Project Eerie (2023) Poster


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Was okay not bad
leematias-9432526 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie is similar to VHS franchise, these teenagers find a tape with some strange footage attached. So the question is how were the clips? Well the first one was the weakest entry of them. Involving a man and his daughter on a camping trip, come into contact with strange ranger. This one doesn't have anything memorable going for it. 2nd one involved a bunch of hunter tracking down a killer, they capture him but hear warning broadcast. This one was interesting it involved an astronaut and crashed spaceship. This astronaut is like a zombie like creature all messed up. It had some intense moments for sure. The last one 2 paranormal investigators go to an Amish haunted house to investigate. This one had a few creepy moments, I realised both characters where called Mike and Josh Blair witch throwback? Overall it's a short movie, if you can't find anything else to watch then I'll say give it a try? It's found footage so if you like that type of film making you may like this.
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Weak addition to the Fear Footage name
ryanpascall31 October 2023
Ignore the 10/10 review by TheFearFoorage, they made the film lol Fear Footage, Ricky's other films, were ok. They weren't Blair Witch, Death of a VLogger or He'll House LLC by any means but as far as low budget FF go, they were passable but this one sadly is the opposite. With a boring wraparound anf a handful of stories, none of which carried a sense of suspense or danger, this was pedestrian with a capital Yawn and stands as the first of his films I've really not enjoyed.

I've scored it a 5 as I didn't hate it, and 5 is an average rating in my eyes, and it's certainly not BAD, just very underwhelming.
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Heavy on set-up, light on pay-off
jtindahouse31 October 2023
Found footage within found footage. That's a new one, at least for me. This film wasn't what I wanted it to be. The synopsis implied a mystery of what happened to a couple of boys over the course of a night. Instead we got more of a 'V/H/S' style story where the boys were simply a wrap-a-round framing device.

It might've worked if the segments had been good but they just didn't have much going for them. They were heavy on the set-up and light on the pay off. I never found anything scary or creepy or edge-of-your-seat worthy.

Found footage should always leave you desperate to know how it is going to end. Here though, I simply couldn't have cared less. 4/10.
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Cliched but interesting set up
dweston-386698 November 2023
24hrs ago I saw Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor, in my review I wrote that if either Elsie or Molly wanted me to recommend them a found footage horror, I would recommend this.

The same here.

However, despite the interesting wraparound of portmanteau stories this is a by the numbers horrors with predictable shocks- something the aforementioned film had more of.

The videos and documents ( like the storage room in Carmichael) are conveniently placed for those to find out. Here it's an abandoned government building. Seriously? A government building? Weak scripting.

The shocks are routine and cheap- camera picks up a figure in the distance, pans either left or right, figure disappears. And despite the fact the audience is supposed to be witnessing raw and uncut footage, the filmmakers add sound effects and subtle musical cues. Cheap directing.

The first story of a father and daughter camping is rather well done with a creepy 'park ranger' loitering around but truly would a father looking for his missing daughter grab the camera. Surely, this documenting would be further from his mind? Again weak scripting.
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I just...what?
overwatch-2219213 November 2023
I gave them an extra star for having the balls to see the final version and decide to release it anyway.

In the realm of cinema, there exists a category of films so extraordinarily terrible that they transcend the boundaries of mere bad taste, venturing into a realm of unparalleled awfulness that leaves one questioning the very existence of art itself. Project Eerie, a cinematic monstrosity masquerading as a horror film, proudly stands as a beacon of this cinematic abyss.

From the moment it began, Project Eerie assaults the viewer with a barrage of incoherent plotlines, laughable dialogue, and characters so devoid of personality that they make cardboard cutouts seem like Shakespearean actors. The film's narrative, if one can even call it that, meanders aimlessly through a maze of clichés and contrivances, leaving the audience utterly bewildered and hopelessly lost.

The acting in Project Eerie is a masterclass in amateurish theatrics, with each performance more cringe-worthy than the last. The characters deliver their lines with the enthusiasm of a sleepwalker reciting a grocery list, their facial expressions as varied as a blank sheet of paper. One can only imagine the director's instructions to the cast: "Just stand there and try to look vaguely concerned."

The special effects in Project Eerie are a visual assault of the worst kind. The CGI (or makeup?), if one can even call it that, looks like it was created using leftover spaghetti and a green-screen backdrop from a 1980s sitcom. The ghosts (or whatever they are supposed to be), when they finally deign to appear, look like rejected costumes from a high school Halloween party.

The characters are caricatures of the worst kind. A quick Google search, or even Bing for god sakes, would have prevented several problems with the dialogue.

Project Eerie is a cinematic disaster of epic proportions, a film so bad that it makes Uwe Boll look like Martin Scorsese. It is a waste of time, a blight upon the cinematic landscape, and a testament to the depths of human folly. If you value your sanity and your sense of taste, I implore you to steer clear of this cinematic abomination.
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Entertaining, but...
haskel-7295122 December 2023
I am a huge fan of Ricky Umberger's Fear Footage. I consider it among the top ten found footage horror films. The sequels were average, at best. I was happy to see he went in a new direction with his newest film Project Eerie, or so I thought. It is yet another anthology, this time without the mysterious disappearing house and with three kids breaking into an abandoned government building and finding a dvd instead of an old vcr with a tape. I can forgive that, especially with a first segment as strong as this one is. It doesn't last unfortunately. The second segment is just ok and the If you're going to have segment with paranormal investigators at an Amish family's home, it's probably a good idea not to have ceiling fans running and a light fixture in every room. That kind if oversight is huge. All in all, it's just an ok film - which is disappointing with such a strong start.
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I love when an unexpected gem is stumbled upon..
xxmisssvxx12 November 2023
2023 has been lacking good horror movies with the exception of a few. I was looking for something new to watch and stumbled across this film, not really knowing what to expect. Now, I love me some found footage based films if they're done right, but those with excessive camera shaking to a point where it's hard to even watch a film is annoying to me.

I read the synopsis behind this which seemed intriguing so watching I went to see what this is. This lives up to its title and keeps your attention while never losing its creepy factor in my opinion. It gives you this disturbing sense of feeling in basic, yet effective form with each "project" you witness based on the plot.

The saying "less is more" is true and this film focuses on that, which makes it good in its own right. However, like any good found footage film, there's always something missing from it - in this case, a more explanatory ending. However, the way it ends appears to be left to the viewers to form their own narrative ending? I wanted more from it but unfortunately, that's not the case here. And as creepy as it sounds, I wanted to see more top secret projects being found while watching but all creepy good things must come to an end at some point.

I give this a 7.5/10.
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Brilliant as always
mmmcjtj28 October 2023
Brilliant film, scary , unexpected jump scares throughout. Always been a big fan of Ricky's work. Could have been a few more scares like in the original fear footages , however there was still plenty of them packed in there. I had my hands over my eyes pretty much the full film 🤦‍♀️

Brilliant film, scary , unexpected jump scares throughout. Always been a big fan of Ricky's work. Could have been a few more scares like in the original fear footages , however there was still plenty of them packed in there. I had my hands over my eyes pretty much the full film 🤦‍♀️

Good work as always , can't wait for more.
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The first sequence should have been the whole movie
MovieMaster012 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well I have mixed opinions about that movie.

First of all I didn't know it was an anthology movie. The first sequence was the part I really did enjoy. It felt creepy and interesting. If I would have been the director of that movie, I would have only made the movie from that story, add some twists, mix different things up etc. If I'd rate the first sequence separately, it would get something like 7-8 out of 10.

The second one I really did not get. The acting felt so fake and the story was just weird instead of having the same creepiness as the first one.

The second one tired me so much that I even did not care about the movie anymore when the third sequence started. A ghost story... Wow, that is original. This was the most pointless sequence of the trilogy.

Overall I really did not understand a lot of things and I think many of those were not well thought out. First of all, why should something so "top secret" be found in abandoned houses? Secondly, I could understand the papers, but a blu-ray disc? 😂 Then, how were those 3 stories related to each other? Why were those on the same disc, meaning those would have been the same case overall? And why should be a ghost hunting trip top secret?

The movie has a lot of creepy scenes, but most of them (maybe even all) are shown in the trailer, so you basically get nothing more than that. Really sad that they didn't take the first story and convert it to something special. Taking all in mind I'd give it 5/10, so the IMDB rating 4,3 since of today seems quite honest.
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