroni isn't as smart as he thinks he is. Fish's power play is developing, but something tells me it's going to come seriously unstuck, and not just because Pinkett-Smith isn't returning next season!
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Now This Is Gotham!
Dan1863Sickles14 July 2022
After a few weak outings, GOTHAM Season 1 returns to top form with this exciting episode. From the very first moment, when the Arkham Players stage Shakespeare's THE TEMPEST with verve and imagination, to the very last moment, when Butch sits alone in a parked car after a brief conversation with an old friend, every scene rings true and every performance is riveting.

Favorite moments: the young inmate telling Jim and Dr. Thompkins to "get a room." The Gotham cops serving Penguin a knuckle sandwich. Don Moroni putting Penguin in his place with a monkey/zookeeper analogy. The steamy and sultry farewell between Barbara and her cop lady-friend. And best moment of the whole episode? Watching poor, bedraggled Ivy pick up the phone at Jim's place and instantly take on a whole new identity. Love the way she totally messes with Barbara's already messed-up mind. It was like a glorious prank-call in reverse!
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Pretty good, but not crazy good
Fluke_Skywalker2 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The circumstances that put Gordon on duty at Arkham Asylum are ridiculously Byzantine, but that said it was nice to pull back the gate on one of Gotham's most infamous landmarks. Still not sure that required putting Gordon inside, but...

The main plot focuses on a mystery within Arkham's walls with side plots touching on crime family politics and Gordon's domestic drama. The crime family stuff, as it typically has to this point, works well, with Mooney making her move on Falcone while the loyalty of her most trusted lieutenant is put to the test. On the flip side, the love drama between Gordon and Barbara continues to fall flat. I get that we need an aspect of Jim Gordon that isn't all duty, but the melodrama here just isn't working, for me anyway.
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By the Name of Gruber
ThomasDrufke5 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I almost completely forgot Gotham was returning this week. Most shows aren't on for another few weeks but Gotham returned in full average form tonight. The show just isn't intriguing enough to keep watching. I told myself I would give it a season so that's what i'm doing, but I just cant see myself being a returning viewer next year. The show tries to tackle too many characters and story lines that I never find myself wanting to see what happens with one story, because i'm constantly trying to keep up with the next.

The introduction of Morenna Baccarin as Dr. Leslie Thompkins was fine but I still have yet to put together why in the world Gordon would be sent to Arkham Asylum. I'm waiting for a huge twist to explain half of the unexplicable things that happen on this show, but I feel like that may be too smart for this show. I will say that at least the next episode seems to continue this weeks story and tie into each other. The show seems to think it's creating a huge mob boss soap opera, but in reality it gets more confusing week by week. I'm still puzzled as to why Barbara's character is written so poorly. Surely she knows that it was a kid on the other end of that phone call right? Penguin didn't have much to do this week and neither did Bruce and Alfred, who didn't even make appearances, probably for the best. We still don't really know where this show is going, and it seems that the show runners don't really either.

+Leslie Thompkins

-Barbara's idiotic moments

-Too many story lines right now

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