1275 Days (2019) Poster


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It's ok
krishnadyehouse-6631325 September 2020
This doc is about a bunch of lowlife people. From the criminals, to the family and friends. Whether someone was killed during the break in or not. They were all destined for jail or prison eventually. Maybe even death! My old hometown is full of families just like these. None of this shocks or surprises me. People do however need to realize, kicking someone's door in. Is something you should never ever do! In the end they all got what they deserved!
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susanmur28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dont be to quick to blame these young boys parents and or homelife Get a grip people...yes they deserve to be punished but 50+ yrs.. The thought of what goes on behind those walls is joke.. For those that say the deserve it all!!!! Guess what ...they will never be the same when they are relished, or if the make it out....barbaric.
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A Documentary That's 1275 Minutes Too Long
natmavila2 November 2023
Oh boy, where do I even start with "1275 Days" (2019)? This documentary was like watching paint dry, except less exciting. I mean, I've seen more riveting films about the history of paperclips. First off, the pacing was so slow that I had time to contemplate the meaning of life while waiting for something remotely interesting to happen. It's like the filmmakers decided that a snail's pace was the way to go, and they stuck to it like glue.

In the end, "1275 Days" felt like an eternity, and not in a good way. It's a documentary that desperately needed some life injected into it. I'd say it's only worth watching if you're in dire need of a cure for insomnia. Otherwise, steer clear and save yourself from this mind-numbing ordeal.
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Is this a joke?
keketxxx19 October 2020
No good kids that get high all day deuce to rob someone's house. yes, ROB...taking someone's hard earned money and items. And we are suppose to feel sorry them? NOPE!
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DebraIonaVogel8 April 2021
This is controversial, for sure. It's the story of five young men ( aged 16 to 21) who burglarized what they thought was an empty home.

It wasn't.

The homeowner took action, one of the five was killed, one shot (survived) and the rest were arrested. Due to a law in their state (and 45 others), if anyone is killed during the commission of a felony, all can be charged with murder. Even in this case, where the homeowner shot, the remaining four young men are charged with murder.

We get a lot of background. The focus of the movie, Blake, is the product of a teenager tryst. His mother was sixteen when she had Blake. She has another child, by an obviously different father and is married to (or living with) an ex-con. He ends up walking out on them. They seem likable enough, though, and are fighting for Blake's conviction to be overturned. They'd like him charged with burglary, not doing 50+ years in the penitentiary.

The mom, girlfriend, step-dad, Blake - calls what he did a mistake. That seems like an egregiously understated word for what they chose to do that night. However, all of these young men went in the house unarmed; wanting to steal everything of value from the place they could run off with. Which is still a fairly horrible thing to do, certainly a crime. Less time is what they're seeking.

It had moments where I thought I had to bail, I couldn't take it anymore. For example, on the year anniversary the neighborhood holds a candlelight vigil for the dead one. The one that terrified the man in the home so badly that he shot. The 21 year old, hardly a child. They said things like, "gone too soon", "now there's another angel in Heaven" but no mention of his crime. And, if I'm not mistaken, the vigil was held in front of the house they broke into that night. That takes nerve...

So, be prepared to feel sympathy and disgust, rage and outrage.

Should the young men be in prision for 55 years? Although the state they're in gives a day served, a day taken off credit - so they'll actually do half of their term.

It seems like people are strongly, extremely dug in on their version of this - overcharged or they got what they deserved.

It's interesting. You'll be on one side or the other, it's hard not to have an opinion here.
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Be prepared to get angry
jenny-7252618 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just completely baffled that anyone in their right mind would think that this punk kid should get a lesser charge. Or that I wasted my time watching this crap. That being sent to the pen for 50+ years was UNFAIR. They pulled out every excuse under the sun to JUSTIFY why it was only a robbery. That he didn't kill anyone. They got high seemed to be the most used excuse. So, WHAT! I was a stupid kid and got high more times than I care to remember. I wasn't breaking into houses to steal stuff. The other excuse that seemed to be popular -- they thought it was empty. So, in this day and age it's OK to break into an empty house to steal stuff. Nope not buying it. I sure wouldn't like to have someone break into my house empty or not. That's an invasion that never goes away. You find yourself checking, double-checking, and triple checking the doors because your "safe" zone is gone. Been there and done that -- ended up moving to get that safe zone back. Or the other excuse -- he didn't kill anyone. You broke into someone's house and they just happened to be armed. One of your stupid punk friends runs his mouth and amps up the terror that poor homeowner was feeling and someone ends up getting shot. There is something called taking responsibility for your actions. You live in a state where if someone is killed during a felony YOU ALL get charged with murder. Quite a few states have this law. I have absolutely no sympathy for this kid who decided to pull on his big boy pants and now he wants to change the rules. Nope not buying it. The other thing that really bothered me is they so conveniently kept forgetting to mention that in that particular state -- you get a day credit for a day served. Last time I checked that means he does 25 years. I found this to be a piss poor documentary -- extremely one-sided. Go back to cinema/journalism school and actually pay attention to the instructor this time.
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Singing inmate
yeagermeister-757586 November 2020
Someone please tell me the name of the inmate singing, his voice is so captivating! I seriously NEED his music in my life. I wish he could sing to me sleep every night 🌙
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Was I supposed to feel sorry for this young man?
labng12 June 2021
Old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. Weed? Smoked my share like most teenagers do. Right of passage, goes with the territory. Never found me or my friends committing home invasion robberies. That is like a rape. Life changing. Invading the sanctity of someone's home? That's a forever trauma, never goes away. Then additionally having to live with the guilt of killing a child? 21 is still a child. If you've got one or been one, you know. Again, Never goes away. And this waste was just getting started in his criminality. Somebody died. PFFFT. When did we start deciding that it was beneficial to our children's upbringing to not hold them appropriately accountable for their actions? Ask the hiccup girl in FL if she knows about felony murder laws? There is a reason most states have them.
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cantthink-8717519 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I mean they break the law and get made that when they get punished. The family is a bunch of low life's that haven't done anything useful. The dad was in and out of jail. The son smokes and breaks in houses. To say the least no you aren't a good kid. I'd feel much better if he was in jail. Very boring and get ready to be pissed off about it.
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Very moving.
thelizphoenix1 October 2020
Well done documentary, very moving. You may not necessarily like the people in the documentary, but I feel like this case was used to make an example out of those young men, not address their actual crimes.
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Small Town!
johnbrandt-2777721 August 2022
The town has over 52000 people what is she nuts! I was waiting for her to say everyone knows everyone! 52000 people isn't a small town like she makes it out to be. Where I live in Canada 52600 people is a city! I don't know what she's comparing it too but lady it's not small.
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Well done
amandaburnett198931 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the documentary was well done. I don't agree with the town justice system using the boys as examples for future crimes. I do agree they should of got jail time for their crime but I don't agree with them being charged with murder and 55 years sentence.
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Illinois courts are far too strict for juveniles Warning: Spoilers
As a Canadian I cannot believe that he was charged with murder. That is insane! He was just a kid and he made one stupid decision and never intended for anyone to get hurt. He didn't even have a prior charge for anything. How many of you judgemental critics commenting hateful things haven't done anything stupid when you were a teenager? Does anyone really think that making a 16 year old spend their entire life in prison with hardened criminals would make them a better person or make society a better place? No. Restitution, probation, community service etc would have been the sensible charge.

I'm so glad this ended finally as it did because I was about to write to the Illinois Court system and strongly complain.

Blake's mother was so loving towards him and his girlfriend very faithful to him. Thanks to these two amazing women working as hard as they did it came to a sensible finale.

Good luck in your life Blake. I'm happy for you. Not everyone out here is a Nazi.
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