(TV Series)


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One of the best!
drewlmore-477602 December 2023
I cannot understand why this show is not rated over 9. My favourite genre of movie is Sci fi/Horror and I absolutely adore time travel related content. Over the years I have seen many TV shows and films in this genre.... IMHO ...this is one of the best! Great acting, good character development, plenty of unexpected twists and turns and arguably some fresh ideas on this theme. I can't remember the name of the actor playing one of the scientists in the 2nd season ...but please watch him closely...tremendous actor and I look forward to seeing a lot more of him. To everyone involved in this production, well done ! I can't wait for the 3rd season.
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Loved Season 1, Season 2 TOTALLY FLAWED
alex_cleary15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love time travel shows and I absolutely loved season 1, it was refreshing and fantastic

The concept... it worked! There were no flaws in it... totally worked!

Season 2, was flawed in EVERYWAY

The show got VERY LAZY. Good time travel shows understand cause and effect... i.e. You go back in time and injure your past self, the scar that it leaves there was ALEADY on your arm when you went back in time... because it HAD ALREADY HAPPENED.

That's what makes a great time travel show... watch 12 monkeys, the TV version and you will see exactly what I mean, it was done very well

In season 2 of this show it totally fell apart

They go back to 2012 from 2023, they completely alter the past, kill loads of people, then they manage to return to 2024

But when they get back to 2024, the future is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. But they are still the same versions of their future selves...

IT DOESN'T WORK.... Based on the changes they made when they went back, the version of themselves would have been totally different

the show got completely lazy

So essentially they are just living outside of time... there is no cause and effect... it doesn't work

to stress the point how poorly this was done. The way it was setup, they could go back in time and kill themselves and they would still be standing there alive (the future version of themselves). It doesn't work!!!! If you kill the version of yourself from 10 years ago then the future version of yourself would never exist. That concept was essentially completely ignored

such a shame, i absolutely loved this show but it completely went down the pan in season 2 and the concept became completely flawed.
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5 out of 10 is generous
neil_mack_uk22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 had it's good moments, especially early on with George trying to find a way to bring Sarah back from the dead. But it never reached high standards due to some poor acting and dialogue.

Season 2 almost dropped off the cliff with an overly bloated cast, convoluted plot and storyline, and very little character development. Oh and even poorer acting.

The finale was a joke - as another reviewer said, it was heavily flawed with no consequences of their actions for their future selves. I love Back to the Future as they realised even the smallest changes could affect the future.

If you want a modern-day mystery with time travel, I suggest you try the far superior "Dark" on Netflix.
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