"Mayans M.C." I Must Go in Now for the Fog Is Rising (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Decent episode, weak penultimate episode.
MovieBrat41014 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm getting a little worried. I have a bad feeling they're not going to wrap everything up in the finale, especially after seeing the 45 minute runtime for this episode. The finale needs to be 1 hour & 30 minutes to even have a remote chance at wrapping everything up properly. I can't lie, as a fan I'm feeling pretty disappointed. As a viewer, I think the episode is good, I'm satisfied. If this weren't the final season, I think this would be a perfect episode to set up for the finale, but since it's the series finale, there's so much more than just a few arcs that need finishing. I'm hoping for the best, but also tapering my expectations down as best as I can. The Wendy cameo was a little weird. Initially I thought they were trying to hint at the Sam Crow spinoff with her and Nero, but I imagine that's long out of the question now unless Sutter were to return. I have to interpret the Wendy scene in a way that doesn't make it feel useless, so my interpretation is that Ezekiel needed to hear from an outside party, one who is all too familiar with the outcome and ending to the path that EZ is on, that if he doesn't buckle down and grasp the things he has in life, he'll lose them. That being said, I still suspect Ezekiel will die, which would kind've make the scene filler. So we won't know until next week I guess. This could have been better. I expected more from the penultimate episode and a much longer runtime. They'd better make up for it with an extended finale, but who am I kidding?
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ks2005_30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The broken saints acting completely sucked. Their one purpose for being in the show is now gone with their cook house being burned down. They had AK's delivered to them and somehow they still couldn't defend themselves and then tried to blame EZ. The Wendy cameo was pointless and a major waste of time. It felt like its only purpose was to indeed kill time. She came out of nowhere and keeps saying she knows what it's like to be a bikers wife, but if I'm not mistaken wasn't it Tara who was with Jax for pretty much the entire show? Of course as expected she peddled some feminist B. S about how women clean up the mess and men get to be kids all their life, and then she just leaves. I hope to god this doesn't give someone the genius idea to create a spin-off show about Wendy. Once again we see Angel continue to cry and complain about him wanting a better life for his son as if it's not obvious what he has to do in order to ensure the safety of his child. At the end during the shootout the kid seemed surprisingly calm to gunshots just going off next to him. Overall this episode was horrible and honestly so far the season has been the same. 3/10.
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