Fields of the Dead (2014) Poster

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Talk about bad.
Patient44425 February 2014
OK,low budget film, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn, with an antique, possibly haunted yarn, with a scary old story surrounding it, with 3 blonde chicks...I mean cliché is the perfect word to describe this.

All in all, no excuse for the extremely,EXTREMELY, used plot, with ABSOLUTELY nothing new whatsoever, just a re-rewritten thing you've seen 10 times already. So if they couldn't bring anything different, with the help of budget, or maybe a cool horror actor, or something, anything, why make this? Yes, it is bad, the acting is amateur mostly, the plot, as said, is...just impossible to comprehend how can anyone say that THEY written it? Really? So it's like original too I guess...

Anyway, "Fields of the dead" doesn't go in the "to pass some time" category, nor in the "so bad it's good", it has a decent first half for a low budget horror, but then, when it tries to become horror, it becomes pitiful. I really hate trashing movies, especially horrors, because, well, people try to show what they can do, with a micro budget, so maybe one day someone will give them a chance, but this right here, is what we call, wasted-money!

Avoid it! Pretend it does not exist! Best advice I can give you.
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One long boring movie...
paul_haakonsen21 December 2015
I should have paid heed to the low rating reviews of this movie here on IMDb. Oh how I wish that I had. This movie is really as bad as the reviews made it out to be, and then some.

The movie is about a group of young people at a remote farm, surrounded by a seemingly endless field and with an otherworldly evil stalking them.

Right, well the idea was not too bad, but it is just something that has been done and seen in many other other horror movies, such as the classic "Evil Dead" movie to mention but a single one.

But the movie just was as far from interesting as it could possibly be. And I quickly found myself with my phone and dividing my attention between the movie and phone. And I wasn't missing out on anything, unless you consider an unfathomably dull storyline, questionable acting, lousy dialogue and sheer boredom as missing out on a cinematic experience.

This movie came and went, and left no lasting impression or mark in any way. It will most likely be long forgotten the following day after having seen it.

So, do take notice of all the bad reviews or the rated score of the movie, and stay well clear of this snoozefest.
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Just don't...!
pirminfrei29 October 2014
I watched this movie yesterday, thinking it was a new part of the Land / Diary / Survival Of The Dead that I somehow missed... Yes, that's right... Anyway, after the first 2 minutes I knew it was NOT what I thought it will be. But I kept watching - sadly.

I wouldn't say that I regret watching it. I think it somehow will lower my expectation for a few next horror films. Therefore it still has a positive aspect, but that's really the only one.

I think the simplest way to explain is this: There's sunny weather and the next day it's cloudy, you'll say: Man, the weather sucks tomorrow." But if it's rainy and the next day it's cloudy, you'll say: "Aaah nice, at least no more rain!!" The movie would represent a blizzard in that scenario.

---- Due to the fact that you can't even make fun of it, I rate that movie lower than other really bad movies like sand sharks, sharknado, bigfoot,.. at least they had it's funny moments...
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Waste of time and money.
panther_husky18 August 2014
Wannabe actors and director meets Evil Dead. First, get an original idea for a movie. Too many films are being made with no thought involved in the plot, acting or anything else. The whole film was nowhere close to being exciting or interesting for that matter. The killings, possessions and so forth has been done so many times, the fright is not there.

There is nothing new in this film except a black mark against the people who made this atrocious piece of work. I think people are running out of ideas; remakes of old films are being produced, movies based on comics and these pathetic found footage are still being released.

People, forget American movies for now and look up some foreign horror which you may surprisingly find more entertaining.
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terrible from point go
robert-cameron875 February 2014
Please please please for you own good, stay as far away from this movie as you possibly can, in fact walk away now do not think about this movie again, if you have any love for horror genre you will be horrifically disappointed with this movie. This is a poor excuse for a "horror" movie watching paint dry has to be more entertaining than this. The budget was obviously tiny the actor/actresses were bad but not because of poor skills it was just a terrible script!I really do truly enjoy horror movies but the idea that this "horror" movie falls into the horror category is a joke this is going on my list of never to be watched again ever i was watching something else on my tablet by the time the movie was about 40 minutes in it is that bad!
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Worst movie of 2014 so far
MyownWorstenemy8120 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion this is the worst movie of 2014 so far,i have never been so bored in all my life. This was a poorly made movie and the fact that it is classified as a horror movie is a joke seriously nothing scary or remotely suspenseful happens in the first 45 minutes of this movie. All you see is them sitting around a camp fire slinging insults at each other or paired up in tents screwing around or sleeping, On the rare occasion that they actually go out and dig you see all of a few minutes of that then it goes back to the snotty blonde sun bathing or back to the camp fire again. I recommend this movie to no one not even someone who likes mildly scary movies this far from suspenseful or scary. Do yourself a favor and keep walking if you see this in the video store.
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Total waste of time.
metalrage66629 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't really get this movie at all. It's supposed to be a horror movie but the fact that this mess was even made is what truly makes it scary.

Several university students/friends agree to go on a four day cultural dig at some abandoned corn field for native American artefacts. Most of them seem to have tagged along just for the extra credit they believe they'll get.

Anyway, one of them chances upon some old diary and this releases a bunch of spirits that look like pilgrims. One of the group is possessed and they use her as their means to dispatch the other members of the group. There is also some kind of talisman that they find but there is no real explanation on how this is supposed to work, or whether it's a good or bad thing to even have it.

So for me, there wasn't a whole lot in this that made any sense. Most killings in movies of this nature are either to collect souls or some other kind of end result, but this was just some kind of bizarre blood- lust which is not thoroughly explained. I watched this before knowing anything about it and that was a big mistake. It looked like this was another reanimated scarecrow movie and some of those can be fun to watch, however this was anything but fun.

Most of the movie revolved around college humour and exaggerated stereotypes. By then end of it all, the only thing that came to mind was "what the hell did I just watch?"

The ending made no sense at all. One of the students ends up leaving due to the weird happenings, so she gets driven to the nearest town to catch a bus back home. Inexplicably while she's unpacking, the talisman has somehow ended up in her backpack, the pilgrim spirit appears in her apartment somewhere and the movie just ends??!

There is no story or direction to this and I could've lived quite happily not knowing that this garbage ever existed. Watch it at your own peril.
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A waste of money and time.
ameragx13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start? It starts okay considering they showed the first scene we see in EVERY horror movie. Then it starts without any introduction and the sounds started immediately which is extremely stupid considering most of them didn't die till the last 10 minutes of the movie. Story went so fast and they didn't give each scene it's rights of explanation if you know what I mean. For example I didn't realize she was possessed till the half of the movie so ya that's pretty stupid IMO. I also didn't understand the storyline much and was bored in the middle of it. It is so not recommended and a waste of time.
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A ghastly film
dramawatcher10 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I won that film for wearing a good costume on a Halloween fancy dress night at a pub. I would not recommend this film and think it should be discontinued. If you are interested in seeing it by all means borrow it from someone who has it already but don't waste your money on purchasing it. Worse than Nightmare on Elm Street I'd say which is quite old now, that involves people getting killed by some demon but in the end turns out to be a bad dream and everyone is alive and well. It's pretty unclear how Fields of the Dead ends, one of the survivors discovers something but I don't know what exactly. It would be better if the film continued where the mystery is solved and reversed.
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Not so bad horror flick
The CyberHippie22 November 2014
While I stop short of calling this a 'good' movie, it's slightly better than so-so. I watch a lot of horror B movies, and a great many deserve a rating of 2.6 and around there, but that would be a bit harsh of a rating for this one in my opinion. The acting is decent, directing, writing, and composition are also respectable, so I tentatively give this one a 5. I've most certainly seen worse. If you enjoy possession type movies and run-of-the-mill slashers, you'll probably like this movie. I don't expect this one to win any Emmies, but it was alright as low budget horrors go. When I decided to review this movie I wasn't expecting to have to write a novel about it. While I am required to write at least ten lines or 1000 words, there really isn't anything left to tell. It's a low budget horror movie, not a deep thought provoking drama with symbolic undertones commenting on societal attitudes and an emotionally rich plot and musical score. Perhaps the folks at IMDb don't believe folks should bother reviewing movies that are fairly basic in content. If that's not the case perhaps they might consider revisiting the requirements for posting a review.
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What some people will do to get University credit.
face-819-93372610 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So they are playing a sort of nasty game, and the humans, or the living are it, I think. Whoever has the talisman is the target, or the one to be protected, I didn't quite get that. It is not a completely awful movie, I would say totally middle of the road, and they used the darkness to cover up the lack of any life which works. (if that is what they were doing) I can't say that I Enjoyed this movie, I really wanted to turn it off while the credits were rolling, but I stuck in there, and did get to see a couple of well filmed scenes, but a lot of mixed up story that is patch worked together, and I just never quite felt any of it was real.The direction, and camera work are OK, there isn't a lot of feeling that you are not being shown the action, but I don't recommend this to most people. This would be an alright new experience for a horror fanatic who needs a fix of something new, but otherwise just keep flicking, clicking, or even trippin' on past.
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rotini-5258629 January 2021
Searching for a good horror movie to watch from far after 20 movies review's...they are all junk....still searching.....
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There's absolutely nothing good about this film.
kevin_robbins23 May 2022
Fields of the Dead (2014) is currently available on Tubi. The storyline follows a group of friends who stay the night in an old farm house. One of the friends find an old book in their room and decide to read a couple passages which awakes the dead around the farm. Can the friends survive the night?

This movie is directed by Daniel B. Iske (Monster X) and stars Mark Booker (Perfectmatch), Melanie Recker (It's Dark Here), Lara Adkins (The Wretched) and Mike Delange (The Wretched).

There's absolutely nothing good about this film. The kill to start the movie before the opening credits was weak and could have been much better. The jump scares in this were also lacking and the film focuses too much on character interactions and "missing friends" rather the horror elements. The use of blood was also a miss and the comedy elements were lame. There's really no aspects of this I liked.

Overall this is a disappointing addition to the horror genre I'd recommend skipping. I'd score this a 1/10.
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Middle school
Stephanie-Hurst15 April 2022
This had to be written by a middle schooler. The acting was terrible. Ashley (the "hottie") was the worst actress. Her spoiled routine was cliche and poorly executed. Skip this dumb movie.
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nogodnomasters24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"The Wretched" from 2008 is being recycled through Redbox/Amazon as a 2014 film "Fields of the Dead." A group of college kids working on a "Thesis Project" camp out on some haunted land. They find a book as one in the party become a possessed killer with a slight twist that didn't make any sense nor did the diary and its connection to anything. They tried to cram too much into the background.

What was good was the characters and the occasional campy dialog. In the beginning I had to laugh at the song lyrics..."Baby I wrote this song for you, just you." It was fairy lame, but the girl considered it sweet that he wrote a song for her.

The film also had a funny pot scene.At some point the dialog hit a rut and the rest of the film didn't have enough punch to carry it through. Too many slow scenes.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Michelle Schrage, Wendy Iske ?, Sarah Wald-back shower tease)
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Low budget film
jmbovan-47-1601732 April 2020
Some decent acting. Standard plot. Possession by ghost story. College kids with mostly under developed characters with basic plot. Still not horrid for a B film.
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