"The Leftovers" Cairo (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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The episode that sealed the deal
Millionsable18 August 2014
This is definitely the episode of the series that made me think this show is something more than just an average drama. So far all the complaints of "it's going to be like lost" and that there will be no answer to the mystery have been at the back of my mind. This episode shows me that those things do not matter, what does is the amazing character development and plot of this post rapture community. The show has so much potential and as each episode goes on(even the individually centred ones)it has shown layers of complexity in each character even minor guilty remnants. This episode offers a minor explanation for who the guilty remnant are but still leaves much of their background in question, leaving the viewer to question just what drives them to be so "evil". With two more episodes to go I can only hope the rating goes up for this unappreciated HBO masterpiece as the season hopefully comes to an climatic end.
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I'm really glad I made this far
matiasbockerman24 August 2019
When I have watched first four episodes I almost quit watching. Now I finally understand why people love this show. You must give it a chance.
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Great show
alseenhaas18 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It is unbelievable for me to hear that this show has low ratings. There are two really good series on TV at the moment;Rectify and The Leftovers. The Leftovers needed a few episodes to draw me in, but the characters and the story are so damn strong,it would be a mortal sin if there were no more seasons to follow. Please spread the word;Watch this show!!!! All the story lines are strong,and i can not wait till next Monday. Im watching it from Holland so i can only watch it without subtitles but it is still easily to follow. Please do your self a favor guys and girls.... Watch this show and make sure there will be more seasons to come!
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The truth about Gladys is revealed and it's not surprising
TheDonaldofDoom23 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
That feeling after watching an episode of the Leftovers, as if you have just had some sort of religious experience. That is present more at the end of this episode than any so far. The crux of this episode is of course what to do with Pat. It's clear she wants to die. That, and the reveal that she had Gladys killed, shows the truth about the GRs. They are so willing to stoke up conflict without committing violence against others that they'll push people over the edge. They're so wanting martyrdom that they'll even have one of the themselves killed, and in the end Pat killing herself. At the same time as the GR's philosophy seems to make sense, it really doesn't. But maybe that's the point. Cults rarely do.

As for Jill, the other main focus, her joining the GRs makes a weird kind of sense. At first, I did a double take-why would you join such a hopeless cult-but after mulling it over you can understand why. Unlike Matt, the cult don't pretend to have the answers for why the Departure happened. They just have a response. Jill knows Matt's answers are meaningless and accepting help from him would feel false. The GRs, on the other hand, offer something pretty brutal, but real. The thing that didn't convince me was Jill's argument with Aimee. And if Aimee has been having sex with Jill's dad, it seems like a kind of random detail that doesn't fit into the overall narrative (unless I'm missing something). Unless maybe the point that's being made is that it's not tragic events, but when people are failed by people they love, that they truly zone out of life, and Aimee having sex with Jill's dad is just one subtle example of that. But that's grasping at straws.
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You understand
bushramw27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You understand this is what she said at the end of this episode BUT I don't really I don't understand what's going on but I really like the show. I really hope is a real define ending for what's happening and not left hanging there.

This is a great show, I thought for a second that the hero has schizophrenia like his father OR maybe he's his father I really don't know just hanging out there.

The reveal of the cause of death was fascinating I didn't see it coming to be honest and don't know how he guessed it from her speech either.

I really want to know the connection between the guilty remnants and that black man who takes people pain.

I really want to bengie watch all the show.
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Giving This Show a Chance
codyeriksenpsychologist27 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've noticed that a trend in reviews of this show is to say that people need to give it a chance, people need to stick with it, and some reviews even say that after a second watch through it makes more sense.

You would think after 8 episodes that you would have a good sense of whether you should stick with it or not by now. I believe one of the issues that the show is facing is that it's playing the mystery box trope too much. While I enjoy a good mystery box to keep me wondering, it seems that the mystery boxes are numerous and contained more within each one, which leaves me wondering at times if anything will ever be explained.

You shouldn't have to watch a show twice over to understand it which some of the reviewers are saying happens. At this point I believe that the show struggles to create a genuine sense of empathy, at least the kind it is looking for from the audience. Many of the elements contained within this show could theoretically exist without the departure having happened. Even now we have cults, strange religious groups, religion versus science debates in politics, people struggling with loss, and people struggling with interpersonal relationships and so on.

I'm not trying to take away from the great acting and the great set pieces, it is obvious good quality within the show. But I noticed during the conversation between Kevin and Patty that what was said was neither profound or provocative, nor was her speech at all dependent on the departure. Cultists speak in this way about anything that they believe in, but the show presents it as profound even comes up as pretentious at times, but lacks the gravity that they are looking for simply because they haven't fleshed out the significance of the departure and how the events/circumstances occurring are unique to something like that happening.
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What a frustrating show
SureCommaNot21 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is my second attempt watching this show, and I just don't know how I can go on with it.

For one thing, when Jill and Nora are discussing whether or not Nora "has" a gun, they didn't account for the ambiguity of whether "has" means "owns" or "is currently carrying." Nora didn't lie. And yet this is presented as such a momentous and revealing part of her character to Jill.

And why didn't Nora notice her front door was unlocked? She's evidently in the habit of locking it, after all.

And then there's the scene where the cult is unloading a bunch of nondescript packages into their new building. The music is full of gravitas, and the camera work slow and dramatic, but it's meaningless because we don't yet know what's inside the packages.

I've had to suspend my disbelief so much so far, attempting to watch the show (and endure all its gaffes), and this episode might be the worst yet.

When does it get good?
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