"Family Guy" The Return of the King (of Queens) (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Time to get off the couch and get out of the house ...
kakuraka24 December 2023
I don't know what to say. I love the show family guy. But I can see there's a bit of a problem. Especially paying attention to a recent episode of Rick and Morty. Every episode offers an adventure. Something out of the ordinary. And family guy episodes just tell the agenda of the day. It's not getting very interesting. Go back to parodies. Do parodies of "big" movies that have come out. Or go back to time travel with Stewie and Brian. Or get some of the family involved. For example, Peter never time-traveled. Or Peter's friends. I don't know. "Agenda" is probably not bad, but it's more interesting to watch some adventures with a final moral. Get the family out of the house. No more sitting on the couch. We need adventures. Or parodies.
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Episode 9
bobcobb30127 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What is with this show and purposely bad impressions of people? This sounded nothing like Kevin James, just like the person sounded nothing like Tom Selleck in the episode a few weeks ago. I don't know if this is by design or not, but it is strange.

There were some funny parts in this though. I like the commentary on the safety of broadcast TV and how it is easy to follow along with the storylines. That is true, and one of the faults of the streaming age.

This show still has a lot of work to do though because this storyline was questionable at best. Oh well, that pretty much sums up current Family Guy.
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Season 22 has been terrible!
Copycattt78918 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Boy, where do I even begin? Do the writers even care at this point. Clearly not, this episode is probably the worst Christmas Special Family Guy ever had and that saying something. First off, this isn't act like a traditional Christmas Special. Did Fox didn't have the money to hire Kevin James or something? I'm not holding out hope for the rest of the season. At least American Dad is actually hilarious and that new Ted show on Peacock, I feel like this is a tell-tale sign to Fox to canceled this show. I'm glad mostly people on here agrees that Family Guy is long past its golden age. This is my first review btw so I apologize if there's any grammar mistakes.
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it's a comedy and it made me laugh
stpsg@hotmail.com16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what else is needed for a good review. This was funny even if they didn't get the actual kevin james. Not sure how to get to do many characters do in just going to take random keyboard swipes from here on. The floors just idk kathi Barnes feels here bruh cents week Darko hello cross seems better show bullae Briggs crush hair get her stuff wood still well she still else goes pav idk drink brutality Disney island kind idk feels seen break cross buns Judah fruits grow good for choir build https good feel stiff drinks now for bio feels good go all stumps well sorry sorry for China for.
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Horrible Episode and Probably the Worst one in the Entire Show
lmoriarty-1742018 December 2023
This episode is complete garbage.

It's a Christmas special that revolves around the Griffins meeting Kevin James. And it's not funny in the slightest. It was such a boring and tedious episode to sit through, and not a single joke or cutaway lands.

It's perhaps the only Family Guy episode that I've ever seen where I never chuckled at least once at a joke (including some other stinkers like Life of Brian and Brian's a Bad Father, and those had at least one funny moment in the midst of their horridness)

Episodes like this are proof that Family Guy should have ended over a decade ago. But if the show does end someday, I hope that they can possibly make a movie as the series finale and end it off on a high note.
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A few good jokes cannot save a stale Christmas episode
lankeynumbnut14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After getting two great episodes back to back, it really was a disappointment to see how they fell flat on their faces. Peter reverts back to being his unlikable, whiny self in the first part of the episode, and the progress with Meg overcoming her butt-monkey status is undone. It is also strange that they didn't get Kevin James to play himself when more prolific celebrities often make appearances. While we're at it, the episode's plot feels quite rushed, and his fading away should've started sooner in the episode. And the sitcom rule joke is so drawn out that you begin to get irritated and can't even laugh. However, the ending of washed up celebrities coming together, even if forced, was at least rather sweet, and the concept of celebrities literally fading away is quite clever. I also enjoyed the joke of Peter showing Kevin how to pay bills. But, as the title of my review says, a few good episodes cannot save this stale Christmas episode. 3/10.
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Absolutely horrible
Vladimir_Harkonnen12 January 2024
I've been a fan of Family Guy since the very beginning in 1999- a very good year for mature animated series on Fox; Futurama, Simpsons (when it was still good), and Family Guy. This is the series that gave us the awesome Blue Harvest and its sequels, Road to the Multiverse,Three Kings, And Then There Were Fewer, and many more instant classics.

I couldn't even finish watching this episode. About ten minutes in, I shut it off and watch American Dad! At least it was entertaining. I never thought I'd ever stop a Family Guy episode before its end. I hope this improves, or else it'll go the way of the Simpsons; stale and boring.
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End it. Dear Jesus please end it
knoxfan200813 January 2024
I've pretty much made the most cogent argument necessary in the title of this review, so to get to the character limit I'm just gonna wing it

It's kind of crazy that Family Guy couldn't even get Kevin James for this role. Isn't it sad that Kevin James is too good for family guy?

I watched the first couple of episodes of Ted, it's pretty funny, much better than the two movies.

The Orville was good until halfway through s2. Season 3 is unwatchable.

Should I watch Mork and Mindy? I was thinking of watching the first ep as like an oddity or something, but what if it's actually good?

I'm gonna watch that Paint movie with Owen Wilson. Reviews weren't great, but it seems likeable enough.

Also, I feel the movie 'May' doesn't get the respect it deserves. And the original Black Christmas is the best slasher movie ever imho.
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