"Black Sails" XVIII. (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Legendary, amazing and overall enjoyable.
mysticduelist31 March 2015
After seeing countless series in all kinds of categories you could say I'm rather picky about choosing something as my favorite. As much as I love and adore Game of Thrones or BB, Black Sails for me is the best TV-series to have aired in the past five years or so, and perhaps of all time. The story is that of Treasure Island and it's infamous Captain Flint and Long John Silver, with the promise of gold and debauchery. However, Black Sails goes deeper into that. It shows us the state and dealings of Nassau and its crews and inhabitants while also familiarizing us in a subtle way with a few characters that are deemed important. In the same manner as Game of Thrones does, Black Sails does not focus on one main protagonist as much, but several key players that all have their own point of view. Pirates are very easily extremely gimmicky but this sticks to historical accuracy with very small Easter eggs and jokes still in there. I'll admit that season 1 is rather slow paced, as it is sketching you a map of what is going on and who are who. Season 2 will without doubt blow your mind if you have watched season 1, as it contradicts some serious issues you thought were different. This show redefines plot twists and it's season endings are more then satisfying. The graphic department also did a great job (Michael Bay was in charge of the season 2 finale, and he did an amazing job on that).

All with all, it's an outstanding series and extremely fun to watch. Ladies that are scared that this show is meant for men should notice that like that time period it may look that way, but keep watching and you'll notice there is enough to contradict that.
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Long Live Nassau!!!
jgibbdeuces876 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ine of the best finales that I have ever seen from a show and this show is amazing! Flint is made to suffer a mock trial before execution at the hands of the naval command but other events transpire that defy and even break the ideas of men and liberate Pirates from an idea that is distant to people with deaf ears and misdirected cries for blood. Vane attempts to retrieve Flint alone save the Pirate King feared by all. John Silver makes a choice that carries with it deep consequences. Jack Rackham and his newly formed crew seek the unprotected Urca Gold with Eleanor out of the way due to an unexpected and unseen decision by an old friend turned enemy and traitor. Billy and crew are held captive by Vain's men and his loyalty is tested. Grave consequences are the result of an act of heroism that will alter John Silver and the fate of Captain Flint's crew. This finale has it all. Action, suspense, drama, thrills and revelations of all sorts that change the fates and lives of Pirates everywhere and war begins with a cry of vengeance and the spilling of enemy blood from all sides leading to a conclusion of epic proportions! The hunt has evolved and the way is paved for the new beginning of the Pirates of Nassau and the liberation of any dreams of a future that does not see the world burning in tatters and crumble before the men of Nassau

10/10 A perfect finale through and through that ranks among the best I've ever seen! A gem! Perfect and entertaining in every fashion of the word for a large variety of viewers with good taste and the wild animal of a pirate in
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Mind-bogglingly perfect finale to the first two seasons
johncschwab14 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Getting into this show on Hulu years after it first aired and it is utterly magnificent. Two sure signs that the magic of this show was truly unique are 1) that no major names starred in it and 2) that those that did star in this show have never been as gigantic as they are here.

But THIS episode (so far) rises above all of that and cements this show as among the best television ever. I find it extremely rare that a good story ever gets the ending it deserves so when it happens it's worth watching again and again (and I have.)

For so long (ok, for two seasons) we've had Flint's claims of a higher goal drilled into our heads that they seem ludicrously impossible. Why the hell would he risk so much to safely return an old friend's daughter, a task of immense peril and unlikely payoff ... unless he truly believed a good outcome was possible. We're shown that he surprisingly makes his way there, that the outcome actually is indeed possible, if only both sides would sacrifice just a little--dig deep and lay bare their sins.

Of course, we learn by this episode that it all unravels and so episode 10 is all aftermath. It could be an hour of viscera and yo-hos, but it's only partially that. The show stays true to form by keeping safe the few characters we follow closely, battered but still alive. The final 90 seconds of drama at Charles Town--no lines, just muted sounds and incredible scoring--mixed with claustrophobic shots of Silver's sacrifice are cinematic perfection. Bad choices are punished. Evil men and the innocents they surround themselves with all suffer equally. It is no longer about pirates and civilization, but about man failing himself and his own, about the horror of self knowledge gained too late to matter, and about the terror of unbridled vengeance.

The coda with Silver's outcome and Rackham's return are set-up, but given what just filled the screen previously, entirely unnecessary.
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I'll keep it simple. The best episode of any show..
joetulgan6 February 2021
Amazing. Speechless. I can't imagine any show can compare to this episode. This is the epitome of good television.
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One of the best episodes of a show I've ever seen
dbfymxmrm14 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The true origin story of real pirates...the end of this episode gave me shivers when 2 of the main characters became entirely different men due to circumstances. Flint becomes the hardened pirate he's always despised in himself and fully rids himself of who he was as his mistress is slain. Another favorite character...Mr. Silver...finally stops thinking for himself and fully embraces his crew becoming a peg-leg pirate. The man who once would sell his partners secrets for a dime finally became a team player which only makes you love the character more. The hero and the antagonist(whichever way you may portray them) finally become allies when you thought it was never possible...one had to die. It was an episode of twists, turns and remarkable character development. Best single episode I've seen since GOT.
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Epic in every way!! "(11/10) (Special Rating)"
RealCJHopkins28 June 2024
(Shortened summary in the bottom of the review)

Rarely have i seen anything done this great on the small screen and that comes as such a great achievement, since i of my own knowledge have seen nearly every highly regarded tv-show.

This episode just imbodies the word "Perfect" with non done wrong, just the greatest kind of magnificent small screen work, both in the Action apartment, the suspense and great loses, especially for the likes of Silver and Flint, but also for many other souls of the show and it all happened in this episode.

(11/10) Just Wow.

Shortened summary: Everything we have watched building up throughout both seasons comes down to this one exponentially fast and epic episode.
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