Dr. Cabbie (2014) Poster


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perfectly nice Indian-Canadian film
SnoopyStyle17 June 2017
Deepak Veer Chopra (Vinay Virmani) is an eager new doctor in Delhi, India hoping to follow in his late father's footsteps. He emigrates to Toronto with his mother where his accreditation is not recognized. Her brother Vijay and his wife Rani are their sponsors. He befriends cabbie Tony (Kunal Nayyar) and becomes a cabbie himself. He starts treating many of his fares. He falls for coffee girl Natalie Wilman (Adrianne Palicki) and delivers her baby in his cab. Her playboy baby daddy Colin (Chris Diamantopoulos) is running to be mayor.

This is perfectly nice with really broad humor. It's a little too broad at times and a little too serious at other times. Vinay is a perfectly nice new actor. There are a few recognizable faces in the cast. This is all perfectly nice but it won't break through in America. First, the lead is a nobody. Second, it takes place in Toronto. Neither of which excites an audience. This may be a nice film but nothing exceptional.
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Some good, mostly cringe
sildarmillion26 March 2021
I appreciated some of what the movie was doing... mostly, the basic premise that there are immigrants with advanced degrees who can't find jobs and are forced to become cabbies. But there is just so much cringe.

Dr. Cabbie's entire family was a caricature of an eccentric Indian mother and an eccentric Indian uncle. And the uncle's wife, whew; at least that was a little bit funny. The supporting characters like the new best friend Tony, the landlord, the landlord's daughter, etc. Are also all caricatures.

And somehow movies about South Asian immigrants always involve them falling in love with a white blonde woman. This movie is no different. At least Adrienne Palicki did a great job and she had some interesting things going on. There is a reason she's the only actor I am mentioning by name in this entire review.

The movie is pretty diverse and includes characters from diverse backgrounds, but it also seriously leans into negative stereotypes about these groups, which was SO CRINGE. And finally, it tries to make a heartfelt plea about how Dr. Cabbie is selfless and transcends race and religion and boundaries to treat patients; it made it seem like he emigrated to Canada out of the goodness of his heart, except no, he did that to seek opportunity for himself. If he truly cared about helping the needy, he was more needed in India than in Canada. So, don't give us that BS, movie.
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Passable and tolerable
Kingslaay27 April 2017
Dr Cabbie was surprisingly not all that bad. It didn't follow the terrible and cheesy formula like many Hollywood-Indian type films. It had some deep moments and substance. We see a struggling Doctor trying to make it in Canada who finds love due to a woman giving birth in his cab. He later starts giving medical advice and service to customers. When things seem to be going well with his menial job and relationships his life takes a downward turn. It was a nice twist.

The cheesy dance routine at the end was unnecessary and not needed as were the silly bollywood references throughout the film. It had enough depth to make it on its own. Its a film about Indian people and culture in Canada, we get it. Kunal Nayyar was horrendous, he cannot act and is simply not funny. He should stick to portraying inaccurate Indian stereotypes in unfunny sitcoms. Overall not a bad film and passable. You will tolerate watching it but not likely remember it in years to come. I wish they would stop making brainless and diminishing Hollywood Indian related films to serve up to an ignorant western audience, this film was a good departure from that horrible pattern.
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An enthusiastic, feel good movie
miyoung24 November 2014
Dr. Cabbie is an ambitious, earnestly written film with a thought provoking, culturally relevant premise. Canadians have often heard of the taxi-driving doctor, especially in the context of medical shortages, and this film attempted to address the issue in an approachable manner. It has all the elements of a classic story: the handsome, charming lead who just wants to help people, a beautiful love interest and single mother, a kooky sidekick and an evil villain with political ambitions. The story occasionally faltered (especially with respect to the politician's storyline and the scenes with him and his father) and it often went for the cheap laughs - slapstick and all - but Dr. Cabbie did so with such enthusiasm that one couldn't help but enjoy the ride!
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Cliché fest with a few laughs
mv-at-last29 October 2014
This film has a predictable plot and the stereotypes are all alive and well here: Indian, white, Italian, the Canadian medical system, and, oh yes, let's all laugh at the fat girl who seeks love. There are a few laughs but not enough of them. The pluses? Vinay Virmani's 'Deepak Chopra' is likable and charming. Kunal Nayyar has some good moments as Tony, a fellow cabbie. The love interest Adrianne Palicki is, well, tall. The rest of the cast seems a bit overwrought although Mircea Monroe has one of the few genuinely funny turns as Deepak's Ghandi-spouting, exotic dancing, yoga-infused white 'auntie'. The film includes some Bollywood-style music sequences. And his fans may be surprised that Kunal Nayyar is a pretty good rapper. But the few funny moments in this film can't carry the rest of the cliché fest.
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A movie with a strong Message
kunal-deep-168-6593624 November 2014
Rating: 3.5/5 The center of this story line can win the heart of the audience no matter what part of the world they are from. The movie is a very nice try to project a major issue in Canadian society. Values (of a job) always come above anything else for a person.Strength of this message could have made this an outstanding movie .

Acting of central character was average, but as a simple sober guy it suited well. A switch of mood from suicide to birthday party to jail was too sudden. Audience love a smooth story build up which was totally shadowed by overacting funny character of Dr. Cabbie's friend and family.
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Kunal Nayyar struck lucky with Big Bang Theory!
paul_marston1 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Because based on this utter tosh he doesn't have a comedic bone in his body! What a travesty this film has the gall to call itself a comedy! Without wit timing or anything resembling humour, I cannot help but get the feeling that the £200k or so it got from "box office" was a private personal screening of the Nayyar family! Maybe it's a cultural thing, maybe I'm not supposed to get the jokes because they are so subtle. Or maybe these glowing reviews are written by people PAID to do so! I cannot imagine ANYONE bar people directly involved in the film giving it anywher near 5/10 yet alone 10 stars! I'd give spoilers, but that would imply there were good things in this film that could be spoilt! I mean the entire premise of the film necessitates suspension of belief, and I am more than happy to do so IF it is entertaining.

Kunal Nayyar was the SOLE reason I watched this film - it was morbid curiosity to see if he is a really poor actor (as I suspected) or his part in the Big Bang Theory was played that way.

Sadly it's him - he just isn't a very good actor! AVOID
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Worth a watch!
r_moran10118 September 2014
Went to the advance screening in Vancouver and had a really good time. The movie is light and funny and had the audience in splits. I'd put this up there with the Harold & Kumar movies - zany comedies with no great intellectual pretences and made purely so the audiences can have 100 minutes of fun and belly laughs. While all the cast members including lead players Vinay Virmani and Adrianne Palicki do a fine job, the surprise package is Kunal Nayyar, better known as Raj. Big Bang Theory fans you're in for a special treat! The story takes the issue of non-recognition of IMGs or International Medical Graduates from many countries not being allowed to practice in Canada despite a shortage of doctors, head on. But mercifully it does so without getting preachy. While the presence of two artists of Indian origin may tempt people to think it will appeal only to a certain demographic, I think Dr. Cabbie is the kind of movie that will be enjoyed by ALL of Canada.
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Bollywood meets Hollywood
nattybunga27 November 2014
Dr. Cabbie was an interesting movie that combined elements of Bollywood and Hollywood, swinging the audience in a number of exaggerated plot twists. I prefer my romance comedies to be a little more believable and could not help but be distracted by a few details such as voice- overs that were obviously dubbed in and Deepak somehow being given Timberlands to wear in jail. Overall though, the storyline was well thought out, the characters were a riot and the acting was strong throughout. Not a bad watch if you are looking for an easy laugh and an unrealistic plot line.Dr. Cabbie was an interesting movie that combined elements of Bollywood and Hollywood, swinging the audience in a number of exaggerated plot twists. I prefer my romance comedies to be a little more believable and could not help but be distracted by a few details such as voice- oversthat were obviously dubbed in and Deepak somehow being given Timberlands to wear in jail. Overall though, the storyline was well thought out, the characters were a riot and the acting was strong throughout. Not a bad watch if you are looking for an easy laugh and an unrealistic plot line.
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Hokey is as hokey does
chomskyan_pride16 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hokey is as hokey does. We people tend to think that just because a film is a crossover film, it's quality cinema. It's not. Despite the pretense of realism, Dr. Cabbie is neither realistic nor artistic; it's not even entertaining. There is no attempt to create any art whatsoever. All we get is... flatulence, bloated with egos. The characters are generalized to the hilt. The situations are too familiar and contrived ineptly. The jokes fall flat most of the times. For a flick aiming realism, logic is thrown out of the window. It is not a secret that Indian medical qualifications are not accepted in the west. It is obvious that an immigrant has to study further to qualify as a medical practitioner, then why make a fuss out of the whole thing as if he dropped right from stone age.

The running time is around an hour and forty minutes, it just lags on padded up with needless contrivances. Although we don't expect a "Lunchbox" or a "Life of Pi" all we get is a generic crossover flick probably written while the writer was riding a cab.
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Pleasingly comical cinematic ride with appealing characters, snappy dialogue and an issue that will resonate with audiences.
vickey12316 November 2014
Pleasingly comical cinematic ride with appealing characters, snappy dialogue and an issue that will resonate with audiences.

Dr. Cabbie does something interesting. It takes a rather serious subject — the fact that immigrants bring vital skills to Canada that are cruelly wasted — and milks the issue for its comic possibilities. It does so in a cheeky and charming way and, although Dr. Cabbie is clunky in places, it mostly works.

Much credit resides with the star, Vinay Virmani, who came up with the story and co-wrote the screenplay.

Virmani plays Deepak, who immediately upon graduating from medical school in India, packs up his mom and moves to Toronto to stay with Uncle Vijay (who actually lives in Mississauga) with the expectation of starting a medical practice in the so-called "land of opportunity."

Reality and disillusion quickly set in when it becomes clear the door is firmly closed and Deepak soon finds himself slumming it as a cabbie, along with a lot of overqualified people from other parts of the world.
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Dumb Movie with Clichéd Breast Jokes and Other bad humor
sunny-jindl229 March 2016
The protagonist of this movie is a Gold Medalist Doctor from India. He migrates to Canada without even checking if they would allow him to practice. He is this dumb, OK. After knowing that he can't practice in Canada, what would anyone choose driving a cab in a new country or being a doctor and saving lives in your own poor country? Yes, he is that dumb, he chooses to be a cabbie. So, any plot in this movie can not be taken seriously. Now, the jokes, they are offensive and stale. Women with big chests show up everywhere. The migrant cabbie (Kunal) feels at ease in harassing white women, I guess director trying to satisfy fantasies of cabbies. As far as acting goes, the lead, Vinay does not even try. I guess the only audience this movie is made for is the NRIs, But I wonder if people exposed to Hollywood would ever consider watching this.
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Not even worth to download
simongecko12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was a train wreck, no wait, a cab wreck waiting to happen. Vinay Virmani just gets worse and worse with every movie he does. He obviously can't act since his dad Ajay Virmani finances every movie his son is in. This same so-called actor was horrendous in Breakaway which should have been a straight to VHS movie but went on Netflix and now Dr.Cabbie will stray on the same path.

Story line: sure its great to watch a light hearted comedy movie, but when the actor is horrible it just becomes a mockery to the actor. Kunal Nayyar from Big Bang obviously can act and does a good job. It seems like the financier (Viramni) put his money into the acting rate of Nayyar and paying Salman Khan to put his production/Being Human organization with this movie.

Final thought, watch it to laugh at a horrible put movie. Vinay Virmani should stay away from a camera and a pen so that he doesn't think he can write another movie. Oh, Lily Singh is amazing shes gorgeous and just has a fantastic presence for a younger gen.
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CRAPPY from beginning till the end!
bajjiboy29 December 2014
Bad portrayal of Indians and our culture.. Kunal is the biggest disappointment in this movie. Some senseless dialogs. Unnecessary use of filthy language and inappropriate comical timing that ain't funny at all. Wasted 100 minutes of my sleep time!

Bad portrayal of Indians and our culture.. Kunal is the biggest disappointment in this movie. Some senseless dialogs. Unnecessary use of filthy language and inappropriate comical timing that ain't funny at all. Wasted 100 minutes of my sleep time!

Bad portrayal of Indians and our culture.. Kunal is the biggest disappointment in this movie. Some senseless dialogs. Unnecessary use of filthy language and inappropriate comical timing that ain't funny at all. Wasted 100 minutes of my sleep time!
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Cute, sweet, funny and touching
Robert_duder4 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ages ago my wife and I saw a trailer for this and thought it looked fun. Canadian films and Television can be hit and miss but that stigma is lifting and films like this are the reason why. This isn't just a silly comedy although it has genuinely funny and crass moments. There is a ton of heart here and a great romance, a little drama, and a story that really reflects a lot of culture and passion. There are moments that almost moved me to tears and the latter part of the film turns into a fascinating and fun court battle for Deepak's life in Canada. The film is not unlike watching the classic Miracle on 34th Street and I mean that in the best of ways. This is a very well written movie and the perfect blend of comedy and drama and that isn't easy to meld together well. The setting of Toronto (my favourite setting in the whole world) is used very well and you will see many amazing sights from the city. The characters are a ton of fun but other than our main two characters, most of them are very surface. Still they all make a terrific cast, lots of laughs and just some really moving moments.

Vinay Virmani is perfect in the lead role. He can be funny but he just seems very down to earth and you can relate to him and cheer for him. I'd love to see him in more films but this is great because it fits his culture well and he represents a balance between Indian film and Canadian. At first glance Adrianne Palicki would seem like a bizarre choice for romantic lead opposite Virmani but she is fantastic. In fact this is one of the best roles I've ever seen her in. There are many scenes where I think she looks too "made-up" (giving birth, in the hospital after) but her chemistry with Virmani is near perfect and their romance is fantastic in the movie and paced very well. The supporting cast don't get a lot of depth but they also add a lot to the film especially in the comedy aspect. Kunal Nayyar (the horny best friend role), Lillete Dubey, Mircea Monroe, Chris Diamantopoulos, Rizwan Manji and Stephen McHattie (small role but very good!) are all worth mentioning in this terrific cast.

I think it would have been interesting to see an Indian director do this film but Jean-Francois Pouliot does a really great job. He doesn't have a ton of credits to his name and yet he really shows some talent behind the camera and captures the culture so well. The film is reminiscent of a great Bollywood movie without overwhelming the mainstream audiences with it. I loved the brief and bright dance sequences that actually fit the tone of the film and the daydream dance sequence was hilarious. The film is clean enough but still is PG enough to satisfy adults. It is definitely worth checking out, a great date movie and one I would absolutely watch again. It was a sincere pleasure to check out this Canadian gem. 8/10
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Not worth it
yasachandra15 April 2017
There is simply no buildup of any character or situation. The entire movie is like watching a huge trailer. The basic story and plot is good but a lot of overacting by Kunal and unrealistic scenarios are all just too much to absorb. I didn't expect this, given the popularity this movie has gained. I couldn't even stand it for an hour. So in my opinion, don't watch it, you'll only waste your time.
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Doctor...doctor...it hurts when I do this! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
Ed-Shullivan11 January 2015
Laugh out loud and enjoy this well rounded comedy encompassing lands from India and Toronto Canada. Well don't worry about any pain watching Dr. Cabbie as there are a few intermittent good laughs to keep you entertained throughout. Vinay Virmani plays Dr. Deepak Veer Chopra who recently graduated from a university in his India homeland and he decides to pack up his suitcase and his lovingly proud momma and fly half way around the world to Toronto Canada to commence practicing in his chosen field as a sworn in doctor. What Dr. Chopra forgot to do before getting on that plane headed to Toronto was confirm that his doctors' degree from India held the same credibility in Toronto Canada as it did in his homeland. Dr. Chopra after realizing that he will not be able to legally practice medicine in Toronto takes a job at his uncle's Indian restaurant as a waiter and after a half day of slapstick comedy of dropping plates of food in his customers laps or down women's tops his uncle has no recourse but to dismiss his nephew.

After feeling grossly dejected that he cannot hold down a doctor's office nor a low paying waiters job, as he solemnly walks the city streets of downtown Toronto he meets a friendly cabbie who shares his Indian heritage who convinces him to ride cab for a living. This friendly cabbie named Tony is played smartly (and predictably) by Raj, star of the Big Bang Theory, Kunal Nayyar. So these two cabbies live life somewhat differently. Tony is happy as a cabbie and knows this is his calling. Dr. Chopra on the other hand still wants to play doctor in his cab (predictably as the movie title describes). So the plot is very weak, Dr. Chopra eventually is charged by the Toronto police for illegally dispensing drugs without a Canadian doctors license and one of his first patients in his cab ends up being his lawyer defending him, and eventually becomes the love of his life. Well wouldn't you know it? It is a happy ending for Dr. Chopra and his new Canadian bride.

Although this is very light movie fare (and not cab fare) the city of Toronto is a great back drop for this comedy and the two lead actors, Vinay Virmani and Kunal Nayyar (best known as Raj on The Big Bang Theory) provide us with some good laughs and light entertainment for 101 minutes. It is worth a watch for a pleasing and innovative story line, as well for depicting the City of Toronto's beautiful city skyline. I give it a well deserved belly laugh 9 out of 10 score.
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Endearing Original First Half Cliché Humourless Second Half
paulashton0011 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers contained within but nothing that will affect your movie-going experience.

What an original and great multicultural premise for a movie! As a Canadian I had really high hopes for this movie going in! And it lived up to those hopes in the first half of the movie which contained original characters, at least for film in North America, a funny and original premise and an environment rife for some brilliantly novel comedic shenanigans.

Annnnnnd then it was like Adam Sandler took over this script and substituted the script for Big Daddy for the entire second half of the film. Cheesy line followed by a cliché court scene followed by cheesy line and a non-surprise surprise ending all conspire to undo all the goodwill and loyalty the movie had earned at the start.

Surprisingly, in the end it wasn't typical Indian stereotypes being reinforced that really left a bad taste in my mouth but the stereotypical, somehow still acceptable (why?), demeaning of obese women as an object of ridicule and as nonsexual pariahs that really turned me off about three quarters of the way through this film. It's time the bucket stop being dipped into this particular well of comedy to get laughs at the movies. Hopefully, the audience has outgrown this particular brand of acceptable unacceptable insult. Think harder comedy writers!

All of this being said there was redeeming qualities and an undercurrent of potential that really kept me wanting to like this movie and kept me watching until the bitter end. I liked the actors and Kunal Nayyar is really talented comically. This becomes glaringly apparent near the end of the movie when he finally reemerges and attempts to resuscitate this film with some comedic CPR. Sadly though, the movie flat-lined and passed away too early in this viewers opinion.
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Little Known But Good
michaeltrivedi16 January 2020
I enjoyed this film. Canada must be a great place to live. I saw that it differed from LA in that the people were nicer and cooler. I think everyone in LA is uptight, and it's always about doing better than everyone else. In a sense, it's fun. It's all about finding the one and going from there.

This movie has plenty of romantic connections. It's a Indian doctor, whose degree doesn't crossover when he moves to Canada. So he starts doing medical treatments out of a cab.

It's a fun time. The Indian guy from Big Bang Theory is in this, and he plays the cool ladies man type.

It's definitely not great, but I enjoyed it

4 stars
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Dr. Cabbie Review
christine-french25 November 2014
You can't help but root for Deepak Chopra in Jean-Francois's newest film, Dr. Cabbie. Played by Toronto native Vinay Virmani, Deepak follows in his late father's footsteps by becoming a doctor in his homeland, India. But after coming to Canada with his mother, he finds getting a position as a doctor more difficult than he thought and he's forced to take a job as a cab driver. Regardless, Deepak finds a way to do what he loves, while finding someone lovely to share his life with, in this lighthearted comedy. This film was very enjoyable and entertaining. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an entertaining evening out with friends. Very moving and an accurate representation of issues that some Canadian immigrants are facing.
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Awful, misogynistic
jillsomeone28 August 2022
Awful misogynistic jokes, ridiculous stereotypes, plot based in fantasy.

If the protagonist had re-written and passed all the medical exams, hospitals would be falling over themselves to hire him.

For instance, if the Bar association found out the female lawyer was involved with her client she'd have her license suspended.

The protagonist prescribes medicine without a license, and manages to stay in the country - I know actual doctors who had worse punishment. The prosecuting lawyer broke a bunch of courtroom rules and the judge did nothing. I'm guessing there was no research done whatsoever.

Every single white person is ignorant of Indian culture.

The fat girl jokes made me physically ill.

Too bad, really. Canadian comedy needs more representation, but not like this.
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What a fun ride!
jenb281918 September 2014
i saw this movie at a screening in Vancouver didn't know what to expect but had such a good time. i was laughing, crying and being so effected by the beautiful message. I'm a huge Kunal Nayyar fan and seeing him take such a transformation from raj was so cool and how hot is he in this movie. Also loved the dance sequences! So many funny scenes in this movie, you have to see them for yourself. Loved the leading lady, she's so powerful! Its so nice to see strong female characters and Natalie is just that. Deepak was so charming in this movie too, my heart really went out for him. Guys go out and have fun enjoy this wild ride!
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a barrel of laughs
lauragibson9118 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be undoubtedly one of the funniest movies i have seen! its heartening to see the recent trend of blending the best elements of India and its fascinating cultural quirks with the mainstream west. its truly reflective of current times where you do have this "melting pot", "global village" where it is common for a Starbucks to sell a Chai latte or your local rec centre to offer yoga classes. Think Slumdog Millionaire, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Million Dollar Arm, Hundred Foot Journey and now Dr. Cabbie! The one thing that sets this film apart from the others in the list is its unapologetic portrayal of Toronto as Toronto one of the finest if not the finest cities in the world. That and its absolutely rip roaring humour which kept the whole theatre in splits makes this a sure fire winner. Vinay Virmani the lead actor is so convincing as a sincere medical grad from Delhi, his co-star Kunal Nayyar(Raj from The Big Bang Theory) is superbly funny as an oversexed cabbie, the leading ladies Adrianne Palicki and Isabelle Kaif are HOT HOT HOT and light up the screen with their presence. Lillte Dubey is outstanding as usual and Rizwan Manji and Mircea Monroe provide the best support to the central characters as the hammy, horny and hilarious uncle and aunt. The production value, cinematography and tight script along with some great music make me wanna ride this cab anytime
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A laugh-a-minute ride
jfung2121 October 2014
It's good to laugh out loud and Dr. Cabbie made sure I did just that. This movie documents the struggle of one Dr. Deepak Chopra, (not the famous one), which is not unlike that of many qualified immigrants who come to Canada. Now sure there are moments of pathos and angst where you really feel for the protagonist (Vinay Virmani, who we last saw in Breakaway), but the overall tone of the movie is cheerful and uplifting. And did I say funny? Yes I did and I'll say it again because there's plenty to chuckle about. The laughs are provided mainly by the support cast of Tony (Kunal Nayar aka Raj of Big Bang Theory), Lillette Dubey from First Exotic Marigold Hotel who plays Virmani's mother, and the talented duo of Mircea Monroe and Rizwan Manji. Virmani shines as he goes about his role of the quietly hurting young man who's forced to drive a cab even though he holds a medical degree. Clearly this is an actor to watch out for. Female romantic lead Adrianne Palicki (soon to be seen opposite Canadian Keanu Reeves in John Wick) has the look of someone who was made for Hollywood stardom. Kunal Nayyar seems to enjoy taking a break from playing the socially awkward, diffident Raj as he lets loose while playing Tony in his movie debut. So kick back that seat, settle in with your popcorn and get ready for a rollicking ride!
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Wow!! What a Funny Movie!!
StanCanada1 January 2015
Wow!! What a really FUN Movie!! The very best we've seen this YEAR!!

The story is about a guy who graduates summa cum laude as a medical doctor in India, but after emigrating to Toronto, can't find a employment to complete his medical residency requirements in order to practise medicine in Canada; so takes the only menial job available to him, as a cab driver.

Whoever directed this movie is absolutely amazing!! Notwithstanding the somewhat serious basic essence of the underlying story, the accompanying comedic choral-like descant that rises over and above the entire theme kept us continuously engaged in gales laughter throughout the entire movie!

An absolutely great movie!!
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