Cocaine Shark (2023) Poster


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This movie exists
morgankingsley-1193512 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And it is not very good at all, even compared to most rip off film standards. The film starts off with a random character death in the first five minutes, and then takes a really strange noir turn after that which makes it very hard to follow. After that, it becomes a bit of a drag to be perfectly honest. The effects are really bad, which makes it not really super fun to watch. Although some of the puppetwork is to be at least acknowledged. There are too many plot points going on to to follow, and it can be a bit much to get invested in any one of them when all of them are really just barely even fleshed out. Then there is virtually no character development, and it all ends up feeling like a waste of 70 minutes.
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Not enough sharks on cocaine
misuchiruamazon5 September 2023
I watched this movie as part of a binge of movies related to animals on cocaine. I was sorely disappointed that this movie was not about sharks that were high on cocaine and terrorizing people. The sound track was not terrible, much better than some others, but not as good as Sharkula's soundtrack.

That said, entertaining to watch and laugh at. The cheesy graphics and acting was enough to keep me entertained for the duration of the movie. This is right alongside the other movies from some of the same actors and producers. Definitely worth a watch through with a big bowl of popcorn and your close sarcastic friends.
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puraqua-0953526 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was the worst thing ever 1 SINGLE SHARK ATTACK YUP GET SPOILED THIS MOVIE WAS SO BAD I LITERALLY MADE A ACCOUNT TO WRITE THIS. This movie was boring i was literally losing my mind the plot was everywhere like what are you doing making this in a basement with facepaint for A SLASH ON THE FACE this movie literally makes me so mad i cannot say it in so many words SPIDERMAN LOTUS THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME Is better than this 1.9 in GENEROUS this Garbage should have a 0.5 but thats impossible rating so give it like a 1 MAXIUM this movie should be jailtime if you like this movie everyone who rated this 10 stars WATCH SOMETHING GOOD.
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Cocaine Shark
BandSAboutMovies6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A few weeks ago, Scientific American asked, "Are 'Cocaine Sharks' Really Scarfing Down Drugs off Florida's Coasts?" Sadly, that article is more about Discovery Channel's Shark Week, but there's some interesting information, including this quote:

"...the idea may not be as wacky as it sounds-especially in the waters off Florida. There sharks in a diverse assemblage swim along a major drug-smuggling throughway, which potentially exposes the toothy predators to floating bundles of narcotics. "This is the only place in the world where a shark could come into contact with such massive doses of cocaine," says Tom Hird, a marine biologist and broadcaster based in England."

Some literally insane scientists even did tests on sharks by having them eat cocaine - did they never see a single shark movie? Do they know that LL Cool J rapped "My hat is like a shark fin" after living through Deep Blue Sea? - along with this wild story:

"In 2016 scientists in Switzerland examined the effects of cocaine on zebra fish, a type of striped minnow commonly used in scientific experiments. The researchers were surprised to find that most of the cocaine accumulated in the fish's eyes instead of their brain. Some zebra fish eyes contained concentrations of cocaine that were 1,000 times higher than levels that would be lethal to humans. The Swiss scientists were also surprised to find that instead of revving up the zebra fish, the cocaine suppressed their movements. "You'd think that a shark on cocaine is going to be swimming around all over the place at 1,000 miles an hour," Hird says. "But that is us taking our human brains and putting it into the shark's head.""

But let's forget about science.

Let's watch Cocaine Shark.

Originally released as Kanizame Shakurabu (Crab Shark) in Japan, this was retitled with the success of Cocaine Bear. It's the story of a drug dealer named Gaurisco (Ken Van Sant) and his new creation, HT25, which is made from sharks. To paraphrase Mr. Show, "It's great. It's shark crack. It gets you really high."

Directed by Mike Polonia and written by the mysterious Bando Glutz, this has effects by Brett Piper and Anthony Polonia that encompass an entire ocean's worth of mutated creatures. Opposing them and the drug dealer is Nick (Titus Himmelberger), a hard-boiled detective who runs afoul of femme fatale Persephone (Natalie Himmelberger) as well as the hallucinations people have on HT25 which allow them to kill as a shark crab hybrid.

I really enjoyed reading other reviews of this movie. Nearly everyone hated it because it doesn't have many sharks, there's not really cocaine, it's made with stock footage and it's only an hour long. Obviously, any of these people would tell you how much they love exploitation movies yet when they are the ones exploited, they realize that sometimes a great poster, an awesome title, a tie-in to some popular pop culture buzz and a little filmmaking magic was enough to con you into watching a movie. Being mad about this movie is like being angry at Jerry Warren or Jerry Gross or someone not named Jerry that got you to watch movies that you never thought you'd watch like Sam Sherman.

I love that movies like this exist and I'll never get tired of them.
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A disaster of a movie...
paul_haakonsen16 November 2023
I remembered when the movie was announced and of course I was planning to watch it. I mean, an insane title such as "Cocaine Shark" just screams of a movie you have to watch. Granted, I wasn't harboring any expectations to the movie at all, after having seen the trailer.

And now I finally had the opportunity to sit down and watch "Cocaine Shark". And let me just clarify that "Cocaine Shark" from writer Bando Glutz and director Mark Polonia is by no means a contender to the hilarious "Cocaine Bear" movie. Not even remotely. Nay, "Cocaine Shark" is an abysmal movie in every possible aspect.

The storyline in "Cocaine Shark" was pretty simplistic. The writing was bland and the narrative was amazingly mundane and sluggish. There was nothing thrilling or exciting about the storyline, unless you consider it being a massive dumpster fire as being exciting.

The acting performances in the movie were amateurish, wobbly, questionable and laughable at best. Needless to say that there wasn't a single famous performer on the cast list. Not even Nicolas Cage would touch this with a stick.

The special effects in "Cocaine Shark" were exactly that; special. Yeah, you have to see how crappy and poor the special effects, practical effects and CGI effects are throughout the course of the 76 minutes that the movie ran for in order to believe that something like that actually comes to see the light of day in 2023.

The movie's cover/poster over-sells the movie a million times. Yeah, there was no shark looking like that in the movie. Nope, not even remotely. The sharks in the movie were either toy sharks or horribly rendered CGI sharks that wouldn't even fool a blind man.

There are plenty of horrible and laughable shark-themed movies out there, but "Cocaine Shark" is definitely a contender for the top three of crappy shark movies.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Cocaine Shark". Some of us suffered through this, literally, so you don't have to.

My rating of "Cocaine Shark" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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D-Grade Psychedelic Absurdity.
meddlecore28 November 2023
This year saw the release of not only Cocaine Bear...but a series of D-grade, ultra low budget spinoffs, like Cocaine Cougar...and, of course, this piece of Polonia produced trash...Cocaine Shark.

Which is not exactly what you'd think it would be, judging by the image on the a giant shark, high on cocaine.

Rather, cocaine is spiked with some sort of bio-chemical, derived from sharks, that makes addicts hallucinate that they are shark-like humanoid creatures.

Or, more inexplicably, "crab sharks"...which manifest with a combination of shark and "crab" features (though they are more lobster like, in actuality).

On top of this iconic features the piss poor dialogue you'd expect from a homemade horror...and some of the worst acting to ever grace the screen.

But the creatures- rendered with stop motion- are actually kind of cool.

In a lame sort of way.

But that doesn't make the title any less misleading.

Whether you like it (and why would you?), or not, this is sort of trash that Polonia has made a name for himself doing.

Leaving you to wonder how he actually manages to fund these projects.

My guess, would be from the overtime shifts at his McDonald's job.

But you've got to admire his passion.

Because there's no doubt he knows he sucks at making films...but doesn't let that slow him down.

As he shamelessly persists to produce worse and worse films...that are somewhat, laughably, entertaining.

Luckily, this one is relatively short.

So it's not to much of a burden to watch...when you want to get your cinemasochism on.

2 out of 10.
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"Cocaine Bear" was trash, now what is this? Super trash!
AllEyezOnYou9 November 2023
Without watching I give 1/10 star just because you copied the idea and obviously made a low budget trash movie out of it. Well failed! You already can tell the acting is mediocre at best and the movie has low budget written all over it, along with at best mediocre camera work, script, soundtrack and so on and so on. How about originality? How about a parody? But no, this is clearly yet another trash movie with so-called clickbait title and even the poster already tells it all: low budget garbage. Even can't manage it to be 90 minutes long with just 76 minutes. Why not make a 30 minutes short movie filled with action instead? Mission failed...
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Not really about what you think it is despite still being decent enough and enjoyable
kannibalcorpsegrinder18 July 2023
After waking up in the hospital, an undercover agent recounts his experience trying to crack a new drug ring in the area attempting to make synthetic drugs that put him in danger not just with the ruthless boss of the criminal gang but the series of mutated sea creatures his experiments have created.

This was a rather fun if slightly flawed genre outing. One of the better elements of this one involves the film's use of mutations and not just a singular rampaging beast. The explanation here involving the extract from the drug causing mutations to occur involving the mutated shark/human hybrid, the bat-like creature, and the hammerhead/shrimp combination that show up here is quite inventive and manages to provide the kind of wide-ranging setup for the cheesy effects here showing the creatures operating in their environment. When it finally gets to the creature action at the end, it's fun but way too brief to be anything else than that with the focus turning to some cheesy shootouts and gore effects that provide the positives with the film. There are some issues to be had here. One of the main drawbacks here is the film's odd pacing to focus far more of the running time on the shady shenanigans of the drug operation rather than the shark action. The first half here is far more of a crime drama involving the undercover work of going through the motions detailing the rise of the new kingpin and how he took over the streets while his undercover work gets him in good standing within the organization. Beyond a brief appearance here or there involving some mention of the mutations being employed by the doctor, that's all the horror that takes place here which means that a lot more of the running time than should be necessary is kept away from the creature action into a separate genre entirely that doesn't have much interest involved. As well, there's also the expected factor in this kind of film where there's no denying how silly and outright shoddy the effects are. The effects of the stop-motion creatures are all obvious and look exactly like that while the CGI carries some bargain-basement style work here of the immobile creature in its environment changing shape or dimensions whenever the scene calls for it. Coupled with the guerilla-style indie production style here that makes everything look cheaper than it should or making use of locations taken without permission, the constant technical issues, and nonsensical storylines, these should be taken into consideration here since they're expected and not truly detrimental.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, and drug use.
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I've seen worse.
cb_whitewood28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Started this blindly, and couldn't help but be intrigued by the film made of what looked like clip art videos. And honestly, I thought it was fun enough.

Cocaine Shark is about what you expect. Monster shark chomps some folks, eventually that stops and things wrap up. I haven't seen many shark movies, so I could be missing something that really sets CS apart from the rest.

What I liked about this film was how silly they made the shark drug and the animations for the shark baddies. Having a drug that makes you think you're a shark sounds crazy, but the trip animation and sound effects had me giggling. The shark baddies were very fun to watch, but Street Shark/Man Shark was my favorite.

Recommended for a fun watch with friends!
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Where's the coke?
amirkhaw17 November 2023
If you've seen Cocaine Bear and are excited to see what Cocaine Shark has to offer, may be you should hold your horses. Originally titled Kanizame Shakurabu, this movie was renamed to shamelessly cash in on Cocaine Bear, to the point where the cover art for the DVD/blu-ray is literally marketing a movie that doesn't actually exist. To be clear, there's very few sharks in this and even less cocaine.

Cocaine Shark may actually have found life just selling exactly what it is, a very silly B movie featuring mutated creatures, bad acting, and cheap effects. It does at least remain humourous, since the movie is very well aware of how bad it is, and stop motion and cheesy graphics are always a pleasure.

Cocaine Shark feels like a student movie, or something that would have aired on the SyFy Channel. It's not as bad as it seems, but also not good either.
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Polonia's Obsession with shark films hits a new "high"
SeptumSin15 September 2023
Cocaine Shark is a 2023 film by Mark Polonia. A Mafia Drug Lord has unleashed a new addictive stimulant made from sharks in a lab but there are monstrous side effects.

Unlike Jurassic Shark 3 where it takes a relatively normal low budget shark movie and jumps that shark this time they jumped that shark right from the beginning. This movie feels like a little bit of a disappointment with almost a bait and switch approach. I was expecting a shark high on cocaine instead I get a mutant shark movie that probably would have come out with a different name if it hadn't been for Cocaine Bear. It is also kind of sad that he monsters kind of take a back seat for the plot of the film as it revolves around the drug dealing and criminal activity far more. I think the more appropriate title would have been "shark cop" but that might have given things away.

I kind of feel bad for Kyle Rappaport in this one, he had been climbing the Polonia ladder with him being in most of the length of Jurassic Shark 3 but not making it past the opening credits here, he does multitask in this one, however so one could say that he has a much bigger role as its 4 small ones and it can be fun to try and spot where he shows up. Much the same it is good to see him in the field and hope to see him utilized in more fun and entertaining ways. I've come to look for Polonia in his films, no matter the film he is always fun to spot. I'm glad to see Titus Himmelberger in the Staring role, he handles the role fairly well and I've enjoyed what I've seen him in thus far. Most of the acting is in the typical Microbudget quality but never so bad that it destroys emersion or becomes comically bad. I do really like the setting, it was nice on Jurassic Shark and pretty good here as well.

I really like some of the effects with stop motion or the odd creations and mutations for creatures. When it comes to Polonia shark movies I really enjoy a lot of the practical effects but I don't feel I get to enjoy them long enough here the Cheesy effects are on full display and utilized pretty well. I do hope to see more stop motion from Polonia in the future.

Music wise it isn't terrible, the music works, though isn't particularly good or bad.

Cocaine shark has a lot of potential to it. I do feel with a different title expectations would be a bit better. I went in looking for a shark High on Cocaine and came out with a movie about a human high on shark. If you are looking for a lower budget police thriller with shark monsters you are in the right place. If you are looking for a movie like Cocaine Bear, don't bother.
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Not high enough
kosmasp19 May 2024
No pun intended - I really try to avoid giving 1 out of 10 if possible. I am accused of being too nice when it comes to rating movies. I just couldn't ... well this really fails on many if not all respects when it comes to movies ... or what a movie should be and how they are made and should look like.

Editing, "acting" and the story (that I reckon is non existent) ... add to that Windows Screensaver effects ... and you have a "winner" - I am being sarcastic ... and I reckon that is a better joke than anything you will find here. All that said, I do understand if some people do like the low budget feel of this ... tough to watch to say the least ... Cocaine Bear becoming Citizen Kane in contrast ...
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Better than cocaine bear
pjdodonovan17 August 2023
Oscar worthy performances, riveting plotlines and on screen chemistry between Neil and Persephone, amazing wardrobe/SFX, this movie had everything I expected and so much more. I was gripped from the opening scene.

I really appreciated the attention to detail that went into crab sharks character.

My only criticisms of this movie were the improper mask wearing in the laboratory - this seems very irresponsible in a post pandemic film, as well as how long the opening credits were, it felt like it disturbed the tension and broke the immersion a little, which was a little disappointing after such an intense introduction scene.
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monsterhighprincess30 July 2023
It feels like a college project, its quite funny, made me laugh. Put it on for the kids and had a laugh🤣. Its not well made but it has its heart 10/10 would watch again with my kids. This movie feels like cocaine bear but much more family friendly for me and my family, even the kids weren't scared. LOL i enjoy the homemade feel to it compared to these corporations making scary movies for profit, as a christian mother i dont appreciate other scary movies being shown but this is something, even I could put on for christmas. Thank you for blessing the christain homes of of many. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Sorry i just love emojis, god bless you all and have a nice day.
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No Cocaine Shark, but Shark cocaine yeah that makes sense cool yeah
durhamln22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I feel as if, I were a little ripped off because, in this movie trying to ape Cocaine Bear and its contemporaries it has very little to do with either Cocaine and marginally more about sharks. No shark in this movie ingests the narcotic but the cocaine is derived from the sharks. Also the Shark Cocaine isn't cocaine its a pill and also the shark drug turns people into sharks. I feel as if the Shark Mutations were only an excuse for the director to add puppets and Stop Motion animation into this movie. Whilst charming and a little goofy I wish I could of seen these Mutant sharks consuming the shark cocaine to become Shark^2. Truly that would of elevated this film to something bigger than life. Also this movie is not chronologically linear (Like in Pulp Fiction) so you are constantly confusing on the timeline of the Shark cocaine escapades.

Overall, The stop motion was cool :)
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mrahmim-2197127 December 2023
'Cocaine Shark' is an absolute masterpiece. It's terrible graphics and low-budget acting makes it just so funny, I laughed so hard when I saw this. I highly recommend this movie if you want to laugh with friends, or want to spend time with other people. When I watched this, I burst out into laughing with my friends and family. This movie still has me talking with my friends about it, and we sometimes want to rewatch it, the movie is THAT memorable. This is an absolute must watch. If you do decide to watch this, only watch it with other people, not by yourself. It won't be as funny, and it will be a waste of time

In conclusion, the movie was terrible. It has bad acting and bad graphics, but watching it with other people makes it much more funny.

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Important facts
abrinkler23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
No one is blowing loads, but everyone is loading blow. The sexual tension between the male and female counterparts is thick Experimental drug facility goes awry. Acting is poor. Drug purity is poorer. Definitely should've been on drugs to understand, but absolutely don't need drugs to get a good kick out of it. This movie is superb, by horrendous standards. Not even good for one watch, but one watch is all I gave it. Currently typing this out as I'm watching it at work. Animals and cocaine don't mix. It's a waste of good cocaine. This was a home movie with some claymation, bad cgi, and paper mache. We should all thank the cast and crew for this masterpiece.
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