Cowboy Zombies (2013) Poster

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paul_haakonsen8 June 2018
"Cowboy Zombies" (aka "Walking Dead in the West") is a zombie movie, and that is reason enough for me to sit down and watch it. Which I did. Which I now regret, because that is about an hour and a half of my life that was flushed straight down the drain. Sure, I had my expectations about this movie being another one of those awful low budget zombie movies. And it was. In every sense of the meaning.

The storyline here in the movie was quiet simple to grasp and easy to follow. However, it was just a bit too simplistic. And it didn't help to further the movie in any way that the character gallery was every bit as mundane and pointless as the rest of the movie. That just meant that you didn't invest anything in the characters and as they died off you barely even flinched.

The zombie make-up in the movie was low budget. You know what I am talking about. The type where they just threw on some grey powder on the face and a few fake cuts and bruises, and forgot about the rest of the body. Yeah, that is just an awful thing to put in a zombie movie. When you make a zombie movie, you have to go all in on the make-up and special effects. This kind of horrible zombie make-up is not even up to a level where it is laughable. It is just downright sad.

I managed to endure to the bitter end of "Cowboy Zombies", but to no avail, because the movie never improved for the better. And I must admit that more then often were my attention elsewhere. This movie does not make for a memorable addition to the zombie genre.
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He's coming back to life! Arrgh. Arf! Arf!
nogodnomasters16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A man who claims he didn't commit all the crimes he is accused of, is hung. But before that happens he asks God for a sign of his innocence which causes a lightning bolt...but he is hung anyway. The next thing you know there is a zombie apocalypse. The cause and effect needed some work.

A group of people of the town of Crumpit, Arizona (April 1876) hold up in the Double Peach Saloon (one without swinging doors and modern hinges) and that is it for much of the film which includes a boring Marshal monologue from director Paul Walker. Apparently no one had else could read lines better. The acting was horrible. The zombies made noise from a barking to a pirate aargh. The dialogue was boring and they insisted on having quiet sit down scenes. Sam Keller who played Deputy Clem bordered on camp in his performance and made me wonder if this was supposed to be a comedy. The opening gun fight needed choreography. I don't know why the bad guy stands there holding a gun, watching the sheriff kill the whole gang before he starts to fire, and then miss on multiple occasions from 10 feet away.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity
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Horrible Rip Off Of A Movie
beggknives1 August 2015
Why don't you come up with your own idea for your home video, school project of a (movie) instead of ripping people off! The Dead and the Damned was the FIRST ever Zombie Western.... Don't forget it! This one is a JOKE! Give It Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe that the director would do such crap and not be embarrassed to put his name on it...... If you have the choice of watching this movie or shooting yourself in the face.................... Buy a gun! Please people, spend a little time, use your imagination, read some books, do some drugs......whatever.......but please come up with one original thought.
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Indie western horror
Leofwine_draca28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DEAD JUSTICE is a nice little mix of the western and horror genres with a healthy dose of tongue in cheek humour to boot. It was scripted by Gahan Wilson, the old-time short story and comic writer, and the original title of COWBOY ZOMBIES tells you everything you need to know. The plot involves a bunch of diverse and enemy characters holed up in a single location while zombies mass outside trying to get in. The setting is quite well realised although the acting is limited as you'd expect for an indie release. The film has a fast pace and lots of low rent action so it's never dull, while it feels a little like BONE TOMAHAWK and THE HATEFUL EIGHT, although it's more fun than the laborious Tarantino movie.
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Suffered from the Usual Issues Associated with a Low-Budget Film
Uriah4326 October 2018
This film begins in the Arizona Territory in April of 1876 with a marshal by the name of "Frank Wilcox" (Paul Winters) sneaking up on 3 outlaws who are fast asleep. Although he has a rifle pointed at them the outlaws decide to draw their guns which leads to two of them being killed and the other wounded. Then all of a sudden something similar to a lightning strike reanimates the dead outlaws who then attempt to attack the marshal. It's at this time that the scene essentially shifts to 2 outlaws being hung in the nearby town of "Crumpet" for their assorted crimes. Sure enough, the same strange light appears and even though both outlaws are dead they come back to life again-as do all of the other dead people in town. And within no time all of these zombies are attacking all the living people around them. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that prior to watching this film I expected something with a bit more humor and was pleasantly surprised to see that it actually had a serious plot. Don't ask me why but I just expected something different. Unfortunately, my cheerful mood was soon diminished as I discovered that the movie suffered from the usual issues associated with a low-budget production which included bad acting, a weak script and poor special effects. That being the case, I have rated this film accordingly. Below average.
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Scary, but not in a good way
ddpeter-1811223 December 2021
The cutting of the film was jarring. Suddenly the scene would change with and the music just cut off. Very amateur editing.

The acting was like watching a junior high play with dialogue delivered in such a stilted manner it was like they were holding their scripts and reading them without ever having seen the lines before.

Somewhere just after halfway all the people are discussing what to do while they are inside a saloon. They are lit by candle light so it is supposed to be dark but the lighting was so bad you could hardly see most of the people in the scene. Even the sunlight coming through the boarded up windows does not light up the scene. Maybe it was shot with an iPhone, it sure looks like it.

Bottom line, if were in a good mood and drunk you might at least be able to laugh at how bad it is. Otherwise, don't waste your time unless you need to hear a midget enjoying abusing a prisoner in the dark.
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Ejoyable but could be more gruesome.
parry_na25 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'Cowboy Zombies' is, as you can imagine, a fairly light-hearted zombie story, set in wild Arizona in 1870. It's a nuts and bolts ride, neither funny enough to work fully as a comedy or horrific enough to work as a horror. But that's alright, because it's good enough to keep an audience entertained for its 76 minutes.

The sun-drenched locations are the best thing, and the costumes are persuasive enough to convince of the period setting. The acting veers from good to not-so-good, but there are no woefully inadequate performances here. The make-up for the zombies is where things fall down though. 'Restrained' might be a good word.

Things occasionally lull, and only sometimes do they rise above adequate. Typical for a low-budget effort, the (otherwise effective) soundtrack can obfuscate some of the dialogue. But the idea of the walking dead shambling across the wild country dust-tracks of the West is an appealing one - if only they were a little more gruesome!
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Wonderfully Put Together
chisajas7 December 2013
This film was wonderfully put together, with great use of imagery and sound. Didn't take long for the film to pick up pace, jumps into action immediately. The film set up the plot very well, unlike some films you understand whats happening throughout the movie. The acting was good,with minimal over dramatization. This is one of the better zombie independent films I have watched in the past. The opening scene catches your attention with a wonderful use of sound. This is a great film that I would recommend to any western or zombie lover. Despite the title this s indeed a film that can be seen with family due to its non use of gore or violent graphics.
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Pretty sweet zombie movie
info-8212319 September 2015
This movie cracked me up. I didn't expect it to be as funny as it was. I don't want to give anything away, but there was some funny stuff in it. You could tell they didn't have a huge budget, but it was still pretty sweet. I watch a lot of zombie films and this one was okay. I would have liked some more gore because the special effects were kind of on the easy side with not too much blood and guts (which I like). If your looking for a fun and kind of cool zombie movie – this is a good choice. I don't usually like westerns and the only reason I watched this one was because it was a zombie movie also. It worked pretty good for me. As I said, my only problem was it should have had more gore!
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Good family zombie show, kids love it
bluesky3317 September 2015
I liked the film. It started out pretty good and kept my interest. I thought it was fun and engaging with nice scenery. Most importantly, since I heard this film was appropriate for family viewing, my daughter and her friends liked it also! She likes zombies and I haven't let her watch some of them that are out there because of they are too graphic and bloody. This movie is kind of like a TV western with zombies. It has no nudity. No swear words. No over the top violence and gore. We are looking forward to seeing what happens in the next episode with this bunch of quirky characters and zombies. Good stuff. Good for the whole family to enjoy!
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A great Arizona feature length production
ethanemilio6 December 2013
When I first saw Cowboy Zombies, I had to exclaim my emotions. I continued to rave a great review all over my social media - saying things such as. The actors performances were compelling and engaging. As the story progressed, each actor saddled along progressing themselves into further character development or character intensity - resulting in a much more immersive story. The theatrical photography helped me engage each character further as an audience member, by establishing each characters position along with the feeling of each character and their personal dilemmas in the frame. Was a good film, glad I saw it.
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Amazing western/zombie flick with a classic feel
golds7896 December 2013
One of the things I liked most about Cowboy Zombie is that it reminded me of some of my favorite horror/zombie flicks from the 1960's and 70's. It just has that certain classic feel with the camera work and music. The beginning of the movie even brings about the feeling of watching the start of an old western movie. I believe the goal of the Cowboy Zombie was to capture and combine the flavor of these two genres, which was executed very well. Another thing i really enjoyed about Cowboy Zombie is that there are little bits of humor strewn throughout the movie. I laughed several times while watching even when the plot was the most serious. Combine the humor factor with the fact this movie contains very little gore and no swearing makes Cowboy Zombie suitable for any age. I grew up watching zombie movies and this is something I would have enjoyed growing up. Great movie!
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Movie Review
batmanrobin957 December 2013
I really enjoyed watching "Cowboy Zombies", I thought it was very well made. It's a totally different kind of zombie movie, I have ever seen. My favorite character was "Jasper" the bartender of the saloon but all the actors were all good. I've had several family and friends that went and saw the movie in October, when it was released in the theater in Tempe, AZ. They all had positive reviews on the movie. I will continue to recommend the movie to people and let them know how they can see the movie. Weather it's coming to a theater near them, Video On Demand, or ordering the DVD. I'm going to be ordering the DVD and other merchandise, it will be released in the Spring of 2014.
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Small Arizona town experiences Zombie outbreak.
gregbronson6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This family-friendly film has all the elements that make for enjoyable entertainment. The storyline is original... with just enough action, comedy, a love story, and horror. The location, cinematography, sound and casting, increase the pleasure of getting immersed in the film.

Certain techniques used in the edit, make for an interesting and unique type of story flow. Reminds me of some of the original 'Westerns' I saw as a child... but with a twist. The way it ends, leads me to believe that there will definitely be a sequel as the principle characters journey has really just begun.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!
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Cowboy Zombies
hardbounty686 December 2013
If you like cowboys and Indians and if you like zombie's you'll love Cowboy Zombies!! I grew up on the older cowboy shows and movies and this film has that feel to it with a twist...ZOMBIES!!everyone likes or loves ZOMBIES! This is a film you can take your whole family to watch and enjoy. the film has all the makings of a cult classic like Night of the Living Dead that's just my thoughts. The Cast and crew are an AWESOME group of down to earth people I know cause I played one of the zombies in this film and I didn't write this to get you go see the movie if I didn't like it I would tell you but I really enjoyed this film and I hope you will to. thank you for reading Mike
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Cowboy Zombies
mmos-rock16 December 2013
Cowboy Zombies was definitely in my terms, " A wild ride." It's a great horror flick for the friends and family, and surprisingly not violent enough to make a kid's eye cringe. It has a great deal of action scenes and ones including development of the principals and guests. Director Paul Winter's really showed the background of these characters, and one can fully relate to them. He did a great job casting this movie with numerous talented local AZ actors. The characters are varied in racial ethnicity from Caucasian, to Asian, and even Native American. Every color of the rainbow was represented by at least one character in this movie. Let's not forget about those scary zombies. Their makeup was very believable and they had great sound effects, especially from a local standpoint. It's a must see cult classic! Make sure to catch it in local theaters this coming January.
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This May Be A True Zombie Movie?
fredfinklemeyer21 February 2019
02/21/2019 This movie has those slow walking zombies which I really like. (the fast ones scare me/I'm old & fat and have the speed of a dead dog) There are no words to adequately describe the acting of all involved? The principle characters were the townspeople butt my standout favorite was the little miglet. I watched the directors cut of this movie butt this film version lacks the scene where the little guy hog ties a zombie and makes mad passionate man love to him which gives the little guy zombie fever in his lower unit. It's apparently a killer because the townspeople ran away right after that and left him write there under the twin yellow arches as a McMiglet Happy Meal. Unlike one of our presidents one of the last things the little guy said was " I DID have sexual relations with that zombie man. He called him "Monica". Why? Thank goodness the injuns showed up and saved everybody in the end. And it was nice to see folks wearin those arrows through their heads (the ones with the wire headband in the middle). Wonder if I can still buy one of those today? They were cool when I was a kid and you were playing Indians and Indians. (I live in Delaware where liberal Democrats control everything and they don't allow any guns so it's impossible to play anything cowboy without yer trusty six shooter) Again why? A sloppy fun movie all over the place. Get hammered before you start, that'll make this thing seem real. Bon Appetit
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Starting point for all Zombie Movies.
jhalmekangas6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched many Movies Written, Directed and Produced by Paul Winters. Out of them all I found this Picture ( Cowboy Zombies) to be my favorite. Watching the story unfold in this movies day and age, was exciting, which offered a perspective not taken in movies pertaining to this subject matter. A take on Zombies that I did not, Nor thought possible. Bringing the Wild West to life ( no pun intended) was a definite eye opener. I brought my son to see this with me. He and I were both entertained. This picture could be used as the starting point of every Zombie thriller, and what a great picture to be released around Halloween. If your into Zombies this is a must see. I give two thumbs up on this one. Great Job....
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