Small Town Santa (2014) Poster

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Small in charm and effort
TheLittleSongbird29 September 2020
Part of me really wanted to like 'Small Town Santa'. Despite the low rating and that it did not look great, because Christmas is my favourite holiday and Dean Cain is a very watchable actor deserving of far better projects to star/feature in it was still seen anyway. Part of me really wanted to join the more positive reviews here, and have been known to have contrarian opinions in the past so watched it with an open mind aiming to know what to expect.

Even when really trying to not take things seriously and trying to take it for what it is, 'Small Town Santa' has a few redeeming qualities but overall it didn't work for me. Do have to agree with those that are more critical of the film. 'Small Town Santa' is not one of the worst Christmas films in existence, many others are far worse. Many other Christmas films though are far better and if looking for a festive classic to me this is not one of them.

'Small Town Santa' isn't a complete loss. Cain, despite bad dialogue and a stock character, brings a good deal of amiable charm and doesn't overdo or mail in (unlike the rest of the cast). Some of the scenery is attractive enough.

There are some nice nostalgic moments on the soundtrack.

Unfortunately, there is so much that works against 'Small Town Santa'. When it comes to the acting, only Cain is tolerable. Everybody else overacts to an unintentionally campy degree, with the worst offender being Janet Caine. None of the characters feel like real people or are likeable (yes even Santa), instead they were one-dimensional caricatures and ones that had not much personality or were annoying. The character of Diane especially for me was insufferably irritating. There really was not that much of a script and all the dialogue sounds like bad corny improvisation.

Low budget is evident in the visuals as there was a very rushed look throughout, especially in the flat and quite haphazard photography. The story is also thin as near melted ice and has no real charm or heart, just non-stop cheesiness, excessive schmaltz, convenient contrivances and a dreary pace. There could have been a chance to slightly overlook the predictability but the other story problems are far less easy to forgive. The odd pleasant moment aside, the music generally is forgettable at best.

In summary, very weak. 3/10
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Awful on a cult-classic Ed Wood type scale
mikeharmount5 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dean Cain, former superman, stars in this mesmerizing train wreck, where the only joy to be had while watching is to make fun of it.

You aren't going to recognize anyone else in this movie unless you attended church with or went to school with the group of friends behind the production of this low-budget Christmas movie. But if you're looking for family-friendly, you found it. Only the most puritan of minds would find fault with this well-intended film where every story in the movie gets a happy ending. In fact, the only thing offensive about it is the writing, acting, and production values, which are below the scale of a bad made-for-TV movie. The dialog is laughable, the acting is atrocious, and yet we couldn't turn it off. Santa plays more like a dirty old man than a kindly old elf, and the other cast of one-dimensional characters is on par with an after-school special.

Fun fact: look for the plaque on superman's desk that reads "Real heroes don't wear capes."
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Pleasant and funny family holiday fantasy
vchimpanzee6 December 2016
I think we can all predict the various events that will happen. And, yes, there are multiple Christmas miracles in this corny but family- friendly story.

Paul Hopper makes the perfect Santa Claus. He never says his name, but at least one person knows that's who he really is.

James Cowans playing Mr. Harold gives another standout performance. Mark Boyd as the town drunk is quite good too. These are the only acting performances really worth mentioning, but this a corny family holiday story and that's what you would tend to expect.

At one point Rick dreams everyone in his life is Santa Claus. This is funny.

The Christmas pageant is not shown in its entirety but in what we do see, the kids seem to understand the important messages. And there is a hilarious moment that Alfonso Ribeiro should be introducing. Not that the pastor agrees; he is a Scrooge himself, saying The Lord has no sense of humor and never has.

I wish there had been more good music. There's not a lot of Christmas music, or if there is it's not recognizable as Christmas music to me. Most of the so-called "music" is the sort of thing young people enjoy.

I am curious about the V-chip rating used when I saw this. No one (except for one time) curses except the pastor (who apologizes) and even Clark Gable was worse than that, if you know what I mean. Most of the time when a person is about to curse the person is admonished not to. The words "cram it" are quoted from a message from Diane about Kara, but the quote is quickly stopped because no one needs to hear any more.

It's a wonderful family film if you don't have really high expectations. If you're turned off by formula feel-good fluff, turn somewhere else.
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The only Christmas miracle in this is...
NancyLou918 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...that it was ever made at all.

Killing time in the afternoon, I turned on this movie in Netflix. I was looking for something light and entertaining, but what I got was the worst acting found anywhere.

The script might have been fine, but it's hard to tell with all the campy acting going on throughout the movie. The speech is stilted, the actors are over-emoting both with their actions and their facial expressions, and I think someone else said it best when they said the Santa Claus came off as a perv, rather than a benevolent old man. And it's not just one actor/character, but all of them! This played like a movie filmed in someone's basement or as a college film school project, a bad one!

Had it been just one or two of the actors, okay, I can live with that, but for it to be everyone was astonishing. I was thinking throughout the entire movie how bad the director must have been to think this was okay.

I gotta say, it's the ex-wife that totally threw me. After being a shrill, screaming, horrific woman who treated the sheriff like crap throughout the movie, calling him awful names at every turn, becomes all sweetness and light as soon as she needs something from him and no one bats an eye.

This is a movie that needs to just go away, never to return, and I'm not recommending it for anyone with any sense.
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alieneyes2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Why, oh why, must we be subjected to inane scripts and insipid acting in so many of these holiday movies? Here is another log on the pyre of "truly bad cinema". We are encouraged however, to overlook the plethora of flaws in the name of good intentions and holiday cheer. I weary of the sport. The characters are so shabbily constructed one really doesn't care if they live or die. The story itself progresses too rapidly and then reels off unexpectedly into bizarre flashbacks where the viewer is left uncertain if they're coming or going. The cliche's, corny attempts at humor, and patently UNoriginal plot make this a tedious journey. It's sad to say it took an exercise of will just to finish a movie- but it did. Go back to your lives citizens ; there is truly nothing to see here.
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Oh boy!
azblondi23 June 2022
I just left a review about this movie on another movie..oops!

Okay, I'm sorry, but Dean Caine must have been broke and needed to rent money when he took this flick on. It was very boring, tough to stay interested in, and difficult to watch like a train wreck! I just didn't enjoy it at all...and I love Dean Caine! He was the highlight of it all. He is such a good wholesome actor!
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philworthington20 December 2021
This is possibly the worst Christmas movie I've ever seen. It has all the qualities of a hastily written school play, but without the charm.

Really, really bad.
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Awful Xmas Movie
mkone20 December 2020
Ive watched plenty of Xmas movies and this has to be the worst. Was this movie filmed on a old iphone? Who keeps giving Dean Cain roles? He can't act
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Better than the ratings suggest
uber_geek14 December 2019
This is a charming TV movie. First off, Paul Hopper (Santa) is perfect in the role. I don't know why we haven't seen more of him. Mark Boyd superbly plays a down and out former real estate agent Raynor who makes of with the Baby Jesus from the church so he can spend Christmas in a warm cell instead of out in the cold. Sheriff Rick Langston is the Grinch of the story as his ex-wife is not letting him come over for Christmas to see his daughter. The Sheriff goes home to find a man claiming to be Santa making a sandwich in his house and arrests him. The story that unfolds is more about the belief in goodness and love and not shutting yourself off from the magic in life. There is, of course, a budding romance and everyone in the end get what they really want (and need).
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geobear756 December 2015
Honestly, I don't know why this film has such a low rating (just 3.9 as I'm writing this). I mean, sure, it's obviously an ultra-low budget film, but it's adorable! A very sweet film. Dean Cain is, of course, fantastic as the lead character. I assume he did this on a volunteer basis (maybe as a favor to a friend?), because I'm pretty sure his salary alone would've been more than this film's entire budget. Santa and the town drunk are also wonderful. The only 2 REAL faults I can find are some overacting on the part of some of the female roles, and I'm not quite sure what the point of Tom's drunk mother-in-law was. She's just generally very bratty, not adding comedic value, and doesn't really seem to have a purpose in the plot, either.
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Charming, fun, cute, sweet. Santa is adorable!
joyledig9 December 2019
The first time I saw this film i thought it rather dry and lame. But I've watched it for a few more years and have developed a respect for its silliness, charm and the love that is communicated by Santa. I really enjoy it.
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A Different Christmas Story
coneywithcheese22 December 2018
This is no Hallmark movie, thank goodness. Some of the lines in the movie are "insider joke" references. Such as the poster that says "real heroes don't wear capes" which I believe is relating to Dean Cain's years as superman in Lois & Clark. I liked that it is not heavily into the romance side of things. A nice lighthearted movie and well worth your time.
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Great Family Movie for Christmas
JPFabiani25 December 2014
This movie is obviously not a mega budget movie, and it shows on screen not on the acting or the production but in the dialogues, the movie is well done, nice shots, almost flawless editing and overall is OK, but in Christmas movies is not about how big the production is or how famous the actors or even how much money it made, it is all about the message that tries to get across to our kids and families of the world, and this movie does just that. There are flaws in it it is true, but that is what makes it better because unintentionally or not it makes it more real. It touches the deep roots of our childhood those roots that still make us believe he will bring us presents, those roots that still make us share the story with our kids. So don't watch the movie to criticize it because it is not a competition but watch it to enjoy and meditate out its meaning. Watch it with your family simply to enjoy the spirit of Christmas.
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helynn-3358023 December 2017
Being from the area I enjoyed seeing some familiar spots. I enjoyed it as much as any of the Hallmark movies I love.
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A sweet Christmas movie
ComedyFan20105 January 2018
The movie sure deserves a better rating! It is a low budget production but it captures the mood of Christmas so well and keeps one entertained for the 1.5 hours.

It has this typical Christmas spirit. There is romance in it as well but it isn't just some Hallmark romantic comedy. Romance is just part of it, part of showing how human relationships matter on Christmas, and one doesn't dwell too much on it. Besides that we also get to see friendships, child and parent relationship and just small townees being there for each other.

The movie doesn't have a very complex plot, but it is a joy to watch. And there were so many times when I literally laughed out loud from some pretty innocent joke.

The only actor I knew in it was Dean Cain. He is great as a main character who is dealing with being sad in life without seeing happiness right near him. The rest of the actors for the most part don't have much experience judging by their imdb lists but they do a good job. The kids seem to act too amateurish but somehow this adds to the charm of the movie so maybe it is also done on purpose.

I recommend to watch this movie for people who love Christmas in the next Christmas season and enjoy the charm, sweetness and magic of the time we loved as kids and that such movies can make us feel again.
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Some movies just shouldn't be made.
zachary-m-jones29 November 2018
To start off, the entire thing looks like it was filmed with a first gen iPhone.

The script...was there one?

How did the get Dean Cain you ask? He will do anything for a buck.

Do not bother watching this unless you have the ability to scrub your brain afterwards. Speaking of, I now have to go down some whiskey to try and erase this disaster of a film from my mind.
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niplips27 January 2021
A nice, family friendly "magic of Christmas" movie. No, it's no Citizen Kane, but then, Citizen Kane wasn't either. Turn off the critic vibe, and enjoy yourself. There are far worse ways to spend 90 minutes.
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There are far better out there!
Chenanceou28 July 2015
Bad script with the usual formula done in a very lazy way. It misses the mark in all its attempts - there's not enough romance to make it romantic, not enough religion to make it Christian and the "Santa is real" theme has been done a lot better elsewhere. The actors do what they can with the material given, but their efforts are not enough to patch up a predictable storyline that feels off from the start. I can think of a lot of Christmas movies that are preferable to this - "Pete's Christmas," "12 Dates of Christmas" and "Northpole" are part of a long list. There are so many titles to choose from when looking for a feel good Christmas movie - do not waste your time with this one.
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Fun film.
wkozak22121 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is fun. However, a lot of the characters go overboard on their characters persona. I really don't like Joe. He is annoying. Sorry to say. Tells everyone what to do, what to eat, etc. Should have left him out of the story.
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