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tmccull5228 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Mansfield Ghost" is the third film in a series that centers on the same haunted property, a three story flat in Sherwood, in the U. K.

The first film in the series is "The Investigation: A Haunting in Sherwood". The plot of this first film focuses on two primary characters. One of these is Robin Smith (Matthew James Finkel), and the other is Gareth (Gavin Gordon), a private investigator hired by Smith's landlord to check on reports of strange noises and disturbances at the property. Gareth hacks into the security system and into Robin's social media and associated devices to monitor Robin. In maintaining his surveillance of Robin, Gareth captures what appears to be authentic video and audio recordings of paranormal activity in the house. The entity haunting the property becomes aware of Gareth's surveillance, and through that surveillance, begins to taunt Gareth, as well as Robin. At the end of the movie, both Robin and Gareth are reported as missing, with the disappearances having become a police matter.

This leads us into the second movie, "The House in Sherwood". In this movie, the owner of the property in question allows a YouTube psychic and paranormal investigator, Angela Bennett (Eleanor Aldous), to conduct an investigation into the purported haunting. As Angela moves into the property to begin the investigation, a former client of hers, Karen Keane (Kathryn Redwood) learns of Angela's investigation and becomes bent on proving that Angela is a fraud. Kathryn harbors ill will towards Angela for bad financial advice that she received during a psychic consultation. Kathryn, based on Angela's recommendation, makes a series of investments and ends up losing everything.

Angela experiences actual paranormal activity at the onset of her investigation, but she is also fooled by staged events perpetrated by Karen, who had broken into the house while Angela had stepped out. Karen makes harassing phone calls to Angela using a burner phone, and sends poison pen letters to the house. It doesn't take long for Angela to figure out who is harassing her, and she reports her suspicions to the police. Inevitably, Karen takes things too far, and realizes as much. She breaks into the house to retrieve incriminating evidence that she had left behind, but is almost caught by Angela. Karen hides in the cellar, and finds herself trapped there. She finds that the house is indeed haunted and begins to pound on the cellar door and screaming for Angela to let her out. Angela lets Karen out, but Karen has been possessed by the entity. Angela manages to drive the entity out of Karen, who collapses. Angela calls for an ambulance, and Karen is taken to the hospital. After a short while, Angela receives a call from the hospital, and is told that Karen has pulled through. Angela is then attacked and killed by the entity.

This leads to the third film, "The Mansfield Ghost". Another YouTuber is hired to investigate the haunting. This is Lily Morgan, whose videos had primarily been focused on cosmetics and fashion. Upon achieving 100,000 subscribers, Lily decides to branch into other videos and subjects, and accepts the assignment. Although you don't see her in the movie, the woman who hires her is Karen Keane, from the second movie. We know this because Karen in the third movie tells Lily that someone had died in the house, and that she (Karen) had actually been possessed by the entity when she was in the house.

Lily conducts her investigation, and becomes increasingly unsettled as the paranormal activity escalates. Things come to a head when she brings a psychic medium, Peter, into the investigation via social media. Peter starts to walk Lily through the house, and then realizes that both he and Lily are in way over their heads, and that Lily is in definite danger. He tries to warn Lily, but loses his connection to her streaming feed. The man that Lily had hired to administrate the feed becomes possessed by the entity, and laughs evilly at Lily as she becomes increasingly frightened. At the end of the movie, Lily is confronted by something, and screams, "It's you!", and then the movie ends. Closing credits disclose that Lily has gone missing, and that the police are investigating.

Of the three films, the first one is the best, the second is the worst, and the third is somewhere between. Based on how each of these three movies had ended, I'm guessing that there will be a fourth, and if there is, I'll probably watch it. There are plot holes galore, and the films are all low-budget, with largely unknown casts, but they aren't the worst such movies that I've ever seen. In fair warning, if you do decide to watch all three movies, Eleanor Aldous and Kathryn Redwood chew up the proverbial scenery like woodchippers run amok in the second movie. They each mug almost maniacally in virtually every scene that they're in throughout the entire movie.
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haskel-7295116 March 2023
Richard Mansfield tries. And tries. The guy churns out cheap found footage movies in England, and I do mean churns. Unfortunately, he's yet to make a truly good one. This particular outing - the third in the "Mansfield House series - is just bad. The last entry was actually decent, occasionally slow and sometimes annoying but overall it was competently made and featured somewhat likeable characters. This one? If somehow you can make it past the most annoying main character imaginable (as well as one particular secondary character that is intolerable) you get rewarded by absolutely nothing. I gave it three stars simply because it's still better than any Bad Ben sequel, but I may be too generous.
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A very eerie found footage horror.....
FlashCallahan14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lilly is a makeup and FX influencer hoping to expand her audience by live-streaming from a notoriously haunted house.

She gets more than she bargained for when her investigation awakes the entity that resides there putting her and her viewers in real trouble.....

Good found footage films are few and far between these days, as they tend release them in droves, and the bad ones far outweigh the decent, or on that odd occasion, good ones.

Luckily this film falls in the latter. If you have seen the filmmakers other Sherwood based found footage films, you know exactly what you are going to get. You're not watching these films for the acting, the sets or the plausibility. You are watching it because you want the film to hold you, and get under your skin.

This film does hold you, and it does get under your skin, but for all the good reasons.

Yes, we know that Lilly is a sitting duck, and the scares will begin mild, and then get more and more intense as the film reaches its honestly shocking climax, but this is what we want from our found footage, and the filmmaker gives us what the Audience wants, and it's obvious that he is a fan of the genre, because he doesn't set up any silly exposition. It's a haunted house with someone filming themselves spending the night there.

There have been dozens of these made, literally dozens, and some of them stick, and some of them are terrible.

The Mansfield Ghost is one that sticks with you after then film finishes, and stays with you when you turn the light off.

I thought it was pretty spectacular.
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