Shark Exorcist (2014) Poster

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Oh. My. God
ramoncarrasquel14 October 2016
Wild Eye Releasing is probably the Dingo Pictures of Live-Action Movies, because after making terrible after terrible movie, somehow they managed to keep lowering the bar, to the point that their movies are a disgrace to indie filmaking.

After watching The Amazing Bulk, I never thought that something will top it as the worst movie ever, but somehow this piece of sh*t, manages to beat The Amazing Bulk in every single level of awful, to the point that is impossible that someone made a movie this bad.

Every word I can describe Shark Excorcist is negative: There is basically no story, he dialogue is dumb, the movie doesn't have a structure, some scenes don't add anything, the acting is terrible, the camera work is beyond unprofessional, the sound work is awful, the soundtrack is sh*t, there are basically no characters, the CGI is atrocious, the editing is bad, EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN WRONG.

There's nothing good to save about this movie, it's not even one of those movies that are so bad they're good, this one is so bad that is just BAD.

This one of those that I will give a 0/10, because it isn't a movie, but since IMDb doesn't have a 0 rating, there you go 1/10.

Worst Movie I have seen so far.
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The ultimate homemade movie
Leofwine_draca6 July 2016
SHARK EXORCIST is another bandwagon-jumping monster flick. It seems B-movie film-makers these days have realised that anything involving a shark sells well, so you get films about robot sharks, giant sharks, ghost sharks, you name it. The premise for this one is quite literally JAWS meets THE EXORCIST, but if you're looking for a genuine B-movie then you've come to the wrong place.

This is a homemade movie, and the most expensive thing about the film is the camera - this admittedly looks great in high definition. It's unfortunate, then, that's there's no real film or story here, just a bunch of scenes involving young women wandering around in bikinis and showing off their tanned bodies. The action plot incidents that make up the story occupy about five minutes of screen time tops and the rest is just padding.

There's no nudity or gore, so this really does fail as an exploitation movie. The shark scenes involve just a few snippets of CGI which is neither here nor there. Unsurprisingly the acting from the young female cast is dreadful and quite embarrassing for the viewer to sit through. The nadir of the film is when the characters attend a fairground and wander around for ten minutes doing nothing. And once the credits roll you get not one but two tacked-on scenes of more aimless wandering just to pad out the running time. SHARK EXORCIST is a film that makes SHARKNADO look like CITIZEN KANE.
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Oh boy!
foxxesp23 October 2018
What a god damn insult to filmmaking! It's really awful, I don't even recommend seeing this for ironic comedy. It's the definition of terrible!
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Like watching a porno without sex
nzswanny16 October 2016
How many girls in bikinis were in this movie? If you decide to watch this movie, I dare you to count how much cleavage and sensual moments are in the movie. The audio is terrible, the soundtrack is horrible, the blood looks like ketchup and the acting is atrocious. The only reason you should watch this is if you want to watch hot women in bikinis being eaten by sharks made out of bad CGI. The CGI is even worse than the special effects from Jurassic Shark. Don't watch this movie, at all, if you don't like bad CGI and don't watch it if you're looking for a movie with good story and decent to good acting. 1.3/10, the previous efforts from the director of this aren't that good either.
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Fantastically awful but without being fun and entertaining.
gedanielson1 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A sad film, not for the story, but for the poor saps who thought they would take a chance and watch it. You'd think that after making several films writer director Donald Farmer would have learned something about film making but sadly he has not. Lucky for me I haven't had the opportunity to see any of Donald's other films and I'm hoping to keep it that way. It's a film lacking in so many ways, there's a bad script with dumb story ideas, some so-so actors, poor special effects, unimaginative CGI. We watched it as a group and no one was happy. There was a lot of complaining. It wasn't bad enough to be funny, just annoying. Really annoying. And on top of that he spent $300,000 on it. Where did that money go, it's not on the screen. How the movie scores a 3.9 is easily explained, 13 of the 55 votes are a ten. Nice to know someone has some co-workers. I could only give it a 1, like 32 other voters, especially after the nearly 10 minute end of the movie. That ending has to be seen to be sneered at but don't watch it, just take my word to stay away. Go watch a good movie, one you like, and forget about this mess.
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The best effects on the DVD are the menu screen.
duckstar-6103027 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning there are some spoilers in this.... I think.....I'm still not sure what happened.

I don't know where to begin when reviewing this movie.

The beginning was poor, the middle worse and the less said about the end the better, depending which one you are talking about, there are three.

We watched with with a group of mates and decided that the best way to approach the review is to list random comments, which is a perfect mirror of how this movie must have been constructed.

Scenes were edited in a way to add suspense but instead just look like they gave up mid shot.

The story was almost incomprehensible. The final 15 minutes had no relation to the previous 50.

The camera (yes one) ranges in quality, some is basically iPhone footage that has been uploaded poorly to YouTube, downloaded and then burnt to DVD. The only part filmed in 'good' quality are the CG renders of the shark which are totally unneeded for the continuity of the film.

'Acting' was so wooden I got splinter's in my eyes.

67 minutes, why does it feel like 67 days.

This makes The Room look like Schindler's List.

Many of the scenes are filmed so poorly, exterior shots have no usable audio.

One scene has some of the worst ADR I have seen in a while.

I saw the cover and wondered what this film was about. After watching I'm still wondering.

The best effects on the DVD are the menu screen.

There choice of actors led to come confusing scenes where one woman was either playing a 'child' or and 'adult with learning difficulties' that was seduced by the shark? The use if a question mark is intentional as i'm not quite sure what happened in the scene.

How to you get attacked by a shark on a bridge above 2 foot of water? Probably the same way this DVD got a release, a deal with Satan.

The film could could well have all the shark scenes cut and still make as much sense, if fact we wondered if it was soft core porn with all the sex removed.

There is a baffling scene at a the end of the movie which was genre defining… that being plastic shark erotica.

The over use of the zoom function on their cheap camera was jarring. The seasickness helped to reinforce the maritime theme of the movie.

There are no continually errors in this film as there is no continuity. Continuity error implies that something made sense.

In conclusion it is a 'good' movie to watch with a group of friends and rip the p**s out of every 14 seconds.

If you feel this review is disjointed wait till you see this movie. :o)
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Lost for words...almost!
tomasstanger13 September 2016
OK so have to write 10 lines on this, which feels like an extra punishment for trying to force myself to watch this. I made 20 minutes!

A few years ago I worked with some friends on a Zombie style horror series they were making. We never finished it but looking back the quality of that was far better than this. It's cheap, the acting (if you can call it that) is appalling.

I'm actually having trouble to find the words to actually describe this

Sometimes I'll say 2/10 for effort but this doesn't even deserve that. I even tried swearing at the television to see if it would make it better but I couldn't even find words bad enough to make it work.

I'm going to bed now, my day's ruined thanks to this!
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A z grade shark movie made with zero effort that never delivers the goods Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie caught my interest. A Great White Shark possessed by Satan living in a lake is feasting on young attractive women and a priest is called in to perform an exorcism and destroy the monster.

Shark movies all typically follow the same formula, so the idea of a demonically possessed shark seemed an unusual gimmick compared to your standard shark fare, however the kind of film I envisioned once I read the premise was not even close to the kind of film it ended up being.

This is a really muddled movie, sometimes it's a typical shark attack movie, but it's also a vampire movie and also an Exorcist inspired possession movie. These ideas might have worked, but at only 70 minutes long there simply isn't enough time to develop these story elements with any cohesion.

The whole movie looks and sounds terrible, with a cheap low-end digital look typical of YouTube videos, scuzzy audio design and nonexistent choreography. I was honestly shocked when i saw the director has been making movies for some 30 odd years, Shark Exorcist looks like something a first year film school dropout would have been embarrassed to make.

It's clear from the finished product that no one involved in the making of this movie cared whatsoever. It fails as entertainment, it doesn't even work as a piece of Schlock Cinema, it's just a forgettable cash-grab piece of trash.
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Shark Exorcist
dukeakasmudge9 February 2017
With a name like Shark Exorcist I had to give this movie a watch.I wasn't expecting much & I got absolutely nothing at all.It's like somebody got their friends together, decided to make a movie using a home video camera but had a slightly bigger budget than a high school student.This movie was HORRIBLE.After 10-15 minutes I knew I probably, maybe should've turned it off but I wanted to test myself & see if I could make it to the end.I don't know if I did it because I wanted to see how it ended or I wanted to torture myself & watching Shark Exorcist from start to finish without falling asleep was pure torture.If I knew somebody who absolutely **LOVED** BAD movies, I wouldn't even recommend they go see it.Why put someone else what I just went through because I decided to torture myself? I looked up the director on IMDb & was expecting that this was his 1st time directing.I was really shocked that he's directed 28 movies since 1987.I wouldn't go searching for any of his other movies but if I came across them, I'd give them a look.That should tell you how much I LOVE BAD movies.The nicest thing I can say about Shark Exorcist is that the best thing about it was the movie poster.It was pretty awesome.Shark Exorcist will go down in history as 1 of the worst movies I've ever seen
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Bad bad not bad good.
johnnaylor-5305920 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was not expecting much from this. The title says it all. I did hope it would contain some humour or charm though. It fails on those counts and it fails as a movie too.

The plot would struggle to fill up ten minutes of screen time if the director had not put in a lot of long lingering shots. I accept that a lot of men like looking at a woman in a bikini but that scene seemed to go on for an hour. The CGI shark is poorly done and as the budget did not allow it to interact with any character it just never did feel like a threat.

The acting was poor in places and over-dramatic. The music was often distracting and spoiled at least one scene. Certain scenes seemed to have no relevance to the plot (such as it was) too.

If you are a fan of bad movies then go ahead and watch this. You will probably be disappointed. I know I was.
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the only thing to fear is the acting
jberglund-77-88225530 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't even watch the whole thing. And I apologize to sharks everywhere for this bastardization of them. It makes Sharknado and terrordactyl seem logical. This movie has some serious flaws and I only got 17.5 mins in. At least put t shark in the ocean and why I he girl mouth bleeding when she was bit in the leg. Have not experienced acting this bad since I was cast as servant number 3 in my highschool production of Hamlet. If you want to get revenge on someone make them watch this. Summoning demons doesn't even seem scary anymore. Classic scene though when the girl on the bench who says whatever and the other girl literally whatevers. Words cannot do this film justice for how atrocious it is. How do people get 300,000K budgets for these things? Buying two Lamborghini's and crashing them into one another without insurance would have been a better use for these funds. Next time whoever made this movie considers making another one please consider all the Starving children in the world a do the right thing with the money.
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It's not one star bad!
DarylJGittings26 January 2024
Is Shark Exorcist bad? Yes, it's bad but not bad enough to warrant all of these one star reviews.

Donald Farmer (Debbie Does Demons) is fairly new to me. I only watched Shark Exorcist because I had heard that the sequel is being released on DVD in April. One of my favorite actresses is in Shark Exorcist 2, so I figured that I would watch the original first.

Three friends head down to the beach. One of them is bitten by a shark. Miraculously the woman's shark bite heals incredibly fast. Some how the shark bite victim has been possessed by the shark. The shark is rather corny looking. Anyway, one of the woman's first enlists the help of a preacher to try and stop the shark and rescue her friend. All in all, Shark Exorcist is okay for what is. Things are a bit slow even with a 71 minute runtime. With the exception of Roni Jonah (Slaughterhouse Slumber Party) the cast is unknown to me.

If you like bad movies be sure and check this out.
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A 6 minute movie masquerading as a 71 minute movie
SmokingBomber27 April 2019
Nonsensical plot. Terrible sound design. Characters that come and go as they please. This movie is an absolute travesty. This are no redeeming qualities to this film.

The movie starts with a nun who kills someone and then calls satan to use them as her revenge. Then it cuts to a year later and a shark attacks some girls. One of them becomes a shark and then the director gets bored and starts making an entirely different film.

I think that I actually entered hell whilst watching this movie. There is so much wasted time on scenes that don't make any sense. The end of the main plot (shark posesses girl) happens 20 minutes before the end of the film. In the final 20 minutes, you will be sent to the chaos realm where nothing matters and you wish for death. Three seperate sets of new characters are introduced at this point. You were thinking that you would get a conclusion to the story? Well joke's on you: time for more screwing around.

There is not enough alcohol in the known universe to be able to get you through this movie.

Don't watch it. Not even as a gag.
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Geolix4509 September 2020
This film is like a ghastly tumour that surprises you on the bog, only to suddenly start speaking to you incoherently. Would not recommend.
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Well was it a comedy or a monster film
azura-168667 July 2016
So OK if you like shark films then this film will be a film you might like. It is just like it has been filmed at home and some of the scenes are just silly and so unrealistic. It is almost so bad it is funny and more like a comedy then a film. The shark is also so bad it's funny you don't see the shark attack anyone it just cuts to the shark then to the person who is covered in very bad fake blood it looks like tomato sauce. The acting I thought was bad as well and again like they were acting out a school play and not a movie will not be watching this film again. It is a bit like a really rubbish jaws meets final destination so yes I would not see this film again
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What, How, and Why??
michaelmamalygo31 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Shark Exorcist is by far one of the most baffling "movies" I've ever seen. In terms of film making, editing, and technical work, this is probably the laziest film I've ever seen.

It is completely laughable how little effort there is in the movie for the effects, which basically amounts to some ketchup, a fake knife, a nun costume that was probably bought from a bargain bin, Photoshop, a free audio library, and stock effects that were probably taken from some workshop, and coloured a different way so you would never know the difference, but again looks completely awful. The same goes for the camera work, which is probably the most distractedly lazy I've seen (besides The Amazing Bulk). There is one half-decent shot in the movie (where the priest is exiting the church: the movie is so forgettable that I can't even remember half of it, so I don't remember what time it was at, what the reason was, etc.), but the rest is hand-held shaky cam that half the time isn't trying to be shaky cam, but trying to be still, but they were so cheap during filming that they couldn't invest in a f***ing tripod, or even try to rest it on a table, or a barrel, or anything. Instead, it just looks like the camera man is having a f***ing seizure the whole time. The camera is filmed in a way similar to my s****y skit videos on YouTube where me and my cousins d**k around, say random s**t that means nothing, and generally just be idiots throughout, and while there is no excuse for s****y filming, it's one thing to use an iPad to film idiocy on the internet, it's another thing to make an actual movie that you can find and buy with money that can honestly be spent much better. When someone can say that they've filmed better movies or videos over the course of an afternoon with their cousins that they put no thought into, that is when you've failed as a filmmaker.

In fact, it's amazing how similar they are to my videos. The difference is that we had comedy in mind, and we had fun making these stupid videos on that clearly shows throughout, and we aren't hurting anyone's wallet. This just feels like a group of friends got really s***faced at a party, and one of them had a camera and said, "Hey, let's make a movie," and they only went along with it because he gave them each $20 and they were drunk, and the guy with the camera wanted to make a movie with a bunch of bikini girls because reasons.

The story is that there is no story. It starts with a random girl being killed by a nun (who contradicts the fact that she's a nun by sacrificing the girl to Satan) and feeding her soul to a shark, I guess, and the shark kills some people, one of them gets possessed, and a terrible exorcism occurs, etc.

There is one scene that sticks out among the rest, however, and that's when some woman acts as a...child? A mentally unwell person? I don't know, but she's at a playground playing with a shark doll and a barbie, and goes up a play structure and walks down the slide. Then one of the bikini girls from earlier comes over and talks to her in a strange manner (then again, the dialogue throughout is so terrible that the child actors in The Christmas Tree put the acting in this abomination to shame) that suggests...seduction, I think? Then, they're at a pool, and they start swimming in a way that's shot like a goddamned p0rno, down to the looking seductively at the camera. Then the bikini girl dives down, the mentally unstable woman looks around, and then it turns out it was all a dream of the bikini girl.

Trying to explain the "plot" is amazingly hard because it, again comparing to my videos, is an "..and then," type of movie. On top of that, there is no structure, no characters (there are people, but watch the movie, and tell me the personality of bikini girl #6. That's right, there is none, so they aren't really characters, they are just people doing stuff in front of a camera for what feels like 6 hours), no sense, and no point. Even for a Z-level monster movie parody film, it is f***ing lazy. It's also uncomfortable to watch due to the amount of times that it starts to feel like a f***ing p0rno.

Speaking of acting, there is none. It is so badly transparent that I've seen cringe compilations that had me groaning less than this. The line delivery is more wooden than the guy from Birdemic, and that's really something I never thought I would say. The guy from Birdemic was at least entertainingly bad to watch, but this just hurts.

There is only one thing I can praise, and it's a backhanded praise if anything: the complete and total lack of a moral message from the "story" (unless it's "make s**t films with no effort," but that's inferred from the audience, not what the director intended from the story). The moral message makes films either so much better or so much worse, depending on the delivery to me, and that's the reason Garbage Pail Kids is still worse to me, because the message in that movie (that's supposed to be directed towards kids) is "Be a terrible, awful, ugly person, and you'll be better for that." Without a message, Shark Exorcist at least doesn't try to teach anything to anyone other than that anyone can make a movie, but that means some seriously bad s**t'll get made.
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One of the better terrible shark movies.
13Funbags13 April 2019
After reading the plot summary here, you would think the nun is a major character in this movie. She's actually only on screen for about 2 minutes(and no one ever talks about her), just to help explain an otherwise incomprehensible story. It's another lake shark that spends all it's time in water that is about 3 feet deep. They keep calling it a man eater(can you still say that? wouldn't people eater be the correct term in this cuck society?) and say that it feeds on humans. Yet it only bites them and doesn't even remove any flesh. At least most of the girls who can't act are good looking. If you only see one terrible shark movie, make it this one.
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zero effort. worse than a middle school short film
mlpjl000312 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
in the past long ago, i took a recording class in middle school and every "short film" that was made was more comprehensible than this. disregarding the quality, there's literally no story or plot in this movie. it's not even a movie. if you're buying it, you're buying it for the cover. more effort was put into the cover on the case for the movie than the actual movie, by far, as it's actually sort of not terrible, kind of. this piece of garbage was probably filmed in less than three hours. if any of the actors got paid, they're geniuses, because this took absolutely no effort or labor from them, except for the man who ran for five minutes of the movie without any cuts. he was literally just running for five minutes straight. why? i don't know. nothing in the movie is explained or clear in the slightest. the effects are horrendous. acting? horrendous. the individual shots? horrendous. i'd rather watch birdemic, and that's really saying a lot.
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Shark exorcist is the worst movie i have ever seen!!
aleclind16 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of IHE and i found after watching him trying to watch the amazing bulk i didn't think it could get any worse, but this is somehow so bad even the amazing bulk is better, this "film" has some scenes of unwatchable cringe, makes so little sense, even compared to the amazing bulk.
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For those looking to rip on bad movies in a fun way, you may get tested with this one.
eldou-368407 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know, a 3/10 for this abomination of a movie? Well if I was actually watching it as though this were the Avengers or La La Land for those who aren't into MARVEL movies then this movie would be about a -5, my wife and I have a thing we do when we're caught up on watching all of our shows. We look for obscure movies to bust on; like Mystery Science Theater 3000 only without the puppets and an occasional beer. So I had to rate it based on our ability to find material to make the movie giggle worthy.

The movie actually does start out promising with a seriously pissed off nun who calls out to Satan to do his worst and makes a blood sacrifice to seal the deal. I had a field day with the nun while my wife had a ball with the idea that the worst thing Satan could come up with was to create (I'm guessing create) a shark or maybe the nun was given the gift of transforming into a shark to terriorize the tens of people in a lake, in a sleepy town.

It continued to move on with the three (lead?) actresses who were off to that lake to do some sunbathing. Each had their character flaws which we proceeded to use to our comedic advantage.

And then there was the chick with the camera man who was doing some kind of show about paranormal activity where neither of us were sure if she was supposed to be legit or a fraud but we worked with it as best we could.

The priest was also comedic gold because he played his role much like the priest in 'The Exorcist', except rather badly.

But then there were some things that you we simply sat and simply had nothing or were asking legitimate questions like: "What are these (different) girls doing chanting in the woods with one girl have coniptions because she's dreaming about some crazy chick in the past and what does any of this have to do with the Jaws jr?" or What is the relevance of a scene where this chick with a body builders physique has managed to fall alseep in like 10 seconds so that some pervert with a smart phone is able to tape her sleeping for easily five minutes then manages to leave just as she's stirring from her slumber?

Those questions were too numerous to count as was the complete lack of cohesion within each scene, but by then, just like a rubbernecker needing to see the carnage created by a car accident, we had to finish watching this thing and just as I thought we were had made our penance the minute the one girl from the main plot turns into a shark and eats her girlfriend (who pretty much deserved it since she really didn't like her friend and was muscling in on a guy sharkgirl liked), and the ending credits start, but my wife was too slow to turn off the tv and we now were watching the near ten minute segment in the middle of the closing credits where this girl is in a mall (I think) and starts playing with the stuffed sharks in the shop. No one stops here from doing this. No one even checks to see if she took her meds as she then starts fondling a giant fish tank in the center of this mall. I really had no words for this and my wife would probably have rated this a 4/10 because of the field day she had watching me watching this.

This really was a bad, bad movie but if you can watch if for free and are a glutton for punishment, and are up for the challenge of making this movie entertaining then perhaps you should give it a try. However, if you aren't a masichist then please don't put yourself through this mess.
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Just Bad
CaptainSick2 January 2020
I can't write a single good thing about this movie. The acting is so bad. There are 3 shots of a terrible CGI shark used over and over. It is BAD and not in the michael Jackson or The Room (2003) sort of bad, just absolute crap.
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Movie reccomendation for your worst enemy
jonjethro22 October 2020
O my gosh this may be the worst movie iv ever seen.
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The bottom of the barrel
ToxicJug20 December 2020
Take horrible acting, vomit inducing CGI, completely unlikeable/annoying characters, awful jump cuts, and pure CRINGE, and you get Shark Exorcist. At least the posters cool..
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This movie is worth watching just for the laugh.
FiRE01026 May 2021
You will come to greatly appreciate every film you have ever watched after watching this movie.
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Utter garbage...a case can be made that this film deserves a zero
Aaron13752 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched many bad films over the years as I like the horror genre and a lot of really crappy films emerge from that category of film. I also was a huge fan of the television show MST3000 and they viewed some really terrible films over the years. I have also watched numerous shark films released by SyFy and they have been rather bad. This film, sadly, is one of the worst films I have ever seen if not the worst. I see reviews for this crap that give it a 10 and I am sure the reviewers are trying to be funny by giving a good review to this trash, but seriously, grow up. You know this is pure trash, I am willing to bet the people who made this know it was trash. No redeeming qualities at all unless you call seeing a bunch of okay looking actresses in bathing suits a plus, which I don't as I can see totally nude girls that look way hotter all over the internet! The film is listed a horror and then comedy, but it is not funny in the least, the special effects suck and worst of all the story is completely incoherent to the point I believe they did not even have a script for this god awful train wreck.

The story has a nun who kills a girl and summons Satan to avenger her and it comes in the form of a great white swimming around a lake. Well, we basically get the same shot of the shark throughout the movie. Some friends go to the lake, one gets attacked and one of them just kind of vanishes from the film with no explanation making me believe she just wanted to be in the film and tired of it or something. The girl who is attacked gets possessed, we get a psychic television show woman writhe on the ground and lots of scenes that go nowhere as a priest will do like a two second exorcism before we are treated to a scene of a woman who goes to sunbath and we watch as a guy takes her picture then goes through the pictures he has taken on his phone and then girl gets up and guy is gone and then the nun is back and stabs her. Then we get the ending and then two after credit scenes! The first one takes a good five minutes or more and goes nowhere and then we see the psychic one more time before the movie is thankfully over!

I enjoy watching a bad movie and making fun of it, but this film is just insulting. That the budget is 300,000 dollars makes me angry because I could use that kind of money to pay all my bills and still have lots over to live comfortably while they wasted it on this crap! I could have also easily have taken said 300,000 dollars and made a better movie too, but that would not have been too difficult. The film, Manos: Hands of Fate had a more coherent plot than this drivel.

So this film is not good in any form or fashion. Still not sure what the 300,000 was spent on as it was literally the same shot of the shark over and over, no gore effects to speak off and very so so looking actresses. The film was not enjoyable even in the it is so bad it is good category and at times they just seemed to add a scene in the film just to pad the film out. Avoid at all costs, it is not anything you want to view, the only things good about it was the poster for the film and it is a very deceitful poster at that.
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