Infliction (2014) Poster

(II) (2014)

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Unpleasant and overlong
Leofwine_draca12 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
INFLICTION is an unpleasant and overlong found footage horror flick that follows a couple of brothers around as they become serial killers documenting their crimes. It's well made and looks nice in high definition, but the subject is passe and has been done better and there are few surprises in store here. What the film does strive for is a greater degree of characterisation than usual for the genre, but it doesn't work too well when the protagonists are so unsympathetic. The first half is the most interesting and has some astonishingly gory moments, but the second half turns into distasteful family melodrama and feels way too stretched out.
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Like a soap opera made my YouTubers
mghtysauc325 June 2020
This is bad. Really bad. What started off as an interesting idea turned into way too much dialogue performed by terrible actors. A tell-tale sign that the writers and director are doing a poor job is the way the story is told. Instead of being told by a well thought out script, it's characters sitting together telling the viewers the story like they're reading us a book. Avoid this.
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Honor Thy Father And Mother, So That Thy Days May Be Long Upon The Earth!!!
wandernn1-81-68327427 June 2020
Okay giving this one a shot. Let's see how it goes!!!!

Well at least we established this is taking place in North Carolina.

Oh two guys take this Judge captive and film it while they 'interview' him. Cool deal. +1 Star for the 'Interview'.

Then they go on to 'Interview' another couple. They film these 'interviews' for their posterity apparently. I liked the 2nd 'Interview' also. +1 Star again for that one......

On their next 'Interview' they decide to take the 'Interviewee' for a ride in their SUV....

I'm going to have to give -1 Star because the acting / dialogue between the two leads is pretty bad at many points.......

Once they go to 'Interview' Their Sister tho the movie starts to get even more fun.....

The ending was....appropriate. But really could have been better. -1 Star for the ending....

The subject matter, not for everyone.

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BtzLtd31 May 2020
The story couldve been interesting, thats as far as it goes for this 105-minute trudge through a dysfunctional familys shady history. the script is painfully overwrought, only passable if an angsty teenager wrote it. the acting is forced but still flat, like people screaming things theyre reading off cue cards. the "found footage" premise is just an excuse for bad camera work and editing. this isnt worth a watch even to laugh at. stay away
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Awful from beginning to end
hilde-christina2 September 2014
I don't even know where to begin with this movie. I watched the trailer and expected this to be great, I was SO wrong!! This movie is awful in every sense of the word, it's obvious that the raving reviews here are written by people who are part of the cast or crew.

Judging by the trailer, this seems like an exciting and dark found footage movie, but there is nothing exciting about this. I was expecting a genius twist or some unexpected reason to why the boys went on a killing spree, but not even the reason filled my expectations. There's just nothing new here, I can't seem to find a single positive thing about this movie.

The acting is horrible, there's not one believable character in this movie and this is suppose to be found footage? Hah! What a joke. The movie drags on, they could have cut it down by 30 minutes without hurting the already miserable plot, and I must admit I was browsing the internet and checking my email while I suffered through the last part of this. Boring, boring, boring. I could care less how this ended, halfway through I wished for them all to die, disappear or simply quit, anything to not have to witness more awful "acting" from these people.

This actually my first review on IMDb, I felt the need to share a real opinion about this movie, since almost all the reviews so far seems to be fake. Save your time and money, this is a joke.

Did I mention it's not even a tiny bit scary? It's not, my puppy could've watching this without issues.
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rosecalifornia1 July 2020
Why are these awful scripts still getting financial backing for these horrible films?

Bad acting, bad camera work, the usual shaking-cam headache.

Nothing makes sense, how did this even win an award? Was it family or so,etching?

Opening scene - man tired to a chair....yet you can tell that his pajamas literally came right out of the new package. Tied to the chair, but the rope so loose when he moves it droops.

Not even marginally worth watching.
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Awful acting and unsympathetic main characters
brandonlewissmu2 May 2021
1) The motives for the killing were ridiculous. It was like, seriously? You're killing person X because of that? People who inadvertently contributed to your messed up childhood..people who didn't jump in to save you because they had no way of knowing..they deserve to die? OK.. The acting by the brothers was beyond awful. Imagine reading off a cue card.

The movie was damn near 2 hours. I'm an idiot for sitting through it. Don't be an idiot like me.
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Boring, Slow
ferdmalenfant14 October 2020
Absolutely nothing scary or interesting about this movie. It's not intelligent, fresh or anything but a big yawn. Wish I could get those 95 minutes back.
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Last 30 minutes will shock you
panattoninick23 December 2020
Gets more and more gruesome as it goes along, actually made me cringe at one point which is hard because I've seen too many movies like this. Not great acting but worth a watch
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Good but with flaws.
kjjames813 January 2023
Saw this one last night without having ever heard of it.

Now I love found footage movies, my favourite two are Grave Encounters and Hell House LLC.

Now this even though i would not put this movie in the same category as the names film above but this one was good enough for a watch.

Now a lot of people complain that a lot of found footage movies have nothing in them, let me tell you this that this film did have things happening in it.

Now I have given this four stars only because in parts of it the movie dipped in its journey such as when the audited came into the film I found the storyline and the acting went down. Then there was the shootout in the woods, I found myself rolling my eyes at this part of the film, yes it was that bad.

Apart from those scenes that I found had spoilt the film, this film is still worth a watch.

Overall a good film.
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An interesting commentary on the system and society, well worth a watch!
ms-omen7324 July 2014
Infliction is the story of two brothers,in 2011, who documented their murder spree in North Carolina. This is the actual assembled footage. The question is what prompted this spree, and why did these two brothers feel the need to document it? Well to get those answers you will have to watch this one for yourself!

What I will say about is Infliction is this...

Infliction is a story of failures, failures of the communities we live in, failures of the agencies put in place to help protect us, and failures of personal responsibility we all have to make things better (or worse) for the people we see every day. Its a dark look at what happens when we fail to do what is morally right because we either don't want to get involved or don't know how to through the bureaucracy of systems set in place.

When you look at the film there are a lot of interesting things going on, some of which may really get under your skin, enraging and depressing you all at once. Its a well written story with a focus on the culmination of the choices made by others and the effect they had on these two brothers, not just for the day but everyday of their lives there after, how they shaped and molded them, in turn eventually setting into place the decisions that they make to exact retribution.

It could easily be set in any area of the country, on any given day. Its a film that once seen, we realize we watch some portion of in every newspaper on news broadcast, almost daily, and that is part of the force behind this film and what makes it so powerful, and disturbing. I have no doubt that this is a story that will resonate with many viewers.

Infliction boasts performances that are above average for small budget indie films, all the main players are easy to watch, some stronger than others, but all in all well rounded. I felt like some of the dialogue was slightly over scripted, taking away from the organic feel that you want a found footage film to have, but the story was strong enough to make it easy to look past that when it happened. Personally I found Ana Shaw to be a huge standout in this one, she is spot one. She feels very organic, delivers some stirring, raw emotional scenes, and has a very complex character that she just plays to a tee. She steals the scene when on screen with her very powerful performance, making it hard not to watch her regardless of what else is happening around her. The role played by Don Henderson Baker is also one worth special mention. He plays his part a as callous, cold and completely unsympathetic character so well I found it hard not to enjoy him in a villainous sort of way, hes just a mean cantankerous SOB that your going to love to hate.

Infliction starts a little slow, but if you stick with it you are rewarded quite handsomely with a film that really comes together, answering the deep questions in a way that's a bit more twisted than you'd probably guess. The action and pace get ratcheted up at about the mid point making the last half just fly by, with consequences for our characters that are farther reaching than we could have imagined going in, and ending in cavalcade of bloodshed that was really quite well done. And once the credits roll, that's when you see the testament to the films success (or failure), because this is a film not meant just to entertain. Infliction is a film that is meant to make a statement, and only you can say whether it spoke to you, inspired a conversation, or left you reflecting on the choices you have made, or would like to believe you would make given similar moral dilemmas in your life. Just remember the choices you make when the time comes will affect generations, so make them carefully!

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What's on the tapes???
djbennieshltz23 May 2014
The trailer is freaking awesome first off, but that doesn't even touch the whole entire film. Every family has a story,I get it but this family is seriously screwed up!!! Sick..I can't even imagine what the guy went through who put this footage together. I still can't get certain images out of my head and I usually watch pretty twisted stuff. What I like about this is that I couldn't stop watching it once it started, it's a weird type of film because it's all from these guys cameras but I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen! I've never wanted to really review a film on here, but this one is so different, I just had to. Can't wait to see it again!
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Good scary fun!
heath-p-khan14 May 2014
I'm not usually a fan of the genre, but Infliction is just too good to pass up. In what is definitely the best found-footage film I've seen, twists and turns are prevalent but never absurd, which only helps to bolster the movies authentic tone. In other words, after seeing the film, I genuinely have no idea whether or not it is actual real footage, or just amazing actors and crew. Infliction is the kind of scary that really gets under my skin. It takes place in a town that is sure to seem familiar to many, and its characters are the kind of people I'm sure you've met before. It all feels like something this this could happen in your town at any second. It's that real world feel that really adds to the movies already terrifying story.

I don't want to give anything away, so all I will say is buckle up and get ready for an intense and scary ride!
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Warning! Not For Everyone...Story Driven, Intelligent Film
cassieb19920 July 2014
This film is clearly not for everyone. If you don't like story driven films, don't have an attention span or are expecting excessive mindless gore, this isn't the film you're looking for..move along. I downloaded this over the weekend and LOVED it! I have never seen a film like this. Ever. Found footage films are usually about paranormal activity or people getting tortured simply for shock value. INFLICTION is unlike either of those types of films. Although, I did have to look away during some of the extremely graphic scenes, this film is carried by the horrific story that unfolds through the eyes of two brothers who have reason to document their revenge the way they did. I don't want to give too much away, but I want to be very honest in my review to ensure true film lovers who enjoy intelligent and well done cinema that this is a film not to be missed!
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One of the best found footage films yet
primeaxiom112 July 2014
This is a really intense film, it makes the viewer stop and think about society and the effects of a persons upbringing after seeing it. I'd never heard of the films creator Jack Thomas Smith but I have to say, he did an excellent job with the production of this movie. I've been doing some research on him I've learned a lot just from the information that I found on this site. Mr. Smith has a definite talent for creating suspense within the limited framework of found footage. I believe he's going places in the industry. I found a good interview with him at; which by the was is an awesome horror site that's jammed full of great content!!!
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Spooky scary!
HorrorMovieHater26 June 2014
This movie makes me want to change my screen name.

I generally feel so lost with found-footage. I watched this movie with my girlfriend and she hasn't been able to sleep for weeks! I'm actually starting to think something may be wrong with her. She has a doctor'a appointment tomorrow but I have a feel they'll say that Infliction is her affliction! All joking aside let's get down to brass tax (wtf is brass tax??). This movie spooked my pants off and as a man who looks great in pants, that's a rare occurrence. If you like found-footage, I encourage you to watch this. If you like sneaky studs spooking, then this is definitely the film for you.
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A good indie!
davemadison6829 July 2014
I watched Infliction over the weekend and enjoyed it. The acting was above average. The story was solid. It dragged in certain spots but it kept me guessing what's next.

The brothers were very believable and you could feel their pain. Their sister was great! The mom and dad were really sick. The dad was so good you wanted nothing but bad things to happen to him.

I read a couple of the negative reviews here and they sounded more like personal attacks than anything else. There's always haters out there.

I'm recommending this to everyone I know.

7 out of 10.
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Loved It!
MrJopeck22 July 2014
You have to pay attention to what's going on, which is to be expected when watching a "grown up" movie. Sorry, read a couple of reviews that are total b.s. on here. The movie's great, the acting is great, especially the lead & the father, and for anyone who knows the first thingabout camera perspective films, the camera work including consistent eye lines, is flawless. Don't listen to any negative reviews, watch it for yourself. As for not being a "torture porn" flick, I find it very refreshing to watch a movie that involves violence and gore without showing naked young women getting tortured, maimed and killed..I happen to like women..very much. Jack Thomas Smith, very well done.
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Found footage done right!!
tstaruch16 December 2014
I admit that I am a fan of "found footage" or "assembled footage" type films. The problem is, there are too many of them, and for the most part, they all fall into the same trap which is, "Why would you be holding a camera when there's such chaos all around you?" Well, finally, there is a found footage film that manages to avoid this trap and deliver a smart, gritty horror film. Actually, I consider it a dark drama, with horrific elements, as writer/director Jack Thomas Smith certainly does not shy away from the violence.

John (Jason Mac) and Kenny (Elliott Armstrong) Stiles are two brothers who are on a murder spree, which, they have decided to document on video. Why they decided to make the choice to record their mayhem is an integral part of the film which I will not divulge other than to say that it is one of the smartest conceits I have seen in a film in a long time.

Along the way, the story of how they got to this point slowly unwinds, with scenes of graphic violence peppered throughout the film. However, this is NOT a "torture porn" film by any remote stretch. The violence makes perfect sense in the context of the film and I like the fact that Smith does not shy away from it. The film is gritty, intense and very realistic during these sequences.

One of the things I liked best about the film is that it takes time to explore the human emotions behind the violence. The two brothers become much more than hyper-violent monsters, and, as odd as it my seem, I found myself rooting for them more than once. At the very least, the viewer begins to come to some level of understanding and even empathy for the brothers as they attempt to come to terms with their past.

Another great facet of the film are the many psychological levels to it. Are we born evil, or does our environment make us that way, or is it some combination of the two? It's the time honored nature vs. nurture debate taken to a high level. "Infliction" is a film that is well written to the point that it could probably be used during a Psychology class and no, I am not kidding about that.

If you are looking for a horror movie that is just a pile of cheap scares and gore, then I'm sorry, "Infliction" is not for you. This film is more a study of how people can be driven to unspeakable acts of violence, and it's a very effective study at that. It also explores notions of justice and revenge-as-justice, and tries to answer the question, "Is there a difference?" Following John and Kenny Stiles forces us to really think about how we can come to terms with our past, or if it's even possible to do so. The two actors playing the brothers have amazing chemistry and the dynamic between the two is extremely believable. In fact, all of the characters in the film, even ones that display monstrous behavior, are believable. (I must point out there that actor Don Henderson Baker, who plays the boys father, does so with a level of intensity that would make me pay very close attention to him if he lived next to me!) Overall, "Infliction" is the found footage film I have been waiting for. The fact that it's an indie film is all the more amazing. This is a well written, well acted, and well shot film that is one on my favorite films of the year.
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A journey of tormented soul
rockingrob-583-6164635 January 2015
I love a movie that, even at the end, you are still wondering who the villain is. The acting in this film is solid and believable as you fall into the characters lives. Two brothers detail their journey on film as they cut a path of killings across North Carolina. This my introduction to director Jack Thomas Smith and after watching I have to confess the style and editing drew me into this. I now have to watch his first movie Disorder. His story telling in Infliction, to me, is well thought out and the edits are used effectively, not having a lot of fluff in the final project. This movie will have you thinking, long after you've turned it off.
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A Movie As It's Own
deverett7819 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers


The title of the story says it all. Infliction follows John Stiles(Jason Mac) and Kenny Stiles(Elliott Armstrong) two brothers that want to take back there lives from a dramatic turn of events from their childhood upbringing.

John Stiles and Kenny Stiles begin on a journey that takes them on a killing spree that will end the Infliction they have suffered through out the years with having inner peace once and for all. The story it's self is based off of true events that unfolded in North Carolina back in 2011.

The events that take place with the Stiles Brothers filming the killings that they do is somewhat graphic at times.Even,John and Kenny's older sister Andrea(Ana Shaw)is pretty graphic with what happens to her in the movie. There are some graphic parts that you can look at of the Stiles Brothers performing some of there own Infliction to people along the way.

The movie was shot in North Carolina to get the setting for the movie with the events that unfold instead of shooting on a Hollywood sound stage or back lot. If you are looking for a big budget movie then look somewhere else.If you are into Indy films with story driven story telling then look no further.

It is hard to believe that the events in the movie happen while the Stiles Brothers filmed it with a camcorder.Infliction is shot with a camcorder type feel that is along the lines of a found footage movie. If you are not a fan of found footage movies then I don't recommend this movie.

The acting is raw and real.Some may not agree but, this film is not meant to try and win an Oscar award for its dialog. It shows how people interact with each other in a real life situation of dramatic events that will leave you wondering what will happen to the Stiles Brothers when it all ends.

If you are into a story driven movie that details the actions of what a human being is capable of doing,then I recommend taking a look at this film.
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Disturbing and frightening
info-559-46921031 March 2015
There are many frightening films out there...

I must say this is a very disturbing and frightening film. It has an interesting concept and moments of truth.

Jack Thomas Smith's disturbing assembled footage film "INFLICTION", which documents a 2011 murder spree committed by two brothers in North Carolina.

This movie definitely gives you an eerie feeling.

I would highly recommend this film for everyone to see, not just horror fans.

I look forward to seeing Jack Thomas Smith's next film.
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One of Best Horror Films I've seen in a long Time.
jimwienholz12 January 2015
This is one of most intense films I have seen in my life time. Jack Thomas Smith and his cast have truly took the found footage genre and given it a shot in the arm! The film is hard to watch, but at the very same time I couldn't look away! This is what a True Horror film in 2015 needs to be! The fact that this was totally shot on Go Pros and hand held cameras isn't so much the original thing about this movie, but what is original is how they (cast and crew) created a "flow" using those cameras that at times makes you forget that this isn't a big budget film. Also a great use of prac effects instead of trying to do everything with new tech.
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Thinking is Good
d-foytik2 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Indie films.

I can usually find something I like about almost all of them because they represent the willingness of a storyteller to take risks and experiment with new ideas. The nice thing with Infliction is that I don't have to dig for nice things to say.

This isn't a big budget Hollywood film, but really, that's a blessing these days. I miss story, I miss films that ask tough questions, and I miss stories about characters. Infliction delivers in all of these areas. It's a hard film to watch sometimes because it asks hard questions and makes you as the viewer answer them yourself. There's also no soundtrack to lead you down a breadcrumb trail to "How should I feel about what's happening?"

This film embraces the "challenges" associated with making an indie film on a tight budget and turns them into benefits. Innovation comes from being forced to solve problems, and the filmmakers and actors of Infliction are up to the task.

The actors feel like a family - more so than many big budget offerings - and that makes this a film that pulls you in and makes you truly uncomfortable in that way films about such a heavy topic must.

Yes, it's entertaining, and there are definitely things about the movie that are fun, but at its core, Infliction is a powerful film designed to make you think and ask questions. It has great acting in many, many scenes, and a slow reveal that might just have you rethinking the way you see society and families.
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Infliction is a difficult film to review but worth watching.
wooden_vampire_games1 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Infliction is a difficult film to review. It is a medium-budget, independent film with a talented cast that does a fine job in bringing it to life but ultimately the film falls a little short because it doesn't have the support of a major studio. However, looking deeper, Infliction's true success may be that it is an independent film because it is doubtful a major studio would ever have attempted what director Jack Thomas Smith has tried to do.

John (Mac) and Kenneth Stiles (Armstrong) are two brothers who have taken it upon themselves to deliver justice to those who they feel have wronged them. Their target is as much the system as it is particular individuals but each victim had a part to play in the Hell the brothers were subjected to. Methodically, they visit each target and pass judgement on them, each act of violence pulling towards the final confrontation with their abusers – their own mother and father – and their sister, Andrea.

Told via the footage the brothers themselves shoot, Infliction tells a vile story that's all too common in the modern world. We see the judge, the social worker, the couple that could have ended the abuse and the abusers and understand what part they all singularly had to play in the monstrous whole. While the moral justification of the brother's retribution can never be condoned, the anger, hate and misery that led them to it, can and should be.

If Infliction falls down anywhere it is in minor places. Some of the dialogue is a little stilted and perhaps some of the insight that dialogue offers is a tad hurried in places but the words themselves are important. John, Kenny and the people around them speak of guilt and consequence. The victims are blamed by both society and by each other and accusations of "why didn't you leave?" and "why didn't you tell us?" are thrown at victim, bystander and abuser. These are genuine attacks by society that victims of abuse are subjected to whenever they tell their story and to hear these questions be asked of one victim by another is challenging. It shows that the culture of victim-blaming we live in is so deep that even those who have suffered themselves indulge in it.

Infliction isn't perfect and it never would be but its story needs to be shown because it is one that is happening to people around us right now.

Every single day.
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