The Devil Comes at Night (2023) Poster

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Rather Original Storyline. But Not Without It's Faults.
meddlecore12 June 2023
The plot summary is kind of misleading.

There is a cult.

But it's not really a cannibal cult.

It's a white supremacist cult formed around one man, who sold his soul to the devil, to attain godlike power...though, he must destroy the first integrated church, established in the area, to do so. order to fulfill his end of the bargain...he must first eat the flesh of a direct male descendent of the preacher who established the church.

A disgraced former boxer is the grandson of that preacher.

Who has returned to the house that sits upon the land where the church once stood, to collect his inheritance.

Hoping he can use it to pay for the cancer treatment that his only friend needs to survive.

But the only thing he has the curse.

As he is targeted by a cult that has grown up around the boy- since turned demon- who sold his soul for unspeakable power.

Hence why they aren't actually a cannibal cult.

Rather, a demonic cult, centered around a head honcho that must engage in cannibalism in order to acquire the power he desires.

The storyline is kind of weird.

Though, certainly imaginative.

It's not exactly clear to me, why the other cult members were affected by the protective boundaries of the house, though.

I suppose they are also demons themselves?

But, it's not particularly evident how, or why, such is the case.

And, if so, why they can be killed by traditional means.

There is, however, a rather bizarre, yet interesting- and totally unexpected- twist at the end, you definitely won't see coming.

I just wish there was a bit more gore.

As all of the kills happen off camera.

Likely, due to budgetary constraints.

Considering it's an Uncork'd production, and all.

For a super low budget film, that takes place, solely, in one setting,'s not terrible.

But it isn't great either.

I, personally, appreciated the bizarreness of the storyline, for it's originality.

And how the plot was constructed to keep you in the dark.

Plus, the acting is fairly decent.

But I could definitely see it not being up everyone's alley.

Because it definitely has it's faults, as well.

4 out of 10.
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Mundane and devoid of scary bits...
paul_haakonsen11 June 2023
I just happened to stumble upon this 2023 horror movie titled "The Devil Comes at Night" by random chance. And given my life-long fascination with the horror genre, of course I had to sit down and watch it.

And while I did manage to sit through the 80 minutes that the movie ran for, I was only mildly entertained. The storyline in "The Devil Comes at Night" was generic, so very, very generic. Writers Ryan Allen, Adrienne Kress and Scott Leaver didn't exactly revolutionize the horror genre with the script that they collectively managed to conjure up here.

The acting performances in the movie were fair. It was a small cast ensemble, but the performances were adequate. I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list, however.

Visually then you're not in for anything extraordinary or spectacular. Nay, director Scott Leaver delivered a movie that was rather monotonous and sort of devoid of anything shocking or even just remotely scary. And that made sitting through "The Devil Comes at Night" a somewhat dull experience.

This is not a horror movie that I will be recommending for horror fans to rush out and get to watch. Nor is it a horror movie that I will ever return to watch a second time, because it hardly had sufficient contents for the first viewing.

My rating of "The Devil Comes at Night" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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The Devil Snacks at Night
Oslo_Jargo29 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot and ending analyzed*

For a no-budget horror movie, it started out interesting with a sense of claustrophobia and dread. What helped also is that it is filmed at night. The acting is not too bad at this level. Up until about the fifteen minute mark the movie was running at a good solid average grade. Then the writers ruin it all, and it drops to below average at the conclusion.

Here is another example of an interesting horror movie being obliterated by a lousy "twist ending". The director makes a mess of it, a really stupid mess. The demon is portrayed as a powerful and manipulate thing and yet it gets fooled by some shoddy hustler. Yeah right. And then both he and the woman survive the demon cult attack. Terrible writing.

So if you enjoy no-budget horror movies, turn it off when it gets to the fifteen minute mark. Otherwise it will be a supreme disappointment.

Grade: D -
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A generally enjoyable and fun genre effort Warning: Spoilers
After the death of his father, a man visiting his estate to look over the inheritance of the property becomes trapped inside with a woman who was his father's caregiver by a cannibalistic cult of locals looking to enact a secret within the property and must fight them off to stay alive.

Overall, this was a fairly fun if somewhat flawed genre effort. Among its better aspects is a solid and enjoyable setup that allows for this one to play with a mystery angle more than it really should. The mysterious nature of the arrival at the house and the concurrent setup involving the mysterious stranger that shows up and starts letting his violent temper get them deeper and deeper into a strange supernatural situation that develops over the course of the night is a great all-around starting point with this one that lets the revelations about the strange attackers and their purpose for being there allows everything to take a rather varied twisting route to the final outcome. This keeps the film engaging as it trudges along at a fine pace unleashing these elements throughout a generally fun time here. This allows the film to have a suitable setup for the series of solid action scenes that take place here. Knowing only that there are some strange activities happening on the property and that their repeated attempts to get inside seem to be in vain, this early setup makes what goes on feel quite thrilling as the mysteries are just getting started. Once this carries along and generates the home-invasion style tactics of keeping them barricaded inside the hose to the point of what gets revealed fuels the action from then, this one picks up considerably with the cult being far more aggressive in trying to deal with them and the two having to rely on their wits to escape by bringing in their discoveries in the fight which has some solid gore involved as well. These all manage to give this one quite a lot to like while there are some issues here to bring it down. Its main detrimental factor is a rather underwhelming result of the need for bringing up so many shock reveals that it can grow rather confusing to keep track of it all. This one piles on a ton of revelations, not just about the family's history and legacy in the area but also the connection to the strange locals that keep arriving at the property who are aligned with the cult as there are plenty of plausible reasons for everything. Bringing up a racially-charged angle for everything has merit, as does a supernatural motivation for what his ancestors were doing when they died that ties into the modern day, yet instead these issues are brought up without much to suggest what's actually at stake until it's too late. This, along with its lower budget, are the detrimental elements.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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A fun film to watch.
okpilak16 November 2023
It is not really scary, and there isn't a lot of blood. It is creepy and it is a very interesting take in the horror genre. It opens with Ben and Jack entering the home of Arthur's father, who died two weeks earlier, and there is supposed to be a safe with money. Ben is a washed up boxer. Jack leaves, and lets Ben know to keep the lights off. Soon two neighbors show up, one being very nosy (Lisa) and the other simply obnoxious (Ted) wanting Ben to come to their house for drinks. Ben says he can't drink, and gets them to leave. Jack says to keep the lights off in the house, and soon he hears bumps and other noises. He finds Amy in one of the rooms. Amy says she helped Arthur, and came to the house to feel safe, as things were getting very weird in the nearby town in the last two weeks. Soon Mason shows up, very creepy and Amy said Mason was very dangerous. Soon a group shows up, seeming to be White Supremacists, and Ben is Black. One attacks, and Ben discovers they cannot enter the house. So just what is going on? And that is the more interesting part of the movie and makes sorting out this problem interesting and worth watching. A low budget film with a 'hook.' It is not a great film, but it is different. Yes, demonic forces at work.
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Solid Elements For a Lower Budget Effort
Reviews_of_the_Dead8 January 2024
This is a movie that I didn't hear about until listening to a podcast. Mr. Venom is a voice that I respect so when he spoke highly of this movie, I put it on a list of ones to check out before completing my end of year list. I was able to stream this through Prime, so that made it easier. Other than that, I knew the title and thought it sounded interesting.

Synopsis: a washed-up boxer searching for his inheritance must fight for his life when he's trapped in his deceased father's farmhouse by a local cannibal cult.

We start this off with Ben (Ryan Allen) being brought into a house that is dark. The man dragging him is Jack (Elias Zarou). Ben passed out and he's left there as Jack must find something. A note is left about what to do when he wakes up. This house belonged to Ben's father who passed away recently. Their plan is to find the safe, use the combination that Ben was left, take the money and leave.

Jack doesn't want Ben to turn the lights on, but when this big guy wakes up, he is disoriented. His hand hurts and he has two broken fingers. Ben is a former boxer. Jack was his trainer. Ben is a recovering addict and he doesn't know what happened to get him to where he is. He is also bothered when there's a knock at the door. It turns out to be the neighbor, Ted (Todd Campbell) and his wife Lisa (Dana Fradkin). They want to have a drink with Ben, thinking he's moving in. He takes one, but declines, telling them that he doesn't partake. This upsets them when Ben refuses to come to their house.

The night gets weirder from there. Mason (Jason Martorino) shows up to place a scarecrow in the backyard. Ben's father Arthur already paid him. Ben tells him that it won't be needed and he can keep his money. This starts banter back and forth, where Mason is going to put it up. If Ben wants to pay him then to take it down, he can. Ben also finds Amy (Adrienne Kress) hiding upstairs. They try to make sense of what is happening as people in town are acting strange. They are converging on this house, but oddly enough, they cannot enter. There is a past here as to why and what this cult needs. They will stop at nothing to get it, including killing anyone who gets in their way.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I'll start is that this is a contained horror film that ticks boxes for me. First, this story takes place in one house. It uses different parts like a living room, kitchen, bathroom, the front porch and a cellar that you go outside to get to. That works for me. We also have a cult and potentially possessed characters coming for Ben and Amy. There is vibes here of something like Messiah of Evil, just using this one location. We also bit social commentary here as well.

Now that we have that information set up, let's delve more into this. We have three 'good' characters here. Ben is back in his father's house trying to find money. There is a good reason for it and it worked for me. He also learns more about his family to try and figure out what is happening here. Also, how he fits in. There is a secret that I thought was solid and how it factors into the ending. Amy is there to help him and she knows Arthur. Jack is a character that causes Ben to keep fighting. I'd say that Allen and Kress do well in carrying this story. The only issue I would point to is that the dialogue is a bit stiff at times. I felt it got a bit repetitive.

Then let's go over to the cult. We don't learn a lot about them. Mason is their 'leader'. What I like there is how he fits in with something from the past. It makes sense why he would be in the position that he is in. I did like the banter between him and Ben. What is creepy is that this cult is cannibalistic in that they want to eat Ben. There is also a reason that they cannot get inside of the house that our duo is hiding in as well. I thought that was an interesting idea along with how it factors into the climax. This last bit will lead into the commentary.

This movie explores the idea of racism. Now I do think this is going to turn people off since they come out and say it. What I'll say is that I do feel there are moments where Ben jumps to conclusions, but I will say that it does seem that he is right though. This town that it takes place close to does seem to be more rural. Mason doesn't like Ben for another reason, but I can see how it is interpreted as being about race. My last thought here is that I'm white so I can't tell another individual how to feel about things, but it goes more to who Ben's grandfather was and as to why the cult is after our lead.

Since I've already said a bit about the acting, let's finish that. I've already said that Allen and Kress were good in their roles. Martorino was good as Mason, the leader of the cult. I love the back and forth with Ben. They feel like two guys, trying to get under the other's skin and get one over. I've had interactions like this so I can connect. Zarou was solid as Jack. He is here more to keep Ben fighting to survive and save him. Shawn Ahmed, Campbell, Fradkin and the rest of the cast were fine for what was needed. I do love having this cult here.

All that is left then is filmmaking. This isn't working with the biggest budget, but I appreciate what they did with it. Having one location helps save money. It also becomes a siege narrative. There is an element of religion there that works. I thought the cinematography was solid. The framing was fine along with it. We do get solid effects. It looked like they were done mostly practical with a bit of CGI mixed in. No issues there. Other than that, I thought the soundtrack was fine without necessarily standing out. One thing I liked about the design was the characters talking through doors and windows. It is muffled and it is used to help draw people elsewhere.

In conclusion, this is a solid lower budget film from Uncorked. We have a solid premise by trapping two characters in an isolated house and having a cult hunting them down. There are supernatural elements at play. I thought the acting was solid. The only gripe would be parts of the writing. This was made well enough. The cinematography, framing and the practical effects leading the way there. For me though, I just wanted a bit more. That's not to say this is bad. If what I said sounds interesting, give this a watch.

My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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