(TV Series)


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Quite a Show
Hitchcoc10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When Assen falls from three stories, it's assumed he died when he hit the ground. Well, we know better, but I'm afraid the explanation as to how he managed to fake his death is awfully hard to swallow. My physics friend say, even with protection, unless he was in some kind of balloon device, he is going to take almost all the impact. But he gets buried and his associates pull it off and back in action, not a bruise on him. And he has the black pearl. Now we have flashbacks to a phone call to his mother in prison in Senegal. He doesn't seem to realize that in that country, it wouldn't take much to get one thrown in prison. Now, the current Assan passes up 20 million Euros because of a phone call from someone claiming to be his mother. You guessed it. Give up the pearl and Mom goes free. Perhaps just a little bit of investigation by his crack tech team would have been appropriate. Oh, well, let's see what transpires.
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Still fun to watch, but...
Ar_Pharazon_the_golden3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Of course nothing of what Assane does was ever plausible, but the plans he hatced were clever enough to let you enjoy the ride. In the first two episodes of the 3rd season though, the effort of the writers to outdo themselves backfires, as it becomes more and more obvious that everything in his plans depends on literally everybody being extremely bad at their job. And that's not even considering all the things that could very well go wrong even if the plan works, or how he doesn't even try much with disguises any more.

The characters are still fun, and the plot with the kindapping of his mother adds some more stakes, but if Lupin keeps depending on things like the police not actually checking if the guy is dead because an actual doctor got fooled by a fake stethoscope and got scared of a random fake doctor pulling rank on him (????), it's going to go downhill.
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