"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" CSI on Fire (TV Episode 2012) Poster

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It takes half a fricking day to fly from Seattle to Las Vegas
tanyahouseman25 June 2021
One scene Finn is is in Las Vegas, then she's in Seattle (with Palm trees), then she's back in Las Vegas. I suspend my disbelief allowing CSIs to lead investigations and carry guns) but this is ridiculous. Also, why are so many random civilians getting easy access to the morgue? Like don't they have security?
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Back to Seattle
claudio_carvalho1 December 2023
When an object crashes on the desert, the military personnel, the FBI and the CSI arrive at the location. The attending sheriff shows a spot to Russell and Finn that he believes might be a grave based on his previous experience. The CSI find eight skeletons and soon they learn that they had been buried in another place. Finn recognizes a diamond pendant from a missing woman in Seatle, Janet Warren, in the case that affected her career and marriage since she has become obsessed by the killer Tom Cooley that has never been convicted. Soon the evidence confirm that the victim is really Janet and Finn drives to Seattle to tell her mother. However, Russell stops her on the road calling her ex-husband, Captain Mike Robinson that intercepts her car. Now the CSI investigate why and who would move corpses buried in Seattle to a remote area of Nevada. When Mike takes Finn to Cooley's ranch, she realizes that he has built a condominium with many residential homes to cover his tracks.

"CSI on Fire" is a great episode of "CSI", where the past of Finn in Seattle is disclosed. The plot, as usual, has many twists but well-resolved. Finn is really an easy and complicated woman since she was a teenager. She discloses her past to Marla in front of Mike Robinson while investigating the case. The impulsive way she acts along the case is completely reckless. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "CSI on Fire"
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Thumbs up for Finley
phopkins-536-3593522 November 2012
Great showcase for Finley. Clever, steamy, well done. Yes, she will transition into the role very well. She brings a new personality...strong personality..that will take a few episodes to develop but the chemistry is there to work well with the existing cast. The initial, deserved, frictions were captured very well but only allowed the viewers to better appreciate who Finley is..not in a negative sense. Allowed viewers to start appreciating who they are going to have a chance to get to know, not a prior stripper this time, but yes, an attractive athletic, beautiful girl with passion for her job and an interesting history...we learned just enough that the viewers will now tune in for more.
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She Should Be Fired
Hitchcoc25 March 2021
To have such a self centered, loose cannon to work with could dismantle everything the lab and the police have worked hard on. I don't disagree with Finley's thoughts and her obsessing over this case, but there is no reason for her to jeopardize the case by showing up where she does. She was pursuing the evidence but then her hero complex kicks in. DB obviously has had it with her and even if the case got solved her confrontational style could have caused irreparable harm.
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Finlay is Every Bad Cop Ever
jethrojohn19 June 2022
In a time when the police are under scrutiny for not following procedure and acting like they own the world, seeing Elizabeth Shue's character act like every bad cop ever is just infuriating.

Finlay is an awful, selfish, self-absorbed, entitled moron that barges through the episode on her own agenda, ignoring the fact that there are several dead women that should take priority. At one point, she breaks her ex's TV cause she's angry and even had drinks with the main suspect of the episode.

And at the end of it all, she gets commended for her awful behaviour.

In real life, this is how the wrong people get put in jail. When selfish cops ignore evidence and go on a personal crusade against who they "know" to be guilty.

Awful character. Awful episode.
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alexandriarch21 August 2020
Virtually nothing in this episode would end up like it's portrayed. The entire case would be thrown out of court & several CSI's would lose their jobs. Garbage plot.
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Showcases how terrible a character Finley is
koohii30 December 2020
Whoever wrote Elisabeth Shue's Jules/Finn/Finley character did an excellent job of making a character who is utterly unlikable, uninteresting, and unsympathetic. This entire episode is one load of soap-opera tripe after another. Any resemblance to real procedure is so far gone that the entire show suffers. That level of conflict of interest would get anyone booted off a case. Hell, Greg Sanders was booted off a case before he was aware someone he had problems with had been identified as a factor in that case several years earlier. Elisabeth Shue was much more believable as a prostitute in her role in Leaving Los Vegas. This episode makes me wonder if that role didn't damage her somehow. I can only hope this episode is a nadir--hate to think the show could sink any worse.
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