Questioning Darwin (TV Movie 2014) Poster

(2014 TV Movie)

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Ignoring Darwin
abitrowdy4 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this "documentary" a 4 for some nice photography and reenactment of Darwin's time period. Otherwise, this film is superficial and trite on both sides of the controversy. There is little shown of the massive amount of physical evidence, gathered by thousands of scientists from different cultures over the past hundred years, which supports the theory of evolution. Mainly the film dwells on Darwin's angst at where his studies led him. The religious side is treated unseriously, mainly being a string of earnest Christian fundamentalists stating that they can't believe in evolution because then they would have to reject the absoluteness of the bible being literal truth (God's word). There is actually no "Questioning" in "Questioning Darwin". Everything portrayed is either accepting or rejecting the notion of evolution. Nor do I recall much attempt to explain any pseudo scientific alternative to evolution, such as "intelligent design" or "irreducible complexity", other than a brief visit to the silly Creation Museum in Kentucky. Pretty well missing were representatives from the millions of believers in God who do not see a conflict between evolution and a belief in God. (Or a mention that some atheists insist that there is a fatal conflict between evolution and religion.) Also missing are representatives of other religions who also adhere to creationism. It is not just a Christian eccentricity. This film is basically a shallow, missed opportunity to thoroughly dissect an important issue.
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A movie showing a specific group of biblical literalists with Darwins loss of faith as its' background.
rainybeet16 October 2015
This movie has several problems, but the biggest one is that this documentary does not present any information or point of view that might give the viewer a reason to ponder either evolution or creation. Rather, this movie consists almost entirely of short segments describing the life of Charles Darwin after he began his research into evolution followed by declarations of belief by the strict creationists that this movie is about.

First of all, this movie is not a Christian propaganda film. The director is an admitted agnostic that agrees with the handful of scientists in this documentary, not with the creationists. It is great that he was able to keep his views from clouding the documentary, but the fact that the majority of people reviewing this movie on this site and others think that it is a Christian propaganda film means that he went too far in the other direction, never questioning or exploring the beliefs of these people in any critical or academic way.

No Christian in this documentary ever gives any rationale for their belief that the Bible is 100% true and the word of God other than that the Bible says so and this is good enough for them. Their entire view of the world starts from the idea that their religion is true and their God and the Bible are infallible, and then everything else is either derived from that basis or twisted to coexist with that truth. To them, there can be no evidence that contradicts that view without that evidence being obviously (for them) wrong, and if there seems to be contradictory evidence they will set their "scientists" at the Creation Museum among other places to the task of trying to make this evidence fit with what they already know to be the ultimate truth in the Bible. This is all a very fascinating idea, and the mental hoops that these people have to jump through in order to continually justify their rigid belief system are amazing, but none of that is explored in this documentary. The results are on display, but all of the fascinating stuff under the surface is just left sitting there.

There is absolutely nothing deep or revealing in the documentary, which, in my opinion, is really what a documentary is supposed to be. Rather, this is just a superficial parade of quotes by strict creationists surrounded by a very, very shallow and weak description of Darwins' life and the history of the fight over scientific education. Truly, the sections dealing with Darwin and science education take up maybe 25% of this already short documentary, revealing nothing that anyone with even the most cursory familiarity with either subject would not already know.

The people in this Documentary are fascinating and strangely likable even when I disagree with their views, mostly due to their convictions and the purity of their belief, and hopefully someday someone will make a decent documentary that actually explores these fascinating people and their beliefs.
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Documentary attempts to make monkeys out of Christians
AlsExGal2 December 2016
This documentary was actually just half of one, and then not even the documentary that was promised, thus my judgment of 4/10. It didn't even really question Darwin. It interwove an abbreviated biography of Charles Darwin and how he changed from someone who in his youth who took the Bible literally into the author of Origin of the Species with random vignettes of Christians that frankly, seem to make them look stupid.

The documentary is careful to say that what changed in Darwin was not a belief IN God, but a belief in what that God was. He was no longer convinced he was a benevolent God. The head scratcher to me here was that he had to take a trip to other lands on a sailing vessel to come to that conclusion.

As for the Christian stories, there is a trip to the creation museum where it is insisted that the world is only 6000 years old, there is a preacher in a pulpit saying that if Darwin's theories are true then everybody in that church is "an ignoramus", and one Christian lady who is working with the poor and homeless as far as feeding them and trying to house them. Now this lady takes the cake. First she says that evil is a result of the devil, and then she says that without hardship we really don't learn anything. So which is it? Is it the devil that causes the homelessness of the people she serves or God trying to teach a lesson? And if it is the latter why doesn't she give away everything she has - starting with those nice ear rings - so God can teach her something in her poverty and hunger? The one thing the documentary never does is go into any depth on why there is so much antipathy towards Darwin in the modern Christian community and what are the alternative Christian theories and their basis in something other than the literal interpretation of the Bible.

I'd say if you already know about Darwin and his life and work, this won't add to your knowledge. I'd skip it.
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Ignorance Galore
trini_christmas14 May 2014
Everyone in this documentary assumes that the bible is the word of God. They have no real understanding of evolution, they simply don't like it because it contradicts with their religion. This is more like a video about people preaching about Jesus rather than an actual attempt Questioning Evolutionary Theory with a good basis of reasoning. The reason why there's no good reason to go against evolution, is because evolution is true. I'm sorry if you hold on to a religion book dear to your heart, but that book is written by man. Please try to approach the world with the approach to learn and try to have the best understanding of the world rather than just believe in a dogma under the assumption that it is the word of God.
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Interesting window into Creationism
emer_kelly12 May 2014
The movie tells the story of Darwin's journey from a man of faith to a man whose faith is challenged by his own scientific discoveries and personal tragedy. Alongside this story are interviews with Creationist ministers and their congregation who explain why the do not accept Darwin's theories. The movie is clearly sympathetic to the Creationist position but it is not dismissive of Darwin.

The movie does fall short on science. If you are looking for scientific justification of Creationism, you will not find it here. Also, the movie does lose objectivity as it goes along, ultimately wallowing in self-pity as it portrays Creationists as victims of "culture" and "society".

While this is not a highly sophisticated analysis I definitely found it an interesting insight into a mindset and religious tradition that seldom gets more than sound-bites.
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I, too, Could Make a Documentary with Raving Lunatics
byhring223 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll keep this short; the movie tries to explain the Christian views of those who oppose the theory of natural selection. However, instead of using any form of the scientific method, or any legitimate rationale to disprove the theory of natural selection, the movie shows interviews of ordinary citizens explaining why they believe God is real and Darwin's theory is false. What ends up happening is that a lot of intuitions are thrown around, and "miracles" are given credit to God, as opposed to doctors, biological processes, etc. It is VERY frustrating.

What I did like was learning about Darwin's family life, and what his life was like after he wrote The Origin of Species. The movie could have been a decent historical documentary if this was all it showed. But alas, I couldn't take it serious because of the raving lunatics that were given screen time. If I wanted to make a similar film, all I would do is walk down to the local food shelter and/or church and ask why God exists. I was not expecting it, but I wanted legitimate explanations of beliefs, but like everywhere else I have looked in life, the movie proved that Christians still have not been able to point to one piece of scientific EVIDENCE that shows evidence that God exists.

Here are a couple of quotes that had an effect of both infuriating me, and making me laugh at the same time.

"I would love to encourage Mr. Darwin, and others just like him, to try God," said one recovering crack addict and former prostitute. Really?! You would like to encourage Mr. Darwin, a man dead well over 100 years no, to try God?

"God knows the amount of hairs on my head," said a BALD pastor from a Church trying to disprove Darwinism. Really, bud? I can tell you how many hairs are on your head too; it's 0 bucko!

How could anyone believe that Dinosaurs and Humans lived together, or that the world is 6,000 years old? I can't take anyone who thinks this seriously...and this movie was full of people like this. I am worried for our future when there are still parents out there teaching their children creationism, and completely overlooking the importance of scientific advancements.
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Conflicted view of this documentary
dagobert-320 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am conflicted because on the one hand I agree with many of the other reviewers that the Christians who appear in this documentary represent the extreme which is 'Do not question the Bible as it is the word of God', versus the more measured Christians many of us know and encounter on a regular basis. However, it's clear that the only way that many Christianity can deny the validity of evolution is by adopting an all-or-nothing view of creation.

Christians fear Darwin because to accept any aspect of his theory, and I use this term loosely because I accept the scientific evidence of evolution, puts their belief system at risk. Although Darwin was clearly not concerned with such simplistic notions, he knew that the more simple-minded of our species would immediately feel threatened.

It is a sad reality that religious zealots are willing to impede intellectual progress for the sake of an outdated concept. Such is the world.

Nevertheless, I disagree that the documentary is bad as I appreciated that it touched on Darwin's life and speculates on what may have impacted his decisions and motivated his research.

Without argument, one of the greatest minds of all times. We are better as a species for his sacrifices.
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Flashlights in Heaven
nammage15 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary (if it can be called that) gets everything wrong about everything. It gets everything wrong about Darwin (because it's highly improbable to get anything right in a few minutes spurted throughout) and it gets everything wrong about Creationists; more to the point: the advent of Creationist belief on "Evolution" didn't really kick in until the 1950s, and it actually didn't start until the 1920s. While there have been a few voices against Evolution during Darwin's years (before and right after), the idea of Evolution existed before Darwin, even his father touched on it. Darwin came up with the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. The 'Theory of Evolution' existed way before Darwin.

Also, this isn't much of a documentary on learning why some believe in one thing or the other when you don't have any side correcting the others misinformation. Such as in the beginning when a Christian woman states something to the effect of (paraphrasing) "I can't understand going from an ape and turning into a human". First off: humans are primates. Apes are primates. We're in the same family but doesn't mean we're the same; it just means we have a common ancestor. Also, there's no differential of the Big Bang theory and Evolution. In this: it's used as a synonym of each other. Also, there's no explanation in the use of the word "fact". A definition isn't really given for 'Evolution', either. Evolution is the manner in which a new species comes into being and Darwinism is the natural selection by the means of which it occurs.

Also, what does bad things happening to someone have to do with believing in Evolution, or not? There's no correlation between the two.

I love the part where the Christian woman said "Darwin should try god." She was speaking in present-tense. She has no idea who Darwin is. Which means they had people in this documentary who are not speaking for or against anything, really, they're basically just talking about themselves. If they do not know the subject of the documentary then this isn't actually a documentary; it's just Christians talking about their hardships and their ultimate belief that the deity they believe in is real and it's the Christian one. I mean look at how much time they spent on the girl in the hospital and elude how they (the parents) can't see how they could deal with the pain of seeing their daughter like that if they didn't believe in god. It's eluding to Darwin as an atheist. Darwin was a deist, not an atheist. He believed in a god, he didn't believe in religion. When Darwin's daughter died he lost faith in divinity not a god.

This isn't even a documentary, as I stated. It says absolutely nothing but propelling Christian belief. The actual scientists in this should feel shame for being in it.
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worth a viewing
dneher2 April 2020
The information we learn about Darwin's voyage, work, and faith will reward a viewing. That information takes up about half the film. The other half, consisting mostly of comments by fundamentalist Christians, is much less interesting.
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Fake documentary
Xnerdz23 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a documentary about Charles Darwin, it doesn't even deserves the title of "documentary". This is plain and simply a creationist's propaganda film. It exposes yet again the cheer ignorance of Christian fundamentalists regarding the theory of evolution, which proves the obvious flaw in the American education system.

The "documentary" features tiny bits of interviews with actual experts like Biologist Steve Jones, Biographer James Moore, Zoologist Aubrey Manning to name a few. But they are rapidly followed by Christian fundamentalists, leaders and church goer's opinion, implicitly undermining the expert's and placing them on the same intellectual footing. The film tries to give creationists an equal voice to defend their point of view, while at the same time giving them the final word on every corners. It depicts Christians talking about their life problems, former drug addiction, personal anecdotes, personal loss and other unrelated stuff... This was literally painful to watch.

The ever-so implied "theme" of the so-called "documentary" is that Science and Religion should go hand-in-hand and that anyone denying this must be a hardcore atheist materialist. This concept is of- course completely devoid of logical reasoning and has no merit in real life application, as no religious dogma is thought as fact in science classrooms, and scientific consensus hardly ever makes it through the morning sermons of the church.

Still, the documentary ends on the implied note that Charles Darwin was a theist, quoting him out of context in response to a letter in 1978. Charles Darwin was of-course an atheist at the end of his life, but as many important figures in science, he preferred the label "agnostic". It is a subtle way of saying that he did not believe in a personal God, while avoid the actual and proper term "atheist" because it is no secret that it was despised back then. Even today, lots of people are ignorant and considers atheism as a bad thing; thanks to the everlasting propaganda worked out by the religious right, fundamentalists, street preachers, televangelists and apologists alike.

In conclusion, there's one quote from the film that would summarize it all, it's from Pastor Peter LaRuffa: "If somewhere in the bible I were to find a passage that said 2+2=5, I wouldn't question what I'm reading in the bible. I would believe it, accept it as true, and then do my best to work it out and understand it".
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An Interesting Glimpse of Both Sides
bbrebozo13 March 2018
I'm an atheist and Darwin/Evolution supporter, but I found this documentary oddly touching. The Creationists in this film were almost all likeable, caring, and passionate about their beliefs. The family who were raising a paralyzed yet surprisingly cheerful young girl, the prostitutes and drug addicts who gave up their sins for Christ, the head of a church who runs a homeless shelter, the mother who was diligently home schooling her children -- almost makes me wish there were one single fiber of my body that could believe in the existence of a God. But here's the bottom line of the documentary: There's no point in demonizing each other. There are great people on both sides. And while I'm not religious myself, I'm not one to kick the foundation out of other people's beliefs -- particularly when it's turned around so many lives. Life is short and complex. Let's stop going to war with each other, and start recognizing each other's point of view. This documentary is a great first step.
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Not every documentary has to be mind blowing in order to be a good watch
info-615-9971098 August 2021
I learned a lot watching this. I liked the inside tour of the creation museum and I liked the story of darwin and the images it presented. I don't subscribe to a particular religion and I wasn't turned of by people and their beliefs. It was fascinating to watch and I appreciated the doc.
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Nice try, fundamentalists.
madlemonyt30 April 2019
Preaching over evidence. Nothing new. Questioning is a bad description, it is more like denying, because the bible says otherwise. There is no counterargument, no other model presented. Just plain old "teach the controversy" where there is none. Bad attempt at making some propaganda for the bible belt, but luckily we live in the age of internet and google will always be helpful to debunk crap.
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Refreshingly devoid of Bill Nye the Science Guy
richardhsmith15 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to differ with most of the other reviewers, and say that I found the Questioning Darwin movie refreshingly fair to both sides. While it's clear the movie's makers stand on the side of science and evolution, there's no name-calling involved, and no ad hominem attacks launched.

The movie approaches the evolution-Creation debate more by explaining each side's perspective, and Darwin's own, than by trying to argue why one side or the other is correct.

Ultimately, the movie ties it all up by reminding us: Even Darwin remained conflicted to the end. He died a Christian, troubled by the evidence he found, admitting he just might not be up to the task of understanding the universe, and trying his best regardless.

Like all of us.
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Not answering Darwin theories with rationalism, but simply with faith
lily_mangunsong2 April 2021
Though I'm a believer (thru my personal life experience), I was expecting the movie could answer Darwin with rationalism & provocating questions toward evolution theory, instead of using just simply faith to Genesis. For example they can raise some question related to this worlds' complexity, times actually lead to chaos not to orderliness, science principle or steps about observing phenomenon to create a theory then to prove the theory, which evolution is still sitting in theory step, and other things that really make the viewers (who I believe comes from many backgrounds & never heard genesis) really questioning the theory.
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not all of one thing, but okay-ish
r_lipton25 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
this is a confusing, short documentary. It's both a loving and well done tribute to Darwin but - clash-boom-bang- we have Christian fundamentalists nattering on about religion and Darwin without the slightest understanding of science, history, the world we actually live in. The movie needs to be longer to properly treat these two apparently disparate points of view and to bring them into a more holistic context. NOt to resolve the difference but to more properly and complexly treat these issues. Ironically, or perhaps, moronically, many of the Christians are using electronic equipment, being cured by medicine, etc without the slightest hint of trouble. Truly bizarre. PIcking and choosing what science is acceptable.
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Don;t be fooled, it's pro creationism
cary_howe22 November 2020
It's not as objective as they try to make it out to be. I maybe got a quarter of the way through and got tired of hearing how awesome Christians are and if Darwin had been better educated he might have come to different conclusions. The very fact they try hard to make Ken Ham seem reasonable should be proof enough how bias the film is. There's a lot of waffling about maybe the days were a different length and all this rationalizing. The guy saying if the Bible said 2+2=5 he'd believe it and adjust his thinking about the real world was enough for me.
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Very troubling
saganhill23 November 2021
Here we are. Living in the 21st century. We have grown adults telling themselves and others that a god is real and that humanity is to blame for all the evil and strife in the world all due to sin. The pastor telling himself that if the bible told him 2+2=5 he would have to work it out and believe it to be true to matter what tells me everything I need to know about christians. Then the kids saying that Science is over heavy in our society and that Science shouldn't be based on facts or proof only shows how the church in this nation want to keep our kids stupid and in a cult like status. Mostly this happens in the southern states for some odd reason. I give it 6 because it shows Darwin in a good way but it doesn't say anything how we should remedy our nations Science inadequacy. The rest of the nations are laughing at the USA except for nations who choose to keep their population in the 7th century. The taliban being one of those groups.
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They Should have Interviewed Scientists who Believe in God
BenLapke8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary discusses Darwin's journey to the Galapagos islands on the HMS Beagle, and his conversion from a believer in God to an atheist. It contrasted this with interviews of fundamentalist Christians, who do not seriously challenge Darwin's theories from a scientific standpoint. All it provides is the fundamentalist Christians stating that they believe in God, with no scientific evidence to support their believes.

My undergraduate degree is in chemical engineering, and I've been exposed to a considerable amount of science and scientific research. I'm also a Christian, but do not blindly believe. I've investigated the scientific basis for the belief in God, and challenges to Darwin's theory of evolution, and there are plenty of scientific challenges to the theory. There's also an extensive amount of scientific evidence supporting belief in God. But none of this is ever presented in this documentary.

There also is no discussion of the problems with Darwins's theory of evolution. For example, there's nothing in the fossil record that establishes one species evolving into a separate species. There are also major concerns in the fossil record with the Cambrian explosion, where all current 580 different phyla appeared in the wink of an eye (from a geological time frame perspective), which argues against evolution. The program would've been much more informative if it included a discussion about things along these lines, either challenging his theory or addressing its shortcomings.

I have no issues with Darwin's theory of evolution from a religious perspective, for the above reasons, and others, my concerns are more from the scientific perspective.
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Great documentary if you really nothing to watch.
furbyman2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The feeling of secondhand embarrassment watching the scene with parents and their daughter laying in hospital, can't move and they say The God gives them strength and The God has a plan. Yes, great plan to tie your daughter to the hospital bed. All the time saying "it's in the bible" and "the word of God" just show they have nothing to prove this "word". If i have to rate a "concept" of documentary i was expecting, i have to give 4 star. At least now i know he married his cousin. But if i have to rate the mocking of Christians, i would give 10 stars.
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Questioning those questioning this documentary
rs1-625 July 2017
I rarely write reviews, but I am moved to chime in after reading the surprisingly low (albeit few) ratings of others. I happened upon this documentary (that's all it is) on HBO. At the outset,it presents an interesting statistic that impressed me: Forty-six percent of us believe the biblical version of creation. That's OK. However, this film presents a fascinating overview of the history of Darwin's work along with belief of creationists. It was informative, not didactic-- an excellent use of the documentary form. I suspect the lowish ratings and negative reviews are the opinion of those who misunderstood the film as an attack on religion, which it is not.

Judge the film on its intent to inform about the work of Darwin and the belief of creationists. Nobody is wrong except, perhaps, those who don't want to learn. (That's why I like documentaries.)
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Excellent Snapshot of Current Evolution Debate
ronmarx21 August 2015
Just because this debate has devolved into documenting ignorance and denial by some people doesn't make this excellent documentary trite, silly or bad. Sure, there are some eye-rolling moments during the interviews of evangelist Christians, but so what? Not only does the film educate us on the genesis of creationism and intelligent design, but artfully contrasts those misunderstandings with the facts of Darwin's life and his life's work. God's most wondrous work is human discovery, invention, and knowledge. I show this HBO produced documentary to my high school U.S. history students. It explains so much in a mere 50 minutes.
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