Curve (2015) Poster


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An Average Time Killer
HorrorOverEverything29 October 2015
Not a whole lot to really say about this one. It is exactly what it looks like, a survival type movie with some horror mixed in. It's pretty predictable and doesn't really try to do anything new. With that said though it's not terrible, it held my attention throughout, the acting was good enough, and the ending was fairly thrilling.

I didn't hate the film, however it is one of those movies that I will eventually forget about. Still wasn't a horrible way to kill a week night though. If you want something simple to watch as a time killer you could probably do better than this, but you could do worse as well.

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It was ok until it got too silly *spoilers*
RachelMary28 April 2021
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I kinda like these type of movies. Never intended to be taken seriously and not trying to be something they're not. But this is no Wolf Creek.

I think what ruined it for me is the whole leg being stuck. If it's stuck for that long, with no blood supply, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be walking through the woods using a big stick a few minutes after getting it free. You definitely wouldn't be going into creepy cabins and hopping up the stairs. Sort of limping then not then limping again. Surely lying there with open wounds is inviting infection as well?

Also if the branch was making the door shut against the leg, then why not burn the branch?

While these gaping plot holes did annoy me, especially towards the end (which I felt let it down) it was pretty watchable and the acting was decent. It just needed a tighter plot and perhaps less time doing character build up that didn't go anywhere- would we as an audience have lost anything if we hadn't known about her doomed wedding? Might have been more interesting if she'd just been driving and broken down.
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Decent And Sometimes Suspenseful Even If It's Full Of Cliches
sddavis633 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Surprisingly in some ways, "Curve" wasn't that bad. In fact, it was more than not bad. It was a pretty decent movie. Calling it a thriller or a horror movie is a bit of an exaggeration. It's reasonably suspenseful all the way through but there are a lot of pretty dry periods where nothing much happens. In fact, the bulk of the movie really focuses on Mallory's fight for survival. She (played by Julianne Hough) has given a ride to Christian (Teddy Sears) - a stranger who turns out to be a psychopath. No surprise there, of course. It's what moves the story forward. But after a struggle between the two Mallory's car crashes, ejecting Christian but pinning Mallory by her leg in the car, upside down. Once that happens the movie settles into Mallory fighting to survive this impossible situation. There are flashes of "127 Hours" to this - but turned into a "thriller" by Christian, who's always menacingly nearby. The story becomes a bit creepier by not really establishing what Christian's motivation was. Why was he doing this? What was he hoping to gain? Maybe that's part of the horror - this guy, who can come across as completely normal, has no real agenda except that he likes to torment and torture innocent victims. Well, of course, eventually Mallory gets free from her predicament. The story then becomes quite unbelievable. Mallory moves around surprisingly well for someone whose leg has been pinned upside down for quite some time, and discovering that Christian has taken a family hostage inside their nearby cabin, Mallory seeks her revenge on him.

It's a simple story. I thought Hough and Sears (who are the only cast members of note in this) were fine in the roles. The story has the required cringe-inducing moments, but it is full of cliches and you pretty much know where the story is going long before it gets there. All things considered, though, it was easy to watch. I'd give it 6/10.
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The Car Suddenly In The River
mexguyversaong15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is okay until Christian asking Mallory to tell her first making out experience. What is the point of that conversation?

How the hell is the car suddenly got into the stream?

Her leg stuck for days and suddenly she could run and hop the stairs. She could go for Marvels next superheroes movie casting.

She is literally in a room with a dangerous man but instead of directly shooting him from the back, she decided to yell at him to not touching the girl. Plain dumb.

I can't even pinpoint Christian's issue. Is he actually a sex maniac or a mentally disturbed man who went through childhood abuse or both?

Who are those dead men in the cabin? How did they get there?
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Average survival horror.
emberstonepierce9 November 2015
As survival films go, this one isn't bad but doesn't bring anything new to the table. It's more of a thriller than a horror because there's really not much blood and gore to speak of. That said, the twist ending is a nice surprise although most of the film plods along quite predictably. There's some great acting and impressive cinematography, so I assume there was a decent budget for this movie. It's just a shame that no matter how much money you throw at something, a mediocre story is still a mediocre story. The script was entertaining though and evoked a real sympathy for the characters, so it's worth a watch if you enjoy this genre.
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Stranger Danger
view_and_review25 January 2016
Have you ever watched a movie, particularly a horror movie or thriller, in which you really didn't like the protagonist? This was that type of movie.

Mallory's (Juliane Hough) car breaks down on her way to Denver from San Francisco. As fate would have it some hunky guy is hiking and helps her get on the road again. She returns the favor by giving him a ride and lo and behold he's not such a good guy.

This rehashed, good-looking-bad-dude-whom-you-trusted plot is so tired and they did nothing to make it likable. And the main character, Mallory, whoa buddy. She was everything wrong with a petite pretty blond. She made one poor decision after another which is why she ended up in a terrible situation. Then couple that with her hoarse voice and she became more annoying.

This movie was replete with a flimsy predictable plot, impossibly absurd lead character and bad acting. I mean, even the lines were of the 25 cent gumball variety. This was a movie I just wanted to end... soon. It could end with Mallory living it could end with her dying and I wouldn't care one way or the other... just end.
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Pretty decent survival movie.
maverickz-33-53038822 December 2015
If I had to compare this to another movie it would be "Open Water" except in a car with a killer instead of a shark and a more satisfying ending. In essence this is more of a slow survival movie with a faster paced "survivor girl vs killer" finish.

All of the production, acting, directing, etc are well done. However, as others have mentioned it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but then again, does any movie these days?

In the end I liked it. If you are looking for a full blown horror movie, this is not what you are looking for. If you like movies like "Open Water" and "127 Hours" then this is probably worthy of a watch.
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Completely disliked it.
Patient4449 November 2015
And here is why:

1st: there are two completely different halves in this movie. The first is more of a survival, with all the moves you've seen before and the other goes revenge style, again, with the most common behavior possible.

2nd: the first part is really boring, I was just sitting there waiting for something to happen. I even began to question if this is a horror movie or not.

3rd: the acting was in my opinion bad.

4th: unnecessary torture. Whenever a movie fails to deliver some horror parts it goes the torture porn direction and tries to get away. Enough with this already.

In the end, tho I can understand people that cheer for Curve, I got to say I seriously disliked it. Annoyed that I found this little movie.

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Underrated thriller
YupYep110 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The two lead actors really carry this one. Sears is a glorious creeper, although he may actually overdo it a little bit towards the end of the film. He is still probably sitting around a 7/10 on the Norman Bates creepiness scale. Hough, usually known for her singing/dancing prowess, really surprised me with her chops in this one. She is a total gamer. It probably wasn't too comfortable shooting this one. She is sympathetic throughout, and the acting is quite strong.

My only real critique is the ending. I thought they could have had a little stronger, satisfying finish. Once she gets to his little house of horrors, it's fairly conventional.
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A predicable story which has been told time and again...
James_Denton5 April 2021
Is it laziness? A lack of imagination? Or, simply being inept? Why do directors/filmmakers continue to make films which have been told many times before? Curve (2015) is exactly this, a film which copies the usual hitchhiker, horror format:
  • A hitchhiker with malicious intent
  • A young woman who breaks down
  • Wide open empty areas for miles around
  • The obligatory 'a policeman is killed'
  • The hero who happens to be the same person that got themselves, and others, into the mess in the first place
.... it goes on...

There are probably more similarities between this, Curve (2015), and The Hitcher (2007) (a film made 8 years earlier) than there are differences.

Unfortunately, the main difference between Curve (2015) and other similar movies, was the unnecessary crude language near the start. I suspect this was added for shock purposes, but all it achieves is lowering both the tone of the film and my opinion of the director.

In fact, I'm pushed to find positives, suffice to say I had not heard of Julianne Hough, nor Teddy Sears before watching this. The latter of whom reminded me of a cross between Paul Bettany and Alexander Skarsgård, both very capable actors.

In summary, Curve (2015) is a film that may help pass the time while you are doing something else - such as vacuum cleaning, or mowing the law. As a Saturday night main TV film though - give this a miss.
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Perfect for a Dark and Stormy NIght!
anangkat21 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the previous reviews of "Curve" I wasn't sure what to expect. This film has a slow start, but just enjoy the beautiful cinematography because you will soon be catapulted into a true horror story. While driving off the beaten path by herself, gorgeous and recently engaged Mallory meets a sexy stranger. What starts off as a mildly flirtatious happenstance meeting turns into a horror story. The film cultivates a certain creepy intimacy that is palpable between the main characters. The movie has some very sexual dialogue and violent scenes. Probably not ideal for the 15 and under crowd. A chilling film that is underrated and highly recommended!
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Basic film
funnycommentor16 May 2022
The plot of the movie was basic, those kind of movies are usual. The storyline was just ok, nothing innovative. The characters weren't too many and they weren't very well-developed. The location of the movie was nice. It wasn't a scary movie, nor creepy. It was just intense sometimes. It was a fast-paced movie. In my opinion, it was an average film. Overall, the theme of the movie (survival) was basic, there are too many movies like that movie. In my opinion, the most intense part of the film was the ending scene (the last 15 minutes).
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Awful pile of nonsense
fairlesssam9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most ridiculous films I have had the misfortune to watch. It is so predictable, you can talk your way through the movie right from the start. Your brain is always three steps ahead.

Mallory is driving to Denver for a wedding rehearsal. There is an air of unhappiness as her fiancé is putting work in front of their honeymoon plans. Mallory seems disillusioned with her future. Her car breaks down and out of nowhere comes the handsome and charming Christian who fixes her car. Mallory offers Christian a lift (after initially thinking it best not to). She also chooses to not join back on to the freeway and continues on with Christian. After she misses the turning for the freeway Christian's tone in conversation turns to that of an explicit sexual nature. Mallory tells him to get out of the car which Christian refuses and basically threatens Mallory. Mallory takes the drastic action of crashing the car and ends up with her leg trapped and unable to get out. Christian however, even though he was thrown from the car and did not have a seat belt on comes out of it much better than she does and literally walks away.

She is then basically stuck in the car behaving like a pathetic whinging child as he comes and goes for around five days. The story is frustratingly predictable and as unrealistic as it gets (in my opinion). She pees once in these five days, does very little to try to escapes yet manages to kill and cut up a rat and roast it on a fire. She also somehow manages to pee in a bottle and drink it even though she has had water.

It just goes on and on.

My one positive is the acting skills of Teddy Sears, he's excellent in the role of a psycho baddie. Otherwise this movie is just pointless drivel.
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Typical clichés.
josephqzaz30 June 2016
Do not expect anything surprising out of this movie. It is so full of clichés that the whole movie could be predicted correctly from the first ten minutes. I gave it a 4/10 because it does waste time when you're bored and have nothing else to watch. 3/4 of the movie is the same scene with the girl's leg stuck in a crashed car and the "bad guy" torturing her. There is little character development or reasoning behind the killings of the "bad guy." The only thing you know about the protagonist is that she is going to see her fiancé in Denver, CO coming from San Francisco, LA when, surprisingly enough, her car breaks down. It's not bad but it's kind of boring to watch.
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Tense, But with a Conventional Deceptive Conclusion
claudio_carvalho5 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Mallory Rutledge (Julianne Hough) is driving her fiancé's truck to Denver to meet him and get married. While driving in the lonely road, she talks to her sister Ella and decides to take a detour to visit the Grand Canyon. Out of the blue, the truck stops and Mallory can get no service in her cell phone. However the gentle drifter Christian Laughton (Teddy Sears) offers to fix the car and Mallory accepts. Then she offers a ride to him and when she is driving, he says pornography to her. She asks him to leave but he shows a knife and tells her to go to a derelict motel. Mallory sees that the psychopath Christian is not wearing the seat bell and decides to throw the truck off the road in a curve. But the leg of Mallory is trapped in the overturned car and Christian leaves her without any help, in the beginning of Mallory's worst nightmare. Will she escape from the vehicle and from the psychopath?

"Curve" is a tense low-budget thriller with good performances of Teddy Sears and Julianne Hough. However, the promising beginning and development are wasted with a conventional and commercial conclusion. Mallory is wounded and starving after many days trapped in the truck and her decision of helping Katie is absolutely unbelievable. Further, she has a gun pointed to a psychopath and asks him to not move after days of torture. Anyone would have shot the psychopath and then ask him to not move. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): Not Available on DVD or Blu-ray
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Stinks of average
nathanmanson26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was a super average thriller with nothing really to it. One thing that annoyed me so much was when she had him at gunpoint and instead of just blasting his ass she tells him stop, ridiculous really. Also how did her leg get free it literally never showed how that happened. It would've been nice to show why he was doing all this. Other then them three points this film isn't the worst but I definitely won't be telling anyone about it.
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Passes the time
yavkamdau7 April 2021
It's a short film so that was good because not much going on tbh. The story as a whole didn't make a lot of sense as it wasn't clear what the antagonist intention was from the beginning, however, for what it was, it had some good lines and fun moments where it makes you root for the protagonist in the film.

It's not something you would tell your mates about it, but it was fun.

I wouldn't call this horror at all, far from it but it had thriller, suspense moments in there, so yeah a 6/10 film - not bad.
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Predictable yawn.
maynewheeler-c5 April 2021
Errrr. Give me back these minutes. Ughhhhh. What a load of crap.
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More gentle ish thriller than horror , worth a watch
davidawhitton4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As they go , this surprisingly wasn't too bad.

As usual a few of those "as if she would make that decision" moments.

Some scenes (drinking own wee), put in just for the effect and the sake of it.

Not the best bust not the worst, better than a lot of this type of film, I'd personally say good for teenagers to be a bit scared, to gently ease them into this kind of genre.

If there is nothing else to watch, just watch it.
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I regret giving this movie a chance.
robotrabbitfromouterspace19 February 2023
Below average "let's watch a hot girl suffer" minimum effort movie, I even felt a little angry at the end. Kept hoping for some redeeming qualities, but it never got better. Cliché, silly, Watch the first 10 minutes, and if you've seen thrillers before, what you think is going to happen will happen. It doesn't get better, just remaining comfy in its basic story.

I gave one star because making a film is hard work, so I respect that. It did not feel like a labor of love, rather the work of someone bitter about their marriage. Or maybe an excuse to get actors to remove their shirts.

Please, pick another movie! Plenty of good ones out there!
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A Fork, A Curve and A Killer
DeadeGuard9824 May 2020
😱First Impressions: I had this film in my library for a long time and as always- I skipped to catch glimpses and it just seemed like a boring film from the multitude of shots about a woman in a car. Boy, was I wrong!! Never should've picked up that hitchiker~

Pros: 😋 Resourcefulness; takes place in a crashed car for about 70% of the film. But with lighting and weather changes, easily overlooked.

😋 Two main characters are very believable and well acted (though I thought the guy was slightly off in the beginning).

😋 Satisfying end

Cons: 😪 Not much character development beyond the beginning portions..

😪 Could have been much scarier but I guess that's not the antagonist's style

😪 Does Mallory decide to go on with the wedding?

😇 Verdict 😈 Lets be clear on one thing- the film is rather low budget but I'd like to think that the premise was due to a creative set up rather than a financial one. Well made and strong leads. Curve is above that of an average thriller~
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Watchable flick
8512223 September 2016
Greetings from Lithuania.

Short summary of horror/thriller "Curve" (2015):

*Isolated scene = cheap settings +check.

*Few chills here and there and some dead bodies to get "horror" rating +check.

*Psychopath with a paper thin "killing philosophy" (some crumbs left from "Se7en") +check.

*Few actors to make this situation look even more isolated = small costs for cast +check.

* Uniformally OK acting for this material for a quick paycheck +check.

*Descent director that will make this average screenplay into a watchable movie +check.

*Running time 1 h 19 min which you will forget as soon as the same amount of time will elapse +check.

Overall, you have seen "Curve" if any of above short facts sound familiar to you. Watchable flick.
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wooow what a nonsense
janfontys19 August 2023
Remember when there were good movies on Netflix? Yeah me neither? Seems years. If i meet the director of this movie i will punch him in the face for stealing an hour of my life. People who watched this for more than an hour should go get their head checked at a mental institution. Like this movie so bad and illogical i dont even know where to start, but when the car started drifting away after an hour or of rain i lost it and opened the jack daniels bottle to cope with my life. I even signed up to imdb just to review this horrible horrible thing. Maybe worst movie i every watched in 36 years on this planet.
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Average Movie, unlikeable Protagonist, Watch it while doing something else.
freesaywhatever1 February 2016
Have you ever watched a movie so bad you were cheering for the bad guy? This is one of those. At least, the bad guy had some depth to his character. The protagonist in this movie is a girl on her way to Denver to get married. Like any bad horror movie, she decides to take the path less traveled and ends up stranded with a broken car. Enter seemingly nice guy who helps her fix it and that's where the movie begins.

I was intrigued in the beginning, the movie adds refreshing spin to the stranger-danger tale but it runs into the same problem all horror movies based on recycled plots usually do: how to make the end interesting and memorable. This movie doesn't. The last 30 mins were painful to watch, I almost didn't finish it because it went from a great slow-paced "what will happen next?" To a "revenge" theme almost abruptly. I'd rather have them stick to tried and true endings that work.

As for the characters, shallow and completely undeveloped. Be prepared for tons of "hoarse" voice 'HELP' scene. The antagonist is quite interesting but it's such a shame we have no idea what his motivations are. protagonist is just some girl, no depth there either. Few scenes are thrown in, seemingly randomly, to make the scenario realistic but it comes off as an after-thought and doesn't work well with the theme of the movie. All in all, I kept thinking throughout the movie "that isn't what happens in real life" and "what a dumb move" skip it, if you ask me.

*forgive typos, on my ipad*
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Baby Bird's Belly
bemyfriend-4018412 May 2021
It's a survival and sadist movie. All cruelty and evil; pain and agony. The action is fine, and the tension is well paced. It was an enjoyable flick. And the pretty protagonist is cuter than a baby bird's belly. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site. Most of the Tubi movies are low-budget indies, or foreign. There are some box-office flops, from major studios; and few older movies which have stopped earning. This movie was one of those. A good, theater quality film, which is now on a free site.
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