Market Value (2017) Poster


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Believable and absorbing
psmithbell24 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I kept wondering if this was a documentary. The characters were very believable. They did not over-act or add dramatic pauses, etc. I think this is how average people might react to events like these. The main character seems quite shy, and the kind of person that has high moral values but this event made her make hard choices, a child's welfare vs. breaking the law. Her wife showed a range of emotions, when finding out. Betrayal, fear, anger and love. The son kept his emotions closed off, as many teen boys might. The bio grandparents and their attorney played villain roles, that were more stereotyped and less believable. I wondered if this is a true story.
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A truly unique story and captivating characters are the key.
banjoroll24 July 2019
I have never seen the subject of human trafficking dealt with in this manner. Market Value brings a truly unique story and vision to life through grounded and captivating characters. Wendell Etherly has done an outstanding job painting a picture that is not only believable but frightening. The love created in this modern family drama coupled with the consequences Audrey's choice brings to the world makes this gem of an indie well worth the watch. Stand out performances by the conflicted and loving partner Audrey, the private investigator and the litigator really take this one of a kind drama to another level. I was truly moved by the film.
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Lexiii6730 June 2019
Honestly, I could not watch this movie but I did listen to it. The way the camera was constantly moving made me sick to my stomach. There comes a point when it became ridiculous. Did all the cameramen have Parkinson's? The characters are so unlikable and so poorly acted I really had no compassion for any of them.
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Good on the writing, weak on the characters.
M85ALIVE1 July 2019
A pretty interesting turn of events in this film, and the writing had the skills, the structure to make the context engaging, and that's what makes this film stand out from a lot of other indies I've seen. The writer clearly knows how to deliver context in a compelling enough way. The big let down was the characters, there isn't a whole lot to any of them, not a lot of depth or dimension. To add, most of the acting is weak, especially from the lead female, she was pretty bad. The 2 exceptions were the private investigator and the lawyer for the protagonist who stood out as competent.
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Good story ruined by poor acting
The_Boxing_Cat30 July 2019
The acting was terrible from Jules Bruff. She was just awful. It was difficult to get into the movie because she was too distracting (not in a good way either). Nothing about her was believable or likable. Too bad.
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egads, the characters were awful.
slebling22 July 2019
Lead character was weak and whiney and her wife was self-centered.
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