Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic (2014) Poster

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Must See
hmolling2 December 2014
"Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" is a candid portrayal of the devastation of HPV and cervical cancer. Every person who has young/adolescent/young adult children needs to watch this movie. They will then understand it is their responsibility to protect their kids from getting HPV, just like they protect them from other childhood dangers (ie: strangers, violence,drugs, etc). The film portrays the perfect amount of HPV/cervical cancer information along with personal journeys through the disease. It is educational and moving. I pray millions of people view it and it moves each of them to take a stance in prevention through education and vaccination. If only one death (but hopefully more) is prevented because of this film, "Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" is a HUGE success. Congratulations to all who helped create such an amazing movie. I work with this disease and these patients everyday and because of this movie I learned new information and was deeply moved. I will be a better nurse and mom because of it. The movie captured my attention the moment it started & when it was finished, I couldn't believe it was done, I wanted to see more!
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Informative and heartbreaking
georgialinders3 December 2014
I am so glad that I went to see the screening of this film in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It was so informative and heartbreaking at the same time. It had a huge impact on me and I am going to be more open about this subject in the future especially with my friends kids. The stories were told in a way that made me really care about the women and what they went through. It can happen to anyone, and has happened to some of my friends. Kelly's story touched me the most. Thank you for making this. It was written and directed by a dear friend from my high school, Mark Hefti. I hope it can be seen by as many people as it takes to raise more awareness about HPV and cervical cancer.
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A very inspirational and educational film about HPV
jenniferamccormick27 January 2015
This film was very inspirational and informative. All parents should watch this film so they can become aware of the steps they can take to help . The film not only takes you through a personal journey of the individuals involved but also has wonderful facts am information for the viewers. I wish I knew more about this epidemic years ago. With startling statistics revealed and how the lives of the families are affected , This film will leave you with tears and a mission to help. The doctors involved offer compelling information and the directors allow the women to state their emotions I a way that touches everyone. I would hope that every college and high school allows this film to be viewed by their students .it is one not to be missed . HPV is no longer a disease that will be kept secret thanks to this film.
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Don't Hesitate, Vaccinate!
moleary-236-96164410 February 2015
These days, many people speculate about why the uptake of HPV vaccine is so low among adolescents in the U.S. Numerous trials show that the vaccine is both safe and effective. Studies have thoroughly discredited claims that getting HPV vaccine makes girls promiscuous and more prone to contract all types of sexually transmitted infections. The vaccine is available at little or no cost at provider offices, pharmacies, and clinics that specialize in adolescent health services. What it seems to come down to is that many adolescent health care providers are not giving a strong, authoritative recommendation for HPV vaccine. These providers do not see the outcome of persistent HPV infections on a regular basis and allow misconceptions to overshadow the HPV vaccine's mission-cancer prevention.

Watching "Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" could help to change that. The film introduces us to 5 victims of high-risk type HPV infections that resulted in cervical cancer, the most common HPV-associated cancer among women. We hear their stories and meet their families. Kristen's story is told posthumously by her grieving parents. We follow Kelly to treatment and hear the doctor proclaim that she is in remission, only to be devastated when, 6 weeks later, the disease has returned. We hear of divorce and marriage, scars and infertility, death and survival.

These women were once 11 year olds, just entering Middle School, dreaming of the future. Today's 11 year olds are entering adolescence at a time when they are at risk to contract one of the 14 million new HPV infections that occur annually in the United States. Three doses of the HPV vaccine given now, before they are exposed to HPV viruses, may end up saving their lives.
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Deeply affective film recommended for everyone – especially parents
thaelle19 July 2015
So many misconceptions surround HPV, cervical cancer screenings, and the HPV vaccine. This documentary does a beautiful job of correcting that misinformation in a moving, compelling way while imparting vital information that could save women's lives.

Each of the five women the film introduces the viewer to are different from one another in substantial ways: they are different ages, they come from different backgrounds, they have different experiences and different visions of their futures. And yet, each of them is also completely relatable. Every one of them could be someone the viewer knows, literally someone the viewer loves already. The film's ability to enter the lives of such approachable women is one of its greatest strengths.

The film addresses so many aspects related to HPV and cervical cancer, including the disproportionate burden on women of color and the ways in which the virus and the disease it causes destroys relationships and lives. The film is not long -- but it will live long in your memory.
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Well-Made and Important Film
nroudiez28 January 2015
There are no words to describe the impact this film had on me. The stories of the women in the film, and the way the movie was put together... just very well done. I was lucky enough to attend a screening of the movie that the director attended. Also in attendance, a woman featured in the documentary. The passion that they both have for such an important cause is inspiring. The people I brought to the screening were from completely different walks of life, but the universal message of the film spoke to them both. As a result of watching this movie, I donated to the cause & continue to tell everyone who will listen about the film and HPV. Highly recommend this and the filmmaker's other new film "Lady Ganga". You can learn more about both at
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A Touching, Infomative Film with a Purpose
Traci-Dawn28 January 2015
Bring tissues to "Someone You Love" because it will be hard to hold back the tears. To be honest, I didn't realize a documentary could engage me on such a deep level from beginning to end. This film takes a medical term such as human papillomavirus and personalizes it, which is vital to educating parents and teens on the importance of getting vaccinated. As a parent of three, my pediatrician began recommending the HPV vaccination as soon as it was available. Fearful of the side effects and unsure it was even necessary, I waited a few years before agreeing to having any of my kids immunized. Eventually I gave in, but it wasn't because I understood the implications of not getting the shots (I'm sure our providers explained it well, but I still hesitated). After seeing "Someone You Love," I'm incredibly relieved my kids are protected. Kudos to the team who produced this film!
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A Must See!
hangus-235-35515210 February 2015
"The movie was an emotionally wrenching and eye-opening documentary of five women's struggles with cervical cancer after contracting the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Physicians and parents of adolescents should watch this video to understand the importance of vaccinating against this horrible virus and eliminate the misconceptions of HPV. The virus destroys lives and is too common to ignore. Our daughters and sons should never have to ask us why they were never protected against oral, penile, vaginal, cervical, or anal cancer. I would never want my daughter to go through the struggles that women with HPV endure. It's so simple, just a vaccination. "
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Why Wouldn't You Want to Stop This? Effective to the nth degree!!!
jutemark2 March 2015
I went to the showing of this film at my college as extra credit. Didn't plan on really even watching it honestly...was going to catch up on my class reading. Boy...was I WRONG!!! This film hit so close to home and effected me in ways that shocked me. I couldn't get out of the theater fast enough before I just balled my eyes out. I had a 13-year old niece pass away from cancer (another form) but all the same so that of course added to the feelings. This film is so well put together and very informative. Why anyone...PERIOD...would even dream of not getting the vaccination is beyond my comprehension! When they said if all boys got the vaccination we could all but stop cervical cancer...right there was enough for me to say where do I sign my son up! My son is 23 and I will be talking to him about this and getting it done! The pain (doesn't really even describe it) these 5 women endured was horrendous. My heart broke for all 5 women (I'd like to get my hands on the husbands of Christine and Susie and ring their neck) My strongest feelings went out to Kelly - she went to the "literally ends of the earth" to beat this. To see what she went through and how all she went through but she kept fighting -- it still is effecting me almost a week later. This film is very well put together and gives you great information and real life issues to back it up. I recommend every single middle and high school and college make this a mandatory showing - then the word will get out there to the population that needs to see it. Parents that refuse this vaccination that can save the lives of daughters, sisters, aunts, friends everywhere are the most selfish and uninformed people I could imagine. The simple fact that it can be eliminated is all it takes. Side effects come from everything...but not protecting and causing the death of someone because of an ill-informed decision is ludicrous - GO SEE THIS FILM IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS...if this doesn't change your mind than you have no understanding of life,period!
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Profoundly impactful
dalejafari27 January 2015
I was tired the night that Someone You Love was scheduled to premiere. I just wanted to go home and relax for the evening. Instead, I drove to the theater in the rain with my husband to meet my friend, Lynn. I decided that, if she could drive 2 1/2 hours to come, I could make the effort. I am so glad I did. This is an intense glimpse into the lives of women diagnosed with cervical cancer. I am a health care provider in Women's Health. This is a preventable disease. If we vaccinate all eligible boys and girls for the human papillomavirus, we will see this disease wiped out in MY lifetime. I am your daughter. I don't want to die from cervical cancer. Spread the word; save a life
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Save Someone's Life
lauraearls19 July 2015
This is a must see journey of hope, love, compassion, inspiration, longing, desire, and all other emotions combined. It follows the lives of young women as they struggle to cope with the "C" word. But this "C" is not just cancer it is cervical cancer. It is the silent cancer. No one likes to talk about this cancer because as one of the women points out their is a stigma attached. What this documentary points out is that stigma is just foolish thinking. It is the same thing that caused thousands of people to be labeled during the early 80's when HIV/AIDS was not well known or talked about. Instead of hiding this cancer in the corner we should blow it out of the water and the start is this film. In order to start change you need to start talking about it. Start with this film, host a watch party, and start a movement. If we could save just one more life with this film it would be worth it.
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Documentary following five women through the emotional, mental, and physical trials of HPV and cervical cancer
scardelli19 July 2015
The gravity of this documentary is incredible. I screened this film at my college, and while the women in the room were moved to tears, it was the men who had learned the most. They were asking questions like, why are more people not aware that this cancer can be prevented? Can I get the HPV vaccination? How do I get tested? We had a nurse and one of the film producers present to answer questions.

Not only does this film educate from the inside out, it helps an audience experience what HPV is like. Suddenly you imagine your mom, your girlfriend, your sister, yourself with this disease, and you're invested. As an educational tool, it is spot on. As a documentary, it is beautiful. This film saves lives.
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Moving and inspirational!
michellescarpulla19 July 2015
I hosted a screening of this movie at my university (Temple University). It is a must-see movie for all young people and their parents, as well as any public health official. This disease can have devastating effects, but it is 100% preventable. Please take the time to view this movie and talk to the young people in your life about how they can protect themselves. If you are a pediatrician, you should absolutely view this movie to give you information about HPV and how to educate your patients and their parents regarding preventing this disease. No one should have to go through what these women have endured.
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Tell everyone you love to see Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic
kris_buchanan_37819 July 2015
This is an absolute must see documentary. I was fortunate enough to attend a screening at the Heartland Film Festival. Learned so much valuable information about HPV. Documentaries such as Someone You Love can be hard to watch as you know in advance it contains content that wells your eyes with tears and touches your heart. I made sure it was on my list of viewings at Heartland as I had heard of HPV, but knowledge was quite limited as to the disease itself. As soon as the screening and following Q&A session was over, I immediately got on the phone and started calling my friends and family to tell them about what I had just seen and that when available, was a must see for them also. I truly hope that every high school will make Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic a part of their curriculum as it will help save lives.
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Such a powerful and heartbreaking documentary
pgrabin-5412626 April 2019
Very well done: educational and personal. Learned a lot about the virus and its effects.
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Eye Opening Experience
perlittabug29 April 2019
Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic is an everyday eye opening documentary on how any relationship you are in will be effected by the HPV that is on the rise across the country. I had my first abnormal pap-smear and from my personal experience lost a relationship that I felt could make it through anything, was I wrong. My family, whom did not understand and left me on my own because in their eyes, I was now a tainted lady of the night. After watching this, I wish we had this when HPV was my diagnoses in 2004. The everyday inner struggle with a war that was spreading faster than anyone could have ever imagined. Now, we have a vaccine and great documentaries like this one to help spread the word of what is the truth; and people sharing their stories of what was lost and what was the real battle they had to endure. This is an emotional and mental draining truth has to be shared.
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Extremely Powerful
ana-9655426 April 2019
This film is incredible. It provides faces and voices to a disease that women often hide. It gives tons of accurate medical information while at the same providing emotional and heartfelt stories of women diagnosed with cervical cancer. As a cervical cancer survivor myself, I am so thankful for any woman who has the courage and strength to share her story, and equally thankful to the medical professionals who take the time to provide accurate and compelling information about the HPV vaccine. This movie is a must watch.
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The Most Important Documentary I've Seen
kickittrice26 April 2019
As a 12 year survivor of advanced cervical cancer I was moved to tears by this film. What a beautiful way to spread the message of the life saving power of preventive care. A heartfelt thank you to the families and filmmakers that made their stories visible so that more lives can be saved.
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Watch. Learn. Prevent Cancer!
grimesjill26 April 2019
250 000 women getting cervical cancer per year is a staggering statistic... but stories are more powerful than statistics. Someone You Love does an amazing job of sharing important stories that will ripple & save hopefully more than 250 000 lives. Thank you!
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jenkmetz26 April 2019
Informative and moving! With a clear call to action... Well done!
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Save a life by watching this movie
peterhopewood5 May 2019
This is an allegory of five courageous women with a preventable lethal virus called HPV. Parts of this movie will bring you to tears. The HPV virus has many family members and some of them are bad actors causing disability and death. HPV a is skin contact virus like measles or chicken pox but unlike measles or chicken pox it can cause cancer. The movie takes us into the lives of these women all infected with a bad HPV who develop cervical cancer. The treatments they undergo, their ups and downs take you on a roller coaster ride. The eerie part of this movie is to think it could be you! Seventy percent of all Americans have the HPV virus and you can't pick which one you get- innocuous, bad or ugly. Ugly is really ugly. Now that we have a vaccine to prevent HPV infections and their related cancers- we need to get the word out. Vaccination is 90% effective in preventing HPV infection and its associated cancers. If we do, then we may just be able to make HPV related cancers such as cervical cancer a disease of the past.
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Caleb's Feet Foundation cares.....
lindah-6712527 April 2019
"This film was so touching because it was a reflection of my daughter, Cheryl's life living with HPV. She lost her battle with cervical cancer 3 weeks after her 34th birthday and 10 months after being diagnosised leaving her 10 year old son. HPV needs to be talked about every day and share with every race because no one is immune."
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Will Change your Whole Life
gabrielledarville28 April 2019
This film is a perfect blend of when education meets entertainment. Not only does it present the narrative of HPV in a very unbiased manner, but it paints the picture in a very real way. Seeing these women (on a spectrum) who have all been diagnosed with HPV and the individual struggles that they have endured communicates why all individuals, especially adolescents and young adults should be vaccinated. A lot of times young people live in the moment and never think they could succumb to cancer, but seeing the story especially of the young lady who died from HPV related cancer could connect in a way that traditional measures have failed to do. We need to utilize more films like this in meeting young people where they are and empowering them at the same time.
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Mother of teenagers
denisealoi20 May 2019
I am a mother of a 18 year old son and 13 year old daughter which were vaccinated for HPV when offered at my local pediatrician. As a mother we want to protect our children but also need to educate our children on the REAL life worries of today society. This being said, the HPV epidemic is one of them and REAL. I took my daughter along with her two friend to watch, listen, learn and see the results of HPV. This movie moved us emotionally watching these real life stories of young women telling their stories with some survival but some not so lucky. The movie educated them with real Physicians on what they can do to protect themselves which is so important that more parents don't educate our teens. This movie should be shown anywhere possible to reach our young/adolescent teenagers/adults. If you can see if your local high schools will show this movie, our local school did just that as the main character/also real life survivor Christine Baze is from our little town of Elmira, NY whom having this diagnosis prompt her to educate others. Please don't wait, educate yourself and your teens on why the HPV vaccine is so important! I can only hope another movie like this can be done with current information that has been learned of HPV since this movie in 2014. Well done and thank you!
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Moving and Important for Everyone to See
courtneevanord16 May 2019
"Someone You Love: The HPV Epidemic" is an amazingly well done documentary that won't leave a dry eye in the room. It is a critical film for all parents of young childlren to watch, as well as young adults and providers.
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